MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 80

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Wen Ning stared at these words, her heart suddenly trembled like an electric shock. From the hair to the ears, to the neck | neck, itchy and numb.

This is...

Is it public?

Gu Chixi only uses this WeChat account. She posts news two or three times a week. She is still active. Sometimes it is work-related, and sometimes it is about daily life. There are only about 500 friends in the list, and everyone has more or less with her. Intersection, mostly work contacts.

She saw her mutual friend Tan Jia liked it.

Wen Ning took a deep breath, and the corners of her mouth rose slowly.

The first photo was taken when she was eight years old. At that time, Gu Chixi was eleven years old. They had only known each other for a year, but they were very close. For the first time, Gu Chixi, who did not like to smile, showed an innocent smile in front of the camera. , Wen Ning herself laughed silly.

The second photo of the marriage certificate, she remembered that she was very conflicted when she took it, but she still smiled with Gu Chixi. At first glance, they both had happy smiles on their faces.

Wen Ning suddenly felt a sense of exasperation.

One second she was talked about and popular, and the next second she slapped those people in the face, she felt the taste of revenge and was inexplicably happy.

It was like when someone bullied her when she was a child, and her elder sister bullied her back. Not only did someone support her, but she herself was justified. Although...a bit childish.

Wen Ning held the phone and smiled crookedly.

Not only wanting to let the whole world know that they love each other, but also not wanting to attract too much attention and have to hold back, the strange contradictions spread in my heart, as if tasting a trace of secret sweetness, it was hard to hold back.

Wen Ning liked this post, thought for a moment, and wrote a comment: Going around, it's still you.

She can't wait to return to the anonymous group.

The group has already fried the pot.

In a few minutes, the news has reached 99+, and all the way down, there are a few less group members.

[You mean that President Gu saw the news in the group and deliberately posted this dynamic to clarify? ]


[But today's Valentine's Day, it's normal to post this kind of thing, you must all be single dogs]

[Fortunately it is anonymous, otherwise those people above will be cold hahahaha]

[What about the grapes? Why don't you speak? Couldn't it be Mr. Gu himself? ]

[Childhood sweethearts... I'm a little envious of what happened]

[It's so sour, sour, sour, it's so sour, it's killing me]

[Mr. Gu, if you are in the group, don’t bother with us, we are Tu Yile, I wish you and Captain Wen a good relationship for a hundred years! ]

[Hahaha the desire to survive is bursting! ]

The style of painting suddenly changed, from speculation and abuse to pure envy and blessing, but it only took a few minutes, it was ironic.

Wen Ning was so happy when she saw it, she couldn't help opening her anonymity, and also posted: [What about the person who scolded Captain Wen before? Why don't you come out, does your face hurt? You offended the boss, don't think you can't find out if you are anonymous]

Anonymity can be changed three times, and those people have long disappeared, or they have changed their names and faces, hiding among the people who are talking about it.

At this time, WeChat popped up a message.

Sister: [I'm in the parking lot. ]

Wen Ning: [Okay, I'll be there soon]

After a while, the crew car stopped at the entrance of the company. Wen Ning got off the bus first and entered the lobby. She met many colleagues along the way, and all of them couldn't help but look at her.

With a light expression, she went to the department to hand in the documents as usual, and went down to the second floor.

She saw her own car parked across from the Bentley in the distance.

Half of the woman's face was exposed by the window.

Wen Ning's eyes burst into a surprised smile, and she walked over quickly.

The door opened, Gu Chixi got down, took her flight case with a smile, and without waiting for her to ask, he took the initiative to explain: "Ningbao, your car will be parked here in the future, and I have already registered it in the system." Put the flight case in the back seat.

"Okay." Wen Ning wanted to go around to the co-pilot.

"and many more-"


"come over."

Gu Chixi blinked, smiled mysteriously, and pulled her back, "Guess what I have prepared?"

After all, she lifted the trunk lid.

A large piece of blue enchantress came into view, with a little charming purple tone, like a deep sea, with a dolphin doll placed in the middle, with a square box the size of a slap on its head.

Wen Ning opened her mouth, her eyes brightened by the blue of the light.

She stretched out her hand and carefully touched the petals, which were slippery, as if they were still stained with dew. The corner of her mouth turned up a little, she touched the dolphin again, and pinched, "Why dolphin?"

Shouldn't it be lemons?

Wen Ning is happy.

"Because..." Gu Chixi hugged her and pressed her thin lips to her ear, "Today, my sister wants to taste the taste of the sea."

The low and charming tone seemed to have another meaning.

"What?" Wen Ning didn't respond.

Gu Chixi pulled away the sly smile in her eyes and kissed her ear, "The gift hasn't been opened yet."

Wen Ning did not suspect him, and picked up the brown square box.

It is wooden, a little heavy, and has a good texture in the hand. In the center of the cover is a silver cross flower pattern. She was stunned, and immediately understood what was inside, and couldn't wait to open it...

A sophisticated and elegant ladies watch.

White gold, simple lines, dial inlaid with a circle of fine diamonds, low-key perfection.

A look of surprise appeared in Wen Ning's eyes.

"Do you like it?" Gu Chixi looked at her with burning eyes.

Wen Ning nodded again and again, took off the old watch and replaced it with a new one. She touched and touched it, stretched her wrist and shook it in front of Gu Chixi, "How do you know that I want to change my watch?"

"Two days ago, you were playing with your watch in the toilet after taking a shower. I told you that you just saw it." Gu Chixi grabbed her hand and kissed her on the lips.

Because of work, both the pilot and the flight attendant have to wear watches. Wen Ning's old watch has been used for six years, and it is usually a miscellaneous brand of less than 1,000 yuan. Recently, it has always gone wrong. can be used.

The old watch has witnessed her growth and transformation over the years, and everything will have feelings after being used for a long time.

Wen Ning's cheeks flushed red.

She just played around for a while habitually, and she was seen by Gu Chixi. Just like when she was a child, with one look and one expression, her sister knew what she wanted to say and do, and did her best to satisfy her.

This feeling of being understood without opening his mouth, after going around in circles, finally came back after a long absence.

She lowered her head and kissed Gu Chixi's face, and said shyly, "Thank you wife..."

Gu Chixi squinted and smiled, put the old watch into the box for her, put it back on the dolphin doll, "Come on, let's go eat something delicious."

On Valentine's Day, there are pairs everywhere on the street.

Although the temperature was only ten degrees and the cold wind was blowing, it couldn't resist the fiery passion of the lovers. The urban area is brightly lit and bustling, and all major businesses are taking advantage of today's activities.

Gu Chixi ordered a private kitchen dinner. Sitting in a box with a transparent ceiling, he could see the starry sky when he looked up.

Wen Ning said that she had a mysterious gift for her.

"What is it?"

"I won't tell you first."

She raised her eyebrows, took out her mobile phone and took pictures of dinner and her watch, then tilted her body and hooked her arms around Gu Chixi's neck, soft in her arms, "Come and take a picture."

Gu Chixi smiled at the camera very cooperatively, Xu was not used to taking pictures, her eyebrows still looked cold and alienated, and she had a somewhat seductive sense of abstinence.

Wen Ning looked at the aggressive elder sister on the screen. She seemed to be boneless for a while and became softer. She pouted and wanted to kiss her.

"Ah, no!"

"What's wrong?" Gu Chixi became nervous.

Wen Ning frowned and said, "It seems like I'm too embarrassed, no, change your posture."


Gu Chixi held back a smile, pinched her ears, and coaxed, "Okay, what pose does Ningbao want to change?"

"You look like this—" Wen Ning let go of her arms, straightened her waist, and sat upright, "Two hands around my neck, head resting on my collarbone, mouth pursed a little, expression a little shy, pretending you are babbling , understand?"


"Hurry up."

"it is good."

Gu Chixi smiled tenderly, put his arms around her neck, leaned his head on her collarbone, pouted slightly, tried his best to show a shy expression, imagining that he was acting like a spoiled child.

But under the camera, how to see how awkward.

Like a strange aunt who secretly wore a child's princess dress.

Stiff, false, hypocritical.

"Open your eyes?" Wen Ning held the phone to adjust the angle.

Gu Chixi did as he was told.

No matter how you adjust it, it looks weird, Wen Ning is a little frustrated, "Ah, it still doesn't work..."

"Silly Ningbao, this means you—"


Gu Chixi whispered in her ear, "Born to be born."

Being ruthlessly exposed, Wen Ning was not annoyed at all, she snorted softly and said, "As long as I want, it's up to me to attack or suffer."

indeed so.

As long as Ningbao thinks, she will stick to it.

"So, what about the photos?" Gu Chixi asked while pinching her earlobe.

Wen Ning thought about it and said, "Just take a normal group photo."

It is impossible to make her feel angry.

Gu Chixi put her hand on Wen Ning's shoulder and leaned back. Wen Ning was in front and she was in the back. She raised the corner of her mouth to reveal a faint smile, and Wen Ning smiled too. hook.

- click

"I'm going to post a Moments show." Wen Ning said with satisfaction.

Gu Chixi was stunned, thinking that she didn't know what was going on in the anonymous group, so she didn't say anything.

Wen Ning posted three photos, sharing gifts, dinner, and his wife. Originally, she didn't like high-profile and publicity, but now she wished she could share her joy with everyone and be happier than her own wedding.

After choosing the photos, she slowly typed out a few words: Only you are my life.

Some people's faces in the anonymous group will be swollen, right?

she thought happily.

Wen Ning prepared a "big gift" for Gu Chixi.

After the meal, they drove to the hotel, which had been unoccupied for almost two months, but was cleaned regularly by waiters, and the room was clean and free of dust.

Before going upstairs, Wen Ning put a blindfold on Gu Chixi, then led her into the room, sat on the sofa, and tied her hand with a rope.

"Don't take off the blindfold, I'll take a shower first."

"…it is good."

He lost his vision, his eyes were dark, and the rest of his senses became extremely sharp. Gu Chixi listened to the footsteps and took a deep breath. He seemed to always be able to smell an unusual smell, very light and sweet. Yes, unlike pure fragrance, a bit over the top.

She sat silently, feeling inexplicably excited.

The heartbeat gradually increased.

After a while, Wen Ning came out and stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, "Wife, I'll help you get your clothes, go take a shower." After speaking, she untied the rope and helped her up, "Wash it nicely. ."

Gu Chixi didn't know what medicines were sold in her gourd, and she felt more and more nervous. She took off her blindfold after entering the bathroom. The door was closed, and she couldn't see what was going on outside.

She could vaguely guess.

After about half an hour, Gu Chixi washed his whole body inside and out to smell clean. He picked up the nightgown and found that there were no bottoms...

How to wear this?

"Wife, how are you?" Wen Ning urged from outside.

Gu Chixi couldn't control much, put on a bathrobe, blew his hair, wiped the bottle and jar on his face, and walked out of the bathroom in a "vacuum".

The living room is full of balloons, a string of small pink light bulbs hang on the wall, which are bright and bright, there is a yoga ball on the ground, and a high chair like a "production stool", with ropes, handcuffs, handcuffs, etc. Various small toys…

Full of romance and splendor.

She stared blankly.

"I'm here—" Wen Ning's voice came out of the master bedroom.

Gu Chixi came back to his senses, went to the master bedroom, gently pushed open the half-closed door, and was stunned.

Wen Ning was wearing a **** dress, lying on the quilt, swaying with her calves up, and when she saw her coming in, she blinked her charming peach eyes, and hooked her fingers at her, "Sister..."

"Ningbao, who are you?" Gu Chixi moved over uncontrollably and sat down.

"Part of the Valentine's Day gift," Wen Ning threw herself into her arms and hung it softly like a koala, "Does my sister like it?"


Wen Ning grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up, her thin and soft lips were covered, this time it was not as disorderly as before, she first tasted and stopped, and then gradually deepened, like sucking jelly, wanton plundering.


The heat lingered between the lips, and the hidden wildfire burned.

The strange and sweet scent is like a combustion aid.

Gu Chixi changed from passive to active, wrapping one arm around Wen Ning's waist and the other on the back of her head, swallowing the breath forcefully, turning over and pressing Wen Ning on the quilt.


"Well, sister."

"Why did you think of this?" Gu Chixi raised his head slightly and looked at her with blurred eyes.

Wen Ning held her face, a little shy: "I promised you before, when you are completely healed-" The voice stopped, and she turned her face and buried it in the pillow.

The sound was as soft as a mosquito.

This is a "great gift" that she arranged two days in advance and carefully prepared, and my sister will definitely like it.

Gu Chixi lowered her head and pecked her lips.

The rest of the words were drowned in the night...

The night is getting darker.

After she was thoroughly drenched, Wen Ning clutched the pillow to ease her breath, her lips reddened by the kiss moved slightly, and she let out a long breath, which took a while to calm down.

Gu Chixi is wiping her with a hot square towel.

This is "the taste of the sea".

"elder sister…"


"It's so comfortable." Wen Ning closed her eyes and murmured.

Gu Chixi had almost finished wiping, but after hearing her say that, her heart softened, and she relaxed and rubbed gently for a while. Finally, she kissed him.

Wen Ning shivered for a while, she had no strength to tremble, she could only hum.

She was like a pool of honey water, sweet and sticky.

Gu Chixi fell in love with her appearance and felt itchy, so she wiped her fingers with a hot towel, threw it aside, hugged her and lay down on her side.

"Ningbao, Happy Valentine's Day."


Wen Ning turned over, hugged her, and raised her eyelids lazily, "I'm happy, my sister is not."


"I want to make you happy."

A burst of hot air hit Gu Chixi's face, but before she could react, the person beside her suddenly raised her arms and covered her tightly, casting a shadow.

Soft kisses rained down.

Gu Chixi was so crushed that she couldn't move, and suddenly realized that those things outside were prepared for her - the magic weapon of Happy Valentine's Day.

"Ningbao uh-"



Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-1303:46:42~2020-09-1403:51:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Mr. Han 2; XY1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 45195971, whose big C1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Sugar Ball Xiaolizi, 451959712; 346285671;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 52 bottles of Koi; 36 bottles of Li; 20 bottles of Cheran; 19 bottles of Sixteen Mengyang; 10 bottles of Hannai Yingzi, Mo Xue, and Changlu Yangxin; 6 bottles of Bridge Road; 5 bottles of Stupid, Fengxu; 2 bottles of Binglie, zvgxdgv, and children's L2; ​​1 bottle of Bihai, reading and not talking;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion