MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 748 The time difference between the two worlds, spiritual magic as medicine

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   "There is a problem with the flow of time, Gan, one to one point two???"

  Qin Muye is a bit clumsy, he has successfully connected to the laboratory equipment in the colonial world of Xuanzhen Realm, and has achieved the teleportation device.

   But a problem has arisen. Although the Xuanzhen Realm and the Yuling Realm may have been the same world in his eyes, because they have been separated for too long, there is a slight difference in the flow of time.

  It is probably because the time flow rate of Yuling Realm is 20% faster than that of Xuanzhen Realm, so after the two worlds are connected through equipment, there is a huge consumption.

There was no such reason before, it was because "Era of the Lords" gave him the bottom line, and directly synchronized the time flow of all the worlds he connected through the hyperspace teleportation channel. Now that Qin Muye has resigned, this kind of treatment is definitely not available. up.

   That's the treatment of their employees, which is not something an outsider like Qin Muye can enjoy, so this cost has to be consumed by oneself.

  But this is not a bad thing, at least Qin Muye can use this time-to-flow ratio for research.

"After the two worlds are connected, you can do things with peace of mind. Otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with the loss of contact with the Xuanzhen Realm." Although he put an avatar in the Xuanzhen Realm, the things that the avatar can handle are limited, and The leader of the Three Religions can also see through at a glance that the avatar is not the real body, so maybe they have to do something.

  He checked the situation of the avatar first, and found that the leader of the three religions did not come to him, maybe he came to look for him, and left when he saw that it was not the main body, and the avatar did not notice the arrival of the other party.

   Fortunately, these are not important, it is not a big deal.

  After reading it, there was no big problem, and I checked the feedback of the Shinto system. It has begun to damage the Xuanzhen Realm itself, but the leaders of the three religions did not notice it, but were dazzled by the huge Shinto interests.

   It's just that Qin Muye didn't relax his vigilance, maybe the other side was playing himself, but he didn't come over to kill him, which is enough to show that he hasn't been exposed yet.

   Afterwards, the energy naturally returned to the green caterpillar in his hand.

  Now it has experienced the first molt, from the original black thread to a normal blue bug, gnawing on the leaves leisurely.

   "There is no spiritual intelligence at all, no wonder you say you have no brains."

As for spirit beasts, the public generally likes spirit beasts formed from mammals such as cats, dogs, and apes, because such spirit beasts can be raised from a young age, and can understand orders to a certain extent even without making a contract in the early stage. If it is raised with care, this kind of animal can become more intelligent, and may even have acquired spiritual beast skills such as protecting the master and being loyal.

  Acquired Spiritual Beast Art is similar to Innate Spiritual Beast Art, it will only be born on some spirit beasts, and these spirit beasts need to have certain experiences and form a certain psychological and spiritual resonance.

It's like a protector, who can instantly return to the Imperial Spirit Master when he encounters danger, and his loyalty is even more incredible, he can form a connection with the Imperial Spirit Master in the dark, and share half of the damage for the Imperial Spirit Master .

These two acquired spirit beast arts are evaluated as the highest level of gods in the spirit beast arts. Who would not like their simple, rough and powerful abilities? That's not trash either.

It's a pity that the green caterpillar in Qin Muye's hand has no chance to give birth to these two kinds of acquired spirit beast skills. The birth of these two kinds of acquired spirit beast skills can only be done before the spirit beast contract. Once the contract is over, it will never be born again. , After all, they are 100% loyal after the contract, can this icing on the cake compare to giving charcoal in the snow?

  Insect Dao spirit beasts, it can be said that there are very few acquired spirit beast techniques, let alone green caterpillars, there is no relevant record at all.

   "However, the three natural spirit beast skills are complete, and I am worried that this product will not be successfully developed."

You must know that Qin Muye has been observing this green caterpillar for the past few days. The other party seems to be in a stable state, but there is always a feeling that he can't get up or down, especially the third natural spirit beast, which feels that he is about to degenerate. the same.

   Later, Qin Muye confirmed that this **** is about to degenerate.

  The use-in-use-waste-retire situation is also suitable for spirit beasts. The tough insect body is better, which is related to genetics and nutrition. The insect recovery is different.

  Because the green caterpillar is too weak, its self-healing ability can't play a role at all. For example, if it is prey, what is the use of self-healing ability? Is it used for regeneration in the stomachs of those insect-catching birds and beasts?

   In another thousand or eight hundred years, it is estimated that the green caterpillar will not have the innate spirit animal art of insect healing.

  When Qin Muye got this result, he was in a state of complete embarrassment. No wonder no one caught the three-year-old green caterpillar, but the second-born green caterpillar could be heard from time to time.

  So in fact, the three-day-old green caterpillar basically uses one less.

   "Eat, eat, eat, I only eat every day, and I still look heartless." Qin Muye looked at the appearance of the green caterpillar, his face darkened.

  If it wasn't for the experiment, Qin Muye could just throw it to feed the birds. Why should he be so exhausted, this thing has nothing to worry about eating and drinking all day long.

   "Huh~ But it's okay, your **** life is gone."

The green caterpillar that was gnawing on the leaves couldn't help but hesitate, and then its skin began to squirm, as if it had sensed the presence of a natural enemy, it just bent its body to investigate without noticing any danger, and then gnawed on the leaves on its own .

   "In addition to spinning silk, the four spirit beast arts of tough insect body, insect healing, steel will, and soul sublimation are all passive spirit beast arts. This kind of spirit beast art is the most difficult to improve the level of proficiency."

   "Fortunately, all we need is an operation."

  Qin Muye glanced at the green caterpillar, and sighed again: "Well, it's really not realistic to operate on this thing, so we can only drug it."

  The four spirit beast techniques are nothing more than physical fitness, mental quality, and soul strength.

  So the green caterpillar couldn't master it, so Qin Muye gave it experience medicine to help it improve its proficiency.

   This is also a last resort.

  As for silk spinning, forget it, let’s use medicine together, anyway, let this green caterpillar be trained, and it’s impossible to train silk spinning to heavenly level in three months.

It’s not that there are no spiritual beasts that have been fully trained at this stage, it’s just that no one can cultivate green caterpillars to such a wonderful level except for the founder of the mysterious evolutionary art of Xuansheng Moth. After all, the period of this stage of green caterpillars is too short up.

  Therefore, Qin Muye had to think of a way to activate this thing first. After all, he didn't know how to add points, so he could just call out to me and then increase the proficiency level of the spirit beast.

  After a while of busy work, Qin Muye rubbed out five experience pills and put them in a glass bottle, and then grabbed the green caterpillar that was happily gnawing on the leaves.

   "Okay, say goodbye to your leaves. From today on, you will never eat such fresh and tender leaves again. You can only eat experience pills that taste bad."

   "Eating five of them will probably make the Spirit Beast Art full level, if not, then eat five more, anyway, it's easier for me to rub."

   "Well, you have a cough for a month, and you can eat it in ten days. If you can't finish it, I will help you."

  When Qin Muye threw the green caterpillar into the glass bottle and watched it start to crawl out in a daze, he felt much better.

   After working for a while, the green caterpillar found that it was impossible to leave at all, and felt that the things under its feet seemed edible, so it took a bite immediately.

  How should I put it, Qin Muye almost laughed out loud.

  I saw the green caterpillar's skin twitching back uncontrollably, and two words were expressed all over its body, unpalatable!

   This is the taste specially prepared by Qin Muye. The green caterpillar has no taste system, but it is very easy for Qin Muye to make it feel the taste.

   There is no need to modify the green caterpillar, just modify the experience pill.

  After taking a bite, the green caterpillar arched its body and wanted to crawl out frantically, but it was a futile act.

"I'm telling you that this thing is a bit unpalatable, and I did it on purpose, but I'm doing it for your own good!" Qin Muye said brazenly, even though the green caterpillar couldn't understand him at all, Anyway, he thinks it's best for him to have a good time.

   "It's been a long time since I've been this happy." Qin Muye put the glass bottle away, and then devoted himself to research.

The research is naturally the flow rate ratio between Xuanzhen Realm and Yuling Realm. This is related to time, so naturally he has to study it carefully. After all, if he wants to break through to a higher level again instead of endless If it becomes stronger at level 9, research time is the best choice.

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