MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 686 ,abdicate

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Thanks to the ‘≮游戏人生≯, 小糖姐,霏霏0717’ support, the old cow is extremely grateful!



"that whoever?"

“Would you like to come over together? It’s fragrant.”


Qin Tianzui chewed the buns, holding two fritters in his hand, and shouted at the sorghum, who had no heart and lungs: "Sister, breakfast is very important. If you don't eat breakfast, MM is easy to get smaller. Drinking more milk will increase. Big."


Pang Haiqiang resisted, his face was red.

The same is true of several other people, but they dare not laugh out loud.

The reason is very simple. Gao Weier is the fifth-order powerhouse of Xuan Xing. The consequences of her unhappiness will be very miserable.

of course.

Hong Chong has a lingering fear, but Qin Tian is completely indifferent.

If the eyes can kill, Qin Tian has already been smashed by Gao Yaner’s eyes. He is staring at Qin Tian’s two fists and clenching it, constantly reminding himself, don’t be acquainted with hooligans, pay attention to quality. ,,


Every time she waited for her to get angry, Qin Tian’s goods showed a caring look to Luo Qin, but it was like the best person in the world, which made her very angry.


"Sister, you can eat with us."

“Wufulou’s breakfast is very good.”

Luo Qin groped and went to Gaochun's side. He smiled lightly and smiled very brightly. He couldn't help but like Gao, and immediately lifted her up and said, "I don't want to hang with that." Eat together."

Although she is hungry.

But she really didn't want to sit on a table with Qin Tian.

Luo Qin does not care, take the sorghum to go inside the private room. At the same time, I still don't forget to say: "Qin Tian brother, you are not allowed to bully this sister again."

"Who can't listen to Xiaoqin?"

"obligated to follow."

"We don't dare to bully her, I'm afraid I can't come..."


Qin Tian raised his head and yelled: "What are you looking at me? I am a person who will bully girls? You see that I have such a love, so I will bully girls? Love is too late."

"Come, sister, this is the milk that has just been squeezed out. It's delicious, drink more and increase the function."

The sorghum children grabbed the table with both hands and the table trembled fiercely. The tableware on the table jingled, and the heart kept saying: "Resist, hold back, hold back," she really wants to pick up the table and lie on Qin Tian's face.

But finally I can hold back.

Just when she wanted to take over the milk that Qin Tian handed, Qin Tianbai glanced at it: "If you don't appreciate it, I will drink it myself."

Run away!


The sorghum is trembling.

In Qin Tian’s heart, he stole a smile and said: “This girl is a bit interesting.”

"Small sixth brother, it’s delicious. It’s not enough."

"I'm coming……"


Wufu Building is in full swing.

Qin Tian originally wanted to eat and wait, to see if the few Mufu disciples could lead them out, but I didn't expect to wait for half a morning to see the people of Mufu, which is very unreasonable. How can the son be killed and the old man be ignored?

Some are puzzled.

but. Qin Tian is also too lazy to think about it. If you eat well, then you have to find out the wooden clear hoe.


Mufu, the council.

There are nine old people sitting in the hall, squinting, just like others owe him tens of millions.

Sitting above the hall is the current owner of Mufu. Muyuan Mountain.

One of the three strongest members of Mufu, the fifth-order peak of Xuanxing.

He is regarded as the pillar of Mufu. After he became the head of the government, he made a lot of credit for the Mufu. From the original weakness to the strong Wangfu line, the disciples of the Fuzhong are sincerely admired by him. Many places do very strict, which also hurts the interests of other elders.

There are several faces of the nine elders who are on one side.

One of the elders snorted and said: "The owner, there are still two teams who have not come back. One of them is led by Zhang Yijian. Someone saw that his sword has been picked up by others. It seems that they It will never come back."

"The elite disciple, that's it."

"It hurts."

"The Mufu elite disciple is the mainstay of Mufu, and it takes a lot of effort to cultivate one. It is so sad to die in the volcano, oh, oh,"

Another elder immediately followed and said: "For a little girl, is it worth it?"

"What little girl?"

"That is my three sisters, how is a little girl? Mu Chongbo, she is also your niece, she is now missing, you will have a heart?" The person who spoke is Mufan, the eldest son of Muyuanshan, his face is a little angry.

Mu Chong’s old face was cold and cold. He said: “When I grow up, I am going to marry. The water that my married daughter has poured out is not as good as a Mufu elite. I decided not to agree with yesterday’s decision. Isn't someone responsible?"

Another elder is also slightly said: "This is indeed something that someone is responsible for. It is always necessary to give an account to the disciples, and die in the volcano for no reason. The Tochigi Prefecture also has to give a statement."

"Yes, someone must be responsible."

"What responsibility is it? Is there any responsibility for learning to die outside? Is it strange that they are useless, can they blame others?"

"Mu Shen, what do you mean by this? My disciples are not good at learning? You have the ability to stay in the depths of the volcano for one night, and I don't believe that you can live out. Is it because you are dead?"


"In order to find a missing person who was missing in the wooden volcano of the **** volcano, this decision is too hasty. The decision maker must bear full responsibility. I have to give those disciples a statement as soon as possible. This matter is spread out in Shenhuocheng. The impact on Mufu is not good."

The hall is full of words, and the spearheads point to the wood distant mountains that have never spoken.

Mu Yuanshan glanced at the faces of several people in the hall, and his heart said: "It seems to be to force the palace."

Except for him.

Mu Far East and Mu Yuanbei are also silent.

In particular, Mu Yuanbei's face is hard to see, as if he is sick. Holding the handle of the chair with both hands, the breath of the body is strong and weak and unstable.

"It’s really the pig brain that made such a decision. Such a person is not worthy of being a Mufu owner and must abdicate."


"You are the pig's brain. Is it because your interests are affected?"

"I am telling the truth."


More and more intense.

In the end, the fierce quarrel, like the street, just got a sleeve and did one.

"Give me a shut up!"

Mu Yuanshan suddenly stood up and drank heavily. The powerful atmosphere of the body broke out instantly, and all the sounds in the hall were pressed down, and the eyes were heavy. I swept over, and then my eyes fell on the body of Mu Far East, faintly said: "Far East. How do the government officials make the mistakes in accordance with the Mufu family law?"

Mu Yuandong’s mouth gently moved, and he did not show his feelings: “According to the family law, when the current owner made a major mistake, the Presbyterian Church has the power to propose a new choice of the new owner. The current owner must also implement it.”


Mu Yuanshan first stunned and immediately said: "Okay, then re-elect, what do you have?"

No more questions.

The people in the Presbyterian are all his people. Since they have to re-elect, they will choose, but it is a passing issue. Mu Yuanshan now has no intention to focus on this. He wants to finish early and get Mu Qing back as soon as possible.

He is full of confidence in himself, even if he chooses it ten times, he is also the owner.

These years, the family contribution to the Mufu is seen in the eyes, in addition to affecting the interests of the three elders slightly offended, several other elders fully support themselves.

A moment of silence.

No candidate is proposed.

Mu Far East Road: "Everyone will vote on the current head of the government. If you agree with Mu Yuanshan to continue to serve as the owner, please raise your hand."

The voice fell.

The four elders, including the sword repair elder Muyan, raised their hands immediately.

But only four.

Except for the three elders who affected the interests, Mu Yuandong and Mu Yuanbei did not raise their hands. They were also members of the Changge Pavilion and occupied a very important position. Nine elders in the Presbyterian Church, plus ten homeowners.

The owner also has the right to vote.

Mu Yuanshan suddenly stunned and began to think that it was just a noisy. Unexpectedly, his two younger brothers did not agree. The development of the situation exceeded his control. He said in his heart: "It seems that things are not that simple."

Even if Wood Far East is, he has always been the leader of the House.

But how does Wood Far North not agree?

This makes Mu Yuanshan wonder, although Mu Yuanbei is not a brother, but the whole Mufu they have the best relationship, but now...

The hall suddenly stopped.

Mu Yuanshan also sat back in the position, his face became calm, watching the four hands raised at high altitude, the eyes of the afterglow looked at the wood Far East, just when he also wanted to raise his hand, Mu Yuandong's hand moved slightly.

Mu Yuanshan has a look at his eyes.

There was a smog in the body that rushed into the wood.

Also at this time.

A far stronger breath of Mu Yuanbei suddenly smashed out, and the breath of the wood far mountain was rushed away, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Muyuan North Mufu is the strongest.

The strength is above the Muyuan Mountain, and the Xuanxing is sixth.

As soon as he broke into the hand, Mu Yuanshan’s heart suddenly sinks, his face slightly changed, and the hand he wanted to raise was also put down. He said: “My house owner is really unqualified, and I think so.”

Mu Far East immediately stood up: "The owner, just no one is running in the election, now you can propose one and re-select it again."

In the heart of Muyuanshan, he smiled coldly and looked unrecognizable. He said, "Let me propose, then you. Your contribution to the family in these years is obvious to all. I believe you should be competent."

"I oppose I also object."


The four people who just raised their hands are against.

Wood Far East is not panicked. "The four elders are opposed. It is better for everyone to raise their hands. If you agree, please raise your hand."

When talking, Mu Yuandong was watching Mu Yuanshan, his face was smiling like a smile, holding a small hairpin in his hand and playing it gently.

Mu Yuanshan raised his hand and said: "I agree."

Then, the three elders raised their hands, and Mu Yuanbei raised his hand. Finally, Mu Yuandong raised his hand.

Six to four.

Mu Yuandong smiled lightly and said: "Thank you for your support from the elders. I will do my best to make Mufu grow up after I am in the Far East!"

“Ha ha ha...” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

Read The Duke's Passion