MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 798 Endless Abyss Heiyuan Emperor

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  Chapter 798 Endless Abyss·Heiyuan Emperor

  Three years later, in the middle of the two huge world groups that should have collided, a huge abyss was separated in the middle.

   On the left, sects rise up, the existence called Holy Land annexes the family, disintegrates the court, and the dispute between the emperor and the big devil never stops.

   On the right side, the conflicts between gods and immortals are constantly happening, and if they intensify a little bit, maybe one day the two sides will eventually have confrontation.

  In the endless abyss, Qin Muye looked at the two worlds that should have been bonded together. If he hadn't stopped them, the two worlds had recovered and became the top 9th-order world.

   Unfortunately, Qin Muye needs him.

   "Lend your world to use~" Qin Muye said in a low voice.

   The chaotic and distorted sound erupted instantly, forming a terrifying wave.

  Whether it was the Lingdi who was chasing the big demon, or the leader of the Three Religions and Tiandao who were meditating, they all realized something was wrong after a while, and immediately wanted to break through the world to deal with Qin Muye.

   Just the next moment, time began to slow down, and finally solidified into a picture.

   "I want to be detached, and I want to go to a higher level to obtain the infinity. I need a small stepping stone. I don't think you will mind."

   "Of course, it's useless to mind."

Through the blessing of the contract on the avatar of the imperial spirit, Qin Muye immediately removed the energy level of the imperial spirit world. At this moment, the world that should have been at level 9 directly dropped to level 8. Everyone was in this frozen time, It also fell down one level silently.

  From this moment on, the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in Yuling Realm is no longer rank 9, but rank 8. This is due to the weak successor of the world system.

   "Infinite space continues to expand"

  Qin Muye's endless abyss began to grow and expand in a way that defied logic at this moment, and the real endless abyss was being born.

  If the so-called Endless Abyss was just a title given by "The Age of Lords", this time it is really changing towards the word Endless.

At the next moment, Qin Muye used the divine way as a medium to directly draw away the energy level of the Xuanzhen Realm, the heavenly way collapsed and annihilated, and many gods disappeared, and then the Xuanzhen Realm also stepped into the footsteps of the Imperial Spirit Realm. The 9th order fell to the 8th order.

   "The time of confinement turns into an infinite moment, past, present, and future, I will be the eternal me."

  When time turned into infinity, countless timelines were constricted by him and turned into one.

  His essence is constantly raising and interweaving.

  When matter, energy, time, space, etc. became part of infinity, Qin Muye opened his eyes, and the world was like dust in his eyes.

  Everything went smoothly, no mistakes, no hunting, and no so-called visions of heaven and earth. With such a stepping stone, he easily crossed over to the detached and infinite area.

"One me and countless me, tsk, I have come here by myself." Qin Muye leaned over from his huge body, and scooped up all the big Luo Jinxians and Hunyuan in the Xuanzhen Realm and Yuling Realm. Da Luo Jinxian caught all of them in his hands.

   These people, he is still useful, they are used to make gold fingers for a certain true king, and they are waiting for him.

"Oh, it's a pity, the grades have fallen, so I don't know how to be buried." Qin Muye smiled and didn't take it to heart. Anyway, what a certain person needs is only the two personalities of Da Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. , It's not that strength is needed, just let him make up for the fall.

  After putting the person into his arms, his expression sank again, and then he pulled Ji Shan out.

   "Damn, what, what!!"

   "Dad, we haven't seen each other for more than three years, why have you mutated!!"

  Ji Shan froze all over, looking at the Qin Muye that spanned more than a few meters, he always felt that something was not quite right.

   "This is called becoming stronger, what is mutation?"

   "Tell you something before we go back."

  Qin Muye said solemnly.

  Hearing this, Ji Shan suddenly understood that there seemed to be some important matter to be entrusted to him.

  I saw Qin Muye took out the alloy musket that could kill instantly from his arms.

   "You should still remember this." Qin Muye said.

   "Hey, Dad, you haven't used this thing yet. I thought you had used it for such a long time ago." Ji Shan recognized it immediately.

"Used? If this thing is used, wouldn't it be a big loss, heh!" Qin Muye couldn't help but sneered. The world he was in was blown up by this thing. It can be said that he ate his own head. Here it is, otherwise it would be called incriminating evidence, obviously someone sent it to me on purpose.

   "You take this thing, let me tell you, if there is a poster who enters your world with this thing in the future, I will die."

   "It's best to kill him once. Don't worry, this thing is not a person, it's a sticker, and it can't die."

   "But you have to be careful, don't expose it. When the time comes, you should bury the legacy of the Qi Refiner in this position first. Oh, by the way, just give him the whole abbreviated version of the two chapters of heaven and earth."

   "Then you are compiling a little database, yes, compiling in a crooked direction, as many crooked as you can make it for me, but it must be true!"

   "Still want to cultivate immortality? Still want to be fluttering in white clothes, and honestly join me as an unlucky duo."

  Qin Muye's tone was gritted.

   Ji Shan on the side always felt that something was wrong. After all, Qin Muye's appearance didn't seem to be planning to kill the other party, but to make the other party go in a crooked direction.

  Although he didn't know who it was, he felt that he should stand on his father's side in this matter, otherwise he might be unlucky first.

   "Yes, we promise to complete the task!" Ji Shan hurriedly expressed his opinion.

"It's good if you understand, oh, yes, you can kill him, don't touch his two 5-star friends, or he will really go all out." Qin Muye also came to his senses, and specially instructed, after all, to kill someone He can be resurrected again, but if he kills his 4-star and 5-star friends, he will really die.

  Generally speaking, it is basically that the disaster is not as good as relatives and friends, otherwise Ji Shan will be in bad luck when the time comes.

   "Ah, I understand, I will be cautious, but when will it come?" Ji Shan asked.

"Here, you wait slowly, I guess you have to wait until you hatch, but you hold this alloy musket for self-defense, this thing can kill wolves to gods, basically it takes one shot in seconds, I recovered it, no Then there are disposable items." Qin Muye casually threw the alloy musket to Ji Shan, so that no one would jump over the wall in a hurry.

   "So powerful?" Ji Shan was a little suspicious, but he still kept it as a collectible.

  (end of this chapter)

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