MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 2012 We are waiting for your comeback (eight thousand words big

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Obviously, he was afraid to cause the scum of the anger, but his sentence just ended.


The temperature of the entire hotel dropped to freezing point in an instant.

"What are you talking about? Communicate with him?"


There was a thick sense of ferocity and cruelty in the corner of Lord Jagger's mouth.

This is his place. Behind him is his brother. He wants to sit in his own position and needs to communicate with others.

Just a joke!

Just drag it out for a beat.

Right now, Lord Jang, with a look of anger, led many strong men behind him and walked towards the first seat of the rich character.

He didn't believe that, under his anger, someone really had eaten leopard gall and dare not give him a seat!


The sound of step by step made the entire Futian Hotel seem to tremble.

A celebrity guest who saw the bad shape showed a lot of horror and horror at the same time as his face was full of panic and fear.

In particular, when they looked at Ning Tianlin on the first seat of Tianzi, they all had pity.

It seems that this guy has seen a sad end in general.


Almost in a blink of an eye, Master Jagger and others came to the first seat of Tianzi as soon as possible, and the crowd broke apart, and they surrounded Ning Tianlin with a hula.

The corners of each mouth are full of jokes.

Lord Jade, headed up and down, looked at Ning Tianlin, seeing that there was no energy fluctuation on the other side, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

But as soon as he saw Ning Tianlin's young age, he was relieved quickly. At this age, there was no air of martial arts and it was normal.

At the moment, he didn't think much about it, and naturalized Ning Tianlin to a rich man with a little money.

I saw the greed and ferocity emerging from the corners of Lord Jagger's mouth.

"Kid, listen to me. If you don't want to die, leave me all the treasures and money you have."

"Then it was gone and disappeared before my eyes."

Talking, the savage hang on the corner of Master Jie's mouth became more bloodthirsty.

"Otherwise, I'll cut off your legs so that you can't get out of this gate!"


When Lord Jagger's words all fell, the crowds around him were all upset.

They thought that this scum master would not give up, and would blast the young man out from here.

But I didn't expect that Lord Jie even thought of Ning Tianlin's body, money and treasure.

At this moment, one by one looking at Ning Tianlin, he kept his mouth and shook his head.

In their eyes, as long as they are stared at by Master Jie, the kid will only have to obey, and there are no other possibilities at all.

After all, Lord Jagger's fierce name is out, whether it is his cruelty or greed, everyone has known for a long time.

Just now.

Ning Tianlin seemed to have not heard the words of the Lord Jie, his dark eyes stared at the woman.

Lin Ruowen, the maiden of Lin Yuge, at this time in the cage, had been banned at the auction house.

A pair of big eyes, looking at Ning Tianlin's direction, were shocked first, followed by intense excitement.

"Being able to meet Master Ning here, not only will my life be saved, but sister Yunyun Yan will be fine."

In Lin Ruowen's eyes, the gatekeeper Ning Tianlin is omnipotent. As long as he is there, everything will be fine.

"She, how did it fall into your hands?"

At this moment, Ning Tianlin's mouth evoked a radiant radian, and a pair of black eyes stared at Master Jie, asking coldly.

The sound was hoarse and harsh, as if from the judgment of the last days.

Suddenly, all the people who had to watch the scene shivered and shuddered as much as possible.

Even the most eye-catching adult on the court felt an inexplicable coolness, walking along the floor of his feet, straight into his brain.

This made him feel a hair.

At this moment, he had a feeling that a bloodthirsty beast was talking to himself.

"Damn, how is it possible!"

Lord Jer didn't believe that this feeling would come from a young man. He shook his head vigorously at the moment, throwing this **** illusion out of his mind.

This stared at Ning Tianlin with all eyes, said Sen Ran.

"Boy, are you sure you talk to me in this tone?"

Disdain, intimidation!

"She, how did it fall into your hands?"

It was just that Ning Tianlin's words remained unchanged, only the sound, which became colder and colder.


At this moment, the entire Futian Restaurant was dead.

A famous martial artist could hardly believe his eyes and ears. Someone really dared to talk to Master Jie.

Isn't he afraid of death?

Everyone around me felt that Ning Tianlin had gone mad. It was only a matter of spreading money and treasures. Now he has to take his life.

And Lord Jade was thoroughly laughed at.

"Okay, a good thing that doesn't know life and death, don't give face!"

A trace of fierce murderousness was revealed unabashedly from Lord Judge's eyes.


The strong men around him also clenched the handles of their swords and pulled out the sword in their hands.

Staring at Ning Tianlin one by one, just waiting for Master Jie's final password to fall, they chopped this arrogant young man into meat sauce.

"Boy, the last chance, take out all the contents of the space ring! Otherwise, I will do it myself!"

Lord Jie now wanted to issue a final warning to Ning Tianlin.

However, just then.


A burst of energy suddenly flashed.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible scene appeared for everyone.

Puff puff!

A trail of scarlet blood splattered from the necks of dozens of strong men who were holding up the swords around them.

哐 哐 Dangdang!

A scabbard fell to the ground, crisp and harsh.


With a cold neck, they were horrified, and now they covered their necks.


When their palms just touched their necks.


The skin-stained heads ran down the neck and crashed to the ground.

At this moment, the sound of blood spurting from the neck was endless, and the sound of his head falling to the ground was endless.

Bloody and cruel.

However, this doesn't stop there.


At that moment, a white palm suddenly waved upwards, instantly piercing the scum of Master Jie.



The scarlet blood dripped down Master Judge's brows, and his body was completely rigid.

"How ... how could it!"


It's too fast!

Quickly let him have no resistance!

Lord Jagger couldn't believe the scene in front of him. His own staff didn't even respond, so they were killed by one stroke.

This is true even for yourself!

However, terror has not stopped.


When the white palm was slowly pulled out, the entire eyeball of Lord Jie was torn from the eye socket.


A pinch of that eye burst, Ning Tianlin's words resounded.

"I ask you."

"She, how did it fall into your hands?"


That's it again.

This sound, like a thunder blast, shook Master Jade's figure.

"Auction House ... Kerson Auction House!"

"Well ... there, a lot of wonderful women are on auction now, don't kill me ... please don't kill me!"

Lord Jagger was terrified.

With only one eye left, he looked pathetic. He couldn't even imagine that this young man was so fierce.

Squeezing his eyes, as if a trivial matter, did not blink his eyes.


And all the people watching the crowd around, also swallowed a spit, and they never thought that it would be such an ending.

The kind of cruelty, the kind of tyranny that made each of them beat their hearts, almost all mentioned their throats.

Regarding the surrounding reaction, Ning Tianlin turned a blind eye, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, he started again.


A bounce between fingers, a weird energy, instantly wrapped the Lord's body around him.


Suddenly, Lord Jell started howling madly.

Almost instantly, his flesh was torn apart, and his bones were ground into powder.

In this way, Lord Jie, who was still overwhelming at first, turned into a pile of sparse blood foam, which was scattered in the wind.


It took less than a minute to go up and down to Lord Jade and his group of men, all dead!

Especially Lord Jie, that terrible death caused the whole hotel to die to an extreme in an instant.

Bang Bang!

Everyone here feels that their heart is about to jump out, and the cold sweat ticking down ticks down their forehead, flowing down madly.

Brutal, horrible!

They have never seen such a horrible guy.

Especially the hotel owner just now, almost thinking of letting such a cruel man give up, almost collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, I was very happy in my heart. Fortunately, my attitude was not good, otherwise I was afraid that it would have become a pile of powder.

However, Ning Tianlin still did not care about the shocking eyes of the crowd.

The palm of his hand was slightly shaken.


The black iron cage placed on the ground broke instantly.

Afterwards, Ning Tianlin looked at the woman, and after passing a soft faint spirit, she said after driving.

"Why are you here?"

How come here?

Hearing this, Lin Ruowen's eyes were wet for a moment, and then a sadness appeared on Qiao's face.

"If you go back to Ningmen, Sister Bu Yunyan brought us."

"When the battlefield was sharpened some time ago, first, the black palace army was defeated, then the demon king slaughtered innocent creatures, and finally the zerg looked for everyone related to you.

"We hid all the way, and finally escaped here by chance. I thought I could take the limelight and wait for you to come back to the universe."

"Just, I didn't expect it, but ..."

Talking, the weak Lin Ruowen crouched weakly on the ground, sobbing, tears falling from her cheek to the ground.

"I did not expect, but was caught by the strong here, as a slave, and auctioned one by one ..."

Damn it!

Listening to this sentence, Ning Tianlin's face was gloomy and watery, and his gatekeeper was auctioned as a slave.

This made the killing intentions in his heart explode.

However, he put away the tumultuous killing in his eyes and looked at Lin Ruowen with a smile and said.

"Take this elixir and take me to the auction house."

After hearing this, Lin Ruowen slowly raised her cheek, carefully took the elixir in Ning Tianlin's hand, and swallowed it.


The immortal medicine was melted in the mouth, and Lin Ruowen felt her body all over her, and an instant of warm current passed by, and her injuries recovered.

Nodded fiercely, Lin Ruowen wiped off the tears hanging on her face, looking at Ning Tianlin's eyes, full of gratitude and excitement.

She was saved, and her brothers and sisters will be saved soon, because Ningmen finally appeared in the universe!

At present, Ning Tianlin took Lin Ruowen, and his body flickered like a ghost, disappearing instantly.

Until this moment.


The owner of the hotel sat on the ground with his butt, as if out of breath, gasping weakly.

Behind him, he was thoroughly wet with cold sweat.

For a moment, he seemed to be passing by the side of death, and he was afraid.

It's not just him.

All the surrounding martial arts soldiers also discovered one by one. The cold sweat had oozed out of their palms, and the mind was trembling.

They dared not imagine what a horrible existence the young man was.


And just before Ning Tianlin left.


Above the void of the entire planet, one by one, the ingenious figures suddenly fell, and each of them cuffed with a word, scum!

"It's dregs, he's the older brother of dregs just now!"

"Why did he come here suddenly, shouldn't he suddenly feel that the breath of his second brother suddenly disappeared?"

For a moment, Futian Hotel just had a mild atmosphere, and once again became tense and suppressed.


This is the existence of a hegemonic class of dozens of nearby planets. Although it is a star-barren realm, its horrific fighting power can be comparable to the master of the universe.


At this moment, when the figure in the void just swept over the Futian Hotel, a sound of bloodthirsty suddenly came.

"Where is my second brother!"


This sentence seemed to be a thunderous explosion that made the hotel owner and all the soldiers around him scalp.

At the moment, everyone is looking at the hotel owner, and their meaning is as obvious as possible, whoever is responsible for what happened.

They are just a bystander and have nothing to do with it!


The hotel owner had no choice but to take a few steps forward, raising his head to the dregs and others, shouting respectfully.

"Dear Lord Jie, your second brother, just now, has fallen!"


This sentence came, and everyone felt a monstrous murderous descent.


Click! Click!

The entire Futian Hotel was instantly smashed by the violent energy, and the pieces were not left.


"Who did it!"

The roar of the hotel when it was destroyed behind it, coupled with these simple words, made the hotel owner almost fall on the ground.

"Back ... Master, it's ... a young man with dark hair and black pupil."

"Listening to the rescued woman's address to him, it was like the man's name was Ningmen."

"However, they have just left here, and the goal is to go to an auction house, which is exactly the Exxon auction house!"

call out!

However, the words of being the hotel owner have just fallen.

I saw a horrible energy energy in the hands of the scum, and then burst out.

Boom boom!

A huge roar exploded centered around the hotel owner, including those who gathered around him.

They instantly turned into the flesh and blood of the sky, and the shock flew up. At this point, the bones did not exist, and all were annihilated.

Cruel and hot.

After watching all the warriors below being bombarded and killed, the sound of the sound of the man resounded resentfully.

"Second brother, when you are in trouble, these onlookers should not be rescued, they should be slaughtered!"

"They regret death, you wait, I'll slaughter that kid and get revenge for you!"

The bloodthirsty voice dropped.

Above the sky, the strong men behind him, scum-headed, uttered a shrill burst of empty air, and went straight towards the Exxon auction house.

They want their enemies to disappear, and in the blink of an eye, they disappear, leaving only scarlet and messy places.


On the planet where the auction site is located, a strong man returned with a load, and they said goodbye enthusiastically.

Some of these people photographed various treasures they liked, while others photographed a cage.

Inside, there were many young women detained.

"Hahaha ... Chengxiong, you little girl, not only looks beautiful, but the most important thing is that your skin is plump and plump, but it's really not comparable to those delicate women."

"Brother Ming's is not bad either. It's beautiful and cold, like a red rose with thorns. It makes people want to conquer it."

The two well-known strong men praised each other, and their faces were full of flirtatious laughter without any concealment.

"Well, I don't know where such a bunch of women came from, but it's really cheap for us."

"Who said no, not only are they beautiful and pretty, but they are also strong and tough, and you must torture and love a lot when you go back."

"In this way, I have the desire to conquer and show my great power."

"Hahaha, the hero sees the same ..."

After the mad smile, the two chatted a few words with each other, and now they can't wait to say goodbye to each other, wanting to go back to their respective houses and start enjoying.

Many warriors around, watching this scene, one by one envy to the extreme.

The umami taste of these women is only qualified by those who are strong on the planet after spending enough space coins.

Ordinary warriors like them have nothing but extravagant hopes, and even the remaining soup may not be in their mouth.

Because, they all know that, like that kind of woman, after being played once, no accident will kill her.

However, at the time when many warriors were very envious and envious of those loaded strong men.


Instead, they saw a horrible energy and assault from the void in the distance.

Those are the real killing tricks!

Like spirituality, those energy energies immediately fell on these strong men.

They are violent and irresistible.


At this moment, the screams of these star powerhouses with captive cages screamed for a long time.

Their bodies were torn apart, and even the exposed bones of the forest were shattered into powder.

In the end, it turned into a pool of blood.

Even the combat power weapons they had just pulled out were instantly torn and turned into piles of broken copper and iron.


Shocked, shocked!

This sudden **** scene completely scared the soldiers who were watching around.

Before and after, there was only a blink of an eye, all died, and all the planets who bought the women in the cages fell instantly.

What the **** is going on!

However, more than this happened before their eyes.



There was another burst of energy, and then a sound of corrosion rang out from above the cage.

I saw that the cages holding the young women were broken by many corroded cracks, leaving no one left.

Strong wind atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, a horrible suction swept away those helpless women.

Here, just a piece of messy iron left, even the scarlet ground meat disappeared.

A terrible scent of death, at this moment, shrouded the entire Exxon auction house.

A famous star powerhouse just walked out of the gate with a woman's cage, and was raged by strange energy.





The cage obtained by the heavy gold is now like a life-saving sign, proclaiming the life of each strong man.

Death continues to spread.

The thick blood stains infested the earth into blood red, and the skeleton of a strong body disappeared.

At this moment, the entire periphery of the Xen auction house was a sensation.

Countless warriors saw this horrible scene, and all ran away, as if far away from the plague god, as far as possible.

However, the bell of death is already ringing, and blood sacrifice is needed to eliminate the angry anger.

at the same time.

Inside the Exxon Auction House.

Here, among the chaotic stars, the most terrifying forces are the strongest overlords of the hundreds of stars around.

There is no strong man who dares to cause trouble in this chaotic auction house. Anyone who dares to provoke will have only one end, that is, death.

Even if the chaos is outside, the inside of the auction is still in harmony, and the auction business continues.

"Everyone here has seen that there are already hundreds of friends who have taken away the caged woman."

"Now there are less than fifty of them, and there are still prospectives, so hurry to bid."

A shy woman in exposed clothing stood on a high platform, shouting temptingly to the strong men below.

"Otherwise, by the end of the auction, even if you want to buy such women, it will be too late."

"At most, I can only buy women who have been played by other friends, and the taste is different."

Below the platform, there are hundreds of powerful people, and their eyes are full of greed and possession.

Some even couldn't help but start fantasizing about the scenes of those women kneeling in front of them.

Full of pleasure.


"Next, the starting price is 500,000 universe coins!"


On the high platform, a word from that sultry girl surprised all the powerful men waiting for the shot.

Just now, the starting price of the last successful bidder was only 300,000 cosmic coins, and now it suddenly soared by as much as 200,000.


At the moment, after looking at each other, all the strong men started to bid, and they were afraid. The more they got to the end, the higher the starting price.

"Six hundred thousand universe coins!"

"700,000 universe coins!"

"Seven million!"


One after another crazy auction sounds.

The price of the auction is skyrocketing, and in a blink of an eye, one million space coins are exploding!


"1.5 million universe coins!"

A vicious man on the planet fixed the auction price at 1.5 million cosmos, and there was no sound around.

All the strong people here know that this is already the top price, especially that none of them are willing to offend the cruel man who must report for the sake of a woman.

"One and a half million universe coins, is there any higher?"

The woman looked at the lower part, opened her mouth and asked directly, and when she heard this, the silence was extremely extreme.

"1.5 million universe coins, for the first time!"

"1.5 Million Cosmos, the second time!"

"1.5 Million Cosmic Coins, No ...."

At the time when the word "three times" was not exported.

A sound of icy coldness suddenly came from outside the auction house and fell into the mouth of everyone present.

"A hundred heads, is it enough?"


The voice wrapped with energy was extremely abrupt, and immediately made the woman on the platform stiff.

Hundreds of powerful men below were also uproar.

Kick the field!

Someone dared to come to the Xun auction to make troubles. This is simply because they are too long to live for themselves!

Suddenly, the eyes of the strong men all looked at the rear door, and their faces were full of surprise and jokes.

Especially the white-haired old man who suddenly flashed out behind the uncle's woman, looking dull and watery.

"Who, get out of the old man and suffer!"

A trace of violent murderous flickers constantly in the eyes of the old man.

There are many people who come to trouble in the Exxon auction house, but without exception, each of them is deadly miserable.

And now, there is another one, and the end is no exception!

But, just when the voice of the white-haired old man just fell.


The originally closed door of the Exxon Auction House burst apart and the debris flew.



One by one, the crimson things that were covered with minced meat and peeling, were constantly thrown towards the high platform.




When those things grumbled and rolled down on the high platform, the entire Kesen auction house was completely chaotic.


"Treaders, this ... turned out to be heads!"

The heads that fell to the ground were dripping with blood, looking horrible, and those eyes that had not been closed before seemed to have encountered a terrible existence before death.

In particular, their identity made all the powerful people present here in an uproar.

Because, the masters of these heads, they all recognized that it was the woman who had just auctioned off the cage and left from here.

"Master Card!"

"Master Tu!"

"Master Teng!"



Think again about the sentence just now, "A hundred heads, is it enough?"

This is too arrogant. Someone really dares not to put the auction house in the eyes of provocation.

how can that be!

Not only are the hundreds of people who are doing it, along with the white-haired old man on the high platform, they are also looking wild.

There were boundless horror and anger in the dim eyes.

at this time.

Da da da!

A dull footstep came from far and near. Everyone saw that a slender figure slowly entered the Exxon auction house.

Step by step, the sound is getting louder and closer.

Every step he took was like stepping on the hearts of everyone, making them more and more depressed and more and more afraid.

It seems that it is possible to suffocate at any time.

Not only that.

Everyone saw that there were a hundred young women behind the young man.

The appearance of these women, they have also seen, are the caged women who were previously auctioned out.


The visitor is not good!


Every strong person here felt a blank mind.

They didn't even have to think about it, it was this young man who suddenly appeared, that cut off the heads of hundreds of powerful men and saved these women's lives.

But what they couldn't imagine was how this lonely guy did it.

The breath of his whole being, if any.

After feeling the fighting atmosphere of Ning Tianlin, the whole auction house was uproar again.

If yes, no!

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the opponent's combat effectiveness is too weak to radiate at all, and the other is that the opponent intentionally hides it and disdains to overwhelm others.

However, even if you conceal your own breath, it will never be hidden so cleanly without any trace of spillage.


This young man's combat effectiveness must be far higher than all the people present here to achieve this step.

However, as soon as they saw that the other party was only 100 years old, everyone soon suppressed this impossible thought.

How can it be!

This young man can never be unless the strongest of the universe's masters can do this.

However, what are the explanations of those heads? All the strong men present looked at the man in a doubtful way.

However, Ning Tianlin was too lazy to look at the crowd and ignore them directly. His eyes were staring directly at the high platform.

"Then, I will only say it once."

"I'll give you a hundred heads. You release the women in the cage and give them to me."


wishful thinking!

The gray-haired old man's complexion was transient, and his eyes, occupied by anger, were already scarlet.

"it is good!"

"Well, a cricket ant who doesn't know how to live and die has provoked us to the Kerson auction house and dare to say so.

There was a smirk in the corner of the old man with white hair.

At the moment, he bowed suddenly into the secret room behind him, and then growled madly.

"Someone blatantly provokes Kerson Auctions, please do it!"

Congratulations fell.

Boom boom!

The surrounding walls exploded instantly, pieces of gravel, flying apart in pieces.


Every fierce figure came out step by step, as if a blood-thirsty beast came down, making everyone look transient.

Read The Duke's Passion