MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 83

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Wen Ning froze on the sofa.

"elder sister?"

Looking at Gu Chixi's back as she went to the guest room, she stood up "rubbing" and chased after him, "Wife..."

- bang

The door to the guest room closed gently, and it was locked with a "click".

"Wife..." Wen Ning was stopped and slammed on the door anxiously, "I was wrong, wife, it's not that I wanted to be kissed by her, she suddenly came over, and I was stupid..."

"But I clearly rejected her, and then I haven't contacted her for a long time. Today, when she came to break up with me, I just sighed that my friend was gone, and I definitely didn't think about other things..."

"I shouldn't hide it from you, I know I'm wrong."


Wen Ning patted the door and explained, hearing that there was no movement inside, she gritted her teeth and begged for mercy: "Wuwuwu wife, I really know I'm wrong, it's up to you to kneel on the keyboard or kneel on the durian, don't let it go. Take care of me or not-"

"Wow, I'm so sad."

"Sister 嘤嘤嘤 don't want me..."

"Sister... Your Ningbao is going to faint from crying."

She said it, but her eyes were smiling, and her cheeks were flushed.

Then, the door opened.

Gu Chixi stood behind the door with a helpless expression on her face. She caught a glimpse of her red and tearful eyes, and her heart softened even more. She opened her mouth and did not speak, when Wen Ning plunged her head into her arms and hugged her.

"elder sister-"

Wen Ning took a breath, her nose twitched, and the moment she hugged her, she felt more and more aggrieved, "I shouldn't hide it from you. For the sake of helping you wash your underwear that day, don't be angry."


"We're all married, and I, a man who cares less about **** than friends, has a wife in his heart, and no one wants to poach my wife's corner! My wife says one, I don't say two, my wife tells me to go east, never west, My wife said get out and kneel on the keyboard, I won't get up if I don't kneel down on the keyboard."


Gu Chixi couldn't help laughing.

She wrapped Wen Ning's waist and took the person into the house, "I'm not angry."


"It doesn't count."

"what is that?"

"I can't tell..." She sighed, freeing one hand to stroke Wen Ning's hair, "Ningbao, I could actually feel He Yu's thoughts towards you from the very beginning, so I have always been hostile to her, and now When you tell me this, I feel... very uncomfortable. She didn't consider your feelings at all, and chose the most inappropriate way to deal with it. She only thought about how uncomfortable and difficult she was, and she was immersed in what she created. In an affectionate atmosphere, and then hurt you."

The reasons are complex.

Before marriage, Ningbao could like anyone, fall in love with anyone, not to mention kissing and hugging, even going to bed has nothing to do with her.

But He Yu, who had a crush in the name of a friend, blamed her lack of initiative on "maintaining friendship" and kissed Ningbao, but blamed Ningbao's retention as "cruel" and "punishment".

Behind the strong kiss is the thinking and logic of a robber.

Doing everything to hurt Ningbao in the name of love, and making Ningbao feel guilty for it.

Such people…

It really makes her sick.

She was angry with He Yu, distressed Ningbao, maybe a little paranoid possessiveness, and a little blame Ningbao for concealing her, all of them.

After speaking in one breath, Gu Chixi closed his eyes and pressed Wen Ning's head against his chest.

Wen Ning pursed her lips, was silent for a long time, and said, "Forget it, we have already broken up our friendship, and I don't want to worry about it anymore. Anyway, let's make friends, let this matter pass..."


"Then, wife, are you still mad at me?" she coquettishly.

Gu Chixi opened his eyes: "What do you think?"


It's hard to say.

She has lost friends and can't make her wife angry anymore, otherwise she will be a real loner.

- Gollum

Stomach growls.

Gu Chixi pinched her earlobe and asked, "Didn't you have dinner?"

"...I didn't even know it was getting dark." Wen Ning whispered.

In a bad mood, she still has the strength to take care of her stomach, this is enough for her to digest for several days.

Gu Chixi suddenly understood, and her face turned a bit ugly. She didn't let her see it, so she released her hand and said, "I'll go and see what vegetables are in the refrigerator. You take a shower first and change your uniform."

"Don't," Wen Ning pulled her, for fear that she would be busy again. "Just eat noodles, I don't have any appetite."

"Okay, soon."

There are vegetables and noodles in the refrigerator. Gu Chixi took a package of frozen shrimp, cut a small half bowl of diced carrots, added a few slices of green vegetables, and cooked a bowl of noodles. Wen Ning washed fragrantly and sat down to eat, she went to take a bath, and when she came out, Wen Ning had finished eating and packed up the tableware.

She was looking at the wedding album that Gu Chixi had put on the sofa.

"Ningbao, which one do you like?" Gu Chixi sat down next to her.

Wen Ning turned slowly, with starlight flashing in her eyes, and sighed, "It's all good looking, I like them all..."

Gu Chixi squinted and smiled, and hugged the person into her arms, Xiangxiang|soft, her nose touched Wen Ning's collar and mouth, she sniffed, and she was distracted for a while.

"Then buy them all."


"Ningbao, it's time to prepare for the wedding."

"So fast?"

Wen Ning opened her mouth, and the scene of the summer when she was seven years old appeared in her mind. She was wearing a lively and gorgeous light orange tutu skirt, like a wedding dress, and shouted at Gu Chixi in front of everyone: Sister, you are so beautiful. , I want to marry you!

Then, twenty-one years apart, they actually got married.

time flies.

Gu Chixi hooked her pinky finger and said in a low voice, "But I think it's too slow. I've only seen you wearing a 'wedding dress' when you were a child, but I don't know what a wedding dress looks like when you grow up..." As he spoke, he overwhelmed the crowd. on the sofa.

Wen Ning lay down obediently, letting the shadow over her head cover her, and put her arms around her neck.

"I also want to see my sister in a wedding dress."

Pout, ask for a kiss.

The lips fell like feathers and lightly covered her, the warm and hot breaths between the noses exchanged and lingered, soaked in the other party's smell, and then inhaled, it gradually became short, very intoxicating.

The indoor temperature is gradually rising.

In the haze, Wen Ning felt that she was about to burn, so she couldn't wait to arch over Gu Chixi, and hummed: "Well, go back to the room..."

"Isn't it bad to be here?" Gu Chixi kissed her ear, "Unlock a new location, a new posture."

"Then, hurry up..."

"Huh? What do you do quickly?" Gu Chixi intentionally tortured her.

Wen Ning said angrily, "What did you say!"

So angry.

want to kick her.

Seeing Wen Ning's anxious look, Gu Chixi's heart was hot, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he pecked her lips soothingly: "Ningbao is good, elder sister is going to get her fingers|sleeves."

"Well, don't take it..." Wen Ning held her back and wouldn't let her go.

Gu Chixi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked down at his fingers, "A little bit of nails will hurt you."

According to the growth rate of her nails, it is usually trimmed once a week. She has been busy these days and forgot to trim her. Although her nails have only grown a little, she is worried.

"I'm not afraid…"

Wen Ning twisted, her cheeks almost dripping blood, she grabbed Gu Chixi's hand and drew it up to Little Lemon, "Don't my sister want to feel me from a distance? You didn't want to punish me when you were angry just now?"

She blinked her charming peach eyes, bit her lip, and looked shy and timid.

"Think." Gu Chixi's throat rolled.

"Come on then~"

Wen Ning said in her heart that this person could not resist the temptation, and was extremely proud. Seeing Gu Chixi lowering her head, she did not take any further action. She just said softly in her ear, "But my sister wants to protect you more."

After speaking, insist on getting up and go upstairs to get the finger | set.


Two minutes later, Gu Chixi came down, holding a small box in his left hand and a small leather whip in his right hand - some things that were arranged in the hotel last time were brought back.

Wen Ning was stunned: "Sister..."

She is finished.

After losing a friend who had been with her for seven years, Wen Ning felt a little heavy for a few days.

From childhood to adulthood, the boundary between love and friendship has always been blurred in her heart. She met Gu Chixi early, and the whole world revolved around Gu Chixi. From friendship to love, there was no transition at all, and it happened so unexpectedly that, She can't tell what is friendship and what is love.

These years of sadness and grief, busy making money to survive, she has no time to take care of her inner world.

To get along with He Yu, she can only refer to the situation with Gu Chixi when she was a child, hugging and hugging is normal, and a little intimacy is normal.

This is the source of the tragedy.

She doesn't deserve to have love and friendship at the same time, and she can only choose one between the two. For her, this is not a cruel punishment.

Gu Chixi saw her depression in her eyes. At first, she was a little jealous, but then she gradually realized that she felt more and more distressed. These days, she pushed away unimportant work arrangements and tried her best to accompany her.

Wedding preparations are also on the agenda.

Gu Chixi found a special planning team, and Wen Ning personally participated in the selection of each link. The two chose wedding dresses together and planned to name the guests.

Gradually, Wen Ning came out of the gloomy mood.

The wedding date is set for early May.

Wen Ning invited her aunt's family, a few good friends from junior high school and college, and her master, there were not two tables in total. First, there were not many familiar people, and second, she didn't want to make the wedding too complicated.

Gu Chixi invited slightly more people here.

The eldest sister's family of three, Qiu Yiran and her younger brother, partners who have had business dealings, some classmates who have met in the UK, all executives of the company, etc.

Only there is no biological mother Yang Yi.

The invitation was sent out, and Gu Chixi received a call from Qiu Yiran, saying that he wanted to invite her to dinner.

Only then did she remember what Qiu Yiran had said before.

Three months soaking in He Yu?

What happened?

In the afternoon, Gu Chixi held a project due diligence meeting. After the end, she explained a few words to Tan Jia and drove to Qiu Yiran's apartment in Los Angeles.

Qiu Yiran was packing at home.

As soon as he entered the door, the ground was in a mess, Gu Chixi almost stepped on the underwear that was thrown on the ground, and said in shock, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm going back to Jiangcheng tomorrow, I'll clean up first."

I haven't seen each other for two or three months, but it's not unfamiliar. Qiu Yiran pulled her to sit on the sofa, brought her juice, and said with a smile: "Sister Xi, you really hide it, you told me before that you miss your little one. Qingmei, I didn't expect to abduct someone to the marriage certificate long ago, tsk tsk, why do you let me, the Sea King, lose face..."

"Sorry, it's the same, I didn't mean to hide it from you." Gu Chixi sighed softly.

"Ah? I didn't mean that. Where do you want to go? I just sigh... The people around me have come and gone for so many years, and they have changed one after another. It's hard to find someone I really like, but I don't know how to grasp it. , it's sad. Now I'm a little envious of people like you who are so affectionate."

She lowered her head and played with her fingers in her hair, her half-closed eyelids covering her loss.

Gu Chixi keenly noticed something, and asked tentatively, "Is it He Yu who really likes it?"



"No more drama." Qiu Yiran smiled and spread his hands.

"I followed her to play in Europe for the past two months. She was very happy, and I was very happy. I thought I finally met someone who could calm my mind, and then I found that I don't know how to seriously talk about a relationship, as the saying goes. , this is the current newspaper..."

She repeated what He Yu said on the day of separation.

Gu Chixi frowned, a sullen look flashed in his dark eyes, and the more he listened, the more fire came to his heart, "She actually—"

First she hurt Wen Ning, and then she slapped Qiu Yiran, one was her lover, the other was her friend, and she disgusted her twice invisibly.

If it was said that hurting Wen Ning was because she was deeply engrossed and could barely understand it, then hurting Qiu Yiran was obviously intentional.

"However, I have achieved my small goal anyway, and I have slept with her, so it can be considered a success." Qiu Yiran laughed to himself.

She picked up her glass of juice, took a big sip, and continued: "Fortunately, I don't have deep feelings, just a little enthusiasm, otherwise I'm really miserable, and I'll continue to be my sea king in the future... "

"I want to thank her for letting you go." Gu Chixi said with a sullen face.

Qiu Yiran was stunned: "What?"

Gu Chixi said what happened a few days ago, and by the way mentioned Wen Ning's seven-year friendship with He Yu.

Qiu Yiran's smile froze at the corner of his lips.

"This is too disgusting..." she exclaimed.

"So, thank you for letting me go." Gu Chixi took her hand and patted her comfortably, "You are not yet thirty years old, you are still alive, and you will always meet the person you are interested in in the future, whether it is a male or female. A woman, older or younger than you, will definitely repay your sincerity with sincerity."

Compared with Wen Ning's seven-year friendship, Qiu Yiran won't fall into it in just a few months. He may regret and lose for a while, but he will soon forget it.

She wasn't worried at all.

"Sister Xi..."


"Hello, I want to pick up your two bouquets at the wedding!" Qiu Yiran threw herself into her arms with a smile, suddenly stiffened and raised her head, "I hug you, your baby Ning Ning won't mind, right? "



"Not only do I mind, but I also eat a lot of vinegar, more than citric acid." Gu Chixi said seriously.

Qiu Yiran quickly let go of her, moved to the side, and kept a physical distance from her, "Hey, I'd better stay away from you."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

There was still a while before lunch, Gu Chixi helped Qiu Yiran pack up and talked about work. The Qiu family is developing a tourism project in S City in the west. Later, they will cooperate with airlines to open up exclusive routes, one in each of the four districts in the south, south, and northwest. On this side of South China, it is natural that fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders, so it is more reassuring to leave it to friends.

Gu Chixi wrote it down in the memo, and will discuss it in detail after the busy time.

At about six o'clock, the two went out to eat.

A call came into Gu Chixi's cell phone.

It's Yang Yi.

She sat in Qiu Yiran's co-pilot, her face changed slightly, and she clicked the red button without hesitation, but after a while, Yang Yi called again.

"Is the baby at home here to check the post?" Qiu Yiran winked at her while driving, "Come on, give me some fresh dog food."

Gu Chixi said softly, "My mother."


The phone vibrated for a while, but she reluctantly answered: "What's wrong?"

"Xixi, come back, Mom has something very important and serious to tell you." Unlike before, Yang Yi's voice was calm and calm.

"What's up?"

"Life Events!"


Ningbao: Wife, I was wrong...

Mr. Gu: Whiplash.gif

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-09-1604:13:10~2020-09-1704:02:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: whose big C1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Bi Hai, Live happily, 50% off calling Kiki Momo looking at the door, KoalaLau, 1 sugar ball chestnut;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Cai Xiaoquan; 10 bottles of um, storyteller; 8 bottles of sobofan; 5 bottles of Fengxu, Chen Chengzi, Earl; Beibei Baby, 2 bottles of dark white; hl, lead leaf, flowinz221 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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