MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 53

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The sobbing was low, muffled by the noise on the tarmac, intermittent.

Wen Ning could hear it clearly. Her senses were as sharp as eagle eyes. She traveled hundreds of kilometers and accurately captured the sound of a prey on the vast expanse of wilderness.

The ears had their own shields to keep out all other noises, only her sobbing could be heard.

Wen Ning's throat was stuck and it hurt a little. It wasn't the sharp pain of eating fish and swallowing thorns, but the burning pain of a cold and cough when she was a child. It smothered her nose, eyes, and into her head. His face was burning.

She heard her cry.

also want to cry.

When she was on the plane, she didn't panic, as if she was under general anesthesia, without any sense or emotion, just wanted to land smoothly as soon as possible. Now, she was standing on the ground, the anesthesia was ineffective, and the pain of emotion spread through the nerves, and the pain was more intense.

The stamina is great.

Wen Ning closed her eyes, the sun pierced her eyelids, evaporating the water vapor inside.

After a long time, she said softly, "I'm fine."

There was a sigh of relief on the phone.

"…Hmm." A strong nasal voice.

She twitched again, and her voice suddenly became smaller, as if she was far away, Wen Ning could still hear a very clear and deep gasping sound.

That's when the dispatch call came in.

Wen Ning jolted, quickly pulled away from her emotions, and hurriedly comforted: "The dispatcher called me, don't cry, wait for me to go back, let's do this first." After speaking, it was too late to wait for Gu Chixi's response, and hung up the phone .

As she answered the phone, she ran back to the cockpit to get the electronic flight bag.

The dispatcher generally asked about the safety of the personnel, the situation of the aircraft, etc., and said that another aircraft would be transferred over. The company does not have a base in City C, but only has a sales department. The aircraft dispatching time will be relatively long, about three to four hours.

"Captain Wen, if you think you're in good shape, just wait for the plane to be transferred and continue to fly the next flight. If you think it's not good, we will arrange a backup team to fly to the back, and you can add a crew to come back from City C later."

Wen Ning glanced at her colleagues and said decisively, "Add the crew and go back."

"Okay, I'll contact you later."


"Captain..." The purser looked at her suspiciously, "Isn't it flying behind?"

Wen Ning shook her head, "We've changed teams, let's pack up and go to the lounge." After that, he remembered something, and said, "Are any of you feeling unwell? Scratches or bumps or something?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, except for the sudden violent bump at the beginning, the flight was basically stable. She was glad that the weather was good and there was no turbulence, but she was also worried that someone was walking in the cabin during the bump and was injured.

If the engine catches fire, or if a passenger is injured at the time, a colleague will definitely report it in time.

None in the end.

This is one of the reasons why she can make a decision with confidence.

On the plane, everyone is a whole, with division of labor and cooperation, in an orderly manner, and it is impossible to lack anyone.

Wen Ning hopes that she will not experience it again in this life.

After packing up, Wen Ning got off the plane first, walked to the engine that was cracked beyond recognition, took out her phone and took a picture.

The air inspection mechanic was an uncle, wearing a navy blue overalls, a fluorescent vest, and dark skin. He walked around from the other side and gave Wen Ning a thumbs up, "Wow, this engine almost fell off, in case it gets damaged. Flaps or broken hydraulics, I guess... ugh."

The uncle sighed and said nothing further.

If the wing is damaged or the hydraulic system is broken, the plane becomes uncontrollable and either disintegrates in the process of falling sharply or smashes into pieces at a low altitude.

The fallen engine, luckily, landed in the mountains and forests. If it fell in the city and hit a house or a person, the consequences would be disastrous.

Wen Ning felt a chill behind her and asked, "Is it a problem with connecting accessories?"

"The preliminary judgment is like this," the uncle stretched his finger. "This hanger looks new, but you can see that it is deformed. How can new things be so weak? Under normal circumstances, a full inspection is carried out regularly. for several years."

"However, the specific reason will not be known until your company's air inspection comes over and dismantles it."

Wen Ning frowned.

Before takeoff, the air inspection told her that the plane flew seven segments the day before yesterday and yesterday, and there was no problem. The list of faults and maintenance lists that she had read were the same. It didn't seem like someone did it on purpose. Perhaps, the problem lies in the aviation material accessories, which formed a safety hazard early on, but she was unlucky and happened to encounter it.

Other colleagues came down one after another.

Wen Ning put away her thoughts, turned around, and took everyone to the crew lounge. Eat first, then take a good rest and wait for the notification of the crew.

She sent two WeChat messages to Gu Chixi:

[I'm going to eat now]

[Add the crew back in the afternoon, if you hurry, you should be able to get home before dark]

After thinking about it, she sent another message:

[you are fine]

The group walked to the door of the lounge, Wen Ning's phone vibrated, she looked down, and Gu Chixi replied.

[Um. ]

The office was dead silent.

Gu Chixi leaned on the couch, half-closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her face was a smooth, cold white waxed, and tears flowed down, like pulling down a zipper, revealing the softness inside the hard.

She holds the phone in one hand and the pendant on her chest in the other. These two things can give her a sense of security.

Completely relieved now.

The light pierced her eyelids further and further, and the whole world turned into a dark water bottom. She relaxed physically and mentally, her undulating chest and mouth gradually stabilized, and she felt like a stretched sponge.

After falling asleep, tears still hang on the eyelashes.

Gu Chixi had a nightmare.

In her dream, she saw that the plane driven by Wen Ning crashed. A white giant, like a bird shot through by a bow and arrow, fell straight down, but no traces could be found on the ground.

The alarm clock woke her up.


She shouted in a hoarse voice and fell off the couch.

Lying on the carpet, her hair was messed up. She picked up her phone and flipped through WeChat and checked the time of Wen Ning's message over and over again, only to realize that it was a dream.


Gu Chixi got up and went to the toilet to wash her face. Her eyes were still a little swollen in the mirror. She touched up her makeup and straightened her hair. She didn't forget that she still had work—it was only now that she remembered that she still had work.

On the desk was the Jiangcheng base progress report sent by the secretary.

Gu Chixi sat down and turned around. The recent events one after another, not only did not make her messy, but gave her a clear direction.

She took out a piece of A4 paper, a water pen, and painted.

The lines outline a wide river with many fish, big, small, oddly shaped, a man sitting on the bank with a fishing rod in his hand.

— Tuk Tuk Tuk

There is a knock on the door.

Tan Jia came in, closed the door, walked to the desk, "President Gu—"

Gu Chixi raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at her.

"I went to Tao Li," Tan Jia crossed her fingers, "She said she didn't want money, just justice."


Gu Chixi responded lightly, without raising his eyelids, as if he was not surprised that this would be the result.

She used a pen to add bait to the rod hook.

Tan Jia looked at her and felt a little uneasy in her heart, "I only asked her if she would like to, and if she would like to get something, she refused, so I didn't continue talking..." The words stopped here, and then the voice was low. Go on, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I can't say it, I can't persuade her to accept it..."

The overlapping ten fingers were tightly clasped together, and the nails sank into the flesh, making shallow impressions, which were very painful.

She buried her head low.

Selfishly, she was on Tao Li's side. She really couldn't sympathize with the strong prisoner. She couldn't open her mouth to persuade the victim to compromise. Her conscience couldn't handle it. But what the boss told her to do was her job, so she shouldn't be emotional - she thought Gu Chixi's request was to persuade Tao Li with all her might.

Although she didn't quite understand this practice, she didn't want to speculate on Gu Chixi with malicious intent, she simply didn't want to.

I might lose my job today.

"Little Tan..."

Gu Chixi put down his pen, got up and walked in front of Tan Jia, shaking his head, "You did nothing wrong, it's enough to ask this step. No need to apologize."

She curled the corners of her mouth, as if she was laughing, but she didn't seem to be laughing, the light in those eyes flickered on and off.

Tan Jia saw an emotion that he couldn't understand.

"Mr. Gu, you are here for..."

"Have you apologized to Tao Li?" Gu Chixi interrupted softly.

Tan Jia nodded.

Gu Chixi said calmly, "Give the money to her. In addition, let the cabin department refund her the training fee. It's..." She turned her face, picked up the picture she drew on the table, and held it carefully, "The company apologies and compensation.”

After speaking, she showed the painting to Tan Jia.

"How am I drawing?"

"...It's beautiful." Tan Jia nodded and seemed to understand, "Have you studied art?"

This line, this perspective, at least sketching is learned.

Gu Chixi smiled, but nodded without saying a word, his bright black eyes were like stars.

It was taught by her lemonade.

She put away her smile, returned to the desk and sat down, picked up a pen, and bolded the lines of the big river and a few fishes.

"President Gu, this is..." Tan Jia asked tentatively.

Gu Chixi's pen tip rested on the fish's head, and said to himself, "This may not have happened, but after this incident, it will."

When the plane landed, the airport lights were already on.

Yellow, white, and swirling, like amber wine with ice cubes added. The sky is not yet black, it is navy blue, you can see the clouds like catkins, but the moon is hanging in the corner.

Wen Ning got off the plane and looked up at the sky.

She didn't make it back before dark.

If she was a child, she could be rude and say in a soft and waxy voice: "Sister, the sky hasn't turned the color of her hair yet, it doesn't count.

Knowing that someone was waiting at home, Wen Ning was in a hurry, and she didn't want to delay for a moment. She got into the crew car and couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and send a WeChat message to Gu Chixi.

[I am back]

[Go home in an hour]

The car swayed on the road, through the sea of ​​street lights.

The original DC5391 flight took off from City C an hour ago, and the plane and crew were changed, while the plane with the color ticket was still parked at the airport of City C. The company has dispatched an air inspection maintenance team and an investigation team. Next, Wen Ning needs to Write a report, cooperate with the investigation, and maybe give a safety speech when the cause of the accident is found out.

On the return flight, she kept thinking about this, and when she landed, she forgot all about it.

After arriving at the company, Wen Ning handed in the documents and drove back to Tianhe Bay.

It was meal time, and every household was eating dinner, and the gate of the community had not yet started to be lively.

The white car was parked outside the yard, Wen Ning got down, and when he looked up, he saw the lights on the first floor of the house, and his heart turned into strawberries, both sour and sweet, and when you squeezed it, greasy juice would flow out.

Entering the house, there is the smell of food.

Gu Chixi was standing at the dining table before taking off her apron. The ceiling light shrouded her like a gorgeous crystal. She turned her face, and her eyes stole the light of the crystal in an instant, which was brighter than the shadow of the lamp.

Wen Ning watched her come towards him.

Exactly the same as the self who walked towards her as a child.


Gu Chixi hugged her.

Wen Ning's body shook.

At this moment, she knew that she could no longer be inseparable, and could no longer resist. Her heart was like a dragonfly passing over the water surface, ripples in circles, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Well," Wen Ning responded in a low voice, wrapping her hands around Gu Chixi's waist, "I came back safely."

The man in his arms began to tremble.

Tears flowed silently, gasping for breath, her throat couldn't hold back her choked sobs, she pinched Wen Ning's back with her fingers, and finally couldn't help crying...

Wen Ning's eyes turned red.

From childhood to adulthood, my sister has never shed tears in front of her, a pair of unwavering eyes locked her, and her expression was always peaceful, as if the sky was falling and the earth could not let her show the slightest emotion. Only when she walked forward, very close to her sister, did she see it clearly. Her sister's eyes were watery, her eyelashes were fluttering, and her lips were twitching.

It is such a sister who is not good at expressing, and who hides everything in her heart, which makes her fascinated and painful.

Wen Ning held back her tears.

She can't cry.

She hurriedly put her hands around Gu Chixi's waist, her ears pressed against her face through the hair of the two, "Gu Chixi, what if I didn't come back today? What if I died?"

"...Don't, don't say such things, Ning Ning...Please..." Gu Chixi gasped, her voice hoarse, and touched the top of her head with both hands, ruffled her hair, and finally held her face.

Wen Ning looked into Gu Chixi's troubled eyes.

It used to be beautiful, but now it was full of red blood and a dead gray.

Her heart turned into a lemon again, sour and bitter, and the bone-eroding thick juice was stirred, and as soon as it fell, it burned herself.

"Can you understand how I felt back then?"

Gu Chixi froze.

The past is a needle that hurt Wen Ning, and this needle sewed Gu Chixi's mouth.

The pleasure of a fierce revenge spread in my heart.

Wen Ning wiped her tears for her.

Suddenly, a damp | hot breath blocked his lips, and the back of his head was firmly clasped by his palm.

she kisses her.

She breathed into her breath.


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-1603:36:56~2020-08-1703:27:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Gu Yan, 471311642; Qing Pinellia, 34628567, 420013631;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 140 bottles of hi; 38 bottles of whalien; 20 bottles of blueberries and easy spoons; 2 bottles of Chang'an, Ruihua., Ana, and Ai Learning (bushi); 1 bottle of hl, A-little villain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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