MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 91

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In summer, the days are long, and it is still a little bright at seven o'clock.

People came and went in front of the group building, scattered to the subway station and the bus station. A black bodyguard car pulled out of the basement, followed by a white Phantom, and finally a bodyguard car.

Gu Jinxian sat in the back row, her face turned sideways, her expression a bit tired.

The phone screen lights up.

She lowered her head and slid her fingertips across the green key: "How is it?"

"At present, more than 200,000 people have joined, and the accumulated funds are nearly 100 million. She is almost crazy with joy." The voice of a young man came from the phone.

The corners of Gu Jinxian's mouth twitched slightly, and she said softly, "Close the net."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, an unfathomable smile appeared in her eyes.

The road was a little blocked, and before you knew it, the car drove to the middle of Luojiang South Road, the sky slowly darkened, and the street lights on the street lit up with a cold white light.

The inside of the car was a little dull, Gu Jinxian rubbed her temples, opened the curtain, and lowered the window.

A hot air rushed in.

She squinted slightly, glanced at the storefront on the street, and stopped suddenly.

Nearby is a bustling business district. On the whole street, this store called "Fingertip" is the most conspicuous, with soft and charming pink and purple lighting, bright but not gaudy, it is a bar.

There is a light pole at the entrance of the store, on which is the pattern of two women hugging together, pink and a little ambiguous.

Gu Jinxian stared at it for a few seconds, and suddenly understood, she somehow remembered her sister and her wife...

She hasn't entered the domestic les yet.

After passing the door, she looked away and said to the driver, "Find a place to park."

"Okay." The driver pressed the earphone to notify the front and rear cars.

The entrance to the underground car park is just around the corner.

After parking the car, Gu Jinxian explained, take the elevator up, the first floor is a department store, go out the gate and cross the road, diagonally opposite is the "fingertips".

"You are at the door." She said to the two plainclothes bodyguards behind her and pushed open the door.

The lights in the bar are dimmed, and there is a light lyrical music. The air is filled with the light smell of nicotine and perfume, and the atmosphere is charming. Although it was still early, many people were already seated.

As soon as Gu Jinxian entered, she attracted a lot of attention.

Some wear heavy makeup, some face the sky, some wear a mix of hip-hop styles, and some are hard to tell at first glance. The environment is very clean, and it looks no different from an ordinary bar.

She glanced around, like a big boss coming to inspect the work, went straight to the bar, and sat down.

The bartender is a handsome T and is focusing on bartending.

The waiter took the initiative to hand over the wine list, but Gu Jinxian didn't look at it, just glanced at her watch and said, "Belarus."

She has forty minutes.

After waiting for a while, she looked up and looked around, and suddenly realized that what she was wearing was extremely incompatible with the atmosphere here, and seemed out of place. From time to time, there are eyes around her, gazing at her.

She was the only one at the bar, and there were many people sitting on the counter. On the dance floor, twos and threes of graceful women swayed gently to the rhythm of the music.

After a while, the bartender brought the wine in front of her and smiled at her. He was originally standing two or three steps away from her in the bar, but now he is standing diagonally in front of her.

Gu Jinxian thanked her in a low voice, without noticing, she picked up the cup and took a sip.

The fragrance of cream, the sweetness and bitterness of coffee, the vodka is not too strong, and the taste is qualified. She put down the cup, nodded habitually, and continued to look.

People gradually increased.

Suddenly, there was a commotion, and someone took the stage.

The dance sounded.

Two people, one wearing a dark blue suit with shoulder-length hair, and the other wearing a pink dress with big curls, danced "troublemaker" on stage. They cooperated tacitly, and the rhythm was just right, especially the women in suits.

Gu Jinxian looked at her lightly.

Every movement of hers is full of power, but not too forceful. She can retract it freely and neatly, like a warm fire, but it burns with restraint. Just looking at it, there is a feeling of conquering and being conquered.

The suit was tucked in at the waist, and the front was opened, revealing a black tube top, half of the waistline dyed white by the lights, and the straight trousers complemented the slender legs.

The distance is a little far, and she can't see her specific appearance clearly, and the light only outlines a slightly sharp face.

A reckless wild horse.

Gu Jinxian's eyes didn't have any ups and downs, and when it was over, she withdrew her gaze, took a sip of wine, and glanced at her watch, there were still twenty minutes left.

There were cheers from the other side of the stage, the music was changed, and the people were changed.

One third of the wine left.

"Sister Qian, pour me a glass of water."

There was a person sitting next to him, two positions apart, his voice was a little panting, and he called the bartender in a familiar tone.

"Okay." The bartender smiled and poured a glass of water and handed it over.

She grabbed the cup and drank it.

Gu Jinxian looked sideways, this person had loose hair, only wearing a short vest, showing half of the waist, the vest line was clearly visible, the bottom was dark blue long trousers, pointed high heels.

The man who danced the male steps on the stage just now.

A large butterfly "perched" on her shoulder. The edges of its wings were black, gradually turning inwards into a deep sapphire blue, and the tail of the wings was dotted with a touch of red, like sparks falling on dark silk.

The textures are so lifelike that they seem to fly at any time.

The corner of Gu Jinxian's mouth evoked a very faint arc of surprise: "Blue-striped pine clam butterfly..."

The man was stunned and turned around.

Eyes meet.

It was only when he got closer that he could see clearly. His facial features were as deep as mixed blood, the bridge of his nose was high, and there was a bit of a stubbornness between his eyebrows, but he was not sharp.

She has read countless people, and she classified this appearance into the "recognizable beauty" category.

He Yu was a little absent-minded, staring at her for a few seconds before she realized that she was talking about the tattoo on her shoulder, she choked for a while, not knowing what to say.

Self-isolation for too long, even polite words will not speak.

"A very rare variety," Gu Jinxian gently shook the remaining wine in the glass, "is it compared to the pictures on the Internet?"

He Yu continued to chat along her words: "No, I have seen it with my own eyes."


"In the past two years, I went to South America and Central America to play. I saw this butterfly in a forest in Mexico. I thought it was very beautiful, so I took it as a tattoo."

"In Taxco City?"

"Have you been there too?" He Yu raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Chatting with strangers at the bar, at most polite words, she has not been in a good state recently, and she doesn't want to talk to people very much, but this person in front of her somehow gives her a feeling that she can't ignore, and she can still chat after a few words.

Only then did she start to seriously look at each other.

He is tall and slender, and the clothes are low-key and intellectually light, with beige and elm wood, a simple style, and the lighting is dim and you can't see anything fancy.

She turned her face sideways, her long black hair was glowing, her ears had two tiny studs, the corners of her mouth were naturally upturned, her lips were red with a brown tone, and the corners of her eyes and brows showed the style of a mature woman.

It seems to be many years older than her, but it looks like her.

Something attracted her.

He Yu pursed his lips, not thinking deeply.

People come and go in the bar every day, and there are many beauties of all kinds.

"I've been there for work reasons, and I'm with the team." Gu Jinxian said casually.

He Yu recovered: "Oh, I went alone."

"one person?"

"Well, what's the matter, is it weird?" He Yu smiled, the bartender was helping other guests with drinks, and she poured water for herself.

Gu Jinxian shook her head: "Warrior."

"It's not that exaggerated. The local people are pretty good. There is a village over there where all Indians use this kind of butterfly as a totem..."

Talking about her experience of playing outside, He Yu gradually opened the conversation box. Her voice was low, her tone was lazy, and her words were incoherent. It was as difficult to control as when dancing on the stage.

Gu Jinxian slowly drank the rest of the wine while listening.

"Stop talking," He Yu said, standing up and stretching, "I still have something to do, you drink slowly."

She turned and took two steps, looked back again, and disappeared around the corner of the front porch.

Gu Jinxian looked down at her watch.

Five minutes left.

After drinking, it was about the same time, she paid the bill, stood up, and called the driver as she walked out.

As soon as I got in the car, another call came in.

Gu Feiyuan.


"Big sister, is it convenient for you to go home? I have something to ask you." The boy's tone was careful and polite.

Gu Jinxian frowned lightly: "On the phone."

"I can't explain it clearly, it's better to talk about important things in person," he begged softly, like a child who is coquettishly asking for toys, "Please, sister, I'll take up a little of your time, half an hour? Is it ok? If it's inconvenient tonight, it will be fine tomorrow morning and afternoon, you have the final say."

Gu Jinxian looked at her watch. At 7:52, it would take at least half an hour to get to the main house of the Gu family, to talk for half an hour, and to return to her own home from Gu's house for about half an hour.

Get home before ten o'clock, so I can meet the kids before they go to bed.

"Okay." She hung up the phone and said to the driver, "Go to take care of the house."

The main house of the Gu family was brightly lit and looked lively, but it was dead silent inside.

After Wang Liya fled, the house was empty, only Gu Feiyuan came back from time to time, and the servants relaxed, idle every day, and everywhere looked desolate.

Gu Jinxian took six bodyguards to the second floor of Nanyuan.

Gu Feiyuan was startled by this battle. He hugged the pillow and bounced off the sofa, thinking that something had happened. When he saw Gu Jinxian, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Eldest sister, what are you talking about? It scares people to death."

Makes it seem like he's going to ambush her.

"Long story short." Gu Jinxian glanced around the room and sat down.

"Okay," Gu Feiyuan approached her enthusiastically, "Who was that friend you went to the wedding last time?"

Gu Jinxian frowned when she heard the sound, and looked down at her watch, "You have already asked me this question."

After saying that, she moved and sat on the single sofa next to her.

"But you didn't say it."

"Why, are you interested?"

"It's Gu Chixi, right?" He was too lazy to go around in circles.

Gu Jinxian was stunned for a while, and said slowly, "I don't know when you started paying attention to her, if it was just to vent your dissatisfaction..."

"Her wife is my girlfriend's, oh no, my ex-girlfriend's cousin." Gu Feiyuan interrupted.

"what happened?"

He made everything clear.

Gu Jinxian's face was gloomy and uncertain, she was silent for a long time, and said, "A paternity test can be done for more than five weeks of pregnancy, and you can take your ex-girlfriend there. If the child is yours, pay the abortion fee and recuperation fee, and solve it more cleanly. Otherwise, I don't want to lose face."

"Hey, it's too much trouble, I don't want to see her at all right now, I'm just doing the same thing with Dad's mistress..." He said irritably.

"Besides, sister, if you didn't hide it and tell me that it was Gu Chixi earlier, I would have found out, and this would not have happened at all."

Gu Jinxian glanced at him, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth: "You hate them, and you are making 'them', saying that every father must have a son. In this respect, you have inherited it well, and even mutated and evolved. blue."

"Ah?" Gu Feiyuan raised his head blankly, "I'm not the same as Dad, I'm single, I..." He paused and suddenly recalled, "Eldest sister, are you scolding me?"

The ancient hanging bell "clicked" and rang nine times in succession, exactly nine o'clock.

Gu Jinxian looked down at her watch and stood up: "Deal with your own affairs. If you think it's troublesome, you can spend some money. If there is a scandal, it's good for you."

She turned to leave, and the bodyguards followed in turn.

Wen Ning accompanied her cousin to make an appointment for an abortion.

On the third day after the completion, Xu Anruo received a transfer of 100,000 yuan and a text message with only five words: clear, get away.

She was heartbroken.

The "friends" I met at the club usually seem to be very close. During the time she disappeared, she didn't say a word of greeting. No one remembered her in the circle of friends eating, drinking and having fun day and night.

She blocked one by one, including "A Yuan".

After living for two months, Wen Ning accompanied her every day. During the period, her aunt called to ask, helped to hide it, bought her all kinds of delicious and fun things, and made her happy, for fear that she would be depressed. In the hottest and busiest two months of the year, Wen Ning was stunned that one group did not fly.

Gu Chixi asked the cabin department to suspend the schedule, and the salary was settled according to the 70-hour flight per month, and the smuggling account was called to her.

"Cousin, it's better for you and sister-in-law..." The little girl cried with Wen Ning in her arms, "I'm really sorry for you, I've caused you trouble."

Wen Ning comforted her as if she was coaxing a child: "Don't cry, don't cry, where's the trouble, I treat you as my sister, don't feel too guilty, things will pass, come out, and your life will pass one fifth."

"I will never fall in love again, men are not good things." She choked.

Wen Ning took a piece of paper, wiped her tears, and said, "There are good men, but you can't find them with your current eyesight, so first cultivate yourself. Of course, it's not all about finding good men."

"...Well." Xu Anruo closed his eyes.

The heat gradually receded, and the first rain of autumn fell.

The decoration design plan of the new house was officially finalized, and the materials for decoration began to be prepared. Wen Ning and Gu Chixi took time to go.

The house is located on the north bank of the Luojiang River, with a height of fifty-nine floors, two houses with four ladders, and a 520-level duplex level. Standing on the balcony, you can see the scenery on both sides of the Luojiang River and have an extremely wide field of vision.

The interior is still in rough form.

Wen Ning looked at the design drawing with an ipad in hand, walked from the entrance and porch to the guest dining room, which was transparent from north to south, and said as she walked: "In the picture, there is an empty space behind the sofa, I think it can be made into an open study, plus a built-in bookcase. …”

Gu Chixi smiled and nodded: "Okay."

She took her hand and the two continued to walk inside.

There are 300 square meters downstairs, three suites, a guest dining room, a kitchen, a gym, and a wine store. The kitchen is divided into a Chinese kitchen and a western kitchen. The large balcony is 16 meters wide.

"Will it be a waste to use all three as guest rooms?" Wen Ning stood in the corridor and looked around.

Gu Chixi glanced around and hugged her waist from behind, "Well, there is one more important functional room missing."


"Love. Fun room."


Gu Chixi kissed her ear, "Take one of them as a love room, don't put a bed, put all kinds of toys, such as small leather whip, handcuffs..."

"Then go upstairs to sleep when you're tired, right?" Wen Ning's eyes twitched.


"Wouldn't it be better to do one directly in the master bedroom upstairs? Save yourself the need to climb up and down."

"Ningbao is so sweet."

Wen Ning's smile gradually became dangerous.


"Old color. Approval!"

Gu Chixi was hit on the forehead.

Wen Ning blushed and ran away, Gu Chixi chased her, and the two walked around the first floor like hide and seek.

At first, Gu Chixi was still able to chase Wen Ning around in circles, but gradually he couldn't keep up with his physical strength. He was wearing high heels again, so he was a little out of breath. Although Wen Ning was running in front, he looked back from time to time. When he saw that she was wrong, he stopped immediately. .

"No more trouble."

Wen Ning turned back and hugged his wife, holding her hand, "Go upstairs."



Upstairs is two hundred and twenty square meters, with its own small elevator. Behind the entrance of the stairs is a small living room. Going deeper, there are double master bedrooms. The central line is symmetrical and connected.

Exactly the same floor-to-ceiling glass wall, two-meter large bed, dressing table, shared large bathroom and large cloakroom, two doors in the middle are connected, and there is a panoramic sunbathing room in the deepest part.

"The designer is so good, so if we quarrel, close the door and sleep on our own, then make up, open the door and roll together, hahaha..." Wen Ning looked down at the design, then looked up again The structure of the room is delightful.

Gu Chixi reached out and pinched her ear, and said with a smirk, "Is your head full of thinking about arguing with me?"

"In case, in case."

"There is no case."

"How can wives and wives in the world not quarrel?" Wen Ning tilted her head and thought for a while, "My parents have always had a good relationship, but they have also quarreled, and quarrels are sometimes a form of communication."

"That was not what I meant…"

Gu Chixi sighed, grabbed her hand and put it in his palm, his eyes were deep: "Ningbao, if I can communicate peacefully, I will never quarrel with you, even if there is a quarrel, I will be the first to apologize to you and not give Your chance to close."

Wen Ning looked at her, bit her lip involuntarily, her eyes filled with shame.

"Then this design doesn't work."

"No, what the designer actually means is that the period of love is like glue, and I can't wait to stick together every day. After a long time, sleeping separately is beneficial to emotional stability." Gu Chixi explained while gesturing.

Wen Ning nodded understandingly.

After turning upstairs, they went down hand in hand, and finally came to the balcony of the living room.

Nearly 60-storey high-rise buildings overlook the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Luojiang River. The north bank is the bustling urban commercial street, connecting the old city, and the south bank is the CBD. Boats of all sizes on the river shuttle, the aerial view is clear, and there is a kind of inclusiveness to the world. sense of expanse.

Wen Ning leaned on the railing, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed, "Will it be too space for two people to live here? If there are more people, it would be better to have children..."

Gu Chixi hugged her from behind, and when she heard the words, her smile condensed.

"Do you want children?"

"I really want to," Wen Ning opened her eyes and grinned, "I want a little loli, and then the three of us play hide-and-seek at home, hahaha... Isn't it fun?" She turned her face and rubbed.

"Wife, do you want to?"

Gu Chixi lowered his eyes and did not answer.

The shadow brought by her childhood experience may take her whole life to eradicate. She always believes that creating and nurturing life is a sacred and difficult thing, and a person like her who is hard to remove must not be able to do well.

Bringing a life into the world without adequate preparation will make her feel like she is doing something wrong.

"I want to think about it again..." she whispered.

Wen Ning seemed to feel it, turned around, cupped her face with both hands, and pressed her soft lips to kiss her, "I understand."

After transferring the house, the two returned to Tianhe Bay.

The car turned into the community, and Wen Ning saw a man wandering in front of the house from a distance, with a medium build, wrapped in a gray coat, with messy hair, and looked a little familiar.

As we got closer, I finally saw clearly—

Gu Chixi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, frowned: "My mother?"

Wen Ning stopped the car, and the two went down together. As soon as Yang Yi saw them, she rushed over, "Xixi... save me... hurry up and save mom..."

Gu Chixi was staggered.

Wen Ning quickly supported her, pushed Yang Yi down, and stared vigilantly.


"I don't want money."

Yang Yi grabbed her hand and shook her head desperately: "I'm not asking for money, Xixi, only you can save my mother, you..."

Gu Chixi said impatiently, "What's wrong?"

I haven't seen each other for more than half a year, Yang Yi has lost a lot of weight, her originally plump cheeks are slightly sunken, her cheekbones are also a little convex, there are rare wrinkles on her face, and her whole body has become haggard.

At the beginning of the year, she wanted to marry Little Wolfdog. The other party said that a big boss she knew had recommended a financial project, and she was going to start a business first, and then go to get a certificate when it became stable. The little wolf dog's sweet words made her happy, and she joined it. The little wolf dog could do whatever he wanted, thinking that he was going to make a fortune and become rich.

She collected tens of millions on the front foot, and then someone else called the police on the back foot. Only then did she know that this was illegal fundraising.

The little wolf dog is missing.

The police are looking for her.

After speaking, Yang Yi gasped heavily, tears streaming down her face.

"Xixi... Mom doesn't want to go to jail, can you save me one more time? Please..."

"I can't help it either." Gu Chixi looked at her coldly.

The mess has been cleaned up once, and it will not be cleaned up again. Moreover, the situation this time is completely different from the last time, and there is no comparison.

Yang Yi burst into tears, grabbed Gu Chixi's clothes and begged: "You just say what you did... Well, you ordered me, you... to take this crime for me, it won't be sentenced for a long time, I promise, when you come out... "

Her throat cracked, almost insane.

Gu Chixi was so swayed that he couldn't stop shaking, like a dead leaf rolled up by the wind and rain, his face was dead gray and white.

At that moment, my heart completely fell into the ice lake...

There are many pictures in my mind, starting from a very small time when I have memories, like a movie, frame by frame flashes past, from fast to slow, slow to every day, every minute, every second, and clear to every moment. Every word a person says.

Like dying before dying.

"Are you crazy? You're such a mother? Let go!" Wen Ning threw Yang Yi to the ground.



"Help me hold her down."

Wen Ning grabbed Yang Yi's hands and cut them behind her, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

Gu Chixi turned around expressionlessly, opened the car door, took out his mobile phone from his bag, and dialed a number: "Hello? 110? I want to report a wanted criminal..."

Read The Duke's Passion