MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 73

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Wen Ning does not.

What she understands as "will" is to draw scoops according to the gourd, just like cooking, just frying, not knowing the seasoning. However, following the original instinct of her body, she desperately wanted to get Gu Chixi.

It was raining outside the window.

When his emotions were aroused, Gu Chixi opened up like water, winding and twisting.

The entrance is only the size of a soybean grain.

Wen Ning stared intently for a while, then looked down at her fingers, looked at them again, and couldn't help frowning.

too small.

Just thinking about it hurts.

She can't let go.

Inexperienced, my sister is the first time, what should I do? In case it makes my sister uncomfortable and leaves bad memories... alas.

Do your homework before you know it.



Gu Chixi was full of anticipation, but he didn't wait for a long while, so he couldn't help but move, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong?

Can she say she won't!

Wen Ning's cheeks were slightly hot, she took a deep breath, replayed the video footage she had seen in her mind, and kissed her with all her might...

Heavy rain outside the window, light rain inside.

Gu Chixi kept twitching, biting her lips tightly, refusing to make a single sound, while Wen Ning was a little addicted, like sucking jelly, she felt that her mouth was much more powerful than her hands, she didn't need any skills, no teacher Self pass.


Keeping your mouth busy is not the way to go.

Wen Ning raised her head, her eyes fell on the bedside table, she crawled over and kissed Gu Chixi's lips, and opened the drawer. Sure enough, a few more small boxes appeared in it at some point.

Various styles are colorful.

She picked up a blue one.


floating point?

That's it.

Xu was in a hurry. Wen Ning's hands were shaking, and it took a long time to take one out. She had never worn it before.

"Ningbao..." Gu Chixi looked at her with blurry eyes, "I'll help you."


What a shame.

Wen Ning blushed, she didn't dare to be brave, she had already wasted one, and the fire would be extinguished any more. She took a new one to Gu Chixi and stretched out her index finger.

Seeing that she was stupid, Gu Chixi held back a smile and shook his head: "Middle finger."


Wen Ning coughed twice, hiding her unnatural look, "When did you put it in my drawer again?"

Gu Chixi smiled without saying a word, and put it on for her skillfully and neatly.

Under the light, there was a circle of tiny dots in the first half, and at a glance, he knew what it was used for. Wen Ning suddenly realized, so what does "floating point" mean?

"Okay, Ningbao." Gu Chixi kissed her hand, with restrained emotions in his eyes, as if inviting.

Wen Ning frowned at the dots, and murmured, "Will this make you uncomfortable..."

The work on the wildfire still put her feelings first.

Gu Chixi felt warm in her heart, smiled and said softly, "No." She put her arms around Wen Ning and put a kiss on her ear, "As long as it's Ning Bao, it's very comfortable."


Wen Ning pursed her lips, still a little worried.

After all, she won't.

As if seeing through her mind, Gu Chixi gently stroked her face, her forehead touched, and a soft voice comforted: "It's okay, my sister will teach you."

Wen Ning turned her face away in embarrassment...

Even if someone taught, Wen Ning was still not satisfied.

dissatisfied with yourself.

She hurt Gu Chixi, although the man kept silent, but she could feel that it was not so comfortable, a little reluctant. This frustrated her.

The hand is not as good as the mouth, and more "learning" is needed.

The next morning, Gu Chixi woke up in Wen Ning's arms. When he opened his eyes, he found that Ning Bao had woken up and was looking at himself with deep eyes.

Those eyes were bright and moving.

Getting close, I was stunned.

Gu Chixi looked at her, smiled and pinched her nose, "When did you wake up?"

"Three or five minutes." Wen Ning also smiled.

The quilt is warm in the nest, with a soft scent of shower gel, and the smell of the body, which is comfortable and comfortable, and makes people not want to get up.

"You..." She suddenly remembered something, "Does it still hurt?"

Gu Chixi thought she was referring to her face, shook her head and said, "The pain is gone."

"No, I mean—"

Wen Ning's eyes drooped, and she blushed and whispered, "That."

The "Soybean Grain" was really too small, she didn't dare to exert any force, and barely managed to force a finger, she felt that she was caught by a ring of rubber-like things, and she dared not move.

Looking at her self-blaming expression, Gu Chixi suddenly understood, and he was a little bit dumbfounded, and said, "It doesn't hurt."

"But isn't it comfortable?"

"Ningbao is great." Gu Chixi kissed her ear.

When I heard it, I knew it was comforting.

Wen Ning was even more frustrated, pursed her lips and muttered, "Why did you first..."

Not only can, but also "can". Although she didn't want to admit it, she really enjoyed it.

"Because I'm my sister."

Gu Chixi pursed her lips and snickered, turned over, suppressed Wen Ning, and looked down at her with drooping eyelids: "My sister."

"not called."


"Childish." Wen Ning hummed softly and turned her face away.

Gu Chixi was stunned for a moment, a faint trace of loss appeared in his eyes, his lips pursed into a straight line, his head rested on her collarbone, and he was silent.

Yesterday Ningbao called the eldest sister "sister".

She is jealous.

A person who has never met, can make Wen Ning call out that name so easily, but they are very close, and they can't open their mouths many times, which makes her a little sad.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Wen Ning turned her face back and pressed her chin against the silky hair on top of Gu Chixi's head, "I really think it's childish, not too small..."




"Wife wife wife~" Wen Ning coaxed her.

Gu Chixi was so heartbroken when she was shouted, she squinted and smiled, and patted her head gently, "Get up."

The two stayed together for a while, then got up to wash. Wen Ning carefully examined Gu Chixi's left face. The swelling had subsided, but there were still some traces. She put a hot towel on Gu Chixi and made breakfast by herself.

Today is New Year's Day.

Many new policies will take effect from this day.

Gu Chixi was sitting at the dining table, covering his face with a towel with one hand, and swiping his ipad with the other.

Wen Ning brought the breakfast to the table, filled Gu Chixi with porridge, and glanced at her tablet inadvertently, "Are you going to work today?"

A light reluctant tone.

As soon as Gu Chixi heard it, he immediately put down the tablet, "No, look at the news."

"If you want to work, just work, I didn't say no." Wen Ning raised her eyebrows.

Gu Chixi shook his head and smiled cowardly: "I agreed to pick up the car together today, why would I break my promise?"


Wen Ning pouted, laughed, and pushed her favorite crystal shrimp dumplings and sun eggs over, "I have a strong desire to survive."

The phone vibrated on the table.

Gu Chixi glanced at it, it was news from the eldest sister, and asked how the injury on her face was. As soon as she replied, the phone called.

The eldest sister apologized to her for the second sister.

She clenched her phone tightly, her knuckles turning white, she just said "um" without any pain, chatted a few words, and hung up the phone.


"My eldest sister," Gu Chixi took a shrimp dumpling, "Apologize for me on behalf of Gu Jinrao."

Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Why should she do it for her? Shouldn't that lunatic apologize to you in person?"

"Impossible." Gu Chixi sneered.

She put the shrimp dumplings into her mouth, the skin was soft and glutinous, the shrimp meat was plump and fresh, tender, and tasted good.

Wen Ning thought about it, but that's true. That kind of person doesn't think he did anything wrong, so it's even less possible for him to apologize. He is so powerful that no one can do anything to her.

If it's just the slap last night, it doesn't matter if she doesn't apologize, she also slaps back from left and right, which is considered revenge. But the past bullying, trampling... I can't swallow this breath no matter how I think about it.

The hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly.

Seeing her ugly face, Gu Chixi knew what she was thinking, and comforted: "Ning Ning, I was angry before, and the knife was paid back for me. From now on, our life has nothing to do with her, just treat this person as not. exist."

"She must hate your knife and will wait for the opportunity to retaliate against you." Wen Ning said angrily.

"And your eldest sister, who suddenly became popular in a short period of time, must have no good intentions. They are sisters, and we don't know what is behind the plans. You should stay away from her."

Gu Chixi smiled and said, "If the eldest sister wants to target me, she doesn't need to plan behind it. But what you said also makes sense. I have thought about it, don't worry."

Although she gradually let go of her defenses, she was not unsuspecting. It is impossible for a person to change in a short time, but she did not know the purpose of the other party. In this world, the only person she can trust and lean on each other is Wen Ning.

"By the way, how's the training for my cousin? Have you been to see her?" Changed the subject and gave Wen Ning a shrimp dumpling.

Wen Ning scooped a spoonful of porridge and was about to eat it. When she saw the shrimp dumplings she handed over, she immediately put down the spoon and ate it first.

"Well, she's adjusting well."

Gu Chixi took a mouthful of porridge and continued: "When the training is over, I will keep her at the headquarters, and the rest will go to the Jiangcheng base, and arrange for her to be flown by a master with rich experience and good character, so that she can pass the internship period as soon as possible. ." After speaking, as if expecting that Wen Ning would refuse, he added: "My wife's sister is my sister, and it is necessary to protect her shortcomings."

Wen Ning chewed the shrimp dumplings, swallowed it, and said, "She's thinking about flying first class, so she doesn't say she's going to boil it. What's the point of flying first class in a narrow-body plane, four sections a day, eight wider seats? , boring..."

"Let her fly wide-body first. I think her spoken English is good. If you hurry, I will arrange for her to fly heavy aircraft and intercontinental routes within a year."

"Tsk tsk tsk, what do you call protecting the short, this is pampering." Wen Ning laughed angrily.

Gu Chixi reached out and pinched her face, "Don't let me ignore my cousin?"

"The family you mentioned."

"Well, that's right."

After breakfast, Wen Ning drove the old car to the concentrated parking lot of the community to make room for the new car.

The two went to pick up the new car together. After going through the endless formalities, Gu Chixi affixed a super imported film with all-round heat insulation, anti-ultraviolet, and anti-peeping to the car, and put a few pillows and a thin blanket in the back.

"There's no need to put such a good film on it..." Wen Ning touched the window before she put it on.

The top model of the car was 530,000 yuan, which was chosen by Wen Ning. Originally, Gu Chixi chose several brands and models for her. She thought it was too dazzling, and asked to reduce the total price to less than 500,000 yuan and choose it herself.

After all, working in a company is too conspicuous and inconvenient.

The car is her means of transportation, and the plane is her lifelong love except for Gu Chixi, so she always feels that it is not worth putting on this film.

Gu Chixi shook his head: "It's very necessary."


"I'll try it first." She opened the car door, got in, knocked on the window, and motioned for Wen Ning to look at herself.

It's very clear from the inside out.

Gu Chixi took off his jacket and lifted the clothes inside, revealing a small waistline, noting the change in Wen Ning's expression outside. Then, put down and lower the window.

"Did you see anything?"

Wen Ning was about thirty centimeters away from the window. She shook her head and said, "I can't see anything clearly." After speaking, she lay on the window and looked directly.

I can finally see what's going on inside.

Gu Chixi smiled slyly.

"Why put a blanket?" Wen Ning sat in and touched the largest lemon pillow, "There are too many pillows..."

The rear seat is quite spacious, spacious enough, and the backrest can be used as a small bed, which is very suitable for outdoor travel.

Gu Chixi also sat in, hugged her from behind, put her thin and soft lips against her ears, and said softly, "If you are going to sleep in the car, cover it with a blanket to avoid catching a cold, and... there are many pillows, so it is convenient to rest on your waist or Lie down on it, right?"

A burst of rolling. Burning breath fluttered on the side of the ear.

Wen Ning shivered, vaguely feeling that there was something in her words, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing lying on the pillow?"

"What do you think?" Gu Chixi chuckled, took out two small boxes from his pocket, opened the storage box, and put them in.

After a few sleets, the temperature in Los Angeles dropped to two degrees, and the road was often slippery.

The end of the year is busy, especially when the Spring Festival is approaching, there is another wave of transportation peaks, all positions are working overtime, and the cold weather makes the front-line staff more difficult.

Gu Chixi is also very busy. She changed all Wen Ning's schedules to daytime ones. She doesn't fly red eyes, she doesn't fly at night, and she doesn't stay outside. In this way, the two go out early and come back late every day. At least they can meet and talk about a few times. In other words, be gentle for a moment.

The mother's investment failure was resolved. This afternoon, she took the time to go to Zhonglan Villa.

Knowing that she was fine, Yang Yi, who had been worried for days, could not eat or sleep well, was overjoyed. After a few days of honesty, she started to move again, feeling that she was fine because she was lucky, fate was hard, and there was no way out.

The little wolfdog made her very happy.

She asked her daughter for money.

Gu Chixi only gave her 100,000 yuan, three months of living expenses.

When asking for money, Yang Yi had a smile on her face to please her, but if she didn't ask for it, or the money was short, she turned her face faster than a book—100,000 yuan was not enough for her to spend two days before.

"From now on, I'll give you money every three months. There's only so much, and I won't give you a cent more. You'd better save some money. Besides, if you think of any crooked ways to get rich, I won't wipe your **** for you. , all at your own risk.”

Abandoning these words, Gu Chixi turned and left.

The sky darkened.

The silver sports car was speeding on the empty road, Gu Chixi slowed down, took out the Bluetooth headset and put it on, and answered a call from his assistant.

Entering the edge of the city, the number of cars gradually increased.


"Postpone until this Friday."

Hanging up the phone, Gu Chixi took off his headphones, glanced at the rearview mirror habitually, and saw a familiar black Volkswagen following behind.

It's it again!

Ghostly haunted...

Followed her twice.

Gu Chixi frowned and clenched the steering wheel, but she was not as flustered as last time. Perhaps it was because the car only followed and didn't do anything, and the place she was going was nothing more than a company and a hotel, which had no tracking value.

She suddenly felt amused.

In front of it is a simple bridge, the fence has been in disrepair for a long time, and only a few thin barbed wire have been added. It looks crumbling. Under the bridge is a small branch of the Luojiang River.

After crossing the bridge, turn right and go straight for a while to the city.

She kept driving at her current speed.

Suddenly, the black car accelerated, and a sharp turn slammed into it. Gu Chixi reacted quickly and turned the steering wheel to avoid it. Before she could regain her senses, the black car appeared in her right rear-view mirror again, accelerating suddenly.

On the bridge.

- dong

The rear of the car was hit.

Gu Chixi's upper body fell forward, and half of the body pressed out double yellow lines.

At this time, a large truck on the opposite side came head-on and honked a series of horns. She subconsciously avoided and slammed the steering wheel. The road slipped and the car almost floated. This time, the right turn was too full, and she rushed towards the fence uncontrollably...


Fragile fences were smashed.

Feeling of weightlessness in a rapid fall, she and her car fell off the bridge...


Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-09-0502:48:31~2020-09-0602:43:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the deep-water torpedo: whose big C1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ye Qiqi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 10 fish heads; Bi Hai, stupid, Anan cried and let her sister-in-law 1, Qing Banxia, ​​what ⊙?⊙? , Gu Zhen, Song Man 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Obliviate 98 bottles; It’s a nerd, if 2620 bottles; Yishao, labor and capital believed your evil, attacked the world and received 10 bottles; Li, Guazao 9 bottles; 453796888 bottles; 453161626 bottles; oh , Fengxu, Linlu, NORA 5 bottles; lead leaves 2 bottles; children L, causeicanfeelit, koala cubs, hl 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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