MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 746 The sublimation of the secret technique, Lingdi doubts

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   "If the green caterpillar is cultivated by myself, after it hatches, it will not be a problem for three days."

   "I also borrowed the two spirit beast arts of steel will and soul sublimation, and the rest is Time Dao resources."

   "I have to say, this evolution process is indeed very rough."

  After Qin Muye's in-depth study of the secret art, he also roughly knew the principle of the secret art of evolution of spirit beasts.

  It is to use the spirit beast to absorb resources to evolve, and the success is closely related to the spirit beast.

Just like the mysterious moth, the reason why these four spirit beast techniques are needed is also very simple. Only after the silk spinning reaches the sky-level proficiency can it start to absorb Time Dao resources. After all, spirit beasts like green caterpillars are too unbearable. If there is no cocoon formed by the worm silk spit out by the heavenly silk, it is afraid that it will not be able to absorb resources at all, and will be strangled to death by the energy of the resources.

  The remaining tenacious worm body, steel will and soul sublimation are purely to withstand the scour of energy and ensure that the spirit will not go wrong, and the soul sublimation is to induce it to evolve in the direction of Time Dao.

  Although it is rough, it is really useful.

  Of course, what Qin Muye said was that the evolution process is very rough, but the ratio of Time Dao resources is very delicate. If there is no corresponding ratio, what evolves is not necessarily a mysterious moth.

  Qin Muye is still very optimistic about this.

So he was actually thinking, if the resource types and proportions of Time Dao are modified, and the green caterpillars continue to evolve, they may get other types of insects and moths with dual attributes of the universe, or even more simply, get rid of the insect roads. Attributes, becoming the purest time dao spirit beast.

   Judging from the illustrated book of spirit beasts, pure time dao spirit beasts do not exist, most of the time dao spirit beasts actually exist as secondary attributes.

  It is like a mysterious moth, in fact, it uses the insect way as the main and the time way as the supplement.

  But Qin Muye is only interested in Time Dao, that is, time.

   Not interested in other attributes.

  So after the first Xuansheng Moth was born, Qin Muye would try to transform it into a pure Time Dao spirit beast.

"It's just that if you want to experiment, you need to have enough experimental subjects. That is to say, I have to produce black moths in large quantities. I don't have any problems, but I'm afraid that the Great Spirit Dynasty and the Great Family may not be able to withstand it. "

  Qin Muye did not mean a large number of 18,000, but more, so he had to reduce the cost of Xuansheng moths, and if he couldn't, then he could only save money.

  It is impossible for him to only study the mysterious moths. The mysterious moths are just the beginning. In the future, the green caterpillars will be used to develop moths with various time-dao natural spirit and beast skills.

   It is also very simple to choose green caterpillars, which have a large number and low cost.

  The material cost itself is high, so if the cost of the experimental body is also high, then Qin Muye will have no place to borrow it.

   "Who are you?!" A voice interrupted Qin Muye's thinking.

   "Oh, passers-by, you are busy with your work, don't pay attention to me." Qin Muye waved his hand, signaling to get out.

   But it was obvious that the other party not only didn't want to get out, but also wanted to give Qin Muye a good look.

   "Come here! A thief broke into the treasury without permission!!" The man hurriedly yelled.

  At this time, Qin Muye also woke up suddenly.

   "Damn it, I forgot that this is the treasure house of the Great Spirit Dynasty, not my living room, so careless" Qin Muye felt a little grassy.

  The person who yelled also had black hair. How could this be so strange, why can I forget it.

  However, he did not relax his vigilance. He was able to enter the treasure house of the Great Spirit without a sound.

  A large number of royal imperial masters and spirit beasts rushed in, many of them were of the Da Luo Jinxian level. The moment they saw Qin Muye, they immediately started to attack.

  It's a pity that no matter what kind of spirit beast technique falls on Qin Muye, it has no effect.

  Qin Muye took a lot of Time Dao resources and stuffed them into his bosom in an understatement.

   "You guys did it first. I'll take something as compensation, otherwise, if I lie down, it won't be the amount." Qin Muye said slowly while taking things.

  The spirit beast technique stopped after the first round of attack, because everyone present understood one thing, the opponent's strength was far superior to himself and others.

   Wanting to kill myself and others is just a matter of effort. Facing this kind of strong man, the other party let me go, and if I don't know what to do, then I will be asking for my own death.

   As for the items in the Great Spirit Treasure? To be honest, although what the other party took were all Time Dao resources, which were very precious, but compared with the entire treasure house, the value was not high.

   "The response was so fast, and he came back unexpectedly. I won't meet His Majesty Lingdi anymore. Please say hello for me and come to chat with him next time." Qin Muye's figure gradually dimmed and disappeared after speaking.

   Afterwards, Emperor Ling came, obviously aware of the problem.

   "What's going on?" Lingdi said, and behind him, a ghostly white tiger exuding a terrifying aura followed closely.

   All the people could only truthfully report the situation to Emperor Ling.

  Emperor Ling looked dignified.

   "A Hunyuan Dao Luo Jinxian who came out of nowhere, has a Hunyuan Dao Jinxian-level cosmic dao spirit beast. The resources taken away by the other party should be to cultivate the time dao spirit beast."

   Regarding Qin Muye, Emperor Ling didn't boast that he would kill the opponent directly. The opponent is so difficult to deal with, and he is good at running and hiding like a poisonous snake.

  It is also impossible for him to feel that the other party is incapable just because the other party hides his head and shows his tail, but the other party does not want to conflict with him.

"Sure enough, there are all kinds of capable people hidden in the folks. It seems that I am not alone!" Lingdi is not intolerant. Although Qin Muye is very strong, judging from the behavior of the other party, there is actually not much malice of.

  If there was malice, the murder would have been kept secret. If the other party hadn't deliberately exposed it, I wouldn't have come here.

  Those things that were taken? In fact, Emperor Ling didn't care too much. If it was a group of big Luo Jinxians attacking him, it would not be an exaggeration to kill the opponent himself, and it would not be too much to get something to compensate.

   "Okay, let's leave it as it is." Emperor Ling directly turned the matter over. The Great Spirit Dynasty could not afford to offend the other party, nor did it want to offend.

  Although I am strong, if I really want to fight, the Great Spirit Dynasty will definitely be destroyed.

  The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, and then naturally left after saying yes.

They wanted to provide Emperor Ling with a portrait of Qin Muye, but the next moment they suddenly found that they had no image or image of this person in their minds, as if it was a distant memory. They knew the existence of the other party, but they insisted on thinking Can't get up.

  Emperor Ling was not too harsh on this, but he confirmed in his heart that Qin Muye might have a secret spirit beast that could affect people's memory.

  There are countless spiritual beasts in the world, so Lingdi naturally dare not say that he knows them all.

  The incident just passed away like this, but Emperor Ling was thinking about it. He was trying to find a way to find Qin Muye, the unknown spirit master.

  The idea is very simple, I just want to cooperate with him.

   Killing is impossible. If Da Luo Jinxian still has a chance, he has no chance now.

  So the best way is to win cooperation and become an ally.

  In terms of this pattern, Lingdi still has some, just like the leader of the Three Religions, killing is the most hip-breaking solution. Not only may he not be able to beat the opponent, but he will also suffer from it.

  Emperor Ling acquiesced that Qin Muye was also a spirit master, so naturally he had many powerful spirit beasts.

  ‘It shouldn’t be those rebellious officials and thieves, otherwise they wouldn’t have left so easily. ’ Emperor Ling thought to himself.

Although the Great Spirit is thriving under his rule, it does not mean that all places are stable. Because of the existence of extraordinary power, naturally those imperial spirit masters who do not accept discipline have been born. Such people are generally for resources, spirit beasts, Spiritual animal art and so on have gone to evil ways.

  The Evil Daoist Spirit Master is not a good person. He will do anything to kill and set fire. As long as he can get what he needs, he will use any means.

   This became the key target of the Daling Dynasty.

However, compared to normal spiritual masters, the number of evil spiritual masters is still relatively small, and there are aristocratic families. Although sometimes the aristocratic families are actually behind the scenes of the evil spiritual masters, but for the sake of profit, more often they still cooperate with them. The imperial court has one heart.

  The Emperor Ling was thinking about which family's old monster Qin Muye broke through, and came here to say hello to him, but the greeting didn't seem to be complete.

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