MTL - Jubo-Chapter 1

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Book title: Giant

Author: Yin Ye

Wang Cheng: Boss Chu, I think my mother will not agree to our two hundred percent, so I have a once and for all proposal, do you want to listen?

Chu Yifeng: Speak and listen.

Wang Cheng: It's very simple. If we break up, we won't have any troubles?

Chu Yifeng: You are very reasonable, but we can discuss this issue in the bedroom.

Wang Cheng: ... I was joking with you, looking at my sincere face, how could I break up with you?

Chu Yifeng: Late.

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Chapter 1.Land Deed

There is a temple on Fengxia Mountain. The temple has a history of hundreds of years from Mentingruo City to Menkeluoque. The wind has blown the sun and the former glory has become the current ruin. Although the temple can still be seen from its appearance, it has been magnificent Gone in the long river of time.

At sunrise in the east, the golden sun is already hanging overhead.

A wooden door that has been around for decades has opened from the inside, and the sound of ‘oh ya’ has spread almost in this empty and silent temple, telling an ancient melody.

Wang Cheng stretched his waist toward the sun, shaking his body like usual, and then started daily washing.

He is the only monk left in the temple. Half a month ago, this dilapidated temple had an old monk hobbled with him, that is, his master. Only half a month later, he was left alone. The monk is dead.

Wang Cheng is the only disciple of the old monk. After the old monk died, he naturally inherited everything from the old monk.

Bun with porridge. After breakfast, Wang Cheng returned to the house to collect the relics of the old monk.

The house where he and the old monk lived were the two best houses in the temple. The door was not good on one side and bad on the other, and could not be closed. The window would not break a hole for the wind to blow in, and it would not run suddenly. A mouse or cockroach came in. The mountain at night was very cold, and the wall would not peel off. Even the bricks inside could be seen and fell down with a poke. Wang Cheng once tried to push a house down with one finger. After that, he was chased by the old monk with a stick for a day, but his **** almost blossomed.

The old monk didn't have many things. The clothes for the spring, summer, autumn, and winter seasons were less than five sets. The room was so concise that he finished packing three or two times, and the things were packed in a box with half a lot of space left.

Wang Cheng walked to the bed where the old monk usually slept. The bed was a gray pillow. The pillow had been in some years, and there was a rusty color on it. The quilt had also been used for many years. There is a thick musty smell. Underneath it is a slightly scattered mat. In order to avoid seeing people, Wang Cheng decided to burn all these things and roll them up. As he was about to turn around, the pillow opened. Suddenly something fell out.

Wang Cheng looked down and found a pile of paper.

He put the pillow quilt back on the bed, bent over and picked up the paper. Several of them were yellow, and there was an envelope with his name on it. It was obviously a letter from an old monk. The envelope was slightly thick and he wanted to write. After a lot of time, he didn't open it immediately, but took a few pieces of yellow paper to study it, and found that the title deeds of the temple were a little disappointed. The temple was very old, even if it was sold at a low price, no one would buy.

Wang Cheng opened the envelope and it was written by the old monk. The old monk wrote it the night before, and probably knew that his life had come to an end.

At the beginning, there were some previous memories. From the moment he was received by the old monk to the temple, many and many details that he was about to forget were recalled by the old monk's letter.

His character is more lively and naughty, especially when he is young, he always likes to make troubles to old monks. For example, when the old monk is still sleeping, he will run into his room and shave a layer of gray on the wall and then paint on the old monk's face. When he wakes up, he will surely see a cat-like face, and insects, snakes, etc. in the bed of the old monk's shoes, and so on. The **** eggs are all red.

"Smelly old man, since I don't worry, I don't want to die so early!"

Wang Cheng muttered, in fact, the old monk was already over a hundred years old.

In the end, the old monk only mentioned the title deeds. The pieces of yellowed paper can really be regarded as the title deeds of the temple. In fact, they are the mountain deeds of Fengxia Mountain. The old monk carried these things to him two months ago. Under the name.

Unfortunately, these things are useless to him, in his eyes is a pile of paper.

Wang Cheng stuffed them into the box, and then moved to the corner of the storeroom. He closed the door, locked it, and a layer of ash fell down. He stabbed him a few times, and probably won't open it again for a long time.

He didn't expect that he would open the door again soon.

Chapter Two, Father Wang and Mother Wang

The bazaar in Shiquan County is as lively as ever, familiar with a strange face, and most people will come forward to say hello to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng smiled so stiffly that the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time, but in the eyes of others, it turned into a strong smile, and even someone came to him to persuade him not to think about it ... Damn, where did he look like he couldn't think?

It ’s been more than half a month since the old monk died, and everyone in the village and town should have known that even the children know that the old monk who has lived in the temple for a long time is gone, and most of them have sympathy for him, so it ’s better than usual With a little enthusiasm, he looked at him with a pair of "poor kid" and "poor kid" at every turn, as if he had no old monk and no longer depended on him.

"Dad, mom, I'm back."

Wang Cheng walked through the lively bazaar and came to a house. Before he entered the door, the roar of gas and mountains rang out first. There was a roar of chickens and dogs in the yard, and there was a faint noise. A middle-aged woman with a broom in her hand ran out angrily and saw him immediately winking.

"Wang Xiaocheng, are you trying to die? Every time you come back, you must scare the mother's chicken. Believe it or not, you won't let you eat a chicken in the future?"

The broom in Mother Wang's hand seemed to greet him in the next second, but Wang Cheng knew that it was bluffing. He had done this kind of thing for more than ten years, except for the time when he was particularly naughty. He vigorously greeted him once without hitting him. Speaking of it, it was a vague past.

"Mom, I'm helping them to be brave, so that our chickens will grow very fat and the meat will be particularly delicious and chewy." Wang Cheng hugged his mother's arm with his cheek and chewed, smiling It's so charming.

As usual, Ms. Wang will definitely ridicule a few words and be brave! But today, I just glared at him and said, "How old is the coquettish person" and turned back to the yard to continue feeding the chickens. Usually this time is the time to feed the chickens, so the scene of the chicken flying dog jumps.

Wang Cheng Fangdian Fangdian kept up.

Papa Wang was inside the house, and when he heard the sound, he probed out the probe, and when he saw Wang Cheng, he called him, "Chengcheng, have you eaten?"

"Have eaten it, dad you are busy with you, I will help mom feed some chicken." Wang Cheng took the rice in the hands of mother Wang, fed the chickens in the yard and entered the house next to father Wang. There were some debris on the ground. There are a few large pieces of wood next to it, which are used by Dad Wang to make a new bed. "Dad, I haven't seen you for a while, and the craftsmanship has become more and more sophisticated."

"Compared to your uncle Jiang, your dad and I are still far behind, just tinkering with it and using it, we don't care about beauty." Dad Wang hit the hammer in his hand, a bed had already seen the outline, he It's really not an expert in this area. I just learned a bit of fur from Uncle Jiang who specializes in this industry. Some simple furniture at home were made by Dad Wang himself, in order to save money.

"Dad, why didn't you see the little girl?"

Wang Cheng turned around and didn't hesitate that the little girl prince Yu, who should be staying at home just after the college entrance examination, returned to Dad Wang.

"Xiao Yu has gone to work before dinner will come back." Father Wang did not look up.

"Where do you work?"

Wang Cheng knew that their family's economic conditions were more difficult, especially when they were young, so the three brothers and sisters became sensible early, and developed a hard-working, independent and self-reliant character, especially the older brother and younger sister. With my scholarships and tuition earned by part-time work, my little girl will help the family work, and the hands and feet are very profitable ... so the most useless is him?

"The original bun employee in Zhangjiacun's Zhangzi Village resigned. The employee resigned. He couldn't find anyone for a while. He just happened to have nothing to do with the rain." Dad Wang tapped the last nail, and it was finally done. His forehead was already out. With a layer of sweat, his back was completely wet.

Wang Cheng ran outside and took the broom and dustpan to clean up the debris on the ground. The useful wooden blocks were collected. Next time, Papa Wang might still use it. After finishing these sundries, Ms. Wang happened to be holding a plate. After the fried rice came out, he smelled a scent long ago, and Wang Chengli made an eye-catching gesture.

Wang Cheng's appetite has always been relatively large, and the old monk is living in poverty, so he is often in a state of insufficiency. Both father and mother Wang know this, and they will cook for him every time he sees him back. One of their children already has a job, especially the older son who is still more upset. It is said that he works in a large company. Now his family lives more comfortably than before.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Mother Wang turned and poured a glass of water for him, afraid he would choke if he ate too quickly.

Wang Cheng was still eating big mouthfuls, with thick skin and thick meat, and he was not afraid of being hot. After a while, he licked up the last grain of rice on the plate and murmured a glass of water and leaned on the back of the chair On the other hand, Wang Cheng touched his stomach and gave a full stomach. "It's still good for mom."

Mother Wang came to clean up the plates and chopsticks, and she usually took a sudden move. "Chengcheng, stay at home in the future." When she said this, she also took a careful tone.

Wang Cheng grinned and rushed over and hugged Mother Wang's waist. "Mom, how nice you are, I'm afraid you will hate me for accidentally breaking your casserole last time and not letting me in."

"Small boy, you forgot about it without mentioning your mother." Mother Wang laughed and cursed.

"Mom, I'll see the little girl."

"Smelly boy slips really fast." Mother Wang walked out to the door and looked out. His figure soon disappeared. He ran faster than the rabbit. He suddenly shook his head without feeling good, suddenly sighed again, and turned back. I saw Papa Wang's complex face.

Wang Cheng ranked the second child. At the age of seven, the burden on the family was exacerbated by the birth of his sister, Prince Yu. Father Wang and Mother Wang repeatedly thought that they had to sell Wang to an old monk who wanted to accept him as an apprentice. This support was ten Eight years.

Although Wang Cheng often goes down to see them from time to time, and his relationship with his brothers and sisters is also good, but father and mother are still worried that Wang Cheng will remember to hate them. At the age of seven, he is a sensible age. Because of this, their relationship has always been Not particularly close.

This time the old monk passed away, Father Wang and Mother Wang were very worried about Wang Cheng. It was impossible for them to live without affection for 18 years.

They have seen the temples of Fengxia Mountain. The two people have been living in a deserted place. One person is even more lonely and scary. So after hearing the news of the death of the old monk, Father Wang and Mother Wang both wanted to let Wang Cheng come back to live. I saw him once a few days ago, but I didn't know how to say it, and finally opened my mouth. Wang Cheng changed his method to make them happy again.

"Chengcheng is so sensible." Dad Wang said with emotion.

In fact, they all can see that Wang Cheng didn't want to worry about them before he agreed to be so straightforward. Don't look at this guy who is usually careless and careless, in fact, his mind is more delicate than anyone else.

Ms. Wang was uncomfortable, "We owe him."

Dad Wang patted her on the back and comforted him: "Well, living together in the future, we can try to make up for the owes to him these years."

Mother Wang nodded, thinking that she could live with her second son under the same roof in the future, and she felt better. "How was the last thing you said, is it true?"

"Most of it is true. I saw a group of strangers visiting our village a while ago. Recently, everyone is talking about it. It will be implemented 90% of the time." Father Wang thought that they must also prepare as soon as possible. .

Chapter III Developers

Zhangjia Baozipu is located in the lively area of ​​the bazaar. The location is good. The buns are thin and full of fillings. Every morning, the aroma of the buns will float out of the shop, attracting a large number of guests, so the business has been very good.

When Wang Cheng came over, the bunzipu had already passed the busiest time period, but there were still a few guests in line in front of the shop, and there were several large steamers next to it, and the buns were basically sold out, and the little girl prince rain was Take the buns to the guests. The buns with big fists exude steaming heat, but they can't stop the little girl's sweet smile.

"Second Brother?"

After Wang Ziyu had collected the money of the last guest, he was about to turn around and noticed that a person who looked like Wang Cheng was standing not far away, and a pleasant smile immediately appeared on Qiao's face. If there was something else on hand, she ran out.

"Dad said you work here for Uncle Zhang, so I'll come and see you." Wang Cheng walked to the Baozipu and just met Zhang Ye who heard the sound coming out from the inside. The latter saw him a bit surprised, but he was very surprised. Quickly responded and hurriedly greeted him to enter.

"Zhang Huan, don't say hello to me, I just come here to see, I will go back later." Wang Cheng couldn't hold the other side's enthusiasm. Although the other side was probably because the old monk died, he was very grateful to Uncle Zhang Zhang Ye gave this job to the younger sister, so that the younger sister would not have to go to another place to find a job, and it would be much easier to go home.

"Xiaoyu, get two buns for your second brother." Zhang Huan turned to Wang Cheng after speaking to Wang Ziyu, and his facial features squeezed together with a smile. "It's rare to see you coming, try your own buns, don't go with Zhang Huan I'm polite. "

It is difficult to be kind.

Wang Cheng had to accept that their buns had been eaten many times, and they were really delicious. Occasionally, the pace was slow, and the buns in the steamer were sold out. Every time they went back, they would be shaved by the old monk, because the old monk liked it very much. To eat their buns, you have to eat them three or four times a week.

"Zhang Huan, your buns are so delicious. They have more fillings than other homes. Have you ever thought of opening another one?" Wang Cheng was so hot that he kept his mouth open and praised them. He heard this in the past. Zhang Ye, who would laugh and bloom on his face, did not this time, but sighed.

"I don't have a chance even if I think about it."

"What's the matter?" Wang Cheng asked in amazement. This was not the first time he mentioned it. In the past, Zhang Ye always said that he must consult with Uncle Zhang to make a decision. To open a new shop, many procedures must be prepared, and one or two more Employees, etc., although they are troublesome, they are still very happy. After all, no one will think too much money. Now this look of worry is obviously problematic.

"Have your parents told you yet?"

Zhang Ye knew that he didn't know that yet, and after turning his thoughts, he suddenly thought of one thing. The old monk in the temple had died, and Wang Cheng was his only apprentice. He must inherit the temple. Come, isn't Wang Cheng ... more and more surprised, Zhang Ye suddenly stood up and stared at Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng frowned. "What should my parents tell me?"

Zhang Huan sat down again and said tentatively, "Xiaocheng, is your temple left to you after your master's death?"

"Zhang Ye said, my master is just an apprentice, and his broken temple can only be left to me." Wang Cheng knew that something must have happened, otherwise Zhang Ye would not mention his master and The temple was calm on the face.

Zhang Ye smiled ‘Ouch’, “It used to be a broken temple, but it ’s different now. Wang Cheng, you do n’t know yet, your family may be getting rich.”

"Zhang Huan, you can just say anything."

Under Zhang Ye ’s explanation, Wang Cheng finally knew what happened during the time when he was dealing with the old monk ’s funeral on the mountain. It turned out that a developer fancy Shiquan County and wanted to build a large tourist resort here. Several The village has received the news, and Wangjiacun is also among them.

Fengxia Mountain is slightly lower, but the forest is dense, the species is rich, and it has a very primitive ecology. Because it is surrounded by several villages, Fengxia Mountain is indispensable in the construction of the area in the developer's plan. For a project, this matter has not yet been spread out, and Zhang Ye is blind.

Wang Chengli immediately thought of the box locked by him in the corner of the storeroom. If this is true, it is not generally bad. His first thought was not to get rich, but what to do with the temple.

Although the temple has been ruined, it is the place where the old monk has guarded for decades. It is full of all the memories of him and the old monk. If Fengxia Mountain is sold to the developer, the developer will definitely demolish the temple, but in Before leaving, Wang Cheng left a heart in Zhangye, telling him that the developer may not want his ruined temple, and even if he did, he would not be able to sell the temple.

Chapter Four

"How did Chengcheng know about this?" Father Wang had not heard of Feng Xiashan, so he didn't think about it. He heard his son's mention of the developer and was slightly surprised.

"When I went to look for my little sister, Zhang Ye told me."

"Yes, Zhang Ye is right." Dad Wang knew this sooner or later. Fortunately, he took the opportunity to talk about it. There is nothing to hide anyway. "This incident came out half a month ago. At that time, Strangers came to our village one after another. At first everyone was discussing their origins. Later, someone got the news that those people were sent by the developers and wanted to buy Wangjia Village, Zhangjia Village and Chenjia Village. This was a complete success. Yes, it is said that the Chenjia Village has completed the discussions, and some villagers have even started to move away. It may be Wangjia Village and Zhangjia Village next. "

Wang Cheng wondered, just half a month ago, the old monk had just passed away. He didn't have any thoughts of going down the mountain at all, and he didn't want others to know about it immediately, especially at home. Otherwise, parents would definitely run up the mountain to see him, although before There wasn't much time to get along, but he knew that his parents really cared about him. Because of this, he temporarily broke contact with Yamashita, so he could not know the news in time.

"Dad inquired how much a family in Chenjiacun sold?"

This issue is very important. Too few are not worthwhile, but since Chenjiacun has moved away from most of them, the price given by the developer should not be too low.

Papa Wang compared the number of words and seemed to be more satisfied. "They gave so much, but I heard that the price may vary slightly due to different geographical locations. Our Wangjia Village happens to be located between Zhangjia Village and Chenjia Village. The village secretary also said that the price might be a little higher. "

The news has not yet spread, and Chen Jiacun was also ordered not to say too much. Father Wang could know so much, thanks to his close relationship with the village secretary.

"This developer seems to have a bit of conscience." Wang Cheng sees his father happy and happy for him, at least their family does not have the potential of nail households. He had heard of rumors of nail households when he was studying before, which was just exhausting. If you encounter bad developers, don't think about life calmly.

At this time, the developer in an office who was talking to his subordinate suddenly sneezed, and continued the topic just now with a shocked expression of ‘the boss also sneezes’.

"The Fengxia Mountain is very important. I don't want to make any mistakes."

The man sitting on the boss's chair pushed out the information on the desk with his slender forefinger, but the careless gesture brought a great deal of pressure to the person in front of him, but fortunately he has adapted for a while.

"Boss please rest assured, I will go to negotiate with the other person in person." Zhang Yiheng immediately stated, without the boss reminding him to know the importance of this piece, he gave it to the assistant Fang Tian, ​​he was not assured, he must run a trip by himself, only hope that the other party It's good to talk, otherwise he won't explain it for too long.

Two days later, Secretary Wang of the village announced the purchase price of the land. The price is indeed a little higher than that of Chenjia Village. Therefore, except for some elderly people in the village who are still not willing to move away, most people are very happy, especially owning People with a lot of houses and land area are even more happy to calculate how much money they can get, and some even can't wait to show off.

Wang Cheng's uncle and second uncle are two of them.

The Wang family has three brothers. Wang Cheng's father ranks third among the youngest, but it does not mean that he is the favorite of the Wang family. The living grandparents prefer Uncle Wang Hongwei.

The Wang family had two houses at that time. They were big households in Wangjia Village. When the uncle got married, he unceremoniously left the biggest house.

The second uncle Wang Hongwen has a sturdy wife Zhang, who is the second wife of Wang Cheng. She was married from Zhangjiacun and gave birth to a son and two daughters for the Wang family. Wang Cheng's father had a marriage earlier than the second uncle On the marriage, the two brothers were only two years behind, but there was a disagreement over the issue of the house. Erbo saw that the two houses were going to be divided by the two brothers, so he quickly scribbled and found himself a wife. .

Zhangjiacun is a well-known and sturdy woman. The second uncle joined Zhang's for the house. Zhang really lived up to the second uncle's high expectations. He resolutely refused to give in on the issue of the house. When it came out, the two loved their faces and persuaded Dad Wang, hoping that he could take a step back, and even take out a little of his own savings, but it was not much. It was not comparable to the house. It is a kind of backbone and self-esteem.

Fortunately, Ms. Wang did not abandon Papa Wang because of this incident. Although her family strongly opposed their marriage at that time, she resolutely married Papa Wang.

Because of this incident, Father Wang and Uncle Er went further and further away. Although they still have contacts, the relationship is not as good as before, especially the mother and Er Niang are not the kind of women to get along with each other.

Chapter V Trivia

Early in the morning, Wang Cheng heard the sound of Er Niang showing off to others, and his loud voice passed to their home with great clarity. He was woken up by a rare sleep.

The house and small yard of Erbo's family add up to 100 to 122 square meters. They are already very large in Wangjiacun. The other households are mostly 70 or 80 square meters. No wonder Er Niang will be happy to be that person. Saying, "My house is really small, if it is bigger," and so on, it really draws a lot of hatred to myself.

The eldest mother was sitting next to Erniang, although she didn't say much, but anyone could see that she had blossomed in her heart long ago. The second elder family still did so, and the house showed more capital than their older uncle. There will be a lot of money in their pockets, and anyone will be happy.

From the window, Wang Cheng saw Auntie shook her head pretending to be stubborn, and Auntie and Erniang were actually the same, just a clever and a stupid person.

Their family is not very close to the uncle and the second uncle's family. At the time, father Wang was broken by his grandparents and he did not want to see them at all, so he chose to rent a house far away from their home. Now that this sixty-square-foot house is in use, now the eldest mother and the second mother deliberately ran to their home to show off that they obviously wanted to respond to them.

Wang Cheng is not upset, what others think is their thing.

"Don't care about your mother-in-law and mother-in-law. They just owe their lips, and they don't feel comfortable if they don't take advantage of the lip service." Mother Wang had already figured out the virtues of the two. Until the children don't want to care too much about them, the relationship will only be worse.

"Mom, I know, don't worry, I won't care about them, and who doesn't know who to answer." Wang Cheng giggled around his mother's shoulder, and he is an adult anyway, following these years The old monk has a lot of self-cultivation, how could he be provoked by others in a few words.

Mother Wang didn't notice the deep meaning in his last sentence, "Mom gave you a bowl of noodles and put them in the kitchen. When you remember to eat, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Thank you, mom." Wang Cheng suddenly rushed to Mother Wang's face and ran away.

Ms. Wang froze, only a few moments later, and suddenly she couldn't help crying and laughing, but she was still very moved. This was the first time her son made such an intimate move towards her, and went out after calming down.

After finishing the breakfast left by his mother, Wang Cheng heard the sound of crickets outside when he walked out of the yard. Looking at the source of the sound, it turned out that he still couldn't get in touch with the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and couldn't be in front of their house. Show off, most of them are unwilling, and they will keep talking when they catch Mother Wang.

What the aunt and the elder did not expect was that mother Wang had long since built a diamond-like body. Even if they talked wildly, the smile on her face remained calm and calm. Wang Dayi talked a few words and looked quite laid back.

Wang Cheng was finally relieved, it seems that his mother's stage number is relatively high.

Zhang's mouth was dry and dry, but she found that Wang Wang was so indifferent that she still didn't believe she would be jealous and suddenly glanced at Wang Cheng at the door. The surprise suddenly turned into yin and yang.

"Yo, isn't it possible, that old monk came back to trust your mother when he died? So coincidentally, shouldn't I have heard any rumors, so I want to have a drink?"

After speaking, she glanced at Mother Wang, and she could not help seeing that her complexion changed.

"Er Niang all said it was my mother. Isn't it natural for the son to take refuge in his own mother? As for the rumor, don't say I really heard some. I heard that Er Niang was scolded on the street a few days ago Bucket of cold water, isn't there a heat stroke? "Wang Cheng's deliberate misrepresentation and renewed old things suddenly made Zhang's face blush. He would know that this incident was heard in the street the other day, and such deeds. The mother had done a lot, but his second uncle was uninformed, so Zhang's family was the master. Naturally, his reputation was not much better in Wangjiacun.

"Chengcheng, didn't you say that you have something to do today, don't hurry up?" Mother Wang said suddenly.

Wang Cheng also listened to his mother with some surprises. Although he promised his mother to live at home a few days ago, his things were still left in the temple on the mountain, and he was going to pack up today.

When he got to the entrance to the village, he saw that the faces of the mothers of the big willow tree were blurred, and they couldn't hear them in the distance.

"What should be said, what should not be said, I hope Erji can keep in mind, if one day I find out what you should say in front of Chengcheng, don't blame me for desperately desperately saying that I can do it "Mother Wang's expression chilled down, and people who were not very angry in life usually shocked everyone easily.

Chapter 6. Huaying Real Estate

The road from Fengxia Mountain to the top temple is not easy to go. Some sections are steep and rugged, and some are overgrown with weeds.

Ordinary people walked on top of it with tremor, as if they felt that they would fall down at any time, but Wang Cheng was used to it. Others took an hour or two to go up and down the mountain, and he only needed more than half an hour.

Returning to the entrance of Wangjiacun Village, the figures of Auntie and Erniang are no longer under the big willow tree. Most of them are bored and return to their home.

I didn't see Mother Wang, and Wang Cheng was not surprised. He folded several sets of clothes he brought down and put them in the closet. The closet is relatively small, and there are already clothes in it. They are all his big brothers who work in the city. , But only a few, the others were taken away by him.

I'm afraid the least clothes in the family is Wang Cheng, but he doesn't dislike his clothes.

After living with the old monk for eighteen years, he developed many habits, and thrift is one of them. This is what the old monk told him, but he thinks that no money is the main reason, although the old monk never admits it.

Father Wang and Mother Wang haven't returned yet. The two made an appointment to go to Guanjia Village this morning, that is, Wang's mother's family. After the notice, the family was going to move to Guanjia Village to stay, and they would not return for lunch. The younger sister will settle lunch at Zhang Shu's buns shop, so she will not come back, leaving him at home.

Wang Cheng touched his long-digested belly and decided to go for lunch now. The materials are ready-made. Mother Wang has the habit of hoarding food. She buys more food with a longer shelf life, and buys it every few days. Come and put it in the refrigerator.

Wang Cheng took some noodles out of the refrigerator, as well as tomatoes, pakchoi, and leek. The fish was grass carp that Mother Wang just bought from the vegetable market in the morning. It was very fresh and was jumping around in the bucket. He was not prepared to treat him badly. I have all the ingredients, so I am going to make a bowl of sizzling fish noodles for myself.

His craftsmanship has been honed by an old monk who never cooks for eighteen years. It is hard to think well, even better than Wang's mother. Wang Cheng once suspected that the purpose of the old monk to adopt him was actually to find one for himself. The lover of rice can get rid of the tragic situation that has been going downhill for dinner or hoeing in the temple for many years.

Wang Cheng skillfully cut off the head and tail of the grass carp, cut the fish into pieces, and then cut them into two pieces.

Monks do not kill.

That's all fart!

Don't say that he is going to return to the vulgar, that is, when the monk, the old monk never taught him these things, still remember that after he learned to cook, the old monk threw a living chicken in front of him to make him roast chicken, That was his first killing. The chicken with the cut throat ran around. The kitchen was full of chicken blood. The picture was quite shocking, and it caused a lot of shadows to the young man. The abominable old monk 愣 was every two days. Grab a pheasant and kill him, and finally 'help' him to overcome this shadow.

The process of exploding the fish noodles seems a bit too many, and Wang Cheng can do it in two or three times.

This is a kind of noodles that old monks once loved. Fish can be caught in the river, not necessarily grass carp, which is equivalent to free fish, and noodles are not expensive. I bought flour to make it cheaper. I can save a few cans of other spices in advance. Eat for a long time.

Wang Cheng walked out of the kitchen with the fish noodles he had prepared, and as soon as he sat down, he remembered that he had forgotten to take the chopsticks. When he returned to the kitchen and took two chopsticks, he heard the knock on the door.

"Is anyone home?"

When Wang Cheng came out, he saw two serious men in suits standing in the yard. At a glance, Fan Er saw that he was from a big city. He was surprised, and the other party automatically reported his identity and intention.

China Eagle Real Estate

These four words have recently spread very loudly in Wangjiacun because it is the name of the company that bought the land from them. Because the other party's bid is not like other developers in order to reduce costs

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