MTL - Jubo-Chapter 14

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People in the village were reluctant to stay in the house, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming again. Guanjia Village had a lot of fun these past few nights. Wang Cheng was dragged by Mother Wang to walk around a few aunts.

Mother Wang ranks second among several sisters, and there are two younger sisters below, both of whom are now married. They do not live in Guanjia Village, but they are not far away. It is less than eleven after walking around. The cool breeze faded and the air conditioning was not needed at night.

Mother Wang asked him to go to bed earlier, and he and Dad Wang also went to bed.

Wang Cheng used to brush his teeth and wash his face at night. It was already half past eleven when he lay down. He took out two new messages in the phone and opened it to find out that it was from Chu Yifeng. The first one asked him if he was there. Bar asked what he thought.

Wang Cheng drew a corner of his mouth. Who said that it would take him two days to consider it? How long did it take? Ben didn't want to reply, think about it or returned to the previous one.

Chu Yifeng heard the sound of the new message, and when he opened it, he saw two words. Jun face showed a slight smile. Although he could not see it, he could feel that his features were a little softer.

On the opposite side, Shen Yuan saw this scene, and he didn't need to guess who he was. His expression immediately became mysterious, and he came over to inquire: "Is this the message from Wang Cheng?"

Chu Yifeng glanced at him without answering.

"Aren't you? You haven't solved him yet?" Shen Yuan has seen that his friend really has that kind of thought about Wang Cheng. He was still thinking that his friend's character should soon be able to capture it, but I never thought that a month had passed and the relationship between the two had not progressed.

Chu Yifeng leaned on the sofa and looked up at the beautifully decorated lights on the ceiling. His face was half bright with the dim light and half hidden in the darkness.

Shen Yuan stared at him for a long while, and there was a bad guess in his heart, "You ... wouldn't you be serious?"

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yifeng finally responded, "Isn't everyone seeing a love one like you, Playboy?"

"Come less, you are not the first time to meet me. We are talking about you now. Don't try to change the subject. Your parents will not agree. Such a family will not allow you to be with a man." Shen Far more than that, he did not believe that Chu Yifeng could not have thought of it.

"My parents have never been a problem."

"Well, how about your grandpa? He is not a messy character. If he disagrees, it is very unlikely that you will reach the end."

The owner of the Chu family is a stern and inscrutable old man. He is also a big man who can shake the emperor with his lame feet. Many people are afraid of him. He doesn't think the old man will agree with his grandson to be with a man. .

Chu Yifeng lit a cigarette, and the expression on his face was clouded by the smoke. After a while, Shen Yuan only heard what he said was true, "It's really a bit troublesome."

The wine in Shen Yuan's mouth almost spewed out. It was such a serious question. Should he be so casual, he couldn't help doubting his judgment. Did he guess wrong?

The next day, the villagers got up to work before the chickens did.

There is a custom of worship in Guanjia Village. Many households have already set up worship services in front of their homes, lit candles, and can see villagers burning paper money within a few steps.

There is worship in Wang Cheng ’s house, the wind is a bit strong, and paper dust blows everywhere. When Wang Cheng comes out, he sees that Mother Wang is packing things for worship. There is a stupid pig running under the table. Wang Cheng first puts paper on the ground. The ash was swept away, and then the struggling stupid pig was caught and locked in a chicken shed. It was a pig but he liked to eat moon cakes made by Mother Wang. Can you be a pig?

The festive festival made Guanjia Village lively. Neighbors would smile and greet him when they saw him. Some people would also ask, "Wang Cheng is back for the holidays", "When will I go back to work," and so on. When do I go to work, I do n’t know how to answer.

Wang Cheng simply hid at home and did not go out. News spread quickly in such a place in the countryside. Even if Wangjiacun is gone now, as long as someone wants to know, it is definitely impossible to hide, so now most people want to contact The relationship between their families is good. As soon as the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, more relatives and neighbors will come through the festival.

In the room, Wang Cheng heard the sound of his parents talking to a group of three aunts and six wives, and talked about a lot of things, and then talked about their marriage.

This incident can also be considered one of the concerns of Mother Wang.

The eldest son's emotional experience was rich, but he encountered bad things. Although he never said it, mother Wang felt it, so whenever the eldest son came back, she hesitated and didn't mention it.

The second son, when he was handed over to the old monk to raise him, the couple had no stand to worry about these things. At that time, they did not dare to think about it. When the son became a monk, he could not persuade him to return to the vulgar, let alone make him a girlfriend Now that people are back, Mother Wang thought that the second son was just fine. Others did not dare to ask for it. Until a few days ago, the girl named Wei Dandan called the second son. Mother Wang had this. Aspect of thought.

"Lan Fangyu, I didn't say, your two sons are so good, why haven't you turned in a girlfriend? My tiger is as big as your family's Wang Cheng. Now they are married and their children are pregnant. Come on. "

Guan Sanye next door was sighed, but the eyesight person knew that she was very proud, and she could only find a balance in this kind of thing. It is because the three children of the Wang family are too good, and others are jealous. Not coming.

Mother Wang said: "The conditions are good and the eyes are natural. I, as a mother, don't want to force them to marry a wife that I don't like. It's better to be absent than to live a bad life."

This is a matter of reason, but Guan Sanzhen had a feeling of being beaten, because her family tiger was married in the first place and thought it was a good deal. As a result, the family can always get out of the situation and can still hear yesterday. The sound of Hu Zi arguing with his wife.

It's impossible to make a fuss about mother Wang here.

After a group of three aunts and six wives left, Wang Cheng came out and was frightened by his mother's ugly face. If it wasn't for the bad sound insulation at home, he knew in advance what happened, and I'm afraid he would think what mother Wang had been wronged for, which would be regretful.

Although Mama Wang said that she could not force her two sons, but which parents did not want to hug her grandson as soon as possible, the two sons did not even have a girlfriend, so they had to wait.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Wang Cheng didn't know the reason but pretended not to see anything.

"Do you really have nothing to do with that Wei Dandan? Usually you haven't talked on the phone? You haven't seen each other for so long. You should talk a lot." Mother Wang was still very concerned about the words of San San.

Wang Cheng was persuaded by her. "Mom, I really have nothing to do with her, just ordinary friends. There is no common topic. Where can I get it?"

"Then you take the initiative, you are a man, do you want other girls to take the initiative!" Mother Wang has a feeling of hating iron and steel.

"Mom, I don't really think about Wei Dandan." Wang Chengke didn't want to leave. If he liked Wei Dandan, he would have liked it already.

"Forget it, Mom doesn't care about you." Mother Wang finally had to give up when she heard this.

Wang Chengcheng wanted to hear this sentence.

"Wait a while to my uncle's house. Tomorrow will be Mid-Autumn Festival. Although we have nothing to do with your uncle, but your grandparents are there, you must always show some filial piety to your children in order to avoid being criticized.

"Would you like to bring a box of moon cakes?" No one in the uncle's family would make moon cakes, and the aunt wouldn't. They usually buy a bunch of moon cakes for the employees of the company. The company must not be too stingy, although the uncle and aunt are indeed stingy.

"Take it, you can pick a box." Mother Wang didn't want to send the moon cakes she made, and it was ruined when she sent them.

Wang Chengxin already has a plan.

Dad Wang took the stupid pig to go out as a guest, and his mother was not prepared to call him. He closed the door. The mother and son passed by carrying a box of moon cakes. The house rented by the uncle was larger than them. They just made it look like they would stay long, and they knew the difficulties when they moved.

Uncle is not at home. It is said that he went out to send moon cakes. Only the aunt and grandparents were there.

Seeing them coming, Grandpa and Grandma didn't respond. Wang Cheng was already used to the extreme eccentricity of the two, but the maid was very enthusiastic to greet them to sit in the house. In the eyes of **** Cheng, it was almost like hiding a knife in a smile, but I did n’t know that this time What work?

"Ma'am, this is the moon cake that Cheng Cheng brought back. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I will send you a box of moon cakes for you and your uncle, as well as parents to try." Mother Wang motioned for Wang Cheng to pass the moon cake.

Wang Cheng took out the moon cake to her aunt.

Seeing the moon cake in his hand, Li's expression changed a little, but he didn't wait for her to say anything. The old lady came out of the room, holding a box of moon cakes in her hand, and said: "No, the old people are mostly moon cakes. My aunt and I were still saying that I would give you a box of moon cakes. Since you are just here, take them back together."

A comparison of two boxes of moon cakes shows the difference from the packaging.

Wang Chengzhao's moon cakes were delivered by his own company. Chu Yifeng was a generous owner. He made Gao Yongfu's customized moon cakes much more expensive than the box sent by Wei Dandan, and the packaging was naturally more beautiful. The uncle's moon cakes were used to send For the employees, they don't want to buy too expensive moon cakes, so the moon cakes they buy are one box of four, and one box does not cost thirty yuan.

Li's face suddenly felt as if he was being beaten, hot, can't wait to find a crack into it.

Chapter 67 Waiting for a Call

From the uncle's house, Wang Cheng felt comfortable, why did he pick the box of expensive, and for this reason, the aunt and grandparents are so good-looking, a box of moon cake can hit their face, why not, let alone them If you don't think blindly, such a thing as a face will never exist.

"Naughty." Mother Wang noticed it for the first time, and glared at him when she came out, but there was no blame in words. She was inconceivable because of her identity, but it was just because her status couldn't do anything.

Wang Cheng hugged his mother's arm with a smile. "Mom, it's not my business. I just send a box of moon cakes to my aunt, and I don't do anything."

"Poor, do you say that to adults? Anyway, they are your aunt and grandma. This kind of thing will be done at home, and you won't be allowed to talk outside." Mother Wang laughed and cursed.

"I know, I have a sense of size."

The mother and son went away with a smile.

They didn't take this matter to heart, but Li's mind was terrible. In her eyes, Wang Cheng's family was never taken seriously. Even the rumored Fengxia Mountain incident in July and August failed to change her. The idea, although everyone seems to be true, but there is no evidence, so the uncles do not believe that Wang Cheng really is the owner of Fengxia Mountain.

After the uncle Wang Hongwei came back, Li told him about it, but uncle didn't take it for granted. He only said that Li was fussed that a box of moon cakes didn't mean anything.

"Ning Kai will be back tomorrow, and his girlfriend will come with us for the Mid-Autumn Festival. You give me a break, don't do extra things, and also breathe with your parents, so as not to give Ning Kai's daughter Friends left a bad impression. "Wang Hongwei urged.

As soon as Li heard that, Wang Cheng's mother and son were left behind. The girlfriend the son had made was a golden sister, sloppy, and they all wanted their son to marry her, so they were very careful.

It has been two months since Wang Ningkai's relationship with his girlfriend was established, and the relationship has been stable until now. One month ago, Wang Ningkai proposed to bring his girlfriend back to see his parents, but his girlfriend refused, and later he mentioned it several times. , Girlfriend did not agree, until this Mid-Autumn Festival finally got a girlfriend nod. The Wang Ningkai family is very happy, especially Li.

Li Shi has waited for this day for a long time. He originally wanted to quickly renovate the new house and then move to the new house, so that he could give a better impression to the future daughter-in-law. How could this day come so fast.

Their new house is bigger than Wang Cheng's, so the renovation takes a long time. Even if the speed is now accelerated, it will take one month to move in. If they fail to catch up, they have to rent the house inside and out. Clean it up again.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there will be many people who scramble to open the door, and things will spread.

In the afternoon, it was heard in the ears of Wang Cheng and his parents. Zhang may be jealous of envy and hatred, but Wang Cheng did n’t care about it at all. He was really married, and even if he met his parents in the relationship, there are variables. No one knows the result until the end.

After the father Papa Wang walked back to the pig, neither Wang Cheng nor the mother Wang told them what happened to the uncle's house to deliver moon cakes, but only said that he had sent a box of moon cakes to him. Papa Wang asked Wang Cheng to go to the second uncle's house to deliver moon cakes Wang Cheng didn't want to go. Mother Wang asked him to take care of the house and take care of Xiaoxiang pig, and then went out with Father Wang.

In fact, they do n’t have to send mooncakes to the uncle and the second uncle. They have to send them as well, but since they have already sent them, they ca n’t send just one, otherwise Zhang will have something to say.

After the ceramic tile incident, Zhang once threatened to find the killer to make the killer look good, but they have not been found for so many days in the past. They knew that the loss could only be eaten by themselves. Zhang was angry with him for several days. Wang Chengshi I don't want to see Zhang and Wang Ningxiang.

Father Wang and Mother Wang returned without staying at the second uncle's house for too long. They didn't mention it, but Wang Cheng also guessed that Zhang's was much more mean than Li's, and his mouth was unobstructed.

In the evening, watching the TV with his parents saw ten o'clock, Wang Chengcheng went back to his room to sleep.

The routine of their family is relatively regular, and Mother Wang does not approve of their children staying up late, so they have strict requirements on the children at home since childhood, especially when they grow up.

Because there is no light on the mountain, as soon as the sky is dark, the whole temple is darkened. The black and dark black monster is so scary. Usually, he does not have to remind him to go back to his room to sleep. This habit has been retained to this day.

Wang Cheng was lying on the bed, Yuan Yue was facing the open window. After arriving here, he had hardly thought about the matter with Chu Yifeng. He remembered what Yuan Xia had said to him. Now, in retrospect, his relationship with Chu Yifeng is actually It's not as simple as the fancier he thought. Putting aside these worries, Wang Cheng soon fell asleep. The mobile phone was placed on the table under the window. The screen was flashing a faint light, and it went dark soon. .

On September 27, the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival finally arrived.

Early in the morning, Guanjia Village was lively. There were pictures of children playing around everywhere. Some ran directly out of the window in Wang Cheng's room. They laughed and woke up without waking.

There were burritos and eggs left by Mother Wang on the dining table, and porridge in the pot. The couple took the little fragrant pig out early in the morning. The family was very busy on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After breakfast, Wang Cheng came to the door. A young mother in the neighborhood was walking by his son who was just three years old. He saw Wang Cheng, and the young mother nodded at him with a smile. The simplicity of the village is not that everyone is like Zhang Ye or Er Niang. There are actually more good people in the village.

Wang Cheng went out for a circle, and met a person who was Guan Sanyu who was at their house yesterday, and also their neighbor. People are not bad, just a little gossip. This is probably the nature of most women. Yesterday It was only once stunned by Wang's mother that she came to Wang Cheng again today.

"Why are you still here, Wang Cheng?"

Why couldn't he be here, Wang Cheng wondered, but didn't show it, "Is there anything wrong with Sansao?"

Guan Sanzhen laughed and said, "It seems you don't know yet. Your uncle's home is lively today. Two proud cars were parked in front of the house, saying that your brother in the lobby brought his rich girlfriend back and everyone ran Go and watch, your second uncle and second mother also passed by. "

"Oh, I already knew about this." Wang Cheng thought what she was going to say, and a rich girlfriend had to go and watch? What is the logic.

Seeing that he had no curiosity at all, Guan Sanyi felt boring in his heart, so he changed the topic and said, "Wang Cheng, your brother in the lobby has found a girlfriend. When do you find a wife for your parents?"

"My elder brother isn't married yet. I'm not in a hurry. If there is nothing else for Sanji, I'll go first."

Wang Cheng felt that if she continued to talk, she would be able to talk to his ancestor eighteenth generation, and this kind of thing is also a matter of parental concern. He is not interested in providing gossip to her.

Back home, Father Wang and Mother Wang have not yet returned home.

Wang Cheng forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out. When he took it out of the room, there were already several text messages in the phone. Some of them were congratulatory text messages sent by Yuan Xia, and some colleagues of the company finished the last one. None of them were sent to him by Chu Yifeng.

As soon as the idea rose, Wang Cheng rolled his eyes. He is an idiot. Why should Chu Yifeng send a text message to him? Hold on to this idea. He responded to Yuan Xia one by one. Some colleagues searched online. Congratulations to Duan. It was quite fresh for the first time. Wang Cheng simply forwarded the snippet to another colleague and passed it across. One accidentally passed it to Chu Yifeng.

I want to regret it, the mobile phone has prompted the success of the transmission, Wang Cheng patted his forehead, forget it, if Chu Yifeng responded to him, he told him that he missed, after a while, Chu Yifeng did not reply, Wang Cheng more and more felt nervous, he was Wait for Chu Yifeng's reply.

Father Wang and Mother Wang came back and saw the second son sitting on the sofa in the living room staring at the mobile phone on the coffee table.

"Is this kid **** ?: Father Wang wondered.

"It's not obvious that you're waiting for someone else's phone call." Mother Wang saw it at a glance, and sighed after thinking about it. "It's better if it's a woman."

Dad Wang laughed and didn't dare to answer. The couple, who had been together for decades, knew that his wife was mostly stimulated by the situation of his brother's house. Although they didn't go to the brother's house deliberately, it was the same after listening to others. , I can hear cocoons in my ears.

Wang Cheng did not wait for Chu Yifeng's reply. Instead, he waited for Wei Dandan's blessing. Instead of texting, the girl called him directly. The topics were basically provoked by Wei Dandan. The two talked for more than ten minutes. hang up the phone.

Papa Wang just came over and asked me, "Who called?"

"My classmate."

"Isn't that the last one called Dandan?" Father Wang was blessed to his heart.

As soon as Wang Cheng looked at his expression, he knew that his father definitely wanted to be crooked and wanted to deny it, but it was a fact. He nodded vaguely. "It's her. Congratulate me on the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Okay." Dad Wang smiled a flower on his face.

"Dad, it's not what you think ..." Wang Cheng was helpless.

The words were interrupted by the sudden "expensive guest". The visitor is Wang Cheng's aunt, and now the spring breeze is full, but there is an ugly expression yesterday by Wang Chengkeng. This time she came to tell them uncle tonight Relatives are invited to eat at the restaurant and they must be present.

The father and son immediately forgot about the topic.

Chapter 68, I'm Serious

The uncle looked to introduce the brother's girlfriend to everyone, but to show off, listening to gossip neighbors said that one of the two cars parked in front of the uncle's house was the brother's girlfriend. .

"Dad, mom, can we go?" Wang Cheng didn't want to go, but he knew his parents were more worried. "Come on, your uncle rarely invites people. He was so kind to save our family a dinner, why not go?" Mother Wang said rightly.

Papa Wang listens to his wife.

Wang Cheng laughed, and he liked his mother's character, because they were going out, they could n’t take pets, so they were kept in a chicken shed by a stupid pig.

The place where Uncle treats guests is in the best rich restaurant in Guanjia Village, which is not comparable to those big restaurants in the city, but the food in the rich restaurant is delicious, but the price is slightly more expensive, but it is already very good. Some people Haven't eaten in this restaurant yet.

Uncle Dading's time is six o'clock. Others arrive early. Wang Cheng and his parents arrived on time. When they entered, there was a lot of noise.

Then Wang Cheng knew that Uncle had invited dozens of people.

It turns out that most people have a mindset to take advantage. Uncle only invited adults, but they dragged their mouths, such as Wang Da who has a relationship with them. He and his wife are particularly able to have two children and five daughters. Mid-autumn festival Except for one son who didn't return, everyone happened to be at home. They heard that Uncle was going to treat guests at a rich restaurant. These people appeared together, and some even brought their sons and daughters. There were about a dozen people in the Wang family.

No wonder he felt strange when he came in. Uncle and Auntie looked so ugly. I guess they thought they would ask for three or four tables. Now I have to double it again. Seven or eight tables are the least. Wang Cheng is gloating.

When the time was up, everyone was seated, and the family was sitting at the same big table. Some people took their children to the table because they brought their children and took care of the children. It was full of children's noise.

Wang Cheng is at a table with other young juniors. There is a lobby brother and his girlfriend separated by his right hand. At first glance, he is a very delicate woman.

Fortune Hotel has a good reputation and cleanliness. As a result, this woman started to abandon the chair before she sat down. The lobby brother quickly cleaned the chair for her, then washed the dishes with boiled water and chopsticks. She had to wait to get married Ancestral.

Such a woman is definitely a trouble to marry home, but the parents are beautiful and rich, and most men are willing, because a few men who are not married at the same table are jealous, and Wang Ningkai looks with a look Color, proud of it.

Before dinner, Wang Ningkai introduced his girlfriend to everyone, and then introduced him to his girlfriend. One by one, when it was Wang Cheng's turn, there was a slight change in his tone, as if it had been deliberately accentuated.

"Lisa, this is Wang Cheng. He is the son of my third uncle, ranking second."

"It turns out that you are Wang Cheng, and you look more handsome than I thought." Lisa looked at Wang Cheng with a scrutiny look, and listening to her tone knew that it was not the first time that Wang Cheng was heard from Wang Ningkai. And it may not be a good word.

Wang Ningkai's face changed. His girlfriend praised other men as handsome in front of him, or his cousin who he did not like the most. He felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't get angry at Lisa. He was actually OK, otherwise Lisa would not agree to associate with him, but it was far worse than Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng was stabbed to pond fish before he even spoke. He was not the kind of person who would be bored. He immediately ignored Wang Ningkai and smiled at Lisa. "My parents gave me nothing."

Lisa laughed. "You are so humorous."

Wang Cheng thought to himself, whoever told you humor, we are telling the truth, but he didn't say this, just smiled.

Wang Ningkai blushed, and it was estimated that Wang Cheng had been regretted. If Lisa looked at Wang Cheng, his efforts so far would not have been in vain. Thinking of this consequence, he quickly interrupted and wanted to transfer Lisa's attention.

"Lisa, today's dish has your favorite abalone. I'll clip one for you later."

Lisa was not interested in the topic, and asked casually: "Are there any shark fins?"

The others immediately raised their ears.

Abalone was listed as one of the eight treasures in ancient times, but now there are some cheap small abalones, which are not as big as rumors. Most families can afford them. Shark fins are impossible. Shark fins are taken from shark fins. This thing will only become less and less. Unlike abalone, which can be cultivated by itself, the price is getting more and more expensive.

Wang Chengke didn't think that Uncle would invite to eat shark fin, even if there were so many people, I'm afraid this dish has been invited for a long time.

"If you want to eat, I'll buy it for you." Wang Ningkai said lightly, avoiding heavy.

"No matter what it is." Lisa glanced at him.

Wang Ningkai didn't know if she was happy or unhappy. She quickly whispered a lot of good words, and she looked like she could not speak in a low voice.

The dishes were served together, and everyone began to eat politely. They talked while they ate, and they chatted in a heated atmosphere. Only Lisa frowned, and hated this and that. Wang Ningkai was busy serving her. She didn't eat much at all, but Lisa didn't eat much.

Wang Cheng is not interested, but other people are eating very well. For example, Er Bo's son and daughter, they are not short of food at home, but they come here to take advantage of the bargain, but because of rich restaurants The dining table is in a rotating mode. The two people turn in either direction as they want, so there is always a lot of situations. For example, other people are still picking dishes. When they turn, the dishes fall to the table.

Seeing this, Lisa didn't hide her disdain. Wang Ningkai did not feel embarrassed, but frowned frowning with the enemy, and even whispered something in her ear to degrade her relatives to please her.

The two thought that no one heard, but they didn't know that Wang Cheng had good ears. Although they were separated by one another, they had already listened to the conversation between the two. Wang Cheng shook his head and could only use stupid words to describe Wang Ningkai. He couldn't help wondering how his construction company ran. Until now he hasn't been defeated.

Only some people were happy at a meal, and Papa Wang and Mama Wang also ate up their appetite. During this period, they listened to Zhang's constant touts to please the uncle and mother-in-law, and occasionally there were a few words of ridicule for Wang Cheng, if not for Wang Dad was holding Mother Wang at the table, and the meal might end halfway.

After eating, Father Wang and Mother Wang left Rich Hotel with the same feeling of disappointment. They knew that they would not be there. Mother Wang regretted that some people could n’t change the feces. She should have had this consciousness. .

"Chengcheng, you will have to find a good girlfriend in the future. If you are like your brother in the lobby, I will never agree." When returning home, Mother Wang felt uneasy and turned to educate Wang Cheng. Although she only saw Wang Ningkai's girlfriend a few meters away, the faction knew at a glance that ordinary people could not afford it, and their family could not afford such a 'big buddha'.

Wang Cheng quickly replied, "Of course, mom, you put 1.2 million hearts. I'm not a brother in the lobby, of course, I have to find another partner to stay at home."

Mother Wang was completely relieved when she heard this sentence, and went back to the house with Father Wang to call the eldest son and younger daughter and chat a few words.

Back to the room, Wang Cheng was also relieved. It ’s enough for the Mid-Autumn Festival to have a beautiful dinner with the family. Uncle and Erbo are still fine. Do n’t expect to have a beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival with them. , Big Brother and Little Girl are relatively lucky.

Just thinking, the phone rang, Wang Cheng was thinking about something, and he connected it without looking. Chu Yifeng's low voice came into his ear, and he sat up from the bed all at once.


After Wang Cheng shouted, he remembered that he was still in the cold war with Chu Yifeng. Of course, this is how he described the relationship between the two. Chu Yifeng didn't know what he thought about it, and he lay back leisurely when he thought about it.

"Why do you call me, don't you say you want to give me two days?"

"Today is Mid-Autumn Festival." Chu Yifeng did not care about his harsh tone.

He almost forgot to send a message of congratulations to everyone in the morning, and accidentally sent it to him. He waited nervously for his phone call. "You don't need to remind me, of course, I know it is Mid-Autumn Festival." Chu Yifeng seemed to laugh, "I I want to remind you that tomorrow is the deadline. "Wang Cheng sat up from the bed again and sneered. This attitude still wants him to agree to be with him? Must be bad!

It seems that he can imagine the way he blew his hair here. Chu Yifeng laughed repressively, just like his usual voice, even the laughter was slightly low, but it sounded good, not to mention that Wang Cheng held the mobile phone against his ear. At that time, the laughter came as if there was an electric current, which irritated the ears.

"Boss Chu, just laugh. Tomorrow I will give you an answer that I am very satisfied with." Wang Cheng said in revenge, the threat in his words was already obvious.

Chu Yifeng stopped laughing, "Wang Cheng, I'm serious."

Chapter 69, Uncle's Plan

On the Monday after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the office workers went to work in a sorrow. Wang Cheng decided to take another day off because of Chu Yifeng's relationship, but he would go back in the afternoon. Last night he directly told Chu Yifeng and gave it to him at that time. He made a phone call without objection, so Wang Cheng drew up until nine o'clock the next day.

Mother Wang left him breakfast, homemade pumpkin pie and glutinous rice dumplings, and white porridge. There was still heat in the pot. Wang Cheng swept away the food on the table, and then went out.

The terrain of Guanjia Village is flatter than that of Wangjia Village, but the mountains are on three sides. Due to the dense trees and deep roots, there are few natural disasters and the air is very fresh. The villagers live and work in peace and live here for centuries. It doesn't matter.

The wealth of some villagers in Guanjia Village has a lot to do with the rich forest resources here.

Wang Cheng once heard that Dad Wang said that the secretary of Guanjia Village hopes to lead Guanjia Village to become rich, so he started to encourage and encourage villagers to contract for land a few years ago, but because the villagers here are honest farmers For most of his life, there were few who really dared to take the lead. Later, Secretary Guan urged his little sister-in-law to embark on this path, and the result was quite successful.

The villagers saw the return, so they took out the money, but because the price of the contract was too high, no one could take out so much at once. After discussion, the secretary Guan asked them to cooperate and share the price of the contract, or let them Borrow some from relatives before this method can be officially implemented.

Guan Guancun can make today's situation, and this Guan secretary has contributed a lot. Wang Cheng turned around in the mountains. Although it is a good idea to lead the villagers to become rich, it is not enough to squander the unique resources of Guanjia Village.

My grandfather once told Dad Wang that after some mountain forests were contracted by the villagers, the trees in the forests were severely felled, and the bareness could not be covered. Some villagers reacted to Secretary Guan, but the secretary was not special at first Value.

Until now, don't look at some places that are still dense. In fact, they have already been cut off. If it is not because the traffic in Guanjia Village is not as convenient as in the city, the situation may be even more serious.

Wang Cheng walked up the wet mountain road. Compared with Fengxia Mountain, the road here is flat and I do n’t know how much. There are few people on the road. On the first day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone is still immersed in the festival atmosphere and has not yet eased. come.

Only one or two villagers carrying hoees were seen on the mountain. Although they did not know each other, they nodded politely towards each other.

Entering the mountain, Wang Cheng saw many fruitful trees along the way. This year?

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