MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 781 Tian Xing is in the name, everyone has their own thoughts

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  Chapter 781 Tian Xing is in the name, each has his own thoughts

"The dog prince is really crazy these days, and so is the Yuan family. Not only did they not stop the name of that great family, but they worked together with him." Min Tao's tone was full of resentment, as if he was disgusted by someone. Same.

"The aristocratic family, aren't they all of this kind of virtue? You have found out what King Yi wants to do? I went to pull out the so-called requiem pile they built yesterday. As a result, I was killed by Prince Yi's mansion in less than half a cup of tea. The people on the team were pressed again, and the patrols were even stepped up." Gong Kang on the other side said with a dignified expression.

"There has never been one, but one thing can be found out, that is, this is definitely not a requiem pile, King Yi doesn't care about his grandson at all, how could he do such a thing for him with great fanfare, it is definitely King Yi's plan. " Min Tao said with a sinking heart.

   "In ten days, it will be the Chaohua Festival. I heard that it will be held in a big way in the city. Maybe there will be clues in two days. I am afraid that this matter has a lot to do with it." Gong Kang said immediately.

  This made everyone who was discussing in the mansion stunned for a moment. The whole city is forbidden to enter and leave. Why is there still a morning flower festival?

   "I sneaked into the management room of Prince Yi's Mansion and found the news that the ban in the city will be lifted tomorrow." Gong Kang immediately explained.

   Only then did everyone understand the cause and effect, but what the Yiwang Mansion did was too contradictory, which made everyone look a little surprised.

   "If this is the case, when the ban is lifted tomorrow, we must leave as soon as possible to avoid being caught by King Yi's lackeys." Min Tao said immediately with a flash of light in his eyes.

  Others agreed when they heard this. They killed the grandsons of King Yi before, so that they have been hiding everywhere these days, and they were even terrified. After all, people are hunting them everywhere.

  That is to say, Gong Kangyi has the courage to go out to investigate the news. If it were them, they would not have this ability at all.

  So now that they can leave, they must run away as soon as possible. As long as they leave the territory of King Yi, the other party will not have enough ability to handle them.

  Even if they had made similar psychological preparations before, after they actually met, their hearts were beating drums.

   These days, they have actually died a lot of people, and not every time they escape from the hunt is seamless.

   "No, we can't just leave like this, at least we have to find out what King Yi wants to do." Gong Kang immediately vetoed Min Tao's idea.

   "This matter is caused by us. If we leave, the people in this city will still return to their original appearance. Wouldn't it be a waste of our good intentions?"

   "While we have removed one evil, it is clear that this action has caused a greater harm."

   "The main purpose of our Tianxinghui is to eradicate the strong and help the weak, and to do justice for the sky!"

  When Gong Kang said this, the rest of the people were watching with cold eyes. If it was before, they would indeed be excited, but after experiencing the real beating, many things have no way to go back.

   "President, this matter has to be discussed again." Min Tao, as the vice president of the Tianxinghui, was originally Gong Kang's most loyal supporter, but at this time he also put forward the opposite opinion.

  They are all loose-person spiritual masters, and their original intention is to report to the group to keep warm. When they killed the grandson of King Yi, on the one hand, it was indeed to kill such a scourge.

  But after the killing caused such a big consequence, it was beyond their expectations. It's not that they haven't considered the real situation, but they just didn't expect it to be so terrible.

  So all of them are naturally discouraged now.

  Gong Kang didn't see the problem of his so-called Tianxinghui at this time, but was a little puzzled: "Do you have any good ideas?"

"At this time we should leave as soon as possible, rest for the time being, and it won't be too late to come back after the limelight in the future." Min Tao also found out that Gong Kang didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words at all, so he could only be tactful He said, no matter what, he is also the president, so he has to save face.

  Gong Kang was also silent for a while, feeling that what Min Tao said was indeed reasonable, he really needed to take a break at the punishment meeting this day, and everyone was having a rough time these days.

"Okay, just take a rest for the time being and wait until the Chaohua Festival is resolved. This matter is extremely urgent." Although Gong Kang felt that what Min Tao said was correct, he had to prioritize, and there were only ten days left to rest. We can wait until the matter is over.

  But when everyone heard this, they fell silent.

  The reason why they want to leave as soon as tomorrow's unblocking is to avoid this problematic morning flower festival, but it turns out that you are good enough to let them stay and be tough?

   Isn't this a disease of the brain?

  Qin Muye, who was standing aside and eavesdropping, almost laughed out loud. He really has no EQ, and he can't see any changes in his subordinates. If he hadn't had enough strength, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

   "You guys seem to have something to say?" Gong Kang also noticed that the mood of his younger brother seemed to be a little off, so he hesitated for a while before asking.

   "No, I'm just thinking about how to solve it. I don't know what the president can do?" Min Tao said so, but he was thinking about how to run away in his heart. He didn't want to stay and wait for death.

  Actually, he regretted it a little. When he formed the Tianxinghui, why didn't he think that Gong Kangguang had muscles but no brains.

The so-called eradicating the strong, helping the weak, and doing justice for the heavens is just a slogan. It’s the same as what you shout. Naturally, the reason for shouting this sentence is because it can better show that you are on the side of justice, so as to occupy the righteousness. .

  As for actually doing these things, I am afraid that few people are willing, and of course, they have no chance. Since their debut, the first thing they did was to kill the grandson of King Yi, and then they ended up like this.

   And their Heavenly Punishment Society has long been exposed to the eyes of Prince Yi's Mansion and Yuan's family, because many people have been arrested.

   It's just that these two forces didn't take them seriously at all. Instead, they were stumped by the Yiwang Mansion's Chaohua Festival operation, otherwise they would have been arrested long ago.

  I really thought they could have too much ability, only the chairman Gong Kang was a bit interesting, and the others were just a group of scattered people.

  In the entire Heavenly Punishment Society, there is not even a fairyland, all of them are of the strength of the mortal realm. It is indeed not easy to be able to make wind and rain with this strength.

   "I will hurry up to find out the truth in the next two days, and then we will act together." Gong Kang said in a very solemn tone.

  He is not a double-standard party. What he promises must be done by himself, not by others.

   "Okay, this matter will trouble the president." Min Kang's eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about something.

  Seeing this, the rest of the people also reluctantly responded, and they could tell displeasure at a glance, but Gong Kang didn't think too much, he only thought that the other party was tired.

  That's why I spoke to comfort: "Brothers, rest well, wait until you recover your energy, and then worry about it."

  The concern in these words is very sincere, but no one appreciates it.

   Qin Muye on the side frowned. He discovered a very serious problem, that is, there seems to be something wrong with Gong Kang.

  How did this guy survive until now? More importantly, the soul of the other party seems to be different.

  'The treachery seems loyal? '

  Qin Muye couldn't help but pop up such a word in his mind.

  ‘The person who was waiting for the grandson of King Yi in the restaurant was indeed the Tianxinghui, and the leader was also Gong Kang, which was obviously not the case at the time. '

  ‘There must be something wrong with Gong Kang. '

  Although it is possible that Qin Muye wronged Gong Kang, but with Gong Kang's current performance, how could his innocence be able to achieve such an achievement?

   Kindness and innocence are not the same.

  ‘So I’m more inclined to think whether Tian Xinghui was going to assassinate the grandson of King Yi at the beginning. There is a high probability that it may be some kind of transaction or refuge, and it’s just a change caused by some kind of accident. '

  'And this change, the biggest doubt point is Gong Kang. '

  ‘I remember that the grandson of King Yi and this President Gong seem to be following the Lingling Liu, not the Lingling Liu. '

  ‘But now, President Gong’s spirit beast seems to have disappeared. '

  Gong Kang declared to the public that he had taken the Lingling Flow, but as the creator of the Lingling Flow, Qin Muye could tell at a glance that the other party was not the Lingling Flow because the contract was still there.

  ‘Tsk, I just don’t know what the benefit of Prince Yi’s calculation of a small punishment would be? '

  'It's not a big force, but it's worth so much attention, or did the Prince Yi's Mansion discover something? '

  Qin Muye always felt that the water inside was a bit deep.

  (end of this chapter)

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