MTL - Invincible Leveling King-Chapter 4640 try hard

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In fact, everyone who comes here feels a lot of pressure.

They never thought that such a thing could happen.

Even if that guy swept over all the way, but the good ones don't want any other numbers as long as six.

Of course, those useful numbers were planned and hidden.

But right now, it really doesn't make any sense.

They were handed over one after another.

In less than a month, Du Tianfeng finally got all the numbers on hand.

I couldn't help crying.

Very excited.

If it wasn't for Lin Fei's help, if he wanted to get these numbers himself, then basically he wouldn't have to think about it.

Especially before, there were many risks that this person took for this number, and there were even some that he couldn't beat at all.

With three or five people together, he felt the pressure.

But this time, I did just like this, making up the number.

This is the most unforgettable thing in this life.

"Brother Lin is thanks to you this time. Without you, it would be impossible for me to get this together, let alone get a place in the New World. You are my nobleman."

"This is what it should be. Work hard after arriving in the new world. Maybe I will need your help sometime. Don't leave too much behind."

Lin Fei patted Du Tianfeng on the shoulder and left.

Once you have collected this number, you can naturally leave here.

Du Tianfeng didn't say much.

He just nodded very seriously and left.

With the departure of Du Tianfeng and Lin Fei, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

That fierce guy can finally leave.

Even the strength of the same holy level can't beat it.

It's the same even if people are swarming, the result is aggrieved.

Fortunately, they finally left.

This is a little relieved.

The remaining numbers can still be contested, isn't it just that six and seven are missing.

The two of them came directly to a small palace.

The numbers in their hands have already made up a quota, and this small palace has a halo.

This halo seems to be able to see a floating world that looks very mysterious.

"Congratulations to the two of you who have collected all the numbers and obtained the quota to enter the new world."


All the numbers flew out and turned into a token.

This is a golden token.

It's not very big, but it makes people feel very sacred after seeing it.

The two tokens landed on Lin Fei and Du Tianfeng's hands.

"As long as the two of you refine this token, then you can enter this new world at this time. After arriving in the new world, you have to rely on this token to enter and exit. If this token is deprived , then you are no longer qualified to enter the new world."

A sound like a machine.

The two of them glanced at the tokens in their hands.

The two were sent out directly.

Appeared in a starry sky.

Countless meteorites passed through, bringing great power.

Naturally, the meteorite was nothing in front of the two of them.

It passed directly beside the two of them.

"I didn't expect this token to be so special. I couldn't tell what material it was made of."

36 looked at the provincial token, which he felt was the most important thing.

Lin Fei just glanced at it, but he could tell that the texture was indeed unusual.

It should be made with a rather special thing, and it is not found in ordinary places.

Even if you want to imitate it, it is difficult.

I can feel the power of a very special space in this identity card.

In other words, this piece of token will transfer space into this so-called new world.

This place should be in multiple spaces.

Even if you have the means of space, it is impossible to find such a place.

This new world is so difficult to get to, even Lin Fei thinks this new world should be in a new dimension.

This is the scariest thing.

Only the guidance of space power, coupled with some special means arranged over there, is needed to enter that place.

Otherwise, it would be useless at all. Besides, he also felt the power of defense on this identity token.

The power of this defense is quite fierce, and it can protect people well.


The shuttle time will be relatively long, and it will have a great impact on the body. Without special protection, it is basically impossible to go to this place.

"Go back and prepare well first, after all, I don't know what's going on in the new world."

Lin Fei had some information about the New World before, so he naturally knew that the place was very complicated, so he handed over the simplest information about the New World to Du Tianfeng.

As for the complicated and detailed ones, I didn't leave them to him.

Handing it over to Du Tianfeng actually put a lot of pressure on him.

It would be better to just do this simple one, Du Tianfeng took the information and left.

Lin Fei himself did not leave in a hurry.

After finding a very special place, I entered my own miniature space.

The miniature space can be large or small, plus Lin Fei's general operations.

It's nice to have such a portable place.

In addition, there is a Land of the Five Elements inside that is really different.

Came to the land of the Five Elements again.

The world tree that was planted has indeed changed a little bit, and has a trace of aura of life.

This place has also been arranged with large and small formations.

Cut off all the breath.

Layer after layer.

He was worried that this breath would spread outside and attract some strong people to compete.

That would not be appropriate.

Layers of means have been laid, and only in this way can it be prevented.

He felt that he had calculated better, and now he was very satisfied when he saw the buds emerging and the strong breath of life.

So much hard work was not in vain, I don't know if this thing can be controlled well after going to this new world.

Lin Fei couldn't guarantee it either.

But fortunately, he still has a system. The big deal is to put this thing into the system first, and see how you can detect it.

As for why it is not usually placed in the system, it is because of the special reason of the micro space.

Put it inside and it will grow slowly.

It will grow a little faster if placed outside.

As long as it is safe, Lin Fei still likes to put it outside.

Anyway, no one can **** it from him.

Just stay here for a while and then talk.

Thorough research.