MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 727 ,upgrade! ! !

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--- Mission rewards are very important for any Shadow Killer.

It determines your position in the organization and determines the future fate. Although the Blackhawk is the captain, he does not want to share this award with any of his companions, so he was indifferent when he was killed, even if he was in the first For a time, I saw that the Qin dynasty's avatars were not reminded.

For the sake of exclusive access!

Shadow has a very important help and can't kill each other.

If it is found that it will die very badly, the Black Hawk does not dare to offend, so it can only rely on Qin's hand. In these years of missions, his companions changed batches and batches, and he also used bonus points to climb to the captain's seat, the shadow killer with the name!

Now that the four entrances are dead, the incompetence and the points are divided, and the real strength will completely erupt.

Looking at the mouth of the Qin dynasty, a glimpse of the mouth, Yin Sensen said: "The fifth-order of Xuan Xing has stronger strength than the sixth-order of Xuan Xing. I don't know if I should admire you, or thank you. I didn't expect Shennongcheng to be a backcountry. I can still have such a master and save me trouble."

The mission is simple.

The difficulty coefficient is very low, the Black Hawk himself did not expect his companion to be killed, which made him a little surprised, but also hijacked. Because he didn't think that his companion would die, and now he is all dead. The reward points are naturally their own.

As for the fifth-order Qin Xuan of Xuan Xing? !

He did not look at it at all. From the beginning to the present, he did not put Qin Xiao in his eyes, and the gap in strength and strength created this confidence.

The cold and cold atmosphere is diffused.

I am afraid that the pressure will follow. Qin Xin’s heart sinks slightly. I didn’t expect the Black Eagle to hide such a terrible strength. “It seems that your organization is also fighting, and such organization is only a matter of time.”

"You don't care about the fate of your companions. It's a good sinister o."

Slightly said a few words.

The heart is tight, the third-level killer system is also constantly running, and the body's breath is madly increasing. The black eagle now has a completely different atmosphere, and the real strength has broken out, making Qin Hao feel the jealous strength.

The seventh strongest power of Xuan Xing!

"Ha ha ha..."

"Companion?! I have never used them as companions. Their wastes can't keep their lives. What are the regrets of death?" The Black Hawk smiled a few times and stared at Qin Yu, saying: Your strength is very different, and the practice of cultivation is also evil. I wonder why you can constantly display the 'blood sacrifice', which hurts the body, and your body seems to be unaffected, very strange. Ability."

He noticed from the beginning of the blood sacrifice of Qin Yu.

This kind of evil attack is not a magical practice. Many people know it, but few of them go into it to cultivate it. The evil is too big. It is very simple to cultivate, but it will swallow up its own essence, but it can be said that it is Use your life to practice.

This is the case in the wood Far East. In the case of Mufu, even if Qin Qin did not kill, he would not live long.

In addition to the blood sacrifice, the Black Hawk is strange to the blood fog that is constantly released during the battle of the Qin dynasty. In a hour, the strength of the power within this blood fog has undergone several powerful changes, such as the more the strength of the kill, the stronger the strength. .

He doesn't understand anything.

This is why he has been slow to do so.

"Screaming grandfather, Grandpa teaches you!" Qin Xiao smiled.

The black eagle looked awkward and said: "I am just interested. Of course, since you don't want to say that I will not give you half of the time to live, just a few minutes is what I gave you, now you can die!"

The voice fell.

Behind the Black Hawk, there is a pair of black wings that are like the real, and it is the four wings, like the fallen four wings.

Under the wings is endless darkness.

The black eagle glanced at his eyes, grabbed his hands and screamed, and shouted: "The power of darkness!"


The four wings flashed, and the black point was raised in the darkness. The black mans quickly condensed on the palm of his hand, and the palm of his hand became an endless black hole. The violent breath of the mountains and the tsunami generally rushed out, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

The hollowing out is changed.

The entire palace is shrouded in this darkness, and all the darkness comes from the Black Hawk.

Extremely eerie.

Qin Hao was forced to retreat a few steps to stabilize his body shape, and his heart was awkward. The strength of the Black Hawk once exceeded his expectations, and his heart was drunk. "The killing power, the explosion, the killing power... ..."


"Power superposition."

The body constantly suppresses the killing power, and the body turns into a container, like a cannonball.


Suddenly, the black eagle suddenly disappeared, and the word 'dead' was pressed down by the air. The atmosphere of the mountain and the tsunami condensed together, and the gas that slammed the earth was generally crushed down, and the strength of the billions of pounds was pressed against the body.

Qin Hao’s heart trembled, biting his teeth, and screaming and yelling: “Explosion!!!”

feeling bad.

Extremely uncomfortable, the whole body can not tell the uncomfortable, even the body's constantly suppressed killing power is also vented from the body because of the body can not bear the cause, and then no explosion, may not break out again!

"The fifth stage of Xuanxing in the district, I still want to turn it over."

"The hand of the dark god, give me pressure!"

Drinking in the void, the power of the powerful ‘嘭’.

"The rumble!"


The entire palace is constantly swaying, like a major earthquake, numerous buildings collapsed in an instant, and in less than a few seconds, the palace became a ruin! The strength of the Blackhawk is extremely powerful... "Boom!"


With a palm of his hand, Qin Hao was able to resist but could not support it. He was directly shot by the black eagle. The five internal organs couldn’t tell the uncomfortable feelings. The sea was more shocking, uncomfortable, and a black blood spouted out. .

The face is paler.

The power of the seventh-order peak of Xuanxing?

This power completely exceeds the eight-order power of Xuan Xing.

Qin Lan climbed from the ruins, and the severe pain made him more awake. Looking at the black eagle with a sneer, his fists could not help but clench his heart, and his heart suddenly shocked. The strong breath suppressed all the pain.

"not dead?!"

"It’s really shocking me." The black eagle moved in the air and instantly fell in front of the Qin dynasty.

The darkness of the hand is once again depressed.

Qin Qin's body is slightly on one side, the speed is slower and lower, and the chest is still subjected to a palm. The body flies again and falls not far from Wang Zhen.


"It's still a little power!"

"If the flesh is stronger, then..."

Qin Xin was excited and looked at Wang Zhen, a few meters away. The corners of his mouth were exposed, and the black eagle reacted. The fists burst into violent blast, and all the forces were lifted. The double fists slammed out like a huge magma.


No one can think that Qin Zhen will suddenly start with Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen himself was also shocked and had no time to react.

He never dreamed that in this case, Qin Lan would shoot at himself and kill himself. He is not dying, not to be killed by the Black Hawk. Therefore, when I saw that Qin Zhen suddenly wanted Wang Zhen to take the shot, the black eagle's mouth was just a cold smile, and did not want to stop.

The employer dies, he does not need to be responsible, although the number of stars will be less, but the points will not be less.

and so.

The death of Wang Zhen is now irrelevant for him.

It is not important for the Black Hawk. It is very important for Qin Lan. When killing two black-handed killers, Qin Hao wondered why there was no upgrade. I only know the experience and can upgrade without any experience. It is to kill one, now even killing a dog can still be upgraded.


The killer system can also be upgraded with a little bit of killing value, four levels of killing!

The sixth-order body of Xuan Xing cooperates with the power of the fourth-level killer. Qin Zhen thinks that he is excited, and the pain on his body is left behind. What is the pain?

In the absence of any precautions.

Wang Zhen was completely unable to withstand the attack of Qin Yu, and the two fists blasted out. The body was directly burned into two pieces by the magma that was tumbling, and was directly killed.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Yu’ killing ‘Wang Zhen’ and gaining 31,000 points and 2,900 points of star power...”

“Congratulations to the player, “Qin Yu”, is the cultivator’s martial arts?”

"Congratulations to the player..."


“Congratulations to the player’s “Qin Wei” upgrade, the current level of the mysterious star sixth!”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin 夭’ to receive the system reward ‘skill space’...”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Qin Yu” killing system upgrade, the current level of four levels of killing!”

... "Nima!!!"


A strong breath poured into the body of the Qin dynasty, the body instantly changed, and the sea was shocked. The turmoil was instantly suppressed. The pain of the whole body was completely better. At this moment, there is only excitement and embarrassment in Qin Xin’s heart!

"How are you?!"

The black eagle was surprised by both eyes, and his heart was horrified. He felt the sudden change of the breath in the body of Qin dynasty. After killing Wang Zhen, he broke through and broke through the battle. Looking at Qin Xiao, I felt incredible. "Breakthrough, I can’t think of a breakthrough at this time!"



The black eagle brows tightly, thinking about the things that happened in the first few rafts in Mufu, his face changed, and said: "In just a few times, from the fifth-order breakthrough of Xuanxing to the sixth-order of Xuanxing, your speed,,,,"

He did not say anything.

too fast!

What is the time for the fifth-order impact of Xuan Xing's sixth-order impact?

If you don’t see who will believe it?

Last time after killing Wood Far East, I broke through This time I broke through after killing Wang Zhen. I felt very surprised in my heart, but I couldn’t figure it out. Why is this? There is absolutely a common sense o.

"It's fast!"

Qin Lan felt the powerful strength of the body, and smiled coldly.

Upgrade at the same time.

The body is strong and the killing system is powerful.

Now I have to find a good test to test how strong this power is!

The two eyes stared at the black eagle, and the smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The more he smiled, the more the expression of Qin Hao was, and the coldness was lifted.

The strength of the sixth-order of Xuanxing is coming out!

at the same time.

The power of the fourth-level killer also broke out.


Read The Duke's Passion