MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 716 What to do? Bite the bullet and do it!

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  Through the special meeting point formed by the stone sculpture of ouroboros and the great fortune of the state, Qin Muye finally caught a little bit of clues about the Great Emperor of the Three Officials.

   "Another invisible and qualityless, illusory but real special template"

  Qin Muye hates this kind of enemy the most. In other worlds, Qin Muye could turn the world upside down and fight directly, but in this world, it's really hard to turn the tables.

   "This thing is not easy to solve, there is no entity."

  He is the fate of the country, and he is also the luck of the fortune. If he wants to solve him, he must first solve the fortune system, but he can't get around him if he wants to deal with the fortune system, forming a strange knot.

   "If I want to get through the dungeon, I have to get the corresponding equipment first. If I want to get the corresponding equipment, I have to get through the dungeon first. Don't tell me that."

   Fortunately, although it is a deadlock, it is not without a solution. He can just throw the whole deadlock into the safe. Anyway, no matter whether it is the fortune system or the three officials, they are one in themselves.

   "You're back, have you found a clue?" Qin Muye noticed Ji Shan.

   "A little bit, but not much." Ji Shan quickly communicated the information he had collected with Qin Muye.

  Qin Muye frowned the more he listened.

   "You mean that the Three Officials didn't exist since ancient times, but a strange life form that was born because of his spirituality after the death of Father Snake."

   "In this way, it seems that Father Snake's appearance is reversed because of memory?"

  Before the Snake Father died, the Three Officials did not exist. Instead, it was because of luck that suppressed the Snake Father and his spirituality, which formed such a concept-like existence over a long period of time.

   "If your evidence is true, then the plan really needs to be changed."

  His plan before was to find the other party and stuff it in, but now it's a little bit more troublesome.

"More than that, according to what you said, Dad, the other party probably formed a brand new sequence through Snake Father's Supreme Sequence. We probably won't be able to get it, but we must not spread it, otherwise there will be real problems." Ji Shan said solemnly.

   It's not that someone will grow up relying on the sequence, but the sequence itself may not be usable by ordinary people.

  Using it will not only not grow up like the snake father, but will also alienate into some terrifying existences, posing a threat to the entire world.

   "Threats and problems are things for the future. The problem now is how to catch the three officials. This is the key point." Qin Muye sighed helplessly.

   This is one of the most difficult enemies he has ever encountered. He can't find it, and he has a big secret on him, and he can't solve it by means of large-scale destruction.

   "Why do we want to arrest? Just force the other party out and let him throw himself into the trap."

   "Directly create the sealing equipment that seals the Yunchao system, dig the root of the opponent, and don't believe that the opponent can still sit still."

   "Even if he can sit still, without the fortune system, he is just a cloud without roots. Even if he hides, he will be just a rootless duckweed in the future."

   Ji Shan gave Qin Muye a good idea.

"The previous plan is very good, but with the spirituality of the highest sequence, even without the Yunchao system, the three officials are not rootless duckweeds, so this is embarrassing." Qin Muye explained that if it is the first three officials If the emperor absorbed the spirituality of the snake father, it can still be used. After all, the foundation is the fortune system.

But if it is as the result presented by Ji Shan's data, then the Yun Dynasty system is no longer the weakness of the Sanguan Great Emperor. The Sanguan Emperor has changed from the original Yun Dynasty rules to a system that combines the Yun Dynasty system and has a supreme sequence. special existence.

  The reason why Ji Shan said this out of nowhere is because he doesn't know about spirituality and the Supreme Sequence.

  That's why Qin Muye was so depressed. Who would have thought that a 9th-level person would make such a mistake, but then he thought that he might have been stabbed in the brain by a second-generation ancestor of Shushan, and everything went back to normal.

  ‘So everything is blamed on that ancestor of Shushan, just kill him, what do you do with the corpse in the big dry, either kill it cleanly, or don’t poke your brain, now it’s okay, if you don’t kill it cleanly, it will make Father Snake’s memory mess up. '

  Qin Muye also cursed secretly about this. As for why he didn’t dare to scold publicly, it’s also very simple. Killing a 9th rank opponent is no more difficult than killing a chicken. Now he doesn’t have "Lord Era" as his background, so of course he has to be cautious in his words and deeds.

   It's okay to make trouble with his own people, but he also understands that four words come out of his mouth.

   "Then what should I do?" Ji Shan could only ask what to do, otherwise what else could he do.

   "What else can I do, just bite the bullet and do it." Qin Muye rolled his eyes and said, he couldn't run, so he could only find a solution.

   "It's not impossible, but the amount of work may be a bit large."

Qin Muye's idea is very simple, isn't it just a seal? He is sure about this matter. The four technologies of folded state, reverse source matter, dynamic and static that he obtained from Shining Universe back then are used to imprison, restrict and restrain the 9th level of.

  As long as the technology is used properly, it is not a problem to imprison a three-official emperor, especially Qin Muye is much more ruthless than the GROX Empire. He not only needs to seal it, but also to take out the opponent's brain.

  Thinking about why the will of the universe can successfully escape from prison, it is not because he is strong enough, but because he has a brain, knows how to cooperate with the inside and outside, and knows how to instigate the jailer.

  So as long as the other party has no brains, there is no need to worry about problems.

The plan is the original plan, but the cost is not the original cost. Qin Muye originally planned to find a deserted place with poor mountains and bad waters and stuff the three officials into the seal, but now it can't be done, and the whole world has to be paid for it. Detention and Restriction.

  Otherwise, it may fail to close and cause you to run away.

  Besides, Qin Muye actually has selfish intentions, not really serving the public wholeheartedly.

  Take a piece of pork out of the refrigerator and put it back again. Don't get any oil on your hands. Qin Muye is not greedy, just a little bit of oil.

  For example, the brain of the Three Officials, if it is drawn out, it will not be able to give back to the world. Of course, Qin Muye kept it as a reward.

   "Are you still afraid of the large amount of engineering? This is really unusual." Ji Shan was also very surprised when he heard Qin Muye mention the amount of engineering.

   "Really, how is your subspace digging going?" Qin Muye changed the subject abruptly.

   This made Ji Shan feel bad, and then said vigilantly: "It's not bad, it's just a little bit worse."

   "What about the quantity?" Qin Muye asked again.

   "What do you want to do? You want to play and dig by yourself." Ji Shan's heart was full of alarm bells, and this was definitely trying to trick him.

   "I don't want to play, just ask." Qin Muye said with a smile.

   "One hundred and twenty-one subspaces have been dug everywhere." Although he thought it was not very good, Ji Shan still answered.

   "There are thirteen more, and I thought we could make up thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands. There are only thirteen left. Just make three mountains and ten continents." Qin Muye touched his chin and immediately made a decision.

   "I'll give you a design drawing, and you start digging according to the design drawing. I'm going to build it into secret places, ruins, grave buns and other things, and use it as some small nodes."

  Qin Muye quickly transmitted a design drawing to Ji Shan.

   After reading it, Ji Shan can be sure that he was really cheated.

"I have no objection if you want to build a cave, heaven and earth, three mountains and ten continents, but you can't let me dig it for you. When will I have to dig so many." This subspace is used as a node to suppress the Three Officials, but the problem is that he has to expand it, and the size he dug before is not enough.

This is the biggest problem. With his efficiency, at least he has to dig for ten or eight years with the support of Qin Muye. just work.

   "At most three years, not long, I'll help you." Qin Muye said without hesitation.

   "Don't let it go and talk nonsense to me, three years? If you can complete it in these ten years, you have helped a lot, unless you dig it yourself." Ji Shan said that you should not brag.

"I don't have time to dig. I leave the subspace to you. I still have to edit the software. This is much more difficult than digging the subspace." Qin Muye sighed, but he wanted to go. But the problem is that it doesn't work.

In addition to the Thirty-Six Caves, the Seventy-two Blessed Lands, and the Three Mountains and Ten Continents, he also needs to manufacture corresponding stabilizers, that is, the anti-mass force field itself. These subspaces are actually dynamic force fields in a folded state It is impossible to put together the key antimatter force field with the static force field.