MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1982 The acting is so good

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

A moment later, at the foot of Houshan's back mountain.

Here, a man and a woman are slowly moving, and the two of them are Ning Tianlin and Bo Wen.

"Brother Tianlin, do you remember the scene where you first came to the roaring clan?"

Bo Wen's pretty face showed a touch of redness. Looking at Ning Tianlin's beautiful eyes, she was like a lover, showing a deep blur.


Ning Tianlin smiled slightly, as if thinking about the scene of the day:

"The first time I came to the Roaring Clan, I made this place jump, but in the end, it escaped!"

Hearing this, Bo Wen laughed.

"It seems to be prepared, that's interesting!"

Bowen's pair of beautiful eyes, who were laughing at the moment, were almost crescent, and looked extremely sweet.

"Yeah, you at the time obviously came to the appointment, but my people did not let you see me."

"Also, with your own strength, you captured a bug from the Zerg base camp to prove yourself ..."




Listening to the next Bo Wen, there was a burst of laughter and laughter, as well as a variety of chats ...

In fact, Ning Tianlin, who did not want to continue to be entangled in this, said in a tone of hating iron and steel, saying:

"Bowen, it wasn't that I was talking about you, you are not too young, you should learn to be calm, and you should look forward and look further."

"After all, no matter how you say, you are now the head of a family, you still have to look like it."

"Usually pay more attention to the situation of the various races in the universe, do not always talk to me about some children's topics!"

Hearing this, Bo Wen moved forward slowly, his feet paused.

When brother?

"My aunt! Brother Tianlin never said that!"

However, she still leaned forward with interest, and turned to look at Ning Tianlin, saying with a smile:

"what happened?"

"Brother Tianlin, you said, have you begun to abandon Bowen, and feel that Bowen is ashamed of you?"

Pretending to be angry, Bo Wen has a proud and playful look, and at this scene, Ning Tianlin shook his head and smiled:

"No, how could I be disgusted with you, you like it so much that it hurts you too late."

After saying this, Ning Tianlin smiled. In order to cover up his embarrassment, he continued to walk slowly forward.


But every time he took a step, the smile on the corner of his mouth would converge:

"Well, I won't laugh at you anymore."

"No matter how you say it now, it's all the patriarchs of the roaring clan, let's talk about business."


Standing at the same place, Bo Wen, looking at Ning Tianlin's back, sneered in his heart, then quickly followed:

"Brother Tianlin, what's the matter?"

Blinking playfully at Ning Tianlin, Bo Wen looked disappointed, and complained lost:

"Look at you, it's so easy to come to the roar to find me once, but also to talk about business, can't you talk about private affairs?"


Realizing that it might be too sudden, Ning Tianlin, who had lost all his former achievements, suddenly scratched his head:

"Private matters, you can talk, why can't you ... just, I think this private matter ... there are opportunities to talk."

"Otherwise, let's talk about private affairs, how about it?"

Listening to this lame sentence, Bo Wen rolled her eyes, her lips twitched slightly, and she gave a coy noise:

"Forget it, I don't have that interest right now, so let's hurry up and talk about something serious about me?"


No surprise!

After exhaling softly, Ning Tianlin changed his face and said:

"When I came just now, I dared to feel that there was a strong killing spirit all over the roaring clan. Is it because of the Zerg war posts?"

Hearing this, Bo Wen laughed.

She nodded with a smile, without speaking, the forms within the clan could be seen at a glance, there was no need to hide.


In all likelihood, this man is inseparable from the Zerg!


Seeing the other party nodded nodded and admitted.

Ning Tianlin, who is in the same camp, nodded as he should, and looked at Bo Wen with a worried expression:

"Bowen, I know some things that you may not like to listen to, but I still want to explain it to you this time."


Bowen's mouth angled, and he nodded slightly, a gesture of willingness to hear the details, signaled the other party to continue.

"I have seen your determination to fight the roar to the end, but you are still too weak."

"The Zerg are very powerful now, and you can't handle it. Those of your clan will only die in vain!"

After hearing this, it seemed that Bo Wen was thinking about the pros and cons. A pair of willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, soliciting Ning Tianlin's thoughts:


"Brother Tianlin, you are the best. I listen to you every time. This time, you said what should we do?"

We roar!

From that day on, when the Zerg spelt war placards, each of the roar clan members knelt down and asked for their lives, fearing life and death, and demanding war against the Zerg clan, Bo Wen already regarded them as clan.

They are one!

"How to do?"

This humbly questioning immediately made Ning Tianlin feel ecstatic. Obviously, even he did not expect that the progress would be so smooth.

However, his complexion has not changed in the slightest, and he still looks like a roaring clan, saying seriously:

"I mean, if you want to completely destroy the arrogance of the Zerg, I can do it alone!"

Speaking of which, Ning Tianlin also pretended to be standing with a negative hand, a powerful man with a strong combat effectiveness.

"It's just that once the war between Zerg and me starts, it will be an unprecedented blood battle!"

"Even innocent warriors will inevitably spread, not to mention you who are going to play against the Zerg, will definitely be counterattacked crazy!"

After that, after a deliberate pause, Ning Tianlin looked at the hesitant Bo Wen, and continued to add his words carefully.

In his words, all of them are for the sake of Bowen and the roaring people:

"Bowen, let me tell you so. The main purpose of this visit is that I want you to leave here with the roar."


go away?

Bo Wen frowned, apparently did not understand the other party's meaning.

"Yes, you heard it right, just leave here and find a safer planet that can't be found!"

"If you're like this, there's only good, no harm!"

"In the first place, I am not afraid that the Zerg will use your life to threaten you. I can do my best to deal with the Zerg. Second, neither you nor your tribe will be okay.

The head of Ning Tianlin, who is talking about Tao, also began to look embarrassed, as if thinking about something:

"It's just that the universe is shaking and the Zerg dominates. Every warrior is at risk, no matter how high or low he is. There is a safe planet ..."

While deliberately lengthening the epilogue, Ning Tianlin's eyes looked at Bo Wen intentionally or unintentionally.

The meaning couldn't be understood any more. If Bo Wen didn't understand the meaning of the other person's words, it would be a fool.

Her slightly wrinkled willow eyebrow suddenly raised upward, as if suddenly remembering something, she said:

"Brother Tianlin, you are usually so smart, how can you be so stupid when it matters!"

"You look, earth!"

"It's both safe and hidden. The strong men of all races in the universe haven't found it for so long, and the Zerg will certainly not work!"


This is what you said, not what I said!

Seeing that Bo Wen was hooked, Ning Tianlin looked reluctant:

"You're right, Earth, suitable is suitable, but will it be too trivial!"

"After all, the location of the earth is too important. If it is exposed, it is not worth it."

Hearing this, Bo Wen looked like a cat who was trampled on his tail, with an unhappy expression:

"Brother Tianlin, what do you mean? What's not worth it, isn't my tribe tribe, and their lives are not so worth it?"

"Again, I asked them to be more cautious, how could it be possible to expose the location of the earth!"

That's right, all you want is this!

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Ning Tianlin, pretending to be thinking, groaned for a while, as if making a difficult choice:

"Hey, okay, I'll do it for you, but you have to be careful, the location of the earth is more important than anything!"

Looking at Bo Wen's touched and reluctant eyes, Ning Tianlin suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment and self-care.

"Just rest assured, I will be fine, and when I have solved the Zerg affairs, I will go to the earth to find you."

"All right?"

Ning Tianlin, who comforted Bowen, felt that the other party would nod his consent without having to charge forward, as long as he waited for the result of the battle, what a great thing!

However, he knew that it would not be Ning Tianlin, but the strong attack of the entire Zerg army!

Earth, destruction!

However, after hearing this question, Bo Wen shook his head unexpectedly.

Immediately afterwards, she laughed, the smile was so beautiful, until the laughter stopped, her beautiful eyes stared at Ning Tianlin:

"No, not good!"


Ning Tianlin's heart suddenly stunned. This attitude changed too quickly. Was it what Bo Wen suddenly noticed?

However, what Bo Wen said next made the tone he had just mentioned suddenly fall again.

"Brother Ning Tianlin, it's too risky for you to do this. I can't just watch you fight like this."

Speaking, Bo Wen's teeth, biting his lips, eyes firm:

"Clan members, you can go back to Earth! But I must stay with you and fight with you!"


I didn't agree with this!

Listening to Bo Wen's final decision, Ning Tianlin smirked in his heart:

Fighting together?

Howl people go to earth?


Anyway, you all have to die, but it's just one morning and one night!

It doesn't matter who is going to the earth, it is important to be able to find the coordinates of the earth, and that's it!

"Well, let's step on the Zerg!"

After solemnly nodding towards Bo Wen, then he saw that Bo Wen was totally confused by himself.

The little eyes that worship, as if he is really one, can rely on his own power to reverse the **** of war!


At this moment, Ning Tianlin, letting Bo Wen come forward, slowly lay on his shoulder, and then, looking into the eyes in the distance, there was a touch of brutality.

"Earth, I finally want to see you!"


Sniffing the top of Bo Wen's hair, a seductive fragrance was emitted, and Ning Tianlin enjoyed it, and his heart burst into his heart.

Earth, beauty, at your fingertips!

The last one is the real Ning Tianlin who has been hiding and has not appeared!

"However, with the location of the earth, you are not afraid that Ning Tianlin will not come!"

The fierce smile grew stronger.

His slender five fingers slowly lifted upwards, and patted Bo Wen's incense shoulder through his hair:

"Bowen, now that things are settled, let's not delay too much time."


Ning Tianlin could clearly feel that at the moment, Bo Wen's cheek was slap on his shoulder, and he agreed with him.

This look, how can there be a half-strong tribe strong style, it is clearly a weak woman with no opinion!

"Otherwise, I'll set it for you, today."

"Today, you give the coordinates, and with a command, let all members of the Roar clan open up towards the earth!"

"how about it?"


However, his whispered words stopped abruptly as soon as they fell.

"Indeed, not so good!"

I saw, the slender five fingers on Bai Wen's white palm, do not know when, he suddenly grew five sharp fingertips.

Sharp and sharp!


Just now, she used this palm to pierce the opponent's weakest heart position!

One hit!

At this moment, scarlet blood was flowing down Berwen's palm and forearm, dripping down to the ground.

Yin Hong, stingy!

And on Ning Tianlin's face, there was a thick and unbelievable expression, obviously he couldn't believe it was true!

"Bowen, you ..."


"From the beginning, I knew that you were not my brother Tianlin. The reason why you played with you was just curiosity. What do you want?"

That's it!

Bo Wen, who was greeted with a smile, had already become cold and ruthless at this moment, and then her palm suddenly twisted!


The man's heart burst open, a fatal blow!


The man who was stiff for a moment, just like that, straightly fell to the ground.

To death, there were boundless resentment in his horrified eyes. It seemed that he never thought that Bo Wen would really kill himself.

Where did it go wrong, he didn't know!

However, the impatient Bo Wen was obviously too lazy to explain these, her eyes suddenly turned.


Hanman's flickering pretty pupil glanced towards the boulder around Houshan, and then, the corner of her mouth flashed her intentions:

"Since you're all here, then you can show up!"

With her words fall!

Read The Duke's Passion