MTL - I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It?-Chapter 473

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Lin Xiaotian has a headache. Anyone who is shackled by such a high-educated, strong-skinned monk will have a headache.

He squinted and stared blankly at the jade slip on the table. This is the mineral report of Tian Yuzong last year. This jade slip has been on his desk for half an hour, but he even has one word. Did not look into it.

"You... don't be too much." Lin Xiaotian almost gnashed his teeth and said this.

"Oh?" A beautiful woman with a faint smile on her face, put her chin on the shoulder of Lin Xiaotian, and asked for sadness: "How am I too much?"

Lin Xiaotian’s cheeks pumped: “You are obstructing me... um...”

If you didn't export, you would be stunned by someone's handcuffs. Lin Xiaotian's eyes were lost, and the straight waist was involuntarily softened, leaning against Luo's arms.

"Xiaotian... like it?" Luo light dust covered Lin Xiaotian's earlobe, whispered.

Lin Xiaotian violently gasped a few times, and soon recovered from the bliss of the bliss, the forehead swelled: "You bastard, get out of here!"

"Oh... I’m so quick to turn my face every day... I just told me not to stop it...” Luo Dengchen said, complaining.

Lin Xiaotian’s face is red: “You are nonsense!”

Luo light dust slowly and open the hand, the sticky white liquid between the fingers was pulled out of several silky lines with his movements, and instantly let Lin Xiaotian have nothing to say...

"Hey..." Luo light dust sticking out his tongue and deliberately rubbing his fingers.

Lin Xiaotian suddenly said: "How can you eat that kind of thing!"

Luo light dust and a beautiful turn, he smiled: "How can you not eat, did you not ‘eat’ a lot last night?”

Lin Xiaotian: ...

He shouldn't talk to this bastard!

He turned his face in angrily, and he gave off a majestic momentum. As the head of Tian Yuzong, Lin Xiaotian has now stepped into the Yuan Ying period, releasing a very strong pressure. A passing disciple in the distance inadvertently feels this pressure, and instantly smashes...

(qaq, what is the swelling of the head... Does anyone provoke him to be angry? Guiqiu Luo’s predecessors appear quickly, only Luo’s predecessors can extinguish the anger of the head ah ah ah ah!)

It is a pity that such a heavy pressure has no effect on the people behind him. The other party has not been affected by any influence. Instead, he has kissed you in his neck and said: "Okay, today, you are not bothering, you first Busy, let's go on at night..."

carry on……

carry on……

Keep your head!

Lin Xiaotian thinks very much (╯‵□')╯ (┻━┻! He believes that whether he is a character or his identity, his qigong is very home-oriented, but I don’t know why, every time he faces Luo I can't help but break the hard work... What's even more awful is that after Luo Huichen's guy reinstated into a human being through reincarnation, he even absorbed the cultivation of the demon, and became a monk in the Yuan Ying, and he was firmly pressed. Let yourself turn and hopelessly turn over!

"Don't think too much about me." Before Luo Deng's departure, he also gave Lin Xiaotian a kiss.

Lin Xiaotian responded to him with a golden sword, and he squatted on the door panel.

Luo light dust smiled easily, but fortunately he closed the door faster, otherwise the trick will fall on himself. Although he is now practicing the gods, he will not be afraid of the sword repair in Yuan Ying period. It can always be stimulated by a small day, not a qualified lover.

"Small day, I have to go back to sleep on time in the evening, or wait for me to find it is not the original condition!" Luo light dust smiled and passed the sound inside the house.

Soon, a loud bang, gave him an answer.

Well, very good, this should be the meaning of consent... In fact... He really wants to disagree with him every day, so that he can be in the study... cough, stop, can’t think about it, even though he covets The study has been around for a long time, but the character of being so serious every day is definitely not going to agree in the study...

Watching Luo light dust leave, Lin Xiaotian screamed at the forehead.

No matter how cold and majestic he is, but there is no way to shock Luo, this aspect is the gap in strength, and on the other hand, it is naturally a black history that he can't hide.

Recalling the black history of the original, Lin Xiaotian couldn't help but want to cover his face. He couldn't imagine how he would do such a thing..._(:3∠)_

It’s just dead!

Throughout the realm of comprehension, he has never heard of anyone who has become stupid because of the ignorance of the fire. The lighter is guilty of injury, and the heavy ones are dying, so even he himself does not know that he has become stupid. Whether silly is lucky or unfortunate...

As a fool, nature can't count on Lin Xiaotian's special thoughts at that time. It is nothing more than hungry, thirsty, and adapting to his own survival needs.

But who knows that he accidentally lost his way in the mountains, and after a day of hungry, he was stunned by the ‘lucky’.

At that time, Luo Deng was just an ordinary scholar, and he was kind (not!). When he saw Lin Xiaotian stupidly strolling around the forest, he took him home and chopped the wood every day. Can earn a bite to eat.

The dumbfounded Lin Xiaotian was very satisfied with the days of eating and drinking every day. He even lived in that small village for three years.

In these three years, the relationship between him and Luo Dengchen became more and more intimate, even under the sinister planning of someone, one was accidentally-eaten.

→. →, as for eating... everyone knows.

Lin Xiaotian: == Black history does not explain!

Inexplicably, he was turned to bed by a black-skinned scholar, but Lin Xiaotian was a little better without knowing it.

From the beginning of the occasional clearing, to the late recovery of the memory, facing such a gentle (fog), kindness (great fog), considerate to his lover (big ... ah, no, this is no fog! ), Lin Xiaotian actually hesitated.

Even if he keeps telling himself in his heart, they will not have a future, but they can't restrain their own craving for the other's temperature.

After trying several times, he failed to leave. Lin Xiaotian was fooled into a fool and spent three months in the small village.

But he did not expect that he could not decide on this side, but Tian Yuzong had already noticed his disappearance and found it along the traces he had left in the past.

Lin Xiaotian can no longer deceive himself, let him say goodbye to Luo Chenchen, but he can't do such a thing, and finally - he escaped.

After leaving dozens of Lingshi in the room, he did not dare to meet Luo Xiaochen again and left.

Originally, he thought that it would be the last memory between the two of them. When he knew that the demons were fighting, he heard the news about him from Xu Yanyan’s mouth...

When he heard that Xu Xiaoyan mentioned the noodles, the whole person was not good!

When I first sent myself to another man's bed for a bowl of noodles - this is definitely a black history in black history!

Later, the development of the matter has completely exceeded his expectations. Whether it is the Lost Light of the Soul, or the magician who suddenly emerged, but has the memory of Luo Chenchen, Lin Xiaotian has a sense of incomprehensibility. feel.

After he made up his mind to break this relationship, there was such a wave between the two, even if calm, like Lin Xiaotian could not help but panic.

Especially when he saw his former lover, the whole breath was stunned on the bed, and the whole person was shocked. Fortunately, his neighbors who were light and dusty reminded him that the dust had not died yet, and he did not lose his mind.

In a hurry, holding the light dust body to the streamer, he believes that since the devil can say something wrong, it must have some relationship with Luo Dengchen, maybe he can save the light dust status.

As it turns out, he guessed it right, the devil did indeed 'shelken' Luo's light dust, but now this Luo light dust is not the same as the past Luo dust... No, it should be said that the current Luo light dust again There are two kinds of attributes, such as cheeky and black belly, so that Lin Xiaotian, who has always felt that the dust is gentle and kind, is quite unaccustomed.

"Tame? Goodness? Are you sure?" It was very happy to return to Luo, who was a human being. He gently took Lin Xiaotian’s shoulder. Lin Xiaotian wanted to resist but was suppressed by the other’s repairs. Patience in the discomfort, looking straight at him.

Luo light dust picked up his eyebrows and his fingers played with Lin Xiaotian's sensitive side waist: "If 'Luo Deng Chen' is really so gentle and kind, why isn't he being crushed by you, but you offered yourself?"

Lin Xiaotian: ... What if you are completely speechless?

Looking at Lin Xiaotian's stiff expression, Luo Xiaochen couldn't help but smile a few times. He couldn't trace the fingers into the other's clothes: "Small day, I am Luo Dengchen, Luo Dengchen is just a lost memory." Our essence is the same, this..." He gently touched Lin Xiaotian's lower abdomen, feeling the other side's slight vibration, and his smile was more prosperous: "You know best, isn't it?"

When the words were not finished, Luo Qingchen pressed his lips on Lin Xiaotian’s lips, familiar atmosphere, familiar caress, all of which gave Lin Xiaotian an illusion, as if he was still in the small mountain village, as if he was still stupid. Silly little day...

and many more! Little girl your sister! You bastard, get up from me!

Suddenly, Lin Xiaotian woke up awkwardly, glaring at the light and dust, biting his teeth: "Do you use melee to me?"

Luo light dust licked the corner of the mouth, relying on the suppression of the repair, hard life will push Lin Xiaotian over the bed, do not know where to get two silver chains, he will lock him up.

Lin Xiaotian: ...

Luo lightly smiled, and the expression on his face suddenly became angry: "I didn't feel guilty when you left me without saying a word?"

Lin Xiaotian’s pupil slammed and his eyes flashed through the naked eye. At the beginning, his departure was indeed a great injury to Luo Dengchen. This can be known from the neighbors' mouths.

After he left, Luo Dengchen was a lot depressed, even when he faced his neighbors, he still performed very kindly, but as long as people with eyes could see it, he was greatly stimulated.

The action of Lin Xiaotian's resistance gradually weakened. Looking at the slightly irritated face, he couldn't justifiably say that he was doing right.

It’s nothing... If you can’t let it go, you will protect him in the wings. Even if you don’t know how to rob you in the future, he will recognize it!

Lin Xiaotian’s retreat caused more intense action of Luo Dengchen. When Lin Xiaotian completely closed his eyes and gave up his resistance, Luo’s mouth was tilted with an undetectable curvature...

Obviously knowing that my belly is black and insidious, it is so easy to believe me, how can you let me leave someone who loves me so much?

Luo light dust leaned down and gently kissed Lin Xiaotian's forehead - you are mine, my lover!




Hey! The knocking on the door interrupted Lin Xiaotian’s contemplation. He looked up and said in a tone of words: "Come in."

The door of the study was pushed open, and a young monk walked in. He held a rectangular box and placed the box on the table of Lin Xiaotian respectfully: "This is the elder of Luo who sent the villain."

Lin Xiaotian pumped his eyes and nodded with a serious expression. After the monk was sent away, he looked at the box on the table and had an ominous premonition in his heart...

Helplessly sighed, he still reached out and took the box to open. When he saw the things inside, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief -

Then, in the study room of Tian Yuzong’s head, there was a loud anger: "Luo light dust, you **** rolled over to me!"

Many of the disciples in the sect have a common expression, um... today’s head is also very spirited! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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