MTL - Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System-Chapter 882 Spooky Demon Hallows

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"With the ancestral magic power of the demon ancestor, even if there is no sacred escort, it will definitely break through."

"It's just that the sacred weapon fell into the hands of the enemy. The attacking warship of our demons is always a hidden danger."

"Once the enemy has mastered the use of the sacred weapon, the battleship I waited for is equivalent to giving it to the enemy." The black robe monster said gloomily.

The powerful battleships of the Demon Race have amazing defense capabilities, and their fighting firepower is extremely terrifying.

A battleship has no less than the destructive power of a demon holy order.

Near this magic nest alone, there are more than a dozen warships escorting.

The human warship is not without it, and its combat effectiveness is far less terrifying than that of the demons.

Moreover, it is in the hands of the Da Jin Dynasty, and it has remained as a reserve force until now.

The Lord of the Demon Race, at this moment, his face is extremely gloomy.

"Lock the position of that person as soon as possible, Ben Sheng mainly shot himself and strangled the thief!" He said coldly.

Between the words, the outer periphery of Devil's Nest suddenly became a sensation.

The large Devil's Nest covering an area of ​​dozens of miles has been built as an indestructible defense line like a fortress. Who dares to attack the Devil's Nest?

Demon Lord's face "color" changed slightly, and immediately turned into a green mang quickly out of the hall.

With a flash of void, he overwhelmed the entire magic nest.

I saw the black "color" beams of light rising around the devil's nest, and the rolling magic mist enveloped the nest's "hole".

There are countless demon army, flying around the nest "hole", forming a powerful line of defense.

"What is the case? Why use a large array?" The Lord of the Demons cried angrily.

In a few moments, a few high-ranking demons exploded.

"Sir Lord, our warship somehow started on its own, and it also attacked me and waited for the magic nest!"

"There are three warships under control, and there are already many clan people who are trying to forcibly restore control of the warships," said several high-ranking demons.


During the talk, a beam of blood "color" burst out and "shot", heavy bombardment on the outer mask of the magic nest. The face of the Lord of the Demons is "color" iron blue. Obviously, this is someone who is using the holy weapon to engage in "chaos"!

He immediately turned into a green blast, "shot", and the whole body burst into blue, bursting into the blood "color" beam of light.

The impact of the optical flow would not cause much harm to him.

A punch, bombarded at the end of the beam of light, a huge battleship hundreds of feet long.

Bang Rong ~ This battleship was immediately smashed by that force.


Thousands of miles away, somewhere on the top of the mountain, Ye Fan was lazily playing with the compass in his hand.

There are hundreds of black "color" dots in the compass, exuding a burst of gloom.

And these black "color" light spots around, or a few, or a dozen, around some small white spots.

Ye Fan thought for a long time, but didn't want to understand what it was.

"Ding ~ Automatic control of the Demon Sacred Artifact, the data of Demon tens of thousands of battleships is being transmitted!"


Ye Fan froze, the system actually came out. He didn't pay attention to the system for so long, he thought it was dead!


Are these small light spots the distribution of the powerful warships of the Demons? So what's the use of this disc?

Ye Fan chose a black spot closest to her and lightly tapped the three white lights nearby.

Sure enough, the white light trembled, even swimming.

Turn around and go towards the black dot.

Those three white dots flew towards the black dots immediately.

Ge Ran suddenly disappeared.


Was it found?

Ye Fanshen "groaned" for a moment, immediately mobilized a few white spots nearby, and gathered towards that place.

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