MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 4

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Gu Chixi stopped.

The sun fell on her plain and indifferent face, melting the cold white jade. She looked at Wen Ning, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, but soon returned to normal and seemed to understand.


She was dressed in black, even her high heels, the simplest women's suit style, with a pure white shirt underneath, and no accessories other than a watch. She was serious and meticulous.

Wen Ning's lips moved, and the question that came to her mouth was swallowed again. She turned her face and said, "Get in the car."

Gu Chixi retracted the hand that was about to reach the back seat and opened the passenger door.

"Received a passenger with a tail number of 1619..." The voice broadcast sounded again.

The navigation route was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, Wen Ning glanced at it roughly, and out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of Gu Chixi looking at him, pretended not to notice, and started the car.

The main road in the morning rush hour is very busy, and there are long queues in front of the intersection, with the traffic police standing in the middle to maintain order.

Waiting for the red light, the car is silent.

Wen Ning stared at the countdown one second at a time, and felt the eyes on the right falling on her face. She was a little uncomfortable, and turned her face out the window to look at the street scene.

"Go to my dad's funeral today." Gu Chixi's low voice came from his ear.

Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, turned her head subconsciously, and met the man's calm gaze.

Her dark pupils are like a deep pool, the surface is clear, but the emotion of restraint and restraint is hidden inside.

Wen Ning turned her face away again.

"My car has a license plate, and Xiao Tan is going to pick up people from the company. One taxi refuses to take shifts, and the other doesn't want to go to the funeral home." Gu Chixi continued, almost cherishing words like gold, simple and simple The coincidence and the reason are all explained again.

Wen Ning couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth when she heard it.

The boss of a dignified airline has actually been reduced to the point of using the software to take a taxi. It sounds too miserable. I don't know why she wants to laugh a little.

That smile could not be concealed, and it bloomed like a streamer in the corners of her eyes and brows, charming and moving.

Gu Chixi looked at her, her eyes warmed a bit.

In a flash, the smile on Wen Ning's face disappeared. She looked straight ahead and said softly, "President Gu told me what to do."

"Aren't you curious?"


Wen Ning was silent.

Yes, she was really curious, and Gu Chixi saw it out. No one knew her better than this person, so she was too lazy to deny it, let alone refute it.

Gu Chixi didn't speak, just looked at her.

Her appearance is rather enchanting, especially her eyes are charming and seductive, even if she doesn't smile, she is half amorous, and looks like she will not be calm and serious. Putting on this serious uniform, the contrast is great, and it is very desirable.

The green light is on.

The car moved slowly, Gu Chixi narrowed his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "When did you start working part-time?"

Wen Ning's hand holding the steering wheel tightened, "One or six years."

three years.

Gu Chixi had already guessed the reason, she didn't ask any further, she tapped the screen of her phone to check the time, "How long did you sleep last night?"

"...Six or seven hours."

Wen Ning glanced at her, her fingers loosened a little, "don't worry, I'll rest enough."

After saying that, I regret it again.

As if people care about themselves.

"After all, we must ensure that we have sufficient energy to complete the flight mission, be responsible for the safety of passengers, and create value for the company." She added.

These words are simply beautiful, with a business-like attitude, which makes people unable to find faults, but suddenly the distance between the two is widened.

Gu Chixi was stunned for a while, and after a while, he said, "The body is yours."


I still wanted to ask about the debt, but after thinking about it for a long time, I finally held back. She asked again, "Why don't you add WeChat?"

"I don't want to add." Wen Ning said bluntly, not willing to give any euphemism.

Gu Chixi clenched her phone tightly and closed her eyes.

The two of them didn't speak any more along the way.

The funeral home is located in the suburbs of the north of the city. It is remote and desolate, but there is a lot of traffic every day. Cars come in and out of the gate, and it is very busy.

Wen Ning turned the car around, parked on the side of the road, and said, "It's here." She tapped the screen with her finger, "please give a five-star review, thank you."

"Wait for me here." Gu Chixi did as she said, opened the door and got off.

"how long?"

"About an hour."

"No," Wen Ning refused directly, "I still have to take orders, so I don't have so much time to waste."

Gu Chixi held the car door with his right hand, thought for a moment, nodded, said nothing, closed the door, turned around and walked into the funeral home.

The farewell hall was filled with wreaths, and a black and white photo frame hung on the wall. The old man in the photo had gray beard, kind-hearted eyes, and a dignified smile. He was lying in the coffin surrounded by white flowers and green leaves in the center, his complexion was normal, and his expression was peaceful, as if he had just fallen asleep.

Many people have already arrived. Because the funeral was held in a very low-key manner, all the people who came were close relatives and friends of Gu Zhouhai before his death. All of them wore black clothes and white flowers, and their expressions were solemn.

As soon as Gu Chixi entered, he immediately attracted attention.

Many eyes are cast on her, some are curious, some are disdainful, some are surprised, some are contemptuous...

A middle-aged woman was holding a small black and white photo frame, standing by the coffin wiping her tears. Next to her were Gu Jinxian, the first daughter, Gu Jinrao, and the youngest son, Gu Feiyuan.

The two daughters looked cold, but the mother and son cried sadly.

Gu Chixi walked slowly to her side: "Madam." Then he looked at the person next to her, "Eldest sister, second sister." He finally retracted his gaze and landed on Gu Feiyuan's face. He didn't call him, just nodded. .

Only the eldest sister Gu Jinxian nodded back, the second sister turned her face expressionlessly, and the younger brother ignored her.

The middle-aged woman paused, glanced at her, and continued to wipe her tears.

This is Wang Liya, Gu Zhouhai's second wife.

The surroundings were very quiet, with only subtle sobbing sounds, and everyone's eyes were focused on them, as if snooping.

Gu Chixi stood there quietly, her long eyelashes half-drooped, her expression stern, her chin slightly arched, her shoulders straight, neither humble nor arrogant, and her face did not rise and fall.

At nine o'clock, the funeral began.

The master of ceremonies introduced Gu Zhouhai's life, and recited the eulogy in a solemn and solemn tone. Then, there was mourning music in the hall, and everyone mourned in silence.

The funeral was supposed to be held last month, but because some parts of the will were unclear, the Gu family was calm on the surface, and the chaos in private was turned upside down, so the time was wasted. Some people at the funeral were devastated and tearful, but it was just a show, and they didn't know how happy they were.

Gu Chixi looked at her father lying in the coffin, her face was blank, and her heart was numb. She stood upright like a stone, without joy, no sorrow, no anger.

When the process is over, the funeral is over.

The deceased will be pushed to be cremated, and the family will stay and wait for the ashes to be taken to the cemetery for burial.

Wang Liya took her son to the lounge first, and the eldest and second sisters followed. Gu Chixi glanced at the other relatives and friends who were leaving one after another, and after thinking, chose to stay.

"Are you here to block us?" Second sister Gu Jinrao sneered as she watched her come in.

Gu Chixi didn't seem to hear it, and walked in front of her without looking sideways, sat on the largest and softest sofa, stretched his long legs, took out his mobile phone, and lowered his eyes to read the message sent by the assistant.

The intertwined light and shadow fell, making her feel a sense of tranquility at the moment.

"Yes, of course you won't miss this good opportunity to act as a filial daughter." The second sister continued to stab her.

The eldest sister Gu Jinxian stopped her: "Arao—"

Wang Liya looked at the three of them from the side, tilted her head, concealed the shallow smile at the corner of her mouth, put on a sad face, and said, "Don't be arguing here, it will disturb your father's peace."

The second sister pouted, the eldest sister glanced at Wang Liya and glanced at Gu Chixi, which was meaningful.

About an hour later, the ashes were obtained.

Gu Chixi did not participate in the subsequent burial process, did not say a word, just glanced at the urn and left.

Outside the door of the funeral home, a white Buick was parked under a tree across the road, the windows ajar. Wen Ning sat in the car, saw Gu Chixi coming out from a distance, reached out and honked the horn.

Gu Chixi paused in her footsteps, raised her gaze, her condensed eyes lit up slightly, she went over to open the co-pilot's door and got into the car.

"Don't take orders?" she asked.

Wen Ning rolled up half of the sleeves of her shirt, revealing her thin and fair wrists, "President Gu asked me to wait, of course I have to wait." After speaking, she raised an eyebrow at Gu Chixi and made it up again before the other party spoke. One sentence: "You should behave well in front of leaders."

Gu Chixi looked at her attentively, with unexplained emotions in his eyes, deep and restrained, as if he was holding back something.

Suddenly, she grabbed Wen Ning's wrist.


With little strength, Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously wanted to break free.

Gu Chixi gripped her tighter, pulled her slightly harder, leaned closer, his warm lips touched her ear inadvertently, and pecked her lightly.

Wen Ning almost couldn't support the weight of her body and fell into this man's arms.

"What do you think, how is your performance?" Gu Chixi asked, her tone a little cold, I don't know if it was because she always spoke in a strange way, or for something else.

Knowing that she was in a good mood, Wen Ning felt a sense of revenge, a little excited, and her smile became more perverted: "I think ah? It's pretty good, but I don't know if President Gu is satisfied?"

From childhood to adulthood, there were few people or things that could draw Gu Chixi's emotions.

Except for her, Wen Ning.

Gu Chixi didn't say a word, and there were waves in her dark eyes. She and Wen Ning looked at each other for a long time, with a look of scrutiny in their eyes, as if to see through her.

Wen Ning greeted him without hesitation.

When I was a child, I ate soft and not hard. I was stubborn and arrogant, with a knife-like mouth and a tofu heart, just like now. But the difference is that she will no longer be as coaxing as before, a candy and a hug will be enough to satisfy her.

Gu Chixi's eyes dimmed, and he slowly released his hand.

Again, speechless.

At the door of the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock. Gu Chixi paused when he pulled the door of the car, and turned to look at Wen Ning: "Go up and have dinner together."

Wen Ning shook her head without looking at her. Then I heard the passenger door closed, and drove away with a kick of gas.

On the flight at 2:40 in the afternoon, Wen Ning finished lunch in the cafeteria, rested for a while, and went to check in at one o'clock.

The co-pilot surnamed Lin, who was on the flight with her, was a young brother who was very careful and conscientious in his work. He brought the materials and documents prepared before the flight early. The two of them tested alcohol together and went to the intelligence room.

There were three crew members in the intelligence room holding a collaboration meeting. When they saw Wen Ning coming in, they greeted her at the same time. Some people cast envious glances and frequently turned to look at her.

"Vice Lin, are you flying with Captain Wen again?"

"Could it be the person who bribed the shift room."


Everyone joked for a few words and resumed the meeting.

Wen Ning stood at the table with one hand in her pocket and the other hand flipping through the flight mission book. The tailored uniform outlines her waistline, and the straight trousers line up her legs. She is focused, and her eyelashes drop like feather fans. , the glamorous face is more charming.

Deputy Lin couldn't help looking at her secretly.

To say who is the most popular captain in the company, it is Wen Ning. Regardless of the co-pilot or the crew, most men and women are willing to take her class.

"It's raining heavily in City C..." Wen Ning raised her head. Halfway through her words, her phone rang. She took it out to see that it was another text message from the bank.

This time she was mentally prepared.

Clicking on the text message, the square words came into view, beating and spinning, but the content was not what she had guessed—she received a private transfer.

Fifty thousand whole.

The phone rang again, a text message from an unfamiliar number.

[Emergency first, don't be brave, and be obedient. 】


Driver Wen (smiling): Mr. Gu, are you satisfied with this service?

Mr. Gu (serious): Not enough

Driver Wen: ? ? ?

(—Pull the light!)

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-06-25 20:07:33~2020-06-26 20:11:10~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Fat Xiaoxian;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: DetectiveLi, Live a Happy Life, Elizacat, Ideal in the World, One Piece of Meat Dudu?, phx, Born to be Human _na 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of dkg; 5 bottles of Bo Qing A Liang; 4 bottles of hl; 3 bottles of Pikachu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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