MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 2005 Come to the galaxy

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"You shocked me time and time again, and everyone was horrified at the speed at which your combat power increased. In this universe, you should have made a name for yourself!"

Speaking of which, Xiang Yu withdrew her complex gaze, and the bitterness that appeared on her face became more intense.

"If, once again, I might leave the people of the galaxy, go with you to the universe."

Xiang Yu murmured to himself.

But soon, he shook his head again, so he knew that he and Ning Tianlin were completely people in both worlds.

He doesn't have that qualification!

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu's face also appeared a touch of sorrow, and then he wanted to leave from here.

But just then.

Boom boom!

The sound of Weng Ming, which tore the void, continued to blast outside the galaxy, spreading from far away.

what happened!

This caused Xiang Yu to hesitate. He hurriedly looked up, and his face changed suddenly. With a wave of his big hand, a light curtain appeared in the void.

This light curtain, which can directly project scenes beyond the Milky Way, was laid out by himself 100 years ago.

In the past 100 years, it has never been activated, but now, he was activated at the first time.

At this moment, on top of that light curtain, there were horrible figures appearing one after another, and they were coming frantically.




In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of powerful figures and they rushed out of the galaxy.


The sudden emergence of the emergency, under the order of Xiang Yu, spread to the major screens of the Galaxy at the fastest speed.

As the people of the galaxy, for better or worse, they have the right to know what they will face next.

"Oh my God, look, what's that!"

All the warriors in the galaxy came out one after another, and they turned their eyes to the nearest big screen with horror.


The presence of so many powerful cosmic powers has deeply shocked all warriors in the galaxy.

They have been living in the galaxy for a long time, and have never seen so many interstellar powerhouses with their own eyes!


Shocked on them, it only lasted for a while, and was soon replaced by endless panic.

Looking at the scene in front of me, not only Xiang Yu, the main galaxy, but also Yu Ji, Bai Qi, and others were in a hurry, letting go of the matter at hand.

With the sound of breaking air falling down, several strong players in the galaxy took off and levitated.

At this moment, whether in the void or on the ground, all the warriors were dispatched together, and their faces were deeply panic-stricken.

And beyond panic, it's more shocking!

All the warriors, looking at the dense and powerful ones on the light curtain, each of them was horrifying in combat power, and was almost shocked.

"At least there are hundreds of people, not only most of which are Star Warriors, but even more

Plus horrible existence. "

Above the star wilderness, the Lord of the Universe, when thinking of this possibility, the galaxy warriors looked pale as paper.

"These ... the sudden emergence of a strong man, come to our galaxy? Are you here to attack the galaxy?"

On Yu Xi's cheeky face, there was a thick dignity.

Although it was a long distance, she could feel that every outsider's figure was filled with a thick killing atmosphere.

Obviously, each of them was covered with countless bloodstains, each of them was cruel, not a bad one.

"Damn, how could there be so many strong people suddenly!"

His complexion was pale and white, and his heart was instantly disturbed.

A star-struck powerhouse can defeat all the powerhouses in the galaxy, and now there are not only nearly a hundred powerhouses, but even the existence of the Lord of the Universe.

Consequences, I dare not imagine!

Once they start to attack the galaxy, the entire galaxy will be destroyed in an instant, and there will be no residue left!

At this moment, all the galactic warriors look ugly to the extreme, and they are filled with an unprecedented sense of helplessness.


Xiang Yu, the top decision-maker here, only felt scalp numbness, although the situation was not clear, but he hurriedly screaming at the next general.

"Quick, issue the strongest assembly order, call all the Galaxy's warriors, and prepare for emergency preparations!"


Hearing this, the war general who knew the situation was in danger, did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately swept towards the void below, and began to assemble an order.


However, just then.

All the warriors in the galaxy saw that in the void, the horrible strong men stopped their tendency to continue to fly, but stood neatly.

Da da da!

Immediately afterwards, they took a few steps forward, although it was only a small step, but when the second step fell, they would move a long distance forward.


Three steps!

Ten steps!


It's almost pressing, all the warriors in the galaxy are almost desperate.

Those strong men, the horror of each person became clearer, and every time they took a step forward, the warriors in the galaxy felt a trembling in their hearts.

"Oh my God! Look, that strong man with a tail turned out to be a fox!"

"There is that, it is even more powerful. It is a super strong race in a rare race, a roar!"

"These races that exist only in the cosmic network, how can they suddenly appear in our galaxy today, what are they doing!"

The warriors in the galaxy have discussed one by one.

These mysterious races have been introduced from the universe's network long ago, but they never thought of it, and now they see it in this way.

This ... is incredible!

The general of the galaxy shuddered with cold sweat.

"These hundreds of people, if each of them hits, I am afraid that the entire galaxy will be broken into dregs!"

"What to do now, what to do?"

The words of this general made all the galactic warriors silent.


At this moment, it spread to the hearts of every galactic warrior.

On the ground below, all the Galactic soldiers in the four major military camps, east, west, south, and north, have all walked out.

They looked above the light curtain, the dense cosmic powerhouses, one by one as dead as death, sorrowful, and the swords in their hands were shaking.

"Lord of the galaxy, please bless the people of the galaxy to be able to escape this calamity."

"The galaxy is about to fall, we must fight!"


The sounds of prayer, and the sounds of death fighting in the backwaters, spread to every corner of the galaxy.

Until the end, everyone had only one idea, and that was to live!


However, just then.

Hundreds of powerful cosmic figures finally stopped, but at this time, they have fallen on the void of the galaxy.

"Finally, still here!"

This scene changed the look of all the galactic warriors.

They didn't even see how the cosmic strongmen broke through the ban outside the galaxy.

I just saw that the dense cosmic powerhouses, like the last-day killing gods, swarmed to the void.

"Not good, please ask the Lord of the Galaxy!"

The Galactic soldiers were horrified, and now they wanted to scream in unison, asking Galactic's strongest combat power, Xiang Yu to take the shot.

Although they know the role is not great, they can't think of anyone other than the Lord of the Galaxy who can protect them.

It's just late.

The entire galaxy is completely exposed to the cosmic powerhouses. Not only that, it's awkward, all the interstellar powerhouses have separated a path together.

This scene, as if the ferocious beasts, was opening the way for the beast king in their hearts, the scene shocked to the extreme.

"Is there a stronger existence!"

At this moment, all the galactic powerhouses and creatures are falling into the ice cellar one by one.

Even Xiang Yu, Bai Qi, and others with calm minds were densely packed on their foreheads, and ticking cold sweat appeared.

In their shocking eyes, the three interstellar powerhouses headed as if they were pioneers who came out of the way.


Turned out to be the three masters of the universe!

Xiang Yu and others are sure that the three are absolutely the existence of the Lord of the Universe, because their momentum is too powerful.

Just the horrible coercion that emanated from the whole galaxy made the galaxy tremble fiercely, as if bearing some unbearable force.

The Lord of the Universe, the absolute strongest in the universe, each of them is a super boss on the side of the party. At this moment, three people appear at the same time.

Terror is coming!

"Look, who's behind those three!"

Galactic Warfare will scream.

After hearing this, everyone looked up, saw two figures, and came slowly.

They, a man and a woman!

The man in the two seems to be the king of these interstellar powerhouses. Wherever he goes, all interstellar powerhouses lower their proud heads.

This man, with dark hair and black pupils, is thin and looks like a fragile wind!

However, the coercion emanating from all over him was the most terrifying and almost suffocating.


At this moment, hundreds of powerful people lined up in a row, and their roar sounded loudly.

"Welcome, Lord Ningmen is visiting the Galaxy!"

"Welcome, the clan lords come to the galaxy!"

The monstrous voice shook the entire galaxy.


That man and a woman, under the attention of everyone, slowly walked out of the queue and stood in the middle of the top of the hundreds.

At this moment, the entire galaxy is dead.

They do n’t know the identity of the Ningmen master, but the name of the clan leader is enough to surprise them!

But just then.


Xiang Yu, Yu Ji, Bai Qi, etc., swallowed a saliva fiercely, and their faces were incredibly thick.

That man, they recognize it!

They stared at the man with dark hair and black pupils, only feeling the scene in front of them, as if dreaming.

"Ning ... Master Ningmen, is it the third brother Ning Tianlin?"

The chins of the three of them almost fell off the ground.

They couldn't believe what they saw in their eyes, and they didn't dare to recognize each other for a while.

They just saw clearly that among the strong men who bowed to Ning Tianlin, there were several masters of the universe!

Doesn't that mean ...!

Ning Tianlin's combat power has soared to the point of the Lord of the Universe, and he is also the strongest among the Lord of the Universe!

This is incredible!


At this moment, as Xiang Yu and others murmured, the entire galaxy was a sensation.

All the galactic warriors suddenly sounded. The man with dark hair and black pupil had appeared in the galaxy 100 years ago.

And, the third brother of the Lord of the Galaxy, Ning Tianlin!

Ningmen, Ning Tianlin, are surnamed Ning!

Although Ning Tianlin is more restrained and mature at this moment, the original appearance can still be seen.

Suddenly, a famous galactic warrior was full of surprises, galactic creatures were excited and shuddered!

The genius warrior Ning Tianlin of that year astounded the entire galaxy and left a deep impression on them.

Now, he returned with glory and a strong advent, and this scene made all the galaxy be alive and blood.

In front of this, the young man who can make hundreds of strong people surrender is the strong one who stepped out of their galaxy!

All glory!

This makes every galaxy creature excited, and they are all heartfelt and happy for Ning Tianlin's achievements today!

At the moment, under the leadership of Xiang Yu and others, no matter whether they are Galactic soldiers or ordinary residents, they all roared madly.

"Welcome to Ningmen, come to the galaxy!"

"Welcome to Ningmen, come to the galaxy!"



They were relieved, crying with joy and standing on their own, because the galaxy finally had superpowers!

"Brother! Second brother!"

"Third brother!"

"Third brother!"

At this moment, the three men who stood up to the ground hugged each other fiercely, and they shed blood and did not shed tears.

They talk to each other about the past years, and more, it is the legendary experience of listener Ning Tianlin.

The third brother, Ning Tianlin, is alone, after several lives and deaths, one person and one halberd, hard to shake the old strong, even if chased and killed by the strong man in the universe, he can live forever!

In the end, it is the hands to destroy the roaring clan ... Yinyangmen ... Zerg!

This crazy record over and over again made Xiang Yu, Bai Qi and others with emotion!

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's fighting power, they have now reached the eighth stage of the universe's master. They could not believe that those things happened to Ning Tianlin.

After a long time.

This gathering between Ning Tianlin and Xiang Yu was dispersed, and then, they moved inside the house and continued to talk about the old.


This is the stark star in the universe. Since today, due to the advent of Ning Tianlin and others, it is doomed to be ordinary.

Not only will there be strong men of all races, one after another will be stationed, but there will also be countless cultivation resources, tilting towards the entire galaxy.

Galaxy, will usher in crazy evolution!

Not only the stars around it, but also the stars, will surrender all, and all races in the entire universe will come to worship!

There is no reason for it, only because the earth will become the main star of the galaxy, and the galaxy will become the gathering place of the strong.

Read The Duke's Passion