MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 791 The number of days does not show, plotting against Lingdi

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  Chapter 791 The number of days does not show, plotting against the Emperor Ling

   "These ten seconds are quite thrilling, almost no one was there." Qin Muye also had lingering fears.

   Don't look at him who is about to win the whole process, but with his little crispy skin, no matter which spirit beast it is, as long as it takes a hit, it can kill half of its life.

   Probably because he is only level 90. He has no equipment and no skills. If he brings a weak baby chicken, he will have to play against the opposite level 100 Krypton Gold Gao who is full of equipment, full of reinforcements, full of skills, and a top baby.

  The opponent can make countless mistakes, but as long as Qin Muye makes one mistake, he will be indifferent.

As for the Celestial Sacred Tree pierced by the golden light in the mirror, it can only be described by skin trauma. After all, this spirit beast technique is only a preliminary level. It's okay, but if you really want to face the Sacred Tree of Heaven, you can only be regarded as a faceless face.

   It's also due to the fact that the controller is Qin Muye. If he were the fairy in the mirror, he probably wouldn't even be able to scratch the bark.

  The Spiritual Beast Art on Immortal in the Mirror is not much at all, and it belongs to the weak chicken among the weak chickens at the 9th level.

  The Heavenly Cang Sacred Tree probably has learned all the wood dao spirit beast arts, not to mention anything else, the superimposed power of those passive spirit beast arts alone is powerful enough.

  So it is also true that Qin Muye said that he was almost not there.

  In the contract, there was also the fear of Jing Zhongxian. From the beginning of the fight just now, Jing Zhongxian didn't react at all, and was very frightened.

  But Qin Muye didn't blame the Immortal in the Mirror. It was just a tool beast, and it was indeed too difficult to let it fight. It didn't have this function in the first place.

   It is normal to be scared. According to the normal situation, Jing Zhongxian is actually just a newborn baby.

  So Qin Muye never thought about embarrassing it too much.

"What should I do next in the fight? No matter how you look at it, I don't have any chance of winning." Qin Muye's face darkened, and he concealed his protagonist's halo, unparalleled luck, and other related abilities. And deepened the talent of shielding heavenly secrets in himself.

  If you can't beat it, of course you have to hide it. Could it be that you are going head-to-head with the opponent.

  Lingdi doesn't know how many years of accumulation and the powerful strength formed by the background, how can he win with an incarnation, unless the main body is out, otherwise, he can only hide for a while.

  Anyway, he feels that the purpose of the ontology has actually been achieved.

   Fighting for Dao does not necessarily require Qin Muye to kill the Ling Emperor, it is also possible to let the main body kill the Imperial Spirit Realm. Anyway, as long as the main body wins, no matter how badly he loses, he will actually win.

  The real purpose of the main body is only his qualification to fight for Dao. As long as he obtains the blessing of the Imperial Spirit Realm, he basically wins 70%.

  The remaining 30% depends on how long Qin Muye can hide.

   "The two abilities of shielding heaven's secrets and unpredictable heaven's will have effects, and they must not be hidden for long. Even if I have already started to intercept heaven's destiny, it is still not enough."

  “As long as there is behavior, there must be traces.”

   "Why doesn't this Lingdi practice Karma Dao or Time Dao? In this way, the main body might be able to trick him."

  Spiritual beasts with this type of attributes are indeed very powerful, but in terms of lethality, they are actually not as good as these normal spirit beasts.

  Taking Time Dao as an example, it is more about support, and the time it affects is only the individual, and more importantly, it really costs resources to raise it.

  So although this type sounds high-end, it has never been the mainstream. Even Lingdi only focuses on the five behaviors, and then cultivates secondary attributes as a supplement.

Good quality and low price are one thing, but on the other hand, the required resources are not so scarce, whether it is time, space, causality, luck and other attributes, if there are only a few hundred copies, then it is really not a big problem. For Lingdi's spirit beast, at least a five-figure share is enough for a slight improvement.

  If it is really those rare natural treasures, not to mention the value, the quantity alone may not be so many.

  The Spirit Realm is huge, and there are various secret realms that can produce resources, but it doesn’t mean that there are all kinds of resources. On the contrary, there are all kinds of resources similar to the five elements, and the output is not low.

   It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that Lingdi can continuously become stronger.

  The reform of the Yuling Realm is naturally because the interests of all parties in the Yuling Realm have problems due to the spirit refining flow, which has affected his actual interests and income, otherwise he would have nothing to change.

  Profits directly determine his cultivation of spirit beasts, and spirit beasts represent strength, so it is naturally a big deal.

   "Let's hang on for now." Qin Muye was also helpless, he felt that at this time he wanted to return to the Xuanzhen Realm to become a shadow costume avatar, because he only needed to be a bastard.

  It's a pity that he can't go back. He has the contract blessing of Yulingjie on his body.

  He carries the imprint of other worlds on his body, and he can be noticed by the other party as soon as he enters.

   "It's not as dark as under the lights?" Qin Muye's brain twitched, thinking that the most dangerous place is the safest place, otherwise there would really be nowhere to hide.

  He didn't know what method Lingdi would use to find him, but he knew that he couldn't take it lightly.

"Aren't you looking for death?" Qin Muye quickly vetoed this idea. If he changed to a world without magic and martial arts, he might still be able to succeed, but if he did it in a world with such a high energy level, wouldn't he? You don't have to be cheated to death.

   It is estimated that he was discovered by the other party before he lurked in.

   This time he was able to get away without a hitch, but it might not be the case next time.

   Unless you gamble on luck.

   "Can gambling be successful?"

  Thinking of luck, Qin Muye became excited, and it was really feasible.

   "It's no wonder that the main body will stuff me with so many abilities, is it to make me rely on luck?"

   As far as his luck is concerned, it is actually very high. In "Lord Age", his performance is probably at the level of luck MAX+10.

   Under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible to die, but the Lingdi is not under normal circumstances.

   It can only be said that it can influence, but it cannot be absolutely guaranteed. At most, it can only serve as a little help for him. If he lies flat on his own, he will die or die.

   "But if you really rely on luck, it seems that it is not impossible."

   "For example, first upgrade the two spirit beast skills of Immortal in the Mirror's Unpredictable Will and Destiny as a Knife to the full level. The effect should be able to let me escape from Lingdi's hands."

  He naturally has a way to upgrade, so he relies on fate like a knife to cut off luck, so as to improve his own contract blessing, and finally drives the unpredictable upgrade of God's will, which can be regarded as a full upgrade.

   "Where to go to harvest luck?"

   This fate is like a knife is a spirit beast art of luck, and it is an illusory one.

  After his 9th level, it was originally a passive ability, but now he can also control it.

  The important body of the knife has already been cut on the body of Yulingjie for him, otherwise his blessing would really be for nothing. Oh, it really is for nothing.

   But after the main body is used up, this knife is left for him to use.

   "It's better to choose the Daling Dynasty."

   If you want to say where the luck is the most, you don’t need to think about it to know that it is definitely the Great Spirit Dynasty. How can the luck of an individual compare with that of the entire dynasty?

  Even if it can be compared, there is still Lingdi suppressing in this Great Spirit Dynasty. In terms of great luck, who can compare with Lingdi.

  Qin Muye can't beat the Ling Emperor, and can't cut the leeks of the Great Spirit Dynasty?

   As long as the cutting is subtle, it will be too late after Lingdi reacts.

  After the target has been selected, the next step is to think about how to cut it. According to the original cutting method of the foreign family, it will definitely not work. If he dares to stand up, Emperor Ling dares to hack him to death.

  Being upright is not suitable for him, and can only be cut in a curved way.

   "There are aristocratic families, how can there be no sects." Qin Muye thinks that he doesn't worry about being few, but about unevenness.

  He intends to overthrow Daling and the family, form a world of sects, and change the direction of the entire world of imperial spirits little by little.

  The current situation under this high-pressure policy is very good. He only needs a little guidance from him. At that time, no matter whether it is an aristocratic family or an official, he will give a certain amount of convenience.

   As for Emperor Ling? The other party is busy looking for him, and he will definitely not let it go until he eradicates the scourge of himself. You must know that you have the blessings that the other party needs, and this will guide him to move forward. I will definitely stick to it.

  So this is Qin Muye's opportunity. As long as the sect replaces the aristocratic family and the dynasty, then Qin Muye's harvested luck is definitely enough for him to fight against the old Lingdi, the ninth rank.

  (end of this chapter)