MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 47

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She fell to the ground like a broken puppet.

The moment she turned around, Wen Ning's pupils shrank, and she rushed over, "Hello—" she patted her shoulder anxiously, "What's the matter with you?"

No answer.

Wen Ning's heart hung up, she stretched out her fingers tremblingly, and felt a warm breath under the tip of her nose, and then touched her pulse again, feeling the rhythm of the beating, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

She gave a thumbs up to hold down Gu Chixi's people.

Gu Chixi's eyes were tightly closed, and there was no response.

Wen Ning frowned, increased the strength in her hands, and murmured, "Don't scare me..."

Time passed, and she heard her heart beating fast, but there was no sign of waking up. She gave up immediately, calmed down in her mind, and got up to get her phone to make a call.

"Is it 120? Someone here is in a coma. Female, 30 years old, suddenly fainted, with pale face, cold sweat, steady breathing and pulse, unclear disease history, and has been in a coma for two or three minutes. I am in Wenxing, the airport area. No. 15 Avenue, on the 28th floor of Plaza Premium Building, please come over as soon as possible..."

Wen Ning's words were concise and concise, her tone was calm, and her voice trembled when she said the last sentence.

Hanging up the phone, she glanced at Gu Chixi's pale face, and before she had time to think about it, she opened the office door, "Secretary Gao—"

"Captain Wen, what's the matter?" The woman sitting at the workstation raised her head.

"Mr. Gu suddenly fell into a coma. I've already called an ambulance. Please go to the door to pick you up now, bring the doctor up, and then you stay here." Wen Ning instructed very quickly.

Secretary Gao snorted, looked inward, nodded again and again, "Okay."

The ambulance came soon.

There were still two or three crew cars parked at the door. In the crowd, Wen Ning followed and got into the ambulance, and all the colleagues present were dumbfounded.

To the hospital, the diagnosis is hypoglycemia, need infusion.

Gu Chixi was half lying on the cot, her face was pale, fine beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, and her lips were almost bloodless. Her skin was originally a little sickly white, but now it was like paper, with faint blue veins on her forehead looming.

The needle on the back of the left hand is attached to the infusion tube.

Wen Ning stood by her side, her expression sluggish, and the corners of her eyes were a little red.

When she saw the article on the official account, she immediately understood what the "thing" Gu Chixi was talking about was not a trivial matter, but a major matter related to the company's reputation. The private plane she took when she went to Mingjue Mountain brought Gu Chixi back. She could only buy an airline ticket. The latest flight arrived in Los Angeles at 5:30.

WeChat, this person didn't answer, phone call, this person didn't answer.

When she got to the office, she suddenly calmed down—what can she do when she comes back? How can I help?

Why did you come back so confused?

She doesn't know either.

The funny thing is, it did help, helping bring people to the hospital.

The image of Gu Chixi falling repeatedly flashed in Wen Ning's mind. Her heart seemed to be tightened by a thin thread, and she was in constant pain. She blinked, raised her hand to hold her chest, and took a deep breath with her mouth half open.

Ebb and flow in the eyes, sometimes blurry and sometimes clear vision.


A low voice came from her ear, she pulled back her thoughts, Gu Chixi woke up at some point, and was looking at her with joy in her eyes.

Wen Ning looked at him, her eyelashes trembled, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

In an instant, I swallowed all the words I wanted to say.

"The doctor said you have low blood sugar."

"Are you still suffering?"

Living alone for a long time, it seems awkward to talk about caring. Wen Ning lowered her head, took out a tissue from her bag, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

After she finished speaking, without waiting for her to answer, she brought the paper cup filled with water to her lips.

"Drink of water."

Gu Chixi raised his right hand to hold the paper cup and drank half of it.

Her cheeks regained some blood, but she didn't look energetic, her eyes were slightly bruised and haggard. Wen Ning watched, her heart was restrained again, and the pain was dull, she couldn't help but said, "How can I have low blood sugar well?"


Gu Chixi's eyes dodged a little, and Wen Ning felt something was wrong, and said, "I remember you didn't have this problem before."

"Well, I forgot to eat at noon today. It's not regular." She explained in a low voice.

Wen Ning didn't believe it, "Can you pass out of a coma if you skip a meal?"

Examining eyes, questioning tone.

Gu Chixi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Have you eaten breakfast?"


"What time did you sleep last night?"


"Don't tell me, you sleepwalked back to me at two o'clock in the morning." Wen Ning laughed.

Gu Chixi was speechless when asked, but her heart was warm, and the corners of her lips curved into a shallow arc, "I'm really busy..." In the middle of her sentence, she pressed her own sentimental thoughts and turned to ask: "You Why did you come back suddenly?"

Wen Ning told the truth: "I saw the matter of Vice President Zou on the official account, and I guess you may have to deal with that."

The rest of the words were not said, for fear that this person would ask her why she came back because of this matter, which would obviously not be of much help. But unexpectedly, the focus of Gu Chixi's attention was not here.

"Which number?"

"that is-"

Wen Ning looked down at her phone and clicked on the title, but it showed that the article had been deleted, "Huh? Deleted? Strange..."

Gu Chixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although, the moment she opened her eyes and saw Wen Ning, her heart was filled with infinite warmth, gratified and flattered, but this meant that she had soaked in soup on vacation, and she couldn't pull herself away, and she couldn't relax even with Wen Ning. rest.

She couldn't help but think of herself again.

Is Lemony here for her?

Are you worried about her?

"Ning Ning..." Gu Chixi sighed, with a hint of guilt in his eyes, "I'm sorry, the holiday is ruined."

- I couldn't accompany you to watch the sunrise.

she said in her heart.

Wen Ning frowned, "Why do you want to apologize? It's not you who is the culprit."


"There is still a chance after the vacation," she stretched her brows and softened her tone. She took the initiative to stretch out her little finger to hook Gu Chixi, "Take care of your body first."

Gu Chixi looked at her with burning eyes, only to feel a warm current flowing upstream from his fingertips, lingering in his heart.

"it is good."

The little fingers hooked to each other, not letting go.

Wen Ning held her entire right hand.

About an hour later, when the glucose was finished, Gu Chixi's face gradually recovered a little rosy color, and he was no longer dizzy, but he still had palpitations and palpitations, probably because he didn't sleep last night, and he was very tired today.

After sitting and observing for another half an hour, the doctor ordered a few things to pay attention to in terms of life and diet, and then you can leave.

it's getting dark.

Gu Chixi called and asked the driver to pick him up.

Wen Ning helped her into the car, and for the first time ever, let her lean against her arms, closing her eyes and resting. Halfway through the car, it was on the way to the hotel. She frowned: "Back to Tianhe Bay."

"Don't—" Gu Chixi opened his eyes.

Before she could finish her sentence, Wen Ning interrupted forcefully: "You must go."

"Lime, I..."

"Home is more comfortable."

Gu Chixi was slightly startled, and asked tentatively, "Is it... our home?"

"Otherwise?" Wen Ning raised her eyebrows.

Is it someone else's house?

Could it be that low blood sugar has made the brain dizzy?

She was secretly funny.

Gu Chixi narrowed his eyes, a series of fireworks exploded in a certain corner of his heart, and pursed his lips and smiled.

The driver understood the wink very well, and immediately turned his head forward and headed for Tianhe Bay.

Half an hour on the road, Gu Chixi fell asleep in Wen Ning's arms. When she got home, Wen Ning had to wake her up, helped her get out of the car, and entered the house.

She didn't come back for more than half a month. She smelled the long-lost and familiar smell in the room, and saw the unmoved furniture in the room, and suddenly felt the warmth of home, and her heart seemed to stop wandering from this moment.

Seeing her standing still, Wen Ning's eyes glowed, and she seemed to understand something. She bent down and took out the slippers she often wore, and said, "Go back to the room to rest."

After he finished speaking, he helped her to change her shoes.

The two entered the guest room on the first floor. Gu Chixi took off his coat and wanted to take a shower first. Wen Ning said nothing, "What if you fainted while washing?"

"I'm all right."



"Change pajamas and lie down." Wen Ning pushed open the wardrobe door, searching for a long time without knowing where her pajamas were.

I usually don't notice it at all.

Rarely even stepped into this room.

Gu Chixi stretched out her hand and took out her pajamas easily. She hesitated. She was mildly clean, she didn't want to change pajamas without taking a bath, and she didn't want to lie on the bed.

Wen Ning knew it.

"Then lie down on the sofa," she took Gu Chixi's hand and softened her voice, "After dinner, take a shower later."

Gu Chixi nodded.

The back of the sofa at home can be adjusted. Wen Ning adjusted it to an obtuse angle of 135 degrees, let Gu Chixi lie down halfway, and brought a small pillow to support her neck, and a thin blanket was placed below the chest line.

"What do you want to eat at night?" Wen Ning brought a cup of sugar water and put it on the coffee table.

Gu Chixi thought about it and said, "Noodles."

She doesn't have much appetite to eat.

"Can I add a little chicken breast and broccoli?" Wen Ning pondered, eating noodles alone would be tasteless and nutritious.


Wen Ning went out and came back with vegetables, fruits and two big bags of candy in hand, and went into the kitchen to work. Gu Chixi fell asleep on the sofa again, but she slept very lightly and woke up when she heard the movement in the kitchen come over.

Looking at Wen Ning's busy figure, she couldn't help feeling soft at the tip of her heart, pantothenic acid at the tip of her nose, and thousands of tastes came to her mind.

if it is possible…

She wants to be sick every day.

Even if she understood that Ling Ning cared about herself maybe just out of sympathy, she couldn't stop herself from flying like a moth to the flame that was destined to go out. Not to be burned, but to be lost in the dark.

Only Ning Ning can give her the warmth of home, and Ning Ning is also the only person she trusts wholeheartedly.

Thinking, tears fell.

Dinner is chicken noodle soup.

Gu Chixi only ate half a bowl, rested for a while, and went to take a bath. After washing for about 20 minutes, she went out in her pajamas. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Wen Ning move a chair and sit at the bathroom door, staring at her for a moment.

She was startled, "...Lingling?"

"Are you dizzy?" Wen Ning asked softly, looking up at her.

Gu Chixi suddenly understood, a complicated look surged in his deep black eyes, his lips moved, and he shook his head, "It's all over."

Wen Ning stood up and took the clothes basket from her hand, "I'll wash the clothes, you go to bed."

"Do not…"

The words of refusal have not yet been spoken. Wen Ning carried the clothes basket in one hand and the chair in the other, and turned to leave.

Gu Chixi froze in place for a long time and returned to the room with mechanical steps.

close the door.

Turn on the lights.

The eyes lit up, and the cold white light was a bit dazzling.

She turned off the ceiling light and turned on the wall lamp above the bed. In an instant, the room was covered with a gentle milk-orange light, making her eyes feel warm. She opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out a document bag, and looked at the thin paper inside through the transparent bag.

Accidental death insurance policy.

The beneficiary, Wen Ning.

Fingertips carefully rubbed the word "Wen Ning"...

— Tuk Tuk Tuk

There was a knock on the door.

Gu Chixi suddenly returned to his senses, and quickly put the insurance policy back in the drawer, closed it, and the next second, the door was pushed open, and Wen Ning came in with a bag.

"Lime?" She smiled, pretending to be natural.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Wen Ning was wearing pajamas, her long loose hair fell to her waist, her eyebrows were beautiful, her thin lips were tightly pursed, she went to the bed and sat down, "I bought candy." She put the bag in her hand on the bedside table, earnestly Looking at Gu Chixi, "If you go out in the future, no matter what you do, bring a few candies with you. If you don't have time to eat, take a candy first."

After I finished speaking, I thought about it, and quickly added:

"But that doesn't mean you can replace your meals with sugar, you know?"

"Eat on time, work and rest regularly, and I will supervise you."

Her expression was serious, but her eyes contained strong worry, and there was a little, deeply hidden... fear.

Fortunately, I was bumped into by her today.

What if there is a next time? What if no one finds out? Severe hypoglycemia can be fatal.

She dared not think.

Gu Chixi stared at her, only to feel that her whole body was flying into the clouds, her smile couldn't help but expand, "Ling Ning..." With anticipation in her eyes, she could no longer hold back the crazy thoughts, "Do you care about me? ?"

Wen Ning was flustered by the question, and turned her head to avoid it, "If you have something to do, who will pay me?"


Gu Chixi instantly fell from the cloud.

Another burst of palpitations.

It must be because she was old and couldn't stand up late, and she felt like she was about to die if she didn't sleep all night.

"Go to sleep."

She lowered her head, pulled the quilt and lay down, turning her back to Wen Ning.

Wen Ning didn't respond. She seemed to be aware of her emotions. She regretted that she was being quick, so she got up and walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Gu Chixi closed his eyes.

Make no sense.

"Then..." Wen Ning pursed her lips and stood up, "Good night."

Suddenly, her wrist was caught.


Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-1002:29:15~2020-08-1103:07:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 346285672; Liu Yifei's little wife, Qing Banxia, ​​Ai, Bihai, Xia Xiaohua is mine, Ershi31;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Baiyi is not Xiansheng, sparks, be your cat 20 bottles; Yan Li 18 bottles; Naming waste 15 bottles; bet one pays three, be Johnny tired 10 bottles; Cheng 8 bottles; Tang Ruoyao Miss 7 bottles; amber, cans of Coke, 5 bottles of Niu Niu; 3 bottles of Chok;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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