MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 95 Extra Story: Xianyu Chapter (3)

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"Conquer me..."

The low hoarse voice was extremely seductive, and it hit He Yu's heart like a curse. Her brain buzzed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she became excited like she had taken medicine.

Did she understand what it meant?

But she was inexperienced, and the only time she slept with a woman, she was the one who slept, and fell onto the bed in a stupor.

Gu Jinxian kissed her ear, as if seducing her, her thin and soft lips contained her earlobe, gently teasing her.

The skills are very skilled and at ease.

All of a sudden, the passive becomes the active.

This is a veteran!

He Yu was tough and rebellious in his bones, so he didn't want to show weakness, so he turned his head to avoid her attack, grabbed her chin, and kissed her lips in revenge.

There was no space left between the lips, but they were a little stiff and clumsy. They exchanged breaths with each other, with ambiguous enthusiasm and thoughts that ignited the blood.

Like dry wood touching fire.

Gu Jinxian was panting heavily, with a charming smile at the end of her eyes: "It really is a fierce little wild horse..."

"Aren't you also a rose with thorns, eh?" He Yu looked down at her with a smile.

Unconsciously, the two of them collapsed on the sofa.

Gu Jinxian pressed He Yu, trying to tame her. He Yu was unwilling to be bound and struggled to resist.

Under the light, each other's lips were bright and red with blood, like ripe fruits waiting to be picked.

"Didn't you let me conquer you?"

"But you won't."

"You'll know if you try it."

"I don't mind teaching you first."

In the end, Gu Jinxian gained the upper hand and kissed He Yu until her whole body became weak. When she was about to continue the next step, she suddenly stopped and raised her hand to look at her watch.

"Time is up."

"What?" He Yu was stunned.

Gu Jinxian helped her up and explained, "My time has been allocated and planned, so I can't let myself go. I still have work tomorrow."

While talking, I sorted her messy hair and clothes.

He Yu snorted, a little disappointed: "You want to go?"

"Come back next time," Gu Jinxian stroked her face comfortingly, "I've been busy lately, please leave me your contact information, okay?"

The gentle and soft voice was like a pebble thrown into the lake of her heart.

It was obviously still very strong just now.

He Yu grabbed her collar, leaned over and bit her lip lightly, released it again, it didn't matter, then picked up the phone and opened WeChat, "You scan me."

"Okay." Gu Jinxian's smile deepened.

With WeChat, the two said goodbye, He Yu didn't send Gu Jinxian out, the latter was a little nostalgic, but left anyway. She sat alone in the private room, drinking the rest of the wine.

It was the first time that she met such an active person, which made her feel uneasy, but she couldn't help it. Who told her to like it too?

He Yu was planted.

She didn't know that her heartbeat could be so intense, and her pores were screaming from head to toe, and she couldn't hide it at all.

So much so that she doubted whether she really liked Wen Ning before, how could she endure like that? So that others can't see it at all? Maybe she didn't like it that much at all, maybe she just confused close friendship with love, and now she is really alive.

The weather was getting colder and colder, Gu Jinxian came twice, but the time was very short, and it took twenty minutes to sit and drink a glass of wine.

He Yu always greeted her with a smile, let her go with a smile, never acted like a spoiled child, never held back.

There is not much time for chatting on WeChat, and the two are busy with their own careers.

She knew that the "river fish" was actually He Yu.

She also knew that the full name of "A Xian" was Gu Jinxian.

When He Yu searched for the name "Gu Jinxian" on the Internet, there was only one encyclopedia that introduced the date of birth and identity, and there was not even a photo. She was in a complicated mood.

How to conquer such a person? She was almost conquered.

I don't know how long this dewy relationship can last. She let herself be tempted, let herself fall into the whirlpool, even if the skin peels off in the end, it doesn't matter, she just wants to be vigorous once in this life...

After Christmas, Gu Jinxian gave herself a holiday.

In the past, every winter, she would take the children out on vacation, starting at about two years old, in a warm place one year and a cold place one year. I went diving in New Zealand last year and decided to go skiing in the Alps this year.

She sent He Yu a WeChat message: [Going on vacation? ]

He Yu: [Where? ]

Gu Jinxian: [Switzerland. ]

At that time, she was packing things at home, and there was not much luggage to bring, and the servants were busy and orderly.

He Yu: [I am in South Africa and have no time recently. ]

Then posted a picture of the penguin.

The hope was lost, Gu Jinxian felt a little regretful, staring at the photo of the penguin and smiling, she knew that He Yu likes to travel, and the ability to survive alone is very strong, like a bird, where it flies.

She can't catch such a person.

But the more she can't catch it, the more she wants to get it back...

Gu Jinxian: [Pay attention to safety, see you when you return home]

He Yu: [Okay. ]

With a simple word, they chatted with each other without even sending an expression.

Gu Jinxian raised her hand and touched her lips.

The first time I kissed a woman, the first time I had a desire for a woman, the wildfire on her lips scalded her fingers, and I remembered the feeling of heart palpitations...

She couldn't help but smile happily.

"Gu Dong—" the personal assistant called her softly, "I have sorted out the accompanying list."

Gu Jinxian regained her senses and looked down at the ipad handed by the assistant. In addition to the bodyguards, nanny pilots, etc., there were also photos and information of several young men. Tender meat.

She turned a few pages and frowned.

Seeing this, the personal assistant quickly explained: "These are arranged for you by the second lady. The schedule matches your time. The second lady said that even if you don't need it, you can bring it with you."

"How many people does she want to support?"


"What else did you say?"

"there is none left."

The entertainment brokerage industry is the smallest of the three major parts of the family. My sister, Gu Jinrao, likes it very much. She has been chasing stars since she was a child, and her pursuit is organized, planned, and professional.

Since then, Gu Jinxian has often received "surprises" from her sister, but she has returned them intact.


Gu Jinxian looked impatient, and said coldly, "Let her enjoy herself."


In the afternoon three days later, the group arrived in Switzerland.

Gu Jinxian owns two properties here, one of which is near the Jungfraujoch and the ski resort. She and her children live on the third floor, and her entourage live on the first and second floors.

Surrounded by silver, the swan-haired snowflakes fell one after another, and the flowers and plants in the yard were covered.

It was getting dark, Gu Jinxian played with the two little babies in the snow for a while, had dinner, and posted positioning updates in the circle of friends. Back in the room, she asked the nanny to take the children to take a bath, and she also took a medicated bath in comfort.

The big secretary left her a message three hours ago:

[Both cars are in the name of the youngest son of the Qiu family, and the detailed information and driving route are in the file. ]

Below is a document.

She opened it and looked, a suspicious look appeared in her eyes.

The Qiu family has five children. She has dealt with the eldest son and eldest daughter. She has met the fourth child, Qiu Yiran, at Gu Chixi's wedding, and she does not have a deep friendship.

Could it be that He Yu has any grudge with the Qiu family?

She clicked into He Yu's chat box and typed three words: Are you asleep?

After hesitating for a moment, delete it again.

— Tuk Tuk Tuk

The door rang, then was pushed open, and two little babies ran over in cute dinosaur pajamas: "Mom—"

Gu Jinxian immediately put down her phone and took the lead in hugging her daughter who was at the forefront, with a gentle smile on her brows and eyes: "It's so fragrant, baby." She kissed her daughter's face as she spoke.

"Mom, you always hug your sister first..." The little boy looked at her aggrieved by the bedside.

Gu Jinxian was stunned for a moment, and quickly hugged her son and kissed him, "It's all mother's baby."

After such a coax, she forgot the matter and doubts, and she played with the child for a while, and at about the same time, she turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next day, she slept until she woke up naturally. Gu Jinxian changed her gear and took the children to the ski resort. They played on the greenway all day.

Going home for dinner, she suddenly received a message from He Yu.

A location located near the Qing Bar.

He Yu: [Come here. ]

tone of command.

Gu Jinxian was stunned, but her first reaction was whether He Yu might have been hacked, and someone else sent her this location. Then she thought that her whereabouts were leaked, and many possibilities...

Shouldn't have posted that positioning update yesterday.

She immediately asked the nanny to take the children upstairs, changed clothes, and went out with two bodyguards. Before leaving, she explained to the bodyguards who stayed behind to strengthen their vigilance.

It turns out that she thinks too much.

There are people of all skin colors sitting in the Qing bar, black, white, yellow, some chatting with friends in a low voice, some quietly drinking alone, with a stage in front of it, and a microphone with a sense of age standing in the middle.

He Yu stood on the stage, wearing a long brown floral dress of literary style and an off-white fluffy blanket, her long hair was slightly curled and draped, and she was singing affectionately.


She held the microphone in her hand, her expression was intoxicated, her mouth uttered unfamiliar pronunciation, her body swayed gently to the lingering sympathy tune, her face was pure, and there was a lustrous and delicate feeling under the dim warm orange light.

A fierce little wild horse that was hard to tame, turned into a charming little wild cat.

Her voice was low and full of breath, and every word had a sense of vicissitudes of life, as well as unspeakable heartache.

Gu Jinxian lost her mind.

He Yu saw her.

The two eyes met, intertwined like spider silk.

At the end of the song, He Yu got off the stage and walked towards Gu Jinxian, looked at her for a moment, took her hand, and sat in the empty seat next to her. There were two glasses of wine on the table.

"Not in South Africa?"

"I miss you, I'm here."

He Yu held her chin and looked at her with burning eyes, "How do I sing?"

"It sounds good," Gu Jinxian curled her lips, "Do you speak German?"

After all, the two raised the cups at the same time and touched it.

He Yu took a sip of wine, leaned over to her ear and lowered her voice: "Can you say 'ichliebedich'?" He pecked her ear.

Gu Jinxian took a deep breath and grabbed the man's wrist, "The fastest way to learn a language is to start with swear words words."

"I don't know dirty words, you teach me?"

"It's enough to have a love talk."

The two of them rubbed their ears together, as if nothing else.

After drinking and sitting for a while, the nanny called and said that Miko and Joe were arguing about seeing Mom. Gu Jinxian answered a few words, hung up the phone, and took He Yu's hand, "Let's go, go to my place."

"Where do you live?" He Yu stood up.



Next to the Qing Bar is an apartment hotel. He Yu went up to pick up her luggage, put on a down jacket, and took Gu Jinxian's car all the way to "home".

Only then did she realize that this home is not that home, it is just a house.


As soon as they entered the door, the two little babies rushed over and hugged Gu Jinxian's waist like a pendant, but before they could speak, they looked at He Yu curiously.

He Yu was stunned in place.


A married woman?

There was a "boom" in her head, and she was completely stupid.

"Baby, this is Aunt He, mother's friend." Gu Jinxian introduced with a smile, rubbing the little heads of the two children.

The two little guys said one after another: "Hello Aunt He."

He Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled awkwardly: "Hello..."

What a shit!

She is the third child!

"Mom, my brother and I have put together the big jigsaw puzzle, come and see." Miko pulled the corner of her mother's clothes, and the little milky voice was soft and coquettish.

Gu Jinxian couldn't stand the child's coquettishness the most, and her bones were softened, but she didn't forget to settle He Yu first, so she coaxed softly: "Good, mom will come over later, you go upstairs first, okay?"

"Well, good."

As an older brother, Joe is unconsciously sensible and leads his sister upstairs without saying a word.

Gu Jinxian turned around and saw that He Yu's face was not very good, she was stunned, she seemed to understand something, and hugged her to explain: "I have never been married, Joe and Miko were artificially transplanted into my stomach, dragon and phoenix."

He Yu: "…"

She got it.

A woman of this caliber can be single and have children.

It was her who made the fuss.

"...Oh." He Yu rubbed the tip of her nose shyly and changed the subject, "Which room do I live in?"

The gloomy heart turned cloudy and sunny in an instant.

Gu Jinxian took her hand and said, "Of course you will stay with me."

The master bedroom on the third floor is very large, with more than 100 square meters, and is only separated from the parent-child room next door by a sliding door.

Gu Jinxian asked He Yu to take a bath first, then turned to go to the next door. The time with the child always passed very quickly. Today, for some reason, I was a little anxious and wanted to put the child to sleep immediately.

Finally, the babies went to bed, and she couldn't wait to return to the master bedroom, just as He Yu came out of the bathroom and walked past her in a thin, semi-transparent nightdress with suspenders.

Gu Jinxian stared at her long and white legs and rolled her throat: "Will it not be cold wearing this to sleep?"

"The less you wear, the better you sleep." He Yu didn't care, twisting her waist like a tender wicker, she climbed onto the big round bed.

Gu Jinxian's eyes darkened, she didn't speak, she turned and went into the bathroom.

After a while, she came out in her bathrobe.

He Yu was lying on the bed reading a book, her two slender, white calves were cocked up and swayed, and the skirt swayed up with the movement, and the scene was fragrant.

"Do you want to go skiing together tomorrow?" Gu Jinxian asked casually, approaching quietly.

He Yu snorted, and was about to raise her head when suddenly her back sank, and something hot and soft pressed against her. She was stunned and struggled subconsciously.

Gu Jinxian was lying on He Yu's back, her knees and arms resting on the sides, and she bent down to kiss her ears, "I'm very happy today..."

A stream of hot air blows to the side of the neck.

He Yu shivered, snorted and said, "Let me get up."

"No," Gu Jinxian chuckled and slowly pulled out the straps of her sleeping robe, "I want to tame your little wild horse."


"How about trying?"

"Just you..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Jinxian quickly tied her hand with a tie, tied a bow, and then turned the person over with force.

He Yu panicked, gritted her teeth and said, "Gu Jinxian, you king. You bastard—"

Lips blocked.


The song sung by the river fish: "Eineweltohnedich"

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