MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 788 Grandpa and grandson meet, different from the past

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  Chapter 788 Grandpa and grandson meet, different from the past

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Yi Wang's voice is very strong, he looks like a middle-aged man with a big heart and a fat body. Although he is already the grandfather of 'Gong Kang', he doesn't seem to want it at all The grandparents, but a bit like the parents.

   "Are you using me?" 'Gong Kang' asked excitedly in his tone.

  Yi Wang showed a completely different temperament from before, that kind of calm, so calm that it made 'Gong Kang' feel the illusion of trembling all over.

  He didn't even know why he lost his heart and came to him. Shouldn't he go away at this time?

   It's a pity that when he reacted, everything was a foregone conclusion, and nothing could be changed.

   "Yes, I am using you. Originally, I wanted to choose your father. Unfortunately, he is too smart. He was so smart that he had already noticed my thoughts a long time ago."

   "You are also very smart, and you are much more domineering than your father. You don't know how to hide your clumsiness, or you hide it very clumsily."

   King Yi's tone was full of jokes, as if he didn't care about the grandson of 'Gong Kang' at all, but was looking at a tool instead.

   "I know what you think. You think I can take Gong Kang's Da Luo Jinxian life to break through, and you, Gong Kang, can also plunder my peak Jinxian strength in reverse as your wealth."

   "This is true, and it can indeed be successful, but you have overlooked one point."

   "You are just a mortal spirit master, why do you think you can shake me who is already in the fairyland?"

   As soon as the voice fell, the terrifying coercion came over in an instant. At this moment, 'Gong Kang' encountered a mountain of pressure, and he couldn't resist at all, like a salamander lying on the ground.

   "Your father is very smart, because he knows he can't resist me, so he never fights me, he just fights himself."

   "But you are different. You have too many clevernesses, so much that I can't completely cover up your tolerance over and over again."

   "If you didn't think you were smart enough to come back and enjoy it every day, if you didn't think you were smart enough to leave, how could you be in this situation?"

   King Yi got up, his fat body showed unusual agility, looked at 'Gong Kang' who was lying on the ground, and looked down at him.

   "Originally, you don't have to die. Even if you take the initiative to cooperate with me in the blood sacrifice, I will let you return to the blood of Yiwang Mansion, but you...disappointed me so much."

  Gong Kang, who was suppressed on the ground and couldn't move, looked grim. He only felt that his whole body was about to be crushed, but when he heard King Yi's words, he slowly squeezed out two words from his mouth.


After being suppressed by King Yi's coercion, he only understood the various calculations in the Prince Yi's mansion at this time. No wonder his father would spend a lot of time and ignore everyone. The entire Prince Yi's mansion was owned by King Yi from the beginning Tools, the so-called kinship is just a part of the plan.

   "You really disappointed me when you said that about me, Grandpa." Yi Wang picked up 'Gong Kang', his tone still very calm.

  'Gong Kang' was thinking that he was really doomed now.

The premise of struggling is that he can still move. With his current state, let alone moving, even blinking is very difficult. The word hypocrisy is already his best effort, no more. up.

  He knew where he was going to be taken, the central area of ​​the blood sacrifice ceremony.

   And he is one of the sacrifices.

  Here, the sacrifice is divided into two parts, one is him, as the core sacrifice, and the other is naturally everyone in the whole city.

  As for the core personnel in Prince Yi's Mansion, such as his parents, some important staff, etc., they have already been transferred out long ago, using the reason that the crown prince concubine visits relatives.

  Although it seems a bit abrupt at first glance, it is also normal, and there is no reason to stop it.

  Followed by being dragged into the hall, 'Gong Kang' was stripped naked and thrown naked into the middle of the room.

  The chief steward who was serving him was busy at the moment.

After being put on, 'Gong Kang' could sense that the blood sacrifice had begun. Although he had already felt that the coercion exerted on him by King Yi had already withdrawn, those strange lines on the ground were absorbing his body little by little. of something.

This behavior is like turning the gears, and the blood-colored breath begins to gradually permeate. Whether it is the imperial master who is drinking in Yiwang's mansion or the ordinary people who are out for fun because of the Chaohua Festival, they are all being killed at the same time. absorbing.

   It's just different from 'Gong Kang', they didn't realize that they were being absorbed little by little, because of the huge base income, it naturally took a little time to realize it.

   But the problem is that it will be too late if something is wrong.

  By that time, the blood sacrifice ceremony was halfway through, and even if they wanted to leave, the ceremony would not let them go.

   Qin Muye, who was hiding aside, was also quite surprised when he saw this scene.

   "This blood sacrifice actually has this ability. It's really well thought out. I don't know how King Yi figured it out, or did he get it from other places?"

  Qin Muye thought for a while, and thought of a possibility.

   "Is it possible that it was given by the main body?" Qin Muye's brain twitched, thinking of this matter.

   After all, the ontology can interfere with the future, so naturally the past can also interfere through this hand.

   "Don't say it, there is really such a possibility. If this is a plan belonging to the ontology, everything will make sense."

   "It's just that the main body is so strong, and I'm still required to be the anchor of the struggle, so we can't find a more secure way." Qin Muye was also quite helpless.

   It's all here, then proceed according to the plan.

  Anyway, this is actually not a difficult task for him, it is nothing more than picking peaches, which he is familiar with.

   When it comes to hard work, he is not necessarily good at it, but when it comes to taking advantage, he has a lot of experience in his hands, not to mention that this process can be assisted by burning, killing and looting, so he is more confident.

   "Old dog, you will die~"

   "If I go out, you must pay the price!"

'Gong Kang' in the center of the altar insulted King Yi crazily. This pair of plastic grandparents is directly emotionally bankrupt. With this level of bankruptcy, it is estimated that they can only have a new grandson or new grandfather. If they really want to get along with each other, they will only get along with each other harm.

   On the contrary, King Yi was very calm, he didn't care about the insult of 'Gong Kang' at all, but said calmly: "If you don't want to, you can commit suicide."

   "The blood sacrifice will only draw the life of the Da Luo Jinxian from your body, and will not let you die. If you don't want me to become a Da Luo Jinxian, you can pay it off with death."

   "But would you dare?"

  As soon as these words came out, 'Gong Kang' was also taken aback by these words, he really didn't dare.

   You must know that in the past, his life was full of luxury and domineering, which can be described as boundless joy. Let him die, which is more terrible than being calculated.

  So he didn't dare to die, and he couldn't beat him. King Yi easily grasped the psychology of 'Gong Kang'.

   This made the atmosphere instantly awkward, and the original anger of 'Gong Kang' was replaced by resentment, scolding, the other party simply ignored him.

  Don't scold me, I feel aggrieved, and finally look very embarrassed.

   When it was abrupt, I found a familiar person standing beside me.

  Qin Muye saw that the other party noticed him, so he could only respond with an awkward and polite smile.

   "Wait, why are you here?" 'Gong Kang' said subconsciously.

   Upon hearing this, King Yi looked in the direction that 'Gong Kang' was looking at, but found nothing. He thought that 'Gong Kang' was playing tricks again, so he ignored it at all.

"You didn't find out? It's impossible. Others are there." 'Gong Kang' roared. At this moment, he finally understood that he was being used from the very beginning, whether it was his Grandpa Yiwang or someone with connections. Qin Muye was just using him.

   "If you say yes, then there is." Yi Wang followed the other party's words and said, without thinking of arguing with him at all.

   "Hey, have you ever thought about one thing, I am not a real person, but an existence you imagined due to various pressures, and everything is just your own behavior." Qin Muye tried to fool.

   It is probably because of this blood sacrifice that the other party will be aware of him. After all, he also wants to get involved in the results of this blood sacrifice.

  As soon as these words came out, King Yi next to him did not respond, but 'Gong Kang' fell into deep self-doubt.

   Otherwise, if the other party spoke, why would King Yi not respond, as if he didn’t know anything.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion