MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 709 , shit

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Thanks to the reward of ‘Da Qin Hero’!


Is there any fear? !

The master brother sees the Qin Tian only the fifth stage of the Xuan Xing, and immediately has a cold and disdainful expression, and does not put Qin Tian in his eyes.

He is the fifth-order peak of the mysterious star.

Even if he encounters the strongman of the sixth-order of Xuan Xing, he also has the confidence to be in an invincible place. How do you focus on the fifth-order part of Xuan Xing?

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he stared at Qin Tiandao disdainfully: "There is no place to look at this place in the fifth stage of Xuan Xing. Do you want to take a look at this place? Brothers, don’t need to catch it, kill him on the ground. Blood."


"Master brother is wise."

"I haven't been able to drink the blood of a living person for a long time. I can't help it."


They are all five stars of Xuan Xing. If they start to be a little scared, then they are not at all afraid. In the past battles, they faced the fifth-order person of Xuan Xing and they never lost.

Because they are evil.

The evil cultivation is very different from other cultivations. The way they gain strength is very simple. They devour the blood of the living and the breakthrough of the stars in the refining and blood. This method of gaining power is very evil. It is cultivated by the dragons on the mainland. Not at all.

However, the power gained in this way is much stronger than that obtained by the same-level practitioners.

This is the capital they have fearless.

Therefore, when Qin Tian was only the fifth-order of Xuan Xing, they showed their faces and there was no fear at all. Instead, they are excited. Excited about the bloodbeat in the blood vessels of Qintian.

The iron claws were on display and the four people moved instantly.

Surrounded by Qin Tian.

The blood is cold and cold: "kill!"


Qin Tian was cold and cold, and said: "Fucking?"



Very weak!

For Qin Tian, ​​this kind of evil is too weak, and it can't be compared with the repair of the demon. In that year, he let the blood of the northwest king's 'End of the World' flow into a river. When he was alone, he broke into the magic field and let the blood come back to the nest. Flow into the river.

A cult of the area can only improve itself by drawing on the essence of blood.

The evil spirits on the body are insignificant.

This kind of evil repair can't match even the garbage in Qin Tian's eyes.

It’s just weak!

After close contact. Qin Tian shook his head and sneered, faintly said: "As far as you are concerned, this evil is also called evil repair, evil your mother. Let's die for Laozi, don't let his mother come out and shame!"


Singing and drinking, said: "Explosion!"

The corner of the mouth hoists. Ruan said: "Let you see what is evil, what is magic!"


The dark black blood mist burst out suddenly, and the blood darts were covered around in an instant. Then Qin Tian’s eyes were twisted, cold and cold, “Taiwan!”



The blood fog followed and rolled out, and it suddenly slammed in an instant and disappeared.


One of the disciples was shot and flew into the air, and there were several dull slams in the air.

"Hey, hey. Hey..."

The sound is very heavy, like a Hong Zhong!


Heavy fall, unrecognizable, chest rupture, no breath at all.


Kill again in an instant.

The muscles of the eye of the blood are rushing. The double fists were heavy and the black suffocation of the eyebrows was faintly faint, and the **** smell on the body suddenly became strong. The eyes glowed red, and the body moved gently, and instantly fell to a place half a meter away from Qin Tian. Drink it, "Blood Purgatory!"


A dull voice.

The iron claws rise from the **** smoldering flames, and the emptiness of the emptiness catches up. The four blood-colored qis are like the raging anger of the sea, and they directly rush to the Qintian life gate. At the same time, the **** air shouted: "I dare to despise the evil, I want you to look at the evil!"

The voice is as sulky.

Qin Tian eardrum trembled, trembled and shook his head and said: "Garbage! Weak!"

In the face of the four **** sighs, Qin Tian looked calm and even contemptuous and lazy to despise. This kind of move is too weak. Even half of the ‘evil’ gas is not there. What is the difference between the evil person and the garbage? !

With a double fist, he sighed.

Attacked four punches in a row.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

The four strengths were immediately blasted and a roar screamed in the air.


Fragmented, all the energy is scattered.

The face of blood and blood changed slightly, and his eyes were twisted. He stared at Qin Tian and could not see his strength. He had just been attacked by a pair of meat fists. Is this person a fourth-order star?

Some movements at this moment.


When I think of my ancestors, I am a little bit nervous, and I am cold and cold: "Who are you? Look at the practice of your cultivation with a cruel killing atmosphere, the blood mist that you released and our evils are very imaginative..."


"I am very imaginative?"

"His mother, do not sneak in the urine to take care of themselves, can you compare this **** method with Laozi?" Qin Tian is very upset, a group of silly X evil repairs are simply rubbish, he even swallowed the dark heart, Know what evil is from the pure evil.

The half-rooted hairs of the evil disciples in front of the eyes are not considered to be evil repairs. At best, they are made by the essence of the devouring people. They call themselves evil repairs!

The face of the blood is changing, biting the teeth: "Give face to face, whether you are evil or not, you will die here today, brothers, blood soul, peeling off his soul, refining blood slaves, Let him be our slave forever!!!"

Extremely vicious practice!

Everyone was angry at once.

The remaining disciples are also drinking.

The suffocation in the eyebrows is all released!

Even the three disciples who had just been spiked were the same, and the anger on the eyebrows faintly rose.

This is the source of their life!

Blood Soul is a vicious evil. It binds people to pull the soul out, and then injects a mind into it. Form a blood slave, the knife and the gun will not enter, the golden body will not break, unless the idea is killed, otherwise it will never die!

It contains extremely powerful power.

It is also one of the strongest exercises of the Blood Soul House.

In Qin Tian’s opinion, I felt a little funny and shook my head again. Road: "Don't be so troublesome, I am too lazy to play with you, all give me to die!"

The voice is falling!

The constant oppression of the killing power in Qin Tian’s body suddenly broke out. Then, a loud tiger whistling sounded, and Qin Tian’s fists screamed for a while. The red flaming flames began to swell, and all the blood and blood were enveloped in the **** mist.

The **** fog is getting thicker and thicker. It looks so glaring in the moonlight, like the same group of blood suspended in the air, bright red, infiltrating people!



The blood and blood rushed to the ground, and the powerful force came out in the air.



One punch was heavier than a punch, and Qin Tian’s residual shadows were overlapped and added together. Finally, they fell from the air and the corners of their mouths moved gently. Cold and cold road: "Flaw repair? Repair your sister, the class door is axe, it is simply looking for death!"




Four consecutive sounds.

Four bodies fell.

All three of them were awkward, their bodies were stiff, and their chests were blood red. Only **** people lying on the ground are still twitching. His face turned pale, looking at Qin Tian step by step, incomparable fear, swearing: "Old ancestors, ancestors., ancestors, rescue, save me..."


Qin Tian stepped on the head of the blood, violently exerted force, the whole head burst open, and the corner of his mouth was cold and cold, saying: "The slain of the Wu Xiu!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Tian’ killing ‘blood space’ and gaining 12000 points and 990 points of stars...”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Tian’ for the ‘Blood Dan’.”

"Congratulations to the player..."


"Congratulations to the player's killing value +1..."



Qin Tianyi said one sentence, and quickly walked to the stunned Gaochun children, no matter how much, one hand picked up one, and shouted to Zhu Rui: "Hey, you still don't run? Then you can't run later." ”

Qin Tian has already felt the horrible atmosphere in the blood, and now can't stay for a moment!

Zhu Rui was still strangled with the unknown disciples and was relieved.

It is also because of Qin Tian.

Just after all seven of them looked at their eyes, it was because of the five evils and fears. Otherwise, Zhu Rui and the two will definitely not last so long.

"What about my two younger brothers?" Zhu Rui shouted.

Qin Tian leaped heavily and said: "No, it is estimated to be dead."

Zhu Rui’s face changed, and he couldn’t manage that much. With his hands moving, he released a powerful star force, and the stars violently exploded. At the same time, he said: “Fang Shidi, go!!!”


Five evil disciples did not chase.

They quickly ran back, looked at the body of the blood, and their faces changed. Finally, they all squatted beside the bloodstains. They screamed: "Please ask the ancestors to go out, ask the ancestors to go out, and ask the ancestors to go out..."

The Blood Soul House has never been so badly hit!

Twelve elite disciples, seven dead, even the masters of the fifth-order peak of Xuan Xing died, and then they would not have to ask the ancestors to come out, they might all die!

Bloody blood tumbling and bubbling.

It is like boiling water.

Then the **** fog rushed out, and the sneer of screaming was like a **** out.

Gloomy, horrible.

A powerful suffocating air, a black piece...


"Brother, he,,,"


"Is he still not a person?"

Fang Lei’s face was stunned and his heart was shocked.

The fifth step of Xuan Xing kills the seven evils of the seventh star in just a few even the blood of the fifth-order peak is an instant spike, you must know that the blood is small in the soul of the soul Known, it is even more outstanding among the younger generation.


It is completely murdered and there is no room for resistance!

Too sharp, too overbearing.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, he won’t believe it if he kills him.

Zhu Rui gasped, his eyes were also in horror, and both fists were trembled. As the fifth-order peak of Xuan Xing, he couldn’t see the speed of Qin Tian’s punches. Is the gap so big?

Or does Qin Tian hide his own cultivation?


It must be like this, it must be hiding its own cultivation as a realm, or how could it be as easy as killing pigs and slaughtering sheep?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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