MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 100 Extra Story: Xianyu Chapter (8)

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He Yu's heart skipped a beat, then beat faster.

She restrained her joy and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you go on a business trip?"

Gu Jinxian straightened her back, raised her hand to caress her face, resisting the urge to kiss those lips: "Well, but today is your birthday."

At this point, He Yu also understood.

Seeing the look of exhaustion on her face, He Yu vaguely guessed a few points, did not speak, lowered her head, and the necklace pendant reflected her eyes.

Gu Jinxian pressed her forehead: "Don't be mad at me."


He Yu was so heartbroken that she couldn't care less about being angry.

In front of everyone's eyes, she held Gu Jinxian's face and gave her a heavy kiss, then turned around and grabbed the microphone on the table: "Introduce everyone, this is my precious girlfriend."

Gu Jinxian smiled at everyone.

With this smile, the lights by the Luo River dimmed.

Everyone booed, and I don't know who took the lead in applauding, like a wedding. He Yu didn't notice that a few people looked at Gu Jinxian and changed their expressions.

Gu Jinxian is good at socializing, and soon became the center of the crowd, and she roughly found out about He Yu's friends.

Most people don't know her.

In the first half, He Yu lacked interest. In the second half, she received the biggest surprise of her birthday. She wanted to eat what she didn't want to eat, and she wanted to drink what she didn't want to drink, and she was happy to see everything.

After ten o'clock, everyone dispersed one after another.

After coming out of the hotel, He Yu got into Gu Jinxian's car, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually faded.

When the car started, Gu Jinxian held He Yu's hand, cast her eyes, and wanted to say something, but saw that He Yu was always looking out the window without moving.

Her lips moved, but she held back.

He Yu looked at the scenery all the way and knew that Gu Jinxian was watching her.

In front of the public just now, in front of her friends, she also gave each other enough face. But the knot in her heart is still there, and it can't be resolved by a surprise. Now that the two are alone, she doesn't know what to say.

That night, Gu Jinxian told her that she was a pervert, and it still left her with lingering fears.

She has to figure it out.

Really perverted? Or just ranting?

Since Ah Xian gave the steps, she also went down.

Thinking of this, He Yu turned her head and met Gu Jinxian's fiery gaze. Before she could say anything, she felt like she was about to melt.

"Xiaoyu?" Gu Jinxian blinked and smiled.

He Yu's throat slid: "It's okay..."

She turned her head back again.

The light and shadow outside the window swept across her face, revealing the delicate skin. Gu Jinxian asked carefully, "Are you going home?"

He Yu snorted.

Gu Jinxian's heart was relieved.

The large manor is like a palace, waiting for the owner to return in the dark.


As soon as she entered the door, Gu Jinxian was hugged by the two little babies and almost fell. He Yu quickly supported her. She put her arms around the other and kissed her face.

"Little fish, you go up first."

"it is good."

He Yu raised her eyebrows and turned to press the elevator.

The third floor is very quiet, with the fragrance of iris floating in the air. He Yu looked around, pushed open the bedroom door, a passageway 30 meters deep, the butterfly specimen wall on the left, and the small study on the right.

There is a model of a hut on the ground.

A two-story paper building, with lights on, small furniture, and a thin kraft-colored envelope pressed under the base.

He Yu squatted down, picked up the envelope and looked at it. It had the words "Fu Xiaozhu personally opened" written on it, in the shape of a silver hook painted on iron.


What pufferfish?

How did she become a pufferfish?

Is it—

It means that she is angry like a pufferfish.

He Yu made a "squeak" and angrily opened the envelope, which contained only a plain white note: I'm sorry.

She thought it would be a small composition full of at least one page.

Taking a closer look at Gu Jinxian's words, she has a soft appearance and vigorous strokes. Like hers, she has a gentle and soft skin with sharp edges everywhere.

He Yu stared at the note for a long time, stuffed it back into the envelope, picked up the model of the hut and looked at it carefully, and found that the cardboard and furniture were customized according to the appearance of this bedroom, and they were restored one by one.

She has bought similar handmade materials, although it is not difficult to make, but it takes time and patience.

Could it be that Ah Xian did it by hand?

Holding the hut, He Yu got up, walked forward, entered the cloakroom, and saw a clay figurine on the ground, with a cowhide envelope pressed on the base.

She put the model of the hut next to her, picked up the second envelope, which still had the words "opened by the little dolphin", opened it, and found a piece of white paper with three words: I was wrong.


The clay villain was He Yu's appearance, wearing the clothes they wore when they first met - a dark blue suit.

It must have been made by Ah Xian herself...

She reached out and touched and touched, her eyes a little sore for some reason.

She put the note back, holding the hut in her left hand and the villain in her right hand. She got up and continued to walk forward. She entered the master bedroom. There was a half-open gift box on the ground.

The third kraft-colored envelope, "Fu Xiaozhu personally opened", the pure white note is still three words: OK.

Inside the box is a codebook.

Without thinking about it, He Yu directly entered her birthday, locked it, opened the book, and posted a picture of her on each page, with a few lines of small words written next to it.

— When I saw Xiaoyu for the first time, she burned on the stage like a wild horse...

Every photo is a snapshot.

He Yu flipped through the pages, not knowing that she had been photographed so much. At the end, it was a photo of her sleeping with her eyes closed. She had no impression of Gu Jinxian's lips kissing and kissing her face.

— She lay beside me and I listened to her breathing and could see her every morning if I opened my eyes…

After reading all the words, He Yu's eyes filled with water vapor.

The hut model, the clay figures, the photo albums, all took a lot of time to make. I remember Gu Jinxian said that the most precious thing she had was time. Compared to these, the necklace of hundreds of thousands around her neck seemed cheap.

"Little fish..."

Gu Jinxian walked in silently and stopped behind her.

He Yu's body froze, she quickly closed the album, wiped her eyes, stood up, and waited for a long time before turning around.

"Do you like the gift?" Gu Jinxian looked at her with a smile.

He Yu nodded seriously: "I like it."

The corners of Gu Jinxian's mouth curved deeper, and she stepped forward and hugged her: "I'm not very good at handicraft. It takes a long time to look like this, as long as you like it."

"Well..." He Yu buried her face in her hair and rubbed it.

The room fell into silence, and the sound of each other's breathing gradually overlapped. Gu Jinxian tightened her arms and hugged the person in her arms, as if to make her become one with herself.

"I don't like you talking to me in a commanding tone." He Yu suddenly said in a muffled voice.


"The other day you said you were a pervert. Besides being afraid, I took it seriously. Gu Jinxian, do you know how serious the word 'pervert' is? I don't want to live with a pervert, I..."

Gu Jinxian hurriedly interrupted: "I'm not." She hugged He Yu's waist tightly, her face against her hair, "That's just angry words."



"But you want to control me." He Yu struggled, a little breathless.

"If it always happens like this, sooner or later we will be annoying. When the love period is over, it will come to an end. There is no future, no future, but—"

She paused, her voice trembling: "But I want the future."

Reasonable analysis, she would, but reason could no longer stop her body and mind, even if Gu Jinxian was a pervert, she still fell in love with her, more intensely than ever.

Gu Jinxian thought she had heard it wrong, and smacking the words repeatedly, her eyes filled with joy, but soon, her eyes dimmed again.

"Xiaoyu, sometimes I feel like I can't catch you. You fly like a kite in the sky. I don't have a line in my hand. I can only watch you fly. I don't know when you will fly away..."

"I have such a wave?" He Yu understood what she meant.

Gu Jinxian closed her eyes and said, "No, I care too much. I also hope that we have a long and long future."

When the words fell, both of them fell silent.

He Yu felt pain in his heart.

She is hard-boned, and her temper is full of thorns all over her body. Anyone who touches it hurts, but once there is someone in her heart, the thorns turn into cartilage.

After a long time, He Yu smelled the fragrance on Gu Jinxian's body, and took a deep breath: "I will keep a distance from my friends..." After speaking, she added in a low voice, "It's good to be a strict wife."

Never let Ah Xian have a chance to be jealous!

Gu Jinxian was amused by her last sentence, and tilted her head to kiss her lips, "He Xiaotu, your precious girlfriend is not a pervert."

"Really? I think it's quite 'perverted' in bed."


"Tie me with a rope, block my mouth with a towel, and use that tiao ass—" He Yu didn't speak, her lips were blocked by the hot breath.

This time, it is not a fierce bite, but a gentle taste.

Gu Jinxian leaned her against the wall, her breathing became thicker, and she rolled endlessly around the tip of her tongue.

"Again, what the hell?"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Swearing at someone is going to make you cry."

He Yu struggled to push Gu Jinxian away, put her hands on her shoulders, "Go take a bath..."

"Wash together."

In the middle of the night, a small sound came from the bathroom.

Gu Jinxian put her hands on the washstand, catering to the person behind her, the water vapor on the mirror was wiped away, and a layer of soap was applied, and at this moment, the silhouettes of the two were clearly reflected.

One after another, ups and downs.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Her rare and weak appearance made He Yu savage.

On and off until the middle of the night...

Not long after her birthday, He Yu returned to the manor to live. When she was free, she would never go outside if she could go home as soon as possible. Friends all teased her as "cong Liang".

One day, a friend from out of town came to play in Los Angeles. He Yu invited a few good friends who knew each other to come out for dinner, chatting and drinking and drinking. After eating a meal until after 8 o'clock in the evening, some people felt that they were not satisfied, and they finished the meal. I also want to pack a room for a disco.

He Yu came back after checking out, waved his hand and said, "You guys can play, I won't go, someone at home is waiting for me."

"Yo yo yo-"

"Why did Sister Yu change sex?"

"You didn't go home until twelve o'clock before."

"Let go of Xiaoyu, maybe it's time to kneel down on the keyboard if you go back late."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Everyone joked and laughed, but they wouldn't really stop her.

"Okay, we'll meet again another day, let's go." He Yu picked up her bag and turned around.

The two women in the box stood up: "Hey, we'll take you off!"

Chase He Yu all the way to the elevator entrance.

He Yuzheng lowered her head to send a message to Gu Jinxian, with a bright smile on her face, looked up at them, and asked in doubt, "What's wrong? Don't send me, I'll drive."

"That..." They looked at each other and pulled He Yu to the corner, "Xiao Yu, we have something to ask you to do for a favor, I'm in a hurry."

He Yu lowered her head and locked the screen, "What's the matter?"

"That's right... You know that we both make chips. Isn't this a bad year? We don't have a few customers left. Small companies are not easy to do, and big companies have no way to do it, so you see... can you tell your daughter? Would you recommend a friend?"

"Yeah yeah."

He Yu was confused: "What do you recommend?"

"Oh, Xiaoyu, don't hide it. The car you were in when you left on your birthday is the car of the boss of the Huanshi Group. I've seen it at the exhibition before, Gu Jinxian, right? She looks very special. Beautiful and temperamental..." The two of them blew a lot of rainbow farts before they turned the topic to business.

"I heard that Huanshi Technology is going to change chip suppliers. We hope to have a chance to brush your face. I would like to ask you to introduce me. If it is convenient, please invite your girlfriend to have a meal together?"

"Or you can just say when and where she's going, and we'll visit by ourselves, okay?"

After listening to it for a long time, He Yu finally understood, and suddenly remembered the video conference she saw in Gu Jinxian's office some time ago...

She doesn't quite understand this.

These two have a good relationship with her, and they have helped her a lot. She thought about it and said, "I'll go back and ask."

"Okay, thank you very much, Xiaoyu, you are really good, such a powerful person can get it..." Another rainbow fart, the two competed to take out the business card and stuff it into her hand.

He Yu sounded a little uncomfortable.

What is a "bubble"?

She is not dangling.

After thinking about it, she was a friend after all. She didn't say anything and entered the elevator with her business card in her hand.

After returning, He Yu forgot about it. When she remembered that she was already drowsy after the fierce battle, she lost her strength and was carried by Gu Jinxian and fell asleep...

The next day, Gu Jinxian gave herself a holiday.

Last week, Gu Chixi called her and said that the new house was renovated and that she had just moved. She asked her to take the children to play and have a light meal. The appointment was today.

For some reason, she used to eat dog food from her sister, but now that she has a lover, she can't wait to take it to show her.

At nine o'clock, He Yu was pulled from the bed by Gu Jinxian.

At eleven o'clock, the car drove into the basement of my sister's house. Two adults were holding two children, like a family of four.

At first, He Yu thought that the "sister" was Gu Jinrao, but she refused without thinking. Gu Jinxian explained to her in time that it was another sister, and she was completely relieved.

The elevator reached the fifty-ninth floor in just fifteen seconds.

"What should I be called later? Brother-in-law? But aren't they the same as us? It's a bit awkward to be called like that..." He Yu took Miko out of the elevator first and stopped by the door to wait.

Gu Jinxian held her son with one hand and her with the other, and said with a smile, "I only know that they should call you sister-in-law."

"Tsk, I'm not married again—" He Yu raised her eyebrows.

Hearing the word "marriage", Gu Jinxian was stunned for a moment, her eyes filled with infinite longing, and her eyes became softer and softer, "Sooner or later."

After all, ring the doorbell.

It was the door that the nanny opened.

The child went in first, He Yu moved behind Gu Jinxian, looked in, and heard footsteps.


Gu Chixi came out from behind the entrance, his eyes narrowed.

The smile on He Yu's face froze.