MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 38

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The door to the conference room then closed automatically, and the sound was sealed inside.

Wen Ning took a step forward, almost unable to contain the thought of rushing in. She held on to the wall to stabilize her figure, looked left and right at no one, and continued to observe Gu Chixi's face.

Through the glass, Gu Chixi's lips opened and closed, and his face was gloomy. Everyone else had their heads half lowered. The man sitting in the middle on the left stretched out his hand and pulled his bow tie, looking like he was about to suffocate.

Wen Ning has never seen Gu Chixi's angry face since she was a child. Even when the two didn't know each other at first, her expression was light and she didn't distinguish between joy and anger. In the days to come, all Gu Chixi showed her was a smile and tenderness, and she almost forgot that she also had normal emotions.

What happened?

She guessed randomly, couldn't guess, and felt a little anxious for no reason.

To the point of reporting to the police, the matter should be more serious, and now the company is slowly recovering, unable to withstand strong winds and waves.

Since Gu Chixi took over the company, she has been busy with many affairs. Wen Ning has never seen her have a full day of vacation. She is working during her rest time, and she has to worry about her. She only acts as a rogue at night to pester her.

Wen Ning lowered her face, her nose was sour and her eyes were sore.

She doesn't want any major events to happen to make Gu Chixi worry, just like this calmly, slowly, and spend every day peacefully, and they should just maintain the current relationship between them, less thorns, more peace and stability this year.

Walking into God, the door of the conference room opened again.

Wen Ning took two steps back and saw Gu Chixi come out with a cold face. She turned left to go to the elevator.

It was still early, Wen Ning strolled outside for a while, and returned to the hotel after dark.

Gu Chixi is not here.

Didn't report as usual.

Wen Ning stood beside the sofa, and the cold white light shone all over her.

Holding her mobile phone, she stared at the avatar of Wisteria on WeChat, and uncontrollably typed out "when will I be back" with her fingers. Just as she was about to send it, she hesitated.

Reminds me of that scene in the conference room.

Should be still busy, right?

It's pointless to ask.

She pursed her lips, deleted the edited content, and went back to the bedroom to get her pajamas.

After taking a shower, Wen Ning turned on the computer, logged into the intranet to prepare for tomorrow's flight plan, and browsed the forum by the way.

The post of fancy touting Gu Chixi was pushed up again. The building was thousands of stories high, and all of them confessed rainbow farts. She quickly pulled over, and the more she looked, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Can only exit, out of sight is pure.

After eight o'clock, the man hadn't come back.

Wen Ning stepped out of the living room and went to see other rooms on this floor. There were gyms, indoor swimming pools, KTVs, private theaters, chess and card game rooms, etc. She took a turn and decided to watch a movie.

Although these rooms are rarely used, they are cleaned and disinfected every day by special personnel, and the inside is very clean and tidy. Wen Ning ordered a fruit salad, sat on the large and soft sofa bed in front of the curtain, turned the lights into romantic pink, and ordered a youth campus movie.

The film is warm toned, slightly yellowish, with a touch of white.

like the color of memories.

The screen light reflected on Wen Ning's face, her skin was translucent, and her eyes flashed with water.

In the movie, the male and female protagonists meet on a high school campus, wear school uniforms, ride bicycles, get out of school together, eat and play together, separate due to the college entrance examination, and reunite after stepping into society.

Wen Ning looked at it with wet eyes...

She couldn't remember when she fell in love with Gu Chixi.

Sophomore year? Or high school?

Seventeen? Or eighteen?

From a certain day, as soon as she saw Gu Chixi, her heart beat fiercely, her face was always red, and she could no longer let go of her hands and feet and hug her unscrupulously as she did when she was a child. Later, in front of Gu Chixi, she had to think about what she said, and she was tangled. While relying on that person to spoil her and approached, she was careful not to show her emotions.

She thought that Gu Chixi only regarded herself as her sister.

At that time, Gu Chixi was studying in college. He was always cold and detached, and his temperament became more and more mature. There were long queues of suitors, both men and women.

Wen Ning often went to school to play with her.

In April, the flowers on the campus are in full bloom, and the long boulevards are colorful and fragrant.

Gu Chixi led Wen Ning to walk under the tree, and met many classmates she knew. Seeing her greeting her, she asked who the person next to her was, and she only said, "It's my sister."

Although Wen Ning is still a high school student, but because of her wealthy family, her parents dote on her, she doesn't feel simple and rustic at all, and she has a good foundation. She grows up, her little face is watery and charming, and her eyes are big and bright, which is very attractive. .

All the classmates thought they were sisters, and they sighed repeatedly that the family's genes were good.

Wen Ning was a little unhappy.

The little mouth pouted high.

Passing the entrance of the cafeteria, there was a queue in front of the milk tea shop. Gu Chixi went to buy Wen Ning's favorite cocoa milk cap and waffles. The two sat on the stone bench by the lake, and she watched her eat.

The cool wind blew the hair on her forehead, and the cold face became warm.

"elder sister…"


"Does anyone like you?" Wen Ning pretended to ask casually, took a sip of milk tea, and puffed out her cheeks.

Gu Chixi subconsciously said, "Yes, a lot."


Wen Ning was stupid, the milk tea was choked in her throat, and she swallowed it after a while, it was cold, straight into her heart.

She remembered the confession post she saw in the post bar.

Tears fell suddenly.

"Ning Ning?" Gu Chixi's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly took the person in his arms, "What's the matter? Don't cry—"

"Then are you going to fall in love?"

"who said it?"

Wen Ning choked and cried, "Isn't it going to fall in love when you get to college? So many people like you..."

Cocoa is sweet, cream is sweet, but it melts a bitter taste in her mouth.

Gu Chixi was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Fool." She wiped Wen Ning's tears with her hands, "Other people like me, it doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love."

Wen Ning lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Thumbs caressed cheeks gently, fingertips warm. Hot.

"Don't Ning Ning want her sister to fall in love?"

Wen Ning nodded.


She raised her tearful eyes and saw Gu Chixi's gentle eyes. There seemed to be some kind of expectation flashing in her black eyes. She didn't understand, she just felt that her mind was about to be exposed, and she hurriedly wanted to cover it up.

"Because..." Wen Ning sniffed and hummed, "You don't have time to care about me when you're in love, and you're not my sister."

She doesn't want the status of "sister".

Finally used it as a cover.

Gu Chixi was silent.

The wind by the lake was slightly cold, mixed with water vapor, and it was wet on the face.

"elder sister?"


"why do not you talk?"

Wen Ning looked into Gu Chixi's eyes.

It seemed to be covered with a layer of gray, not as bright as before.

Gu Chixi curled the corners of her mouth, kissed her hair dotingly, and said softly, "Sister will not like others, nor will she fall in love, she will always be Ning Ning alone."

Wen Ning let out a sigh of relief.

Although she is selfish and unreasonable, she is very happy.

The movie had already finished playing, and the big screen jumped to the menu page and stood still.

The light shone on the crystal clear tears on Wen Ning's face, her washed eyelashes were thick black and shiny, her body twitched slightly, and she stared at the air in a daze.

It's eleven o'clock.

Wen Ning wiped away her tears, got up, turned off the projector and lights, and left the room.

The hall was lit with orange lights, and the oil paintings on the walls were covered with a layer of wax, and the oil glowed. I don't know when it started to rain outside, making a rattling sound, and there were small water droplets hanging on the window glass.

She pushed open the sliding door, and a figure appeared in her sight.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were half-open, and Gu Chixi stood alone in front of the window, with a slender back and a cold white halo all over her.

Wordless loneliness.

Wen Ning's eyelashes trembled, and her slippers walked over on the soft carpet, "When did you come back?"

The back figure moved and turned around, his indifferent eyebrows were a little lost, his eyes fixed on Wen Ning's face for a few seconds, and he said lightly: "Half an hour ago."

White suit, jet-black hair, solemn and cold.

She seemed absent-minded, without a smile, her eyes were erratic, and Wen Ning's face was reflected in her pupils, but she was thinking of other things.

The goblet is filled with dark red wine, which makes the fingers more slender and white.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Tomorrow afternoon's class." Wen Ning said.

Gu Chixi nodded lightly, then turned back to look out the window.

She is so strange today.

Wen Ning felt a little uneasy, and froze, neither walking nor not walking.

A flash of lightning ripped through the sky, and a cool breeze blew in with moisture. She brushed the hair from her forehead, stepped forward, and stood beside Gu Chixi, "Did something happen?"

Gu Chixi regained his senses, glanced sideways at her, turned the goblet with his fingers, and did not answer, but asked, "Did that person apologize to you today?"


"Kneel down and kowtow?"


Wen Ning looked out the window calmly.

Torrential rain shrouded the city streets and the air was misty.

Gu Chixi took a sip of wine, "Go to sleep."

Her eyelids were half-drooped, her brows were stained with very light melancholy, and she was a little tired. Wen Ning turned her head to look at her and couldn't help but be moved, "If you're in a bad mood, you can tell me."

Guess that 80% is related to the so-called "alarm.".

Gu Chixi's lips moved, but he stopped talking.

She didn't want to harass Wen Ning and affect people's mood, not to mention it had nothing to do with Wen Ning. It was Wen Ning's words, which made her quite flattered, and the annoyance in her heart eased a lot.

"No," she shook her head, "go to bed."

"You do not sleep?"

"Wait a minute."

"Then..." Wen Ning paused, "I'll accompany you."

Gu Chixi stared at her, suddenly burst into laughter, stretched out her little finger and hooked her, "Thank you wife. But it's really not necessary, I want to be quiet by myself."

She made an exception today to allow her to shout like that. Wen Ning thought.

"Okay, don't be too late."


Wen Ning turned around, glanced at her again, and walked back to the room slowly.

The rain is getting less and less.

Gu Chixi stood in front of the window for a while, sat on the sofa, leaned back slightly, stretched his legs, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly.

The day before yesterday, the maintenance team on duty in the regular inspection warehouse reported that the quantity of the new batch of aviation materials in the warehouse was small, and the parts were not suitable for repairing the engine of a certain aircraft.

The maintenance department called up the batch of warehouse orders to check carefully. The list stated that 2,000 sets were in storage, which was consistent with the purchasing department. However, the maintenance personnel of the team reported that there were indeed insufficient spare parts, which delayed the maintenance progress. Afterwards, the maintenance department sent people down to the regular inspection warehouse to check the inventory, counted the sets and found that there were only 1,600 sets.

The less than 400 sets disappeared.

The Maintenance Department and the Purchasing Department conducted an investigation first, and checked all the documents, details, etc. several times, but they found no problems.

But things are really missing.

That batch of aviation materials was shipped from a subsidiary, and it cost almost nothing for self-production and self-use, but the aviation materials themselves are very valuable, and the subsidiary also has external sales business. Those 400 sets of aviation materials are worth millions. People think of profit.

The matter could not be found out, which alarmed Gu Chixi.

In the conference room in the afternoon, the two departments reported the matter in its entirety. Gu Chixi flipped through the documents and basically determined that someone was planning to use aviation materials, so he could only call the police.

But that's not the point.

It’s not scary for someone to steal and resell it. What’s scary is that it can be done without leakage. There is no problem in retaining the entire set of documents, including the surveillance video of entering and leaving the warehouse. power to open up the relationship.

Gu Chixi intuition that this matter is not so simple.

Thinking of what the elder sister said, she shuddered, and had a bad premonition...

Late at night, the rain stopped.

Gu Chixi finished drinking the wine, got up, closed the window, and went to take a bath.

Twenty minutes later, she came out wearing a nightgown, looked at her bedroom, then at Wen Ning's bedroom, hesitated for a moment, and chose the latter.

The room was dark and the curtains were drawn tightly.

Gu Chixi gently touched the bedside, lifted the quilt and lay in. There was an even breathing sound next to her, she listened intently, propped up her body with one hand, reached over and kissed Wen Ning's forehead carefully, and then lay down.

In the silent darkness, the heartbeat was so clear that it seemed to be in her ear.

She has some insomnia.

There are too many chores piled up in her mind, one after another, she is working hard, and she is like walking a tightrope, every step can't be wrong, and her nerves are tense.

Gu Chixi closed his eyes and sighed, turned over, and put his arms on Wen Ning's waist.

After calling the police, the police quickly launched an investigation.

Things were silent, and the internal order was still orderly, calm as if nothing had happened.

Gu Chixi continued to advance the project of establishing the Jiangcheng base, and went on a business trip. She just came out of the business boarding building that day and received a call from Qiu Yiran, asking her to have dinner.

She asked the driver to go directly to the address sent by Qiu Yiran.

A restaurant on the top floor by the sea.

Qiu Yiran was standing in the attic, her straight waist-length hair fluttering in the wind, her plain skirt fluttering, and a pair of round gold-rimmed empty glasses on the bridge of her nose - she was clearly not short-sighted, and she had to be artistic.

A gentle and demure lady.

"Sister Xi—"

She smiled and waved to Gu Chixi, pulled away the chair next to her, and invited her to take a seat.

Gu Chixi sat down and said lightly, "What good thing?"

"Order first." Qiu Yiran smiled mysteriously, pressed the button next to the table, and the waiter came over quickly.

"For this lady."

She squinted and smiled.

Gu Chixi glanced at her in surprise, doubting whether she had taken the wrong medicine, took the iPad and scanned it around, ordered two items at will, and handed them over.

"It can be said now."


Qiu Yiran cleared his throat, raised his hand and pushed the frame of his glasses, and said seriously, "I officially announce that I have someone I want to hook up with."


"you recognize."


Gu Chixi took a sip of lemonade.

Qiu Yiran held his chin with both hands, and smiled until his eyes turned into small crescents, "It's He Yu, I, someone Qiu, want to soak her."


Before she could swallow the lemonade, Gu Chixi almost spit it out, and she quickly took out a tissue to cover her mouth.

"He Yu?"



"She's very wild," Qiu Yiran raised her eyebrows with a shy smile in her eyes, suddenly she leaned forward and lowered her voice, "Sister Xi, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, the first time I saw her, I just thought...cough, that's what, you know."

Gu Chixi coughed lowly, her face unnatural.

She understands.

"But it's not what I do to her, I want her to do what to me, you know? It's like that... I washed it up, lay down, and then she coughed—"

"As long as my sister is in place, I can do any poses!"

Qiu Yiran covered her face as she spoke, and Xiao Tian shouted excitedly.

She has always been open, and she is not shy about talking about it in front of her friends, and sometimes even shares her experiences together. When she was in the UK, Gu Chixi was often popularized by her, and gradually she got used to it.

I just didn't expect it to be He Yu...

In addition to being shocked, Gu Chixi was actually a little overjoyed.

But this joy soon dissipated. With what she knew about Qiu Yiran, no matter how much she liked people, it was just for a while, just for fun.

At that time, He Yu was still the time bomb beside Wen Ning.

Gu Chixi thought for a moment and asked, "Yeah, are you going to play, or are you serious about chasing it?"

"This..." Qiu Yiran thought for a while, "Let's talk about hooking up first."

"But no matter what, I want to thank you, Sister Xi. If it weren't for your relationship with Wen Ning, how could I have contacted her so smoothly? So I'll invite you to dinner today... By the way, I have a gift for you."

She lowered her head and took out a small box from her bag.

Palm-sized, pink gift wrapping paper, nothing visible from the outside.

Gu Chixi cast a suspicious look at her.

"Good thing," Qiu Yiran blinked, revealing a sly smile, "Before you catch up with Xiao Qingmei, alone, long nights and loneliness must be resolved, with it, your nightlife will be rich and colorful from now on. ~”

When you're done, push the box over.

Gu Chixi frowned and seemed to be able to guess what was inside.



This chapter will randomly send 50 red envelopes~Mua=3=Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-0101:12:47~2020-08-0202:05:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 5 glutinous rice dumplings; 2 YMSW; miss, alas, 34628567, live happily, Qingmu, pig head afraid of loneliness, 447634141;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 157 bottles of meals on time; 117 bottles of Li; 16 bottles of Mengyang, 19 bottles; 11 bottles of Jiangwan; Jia, Sa. 10 bottles; 7 bottles of letting go of troubles; 346285675 bottles; EYE 4 bottles; Chang'an, 3 bottles of lead leaves;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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