MTL - Ivory Moonlight-Chapter 108

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Ye Sangsang naturally attracted the attention of all the students and teachers in the class. The class leader stood up from his seat and turned to the back, waiting for the math teacher to speak. What a trouble! "

The monitor is a good-looking girl. Because the school did not deliberately wear school uniforms, she was very beautiful, especially the beauty of only three points. Because of her stylish and beautiful dress, it turned out to be five points.

However, these five points are not even a **** compared with Jiang Mingxi's very beautiful appearance.

Ye Sangsang has long learned from the data that this female class is the man behind the **** table in the pull class to isolate Jiang Mingxi.

On the surface, righteous words are in fact difficult to take advantage of.

Oops, they are all beautiful and embarrassing, becoming the enemy of many girls, in addition to Jiang Mingxi's personality is too cold, related to dislike communication.

If Jiang Mingxi is really just an ordinary person, if she walks into society, such a character will definitely make her suffer.

However, in the future, Jiang Mingxi recognized his ancestors and became the heir of the world's top 100 richest man. He eventually wore a crown and looked down on everyone. This personality was not a big deal, and even made people feel that it should be.

"Mr. Jiang Mingxi, I know that you have good academic performance, but this does not mean that you can not observe the discipline and disrupt the classroom." The lesson of the female class leader is righteous words. I feel that the female monitor is too much.

However, as a high school monitor, facing the head teacher, it is considered to have a small power. It is not good for everyone to offend the female monitor. Who knows that women are small-minded, and it will be troublesome to wear small shoelaces in the future.

Moreover, even if he speaks for Jiang Mingxi, the other party may not be enthusiastic about them, so no one mentions Jiang Mingxi.

Jiang Mingxi looked cold and didn't even look at the female monitor. She only looked at the math teacher on the podium, and said faintly, "Sorry, teacher, I fell accidentally, and sitting together was to help me. "

As a teacher, most of them like students who work hard and learn well, so in the face of Jiang Mingxi's apology, the math teacher didn't take it seriously, and smiled and said, "Be careful next time, but don't fall down."

Jiang Mingxi nodded slightly, placed the test paper on the table, and stooped to pick up the textbook that had fallen to the ground.

The female squad leader was so ignored, and his sulking chest moved up and down, looking at Jiang Mingxi's gaze, as if poisoned.

Ye Sangsang shuddered. He was just a high school student, but he was viciously alarming.

Of course, Jiang Mingxi can ignore the female monitor who maintains the classroom, but the math teacher can't. He praised the female monitor with a kind smile and then let the female monitor sit down.

After picking up the textbooks, Jiang Mingxi sat back to his position, Ye Sangsang lay on the desk, blinked his eyes and looked at Juan Xiu's handwriting on the paper and the very large one hundred and fifty written in red on top. Minute.

"You are so good." Ye Sangsang slammed his mouth and praised, staring at the little stars, praised without hesitation.

Jiang Mingxi has long been accustomed to achieving high scores, and looked extremely coldly: "Um."

Ye Sangsang was a little ashamed. Why should I ‘hmm’, according to the habits of Chinese people, should n’t it be very humble to say something, fortunately? ?

Hum, it ’s no wonder that it does n’t follow Chinese standards. !!

One morning in the world, Ye Sangsang wanted to go to the cafeteria for dinner with Jiang Mingxi at noon. Before speaking, Jiang Mingxi had stood up and left the classroom. Ye Sangsang was about to follow up and was pulled by the girl at the table.

"Are you still planning to go to dinner with her?" The girl at the front table stared at Ye Sangsang with a look of dissatisfaction.

Of course, in front of the beauty, she can eat an extra bowl of rice, but Ye Sangsang said in ambiguous words: "After all, it's the same table."

The girl at the front table took her arm to her friend and took Ye Sangsang to the cafeteria while walking, and said, "What happened to the same table, you still do n’t deal with such people, otherwise the other girls in the class will be isolated. you."

Koko, little boy, Sang Sang is not afraid of isolation, anyway, there are comic novels to pass the time, yeah yeah.

Seeing Ye Sangsang not talking, a few other friends at the front desk girl started to persuade.

"That is, she's right. Why do you have to be with a thief, everyone will think you are the same person."

"Isn't it just the same table, anyway, the teacher will change the seat after another month, just ignore her."

"That is, without her, and without us, stay with us without making you alone."

If it wasn't for the original owner to have a good relationship with other classmates in the novel, while pretending to be friends with Jiang Mingxi, she really wanted to slap this group of people.

Ye Sangsang waved his hands indifferently: "After all, it's the same table. How can it be so stiff, okay, okay, let's stop talking about it and go to eat."

People come and go in the cafeteria, there is no air conditioner, it is sweltering, and there is a thick smell of soot in the air, which makes people almost uncomfortable.

The weather was hot, and the canteen was still like this. Ye Sangsang instantly lost his appetite, randomly ordered food, and swept the canteen with a plate. While the group of girls at the front table had not prepared their meals quickly, Into the crowd.

The cafeteria table was almost full, and Ye Sangsang managed to find an empty place. It happened to be Jiang Mingxi who ate in the cafeteria alone.

Ye Sangsang immediately happily stepped forward and sat across from Jiang Mingxi, smiling at her, "Coincidentally, no one is opposite you."

After slowly eating, Jiang Mingxi swallowed the contents of his mouth, then slowly raised his head and said, "No."

Jiang Mingxi's voice is not as soft as most girls, a bit cold, like jade beads set, the ears are so nice that they are pregnant.

Ye Sangsang glanced at the lunch on Jiang Mingxi's plate, the free vegetable soup in school, a light potato shred and a few green vegetables without any oil and water, a piece of rice.

It's too simple.

Ye Sangsang pity for a while, such a beautiful and kind young lady is obviously the most suitable for being rich, so how can she be so pitiful.

However, such a simple meal, under Jiang Mingxi's elegant actions, seems to be a steak sitting in an upscale western restaurant.

Alas, the heroine is the heroine, even if the early rise is as low as dust, the temperament of the future boss is inherent.

Ye Sangsang picked up a piece of crispy meat from his plate and put it on Jiang Mingxi's rice. He just found a reason: "You can't finish it, you can help me, or it's too wasteful."

Jiang Mingxi glanced at her coldly and did not accept her vague and pathetic. After eating her potato shreds and greens quickly, she proved with her strength that the CD-ROM operation left only the soft and fragrant piece. Crispy meat standing there alone.

Then Jiang Mingxi picked up the plate and left the position.

The abandoned Ye Sangsang felt very sad. She was so cute, so beautiful, and so kind. How could the hostess turn a blind eye, especially the piece of crispy meat she loved so much, and it was so thrown away in the trash can. .

The heavens are up, her crispy meat is simmering.

Ye Sangsang, who was full of tears in her heart, finally analyzed that although the heroine is beautiful and good-hearted, her bones are alienated and not so close.

But this is also good. Anyway, her purpose is to let the heroine help her get into college, leaving a little shadow in the heroine's mind, and it doesn't need to be too deep.

City A in midsummer was still hot and irritating even when the sun was setting in the west. As soon as she walked out of the cool air-conditioned classroom, Ye Sangsang was sweating hot and the water molecules in the air made her clothes quickly. Wet with sweat.

Ye Sangsang, carrying a backpack, followed Jiang Mingxi and walked outside the school.

This key high school in No.1 Middle School requires self-study at night from the second semester of High School. Most students will choose accommodation for convenience. Of course, this is not reluctant. Some people who are close to home will go to school.

Jiang Mingxi's home is not close. It takes forty minutes to walk, and the ride time will be shorter, but there is only an elderly grandmother at home. Jiang Mingxi does not want to stay, and he is reluctant to spend money on accommodation.

The reason why Ye Sangsang's parents made her choose to go to school is because she had to supervise Ye Sangsang's relationship. If she was in school, her grades would plummet.

It happened that the place where Ye Sangsang lived was next to Jiang Mingxi.

However, Ye Sangsang didn't want to walk. On such a hot day, he was carrying a schoolbag, let alone forty minutes, twenty minutes. The delicate Ye Sangsang couldn't stand it, and the father and mother Ye also told her to take the subway to return. Home and save time.

Therefore, even if Ye Sangsang wanted to contact Jiang Mingxi, he would never go to suffer.

Although it is crowded by subway, fortunately, there is still a bit of cool breeze. After Ye Sangsang's eye movement quickly occupied a position, it was even more comfortable.

She held her schoolbag, took out the novel hidden in the schoolbag and started to read.

In fact, in the era of popular smart phones, most people choose to read e-books, and paper books are rare.

Unfortunately, in order to allow her to study hard, Ye Yema confiscated her cell phone and gave her an old machine that was not used by her grandmother.


Ye Sangsang felt that he was really not miserable.

After returning home, it was completely dark, and the hourly worker set the dinner on the table. Ye Sangsang was still hot when he returned.

Ye Father Ye Mother was not in the company yet. Ye Sangsang was sitting alone at the dinner table, reading novels while eating.

After eating a meal for more than an hour, Ye Sangsang began to paralyze on the sofa and watch TV again. When the time came, Ye Sangsang was about to return, Ye Sangsang quickly turned off the TV and flew back to the bedroom to take it out of the bag. Homework, carefully written homework.

However, looking at these tiny prints on the information, Ye Sangton felt dizzy and had a headache.

Alas, she's obviously a college student now, so she won't even have a sophomore question? ?

Did she wear a few worlds, then she lost her head?

The author has something to say: why straight women are so heavy? ?

I forgot to release it regularly, sorry.

There will be a change at 9pm.

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect