MTL - Invincible Level Up-v10 Chapter 754 Super gift

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The most powerful game is not g, but game developers. [Latest chapter reading..]

He can control everything, including g permissions.

If Qin Tian is experiencing an online game, then he is only a slightly better game player in the game.

In this game, the role played by the ancient ancestors is g.

Very powerful, but always controlled by the open personnel, just like his current level of the realm of the gods, super unparalleled existence, but for him this power but limited freedom, no matter how strong, still can not be detached.

For this, Qin Tian does not feel deep.


He was alert from the beginning that it might be manned.

There was a silence in the enchantment.

Qin Tian’s heart sank and faintly said: “I really want to kill the **** of creation? Why is it me?”


"Why is he?" I don't think about it.

She may not know Pangudo about the creation god, but one thing she knows very well is that the creation **** is an invincible existence, it is the existence of the universe, and it is an irreversible existence.

No one can beat him!

Pangu exhaled a breath and said: "Because you are different from others, you are the only one among the 100 best candidates who have independent magical powers. In addition to system power, you have other strengths."

Qin Tianyiyi, immediately thought of the endless devouring that Zang Tianji passed on to him, and asked: "Can you defeat the Lord of all things with a supernatural power?"

What is the powerful existence of the creation god?

Can you kill him with endless devouring? It is simply impossible.

If you can, why should the ancient ancestors find themselves, and it is not enough to train the Tibetans directly.

It’s hard to imagine how ridiculous the creation gods sounded. It’s hard to imagine that the ancient ancestors found themselves. Qin Tian thought it would be unreliable, but thinking that he would always be played in the applause and feel a little uncomfortable.


"But you can't do it alone." Pangu Weidao.

Do not know why.

From the beginning of the sacred world, after his blood was inadvertently inspired by Qin Tian, ​​he began to pay attention to Qin Tian and found that he had something different. Even this kind of thing can't be seen, and he can't tell.

It is like a kind of obsession.

With this obsession, all the way forward, never give up, and never step back.

Even if you face death, you are not afraid.

Qin Tian took a moment and said: "I am not alone? Is there any other natural person? Or is it true that one hundred heavenly candidates want to kill the **** of creation?"

Pangu mysteriously smiled and said: "You are the system owner, I am also the system owner. I know what you need most. As for other candidates, you are not qualified to perform this task. Only you, you are the only one."

Qin Tian smiled and said: "I think it is as great as I said. In fact, I am a person who is afraid of death. I really can't promise to help you with this task, but I am so sure. I will fight once! ”

Promised down.

The ancient ancestor of the plate immediately had a joy, and his look was a little excited. He held Qin Tian’s hand: “I know that you will promise, the creation **** is the strongest b in the world. If you can kill him, it must dominate everything.”

"At that time, you were truly free. No one can stop you, and no one can control you."

The more you say Pangu, the more excited you are.

It seems that the day is coming soon.

Qin Tian didn't matter, but when he heard that the creation **** was the biggest b, he was still excited.

Don't think about standing on one side without saying a word.

For Qin Tian's choice. She will not have any intervention, no matter what choices he makes, she will support it, and even let her immediately kill Pangu will agree, but she feels that Pangu is not right.

This is not true, she can't explain it clearly, like a woman's natural sixth sense.

Unable to speak.

After a half moment.

Pangu calmed down, his right hand turned over, and there was a crystal ball in his hand. He said: "This is the gift I gave you, and it will be your strongest strength. With him, you can definitely fight for it. Win in the war."

Qin Tian brow wrinkled and looked at the crystal ball can not see it. Can't help but ask: "What is it?"

I don’t think too much.

Pangu smiled and said: "There are 137 main gods inside. Twenty-eight masters are enough for you to rise to the realm of the Lord God."


Qin Tian’s head slammed like a lightning strike.

The look was extremely shocked.

More than one hundred gods, nearly 30 masters, what is the lineup?

Scared to death!

I didn't think that my face was blue, my sense of light was lightly touched, my face changed again, and the breath of death was immediately released. So many powerful characters were all caught by Pangu, and I can imagine how strong he is.

Pangu immediately noticed the strange thoughts and immediately explained: "This is my life savings and a gift for Qin Tian's brother. Their strength is indeed strong, but it is not worth mentioning compared with you."

Kill the Lord God?

Kill the master?

These Qin Tian have never thought about it.

Seeing this, I suddenly found myself thinking of a child.

Qin Tian’s fists jerked hard, and the heart secretly said: “Take it, first absorb these and then say, the realm of the Lord God, my embarrassment, scared the old man.”

Don't be white, don't be white.

If the ready-made cheapness is to give up, then he is not Qin Tian.

"Brother, they are the main gods. How do I kill them? I can't force the main **** to break my teeth." Qin Tian questioned.

Pan Gudao: "I have thought about you for a long time. You can only go to kill if you go in. They can't backhand. You use your unique magical power to kill. This is best. Their flesh is also very helpful to you. ”


Qin Tian was completely excited, and it was really a white one.

The main god, the master, all kinds of super strong, I can't think of the fact that they can kill them like killing pigs and slaughtering sheep, and dreaming of things.

Qin Tian swallowed Anxious: "What are you waiting for, go now."

The ancient ancestral path: "Good."


In the next three days, Qin Tian entered the crystal enchantment.

Like the ancient ancestors of the plate, these master gods, the masters have no power to resist, the weak ones are like the ants, and when they are killed, they are not called, just like a dumb.

Only their eyes are very embarrassing, and some are with a sneer, disdain.

As if I want to say something.

Qin Tian does not care so much, no matter what the purpose of the ancient ancestors, this kind of cheap does not account for that fart.


Ten days later, Qin Tian absorbed all the powers of these main gods and masters.

The winner of the day is open!


Read The Duke's Passion