MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1980 This is the importance of power

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At this moment, Cangming was covered with wounds all over his body, and the blood in his body had already lost more than half.

Hearing this, Cang Mingqiang supported his extremely weak body, stretched out his palm and touched the little boy's head, and said with a smile:

"Well, we are going to be saved."

At the end of this remark, Cangming could not help looking at the side, his eyes were full of worries.

The woman lying there was his master Chen Hongxia, and her injuries were far more serious than he was!

"Saved? I hope Ning Tianlin can do it."

Seeing the faint faint look in Uncle's eyes, the little boy wiped gently on Uncle's face with his little hands.

"Uncle, rest assured that everything will be fine."

"When the Zerg tried to destroy our Moyumen, they were suddenly appeared by the Earth's predecessors and rescued us."

"You took us on the way to the Black Temple and were attacked again. It was Uncle Ning Tianlin's men. The Black Temple general rescued us."

"This time, Uncle Ning Tianlin must be able to rescue Master Hongxia, we must believe him!"

The little boy was comforting Cangming with a look of seriousness. In their hearts, Uncle Ning Tianlin was omnipotent!

Whenever the name is mentioned, all children's eyes will bloom, and there will be a lot of enthusiasm and worship!

"Well, we have to believe him!"

Hearing this, Cangming smiled, as long as he knew, how miserable it was to force out the smile.

The machine family counterattacked, menacing!

The situation was critical, and these people, because of their acquaintance with Ning Tianlin, were temporarily stored in the space ring by the black palace general.

But who would have thought that in a battle that day, the soldiers of the Black Palace led by the Black Palace generals were almost wiped out!

Finally, in order to be able to successfully return the space ring, one after another the Black Temple soldiers died tragically!

Thinking of this dangerous situation again and again, Cangming's eyes couldn't help getting wet, and the scene just entering the space ring seemed to happen yesterday:

What they saw were groups of warriors, all races!

"These are prisoners of war in the Black Temple!"

Cangming and other people thought of this possibility instantly from the terrible wounds and painful and cruel eyes on the other side.

While they were intact one by one, the other party was seriously injured and dying, and the two opposing camps formed immediately!

Master Chen Hongxia and several elders in the door are not only the stars and martial arts warriors, but also in their heyday, but they can suppress those warriors.

Considering that these prisoners of war in the Black Palace would have other uses, the master Chen Hongxia did not kill the killer.

The atmosphere of confrontation between the two parties, although tense and unrelenting, can still be safe and sound.

However, over time, Cangming and others haven't waited for someone to open the space ring.

Before entering the space ring, they learned from the mouth of the Black Palace general that the person who can open the space ring is the person they are looking for, Ning Tianlin!

But what they waited for was the injuries of these prisoners of war, which continued to improve.

Fortunately, the warriors in the other camp were too cluttered, and no one was willing to attack Cangming and others.

Because whoever fights first means that whoever dies first!

Until just now, the space ring was completely chaotic, and the riots began. The elders in the door fell one after another.

Just as Cangming was about to recover his thoughts, a familiar but unfamiliar voice came in:

"Cangming, it's you."

Hearing this, Cangming trembled suddenly!

"He, remember my name!"

Ning Tianlin remembers the name of Cangming, the strongest rising star in the universe, and Cangming's heart is excited!


At the moment, at his gesture, all the children wiped away their tears, and one by one they stepped out of the broken space ring.

Step by step, Qi Qi went to the **** of war in their hearts, Ning Tianlin's direction!

Looking at these tattered clothes, and the trembling Cangming, Chen Hongxia holding out vigorously.

Ning Tianlin couldn't help sighing, and a ray of consciousness between his brows quietly swept away from the sea of ​​a little boy's knowledge.

The action was gentle, and in the blink of an eye, he became aware of the experience of Cang Ming and others. At the moment, his mind flashed.


Suddenly, a burst of breath rushed out, instantly covering the piles of broken flesh on the ground.

As many as swept into the space ring at his fingertips, together with the thick **** gas, all disappeared.

Ning Tianlin's whole body, no trace of blood stains, a ray of wreckage, looked clean.

"Uncle Ning Tianlin!"

At this time, the group of little boys had come to Ning Tianlin. One of the older boys said nervously to Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin smiled and nodded.

Seeing Ning Tianlin laugh, all the boys breathed a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, hula!

The little boys immediately knelt in front of Ning Tianlin and said to Ning Tianlin admiringly:

"Uncle Ning Tianlin, I'm Fei Yun, the elder elder of Mo Yumen. The martial arts were destroyed. Please invite Uncle Ning Tianlin to keep it!"

With that said, the little boy fell to the ground and burst into tears.

The division door was destroyed and exile, for a little boy, it was an indescribable pain.

It's not just him.

Immediately afterwards, a few soft voices came out:

"Uncle Ning Tianlin, when I was a potential disciple in Mo Yumen's selection, Jiang Wei, the number one in his age, asked Uncle Ning Tianlin to keep it!"

"Uncle Ning Tianlin, I'm Ling Kuo, a disciple of Mo Yumen, ranking second!"


Words fell, and every little figure fell to the ground, and each of them burst into tears!

Their division was destroyed. In a short period of time, they faced slaughter, life and death several times!

Now, only Ning Tianlin can save them.

After staring at each other with Cangming standing behind the boy, Ning Tianlin's gaze became more and more pity.

Footsteps lightly, rubbed a little boy's head, wiped his tears, and then Ning Tianlin said with burning eyes:

"Kids, don't cry!"

"From here on, this is your home. Everyone here will be your loved ones!"

"Welcome, you guys go home!"


Listening to Ning Tianlin's words, every little boy's eyes couldn't help bursting into tears.

Their home is broken, their older brother and older sister are dead, and now Ning Tianlin is hosting them. This is their relatives!

At this moment, every little boy was crying even more violently. They have a home and a place where they can stay!

At this moment, standing behind the little boys, the pale and pale face never spoke. He supported the weak body, and his voice was hoarse:

"Senior Lin, Mo Yumen Cangming, thank you for Mo Yumen!"

Speaking, holding the master Chen Hongxia's Cangming, nodded heavily towards Ning Tianlin in the direction of respect.

After hearing this, Ning Tianlin nodded with a smile in response.

"Cangming, you are very kind."

"The friendship between you and me was still there. You don't need to see each other so much. How you got along was still the same."

Ning Tianlin's kind and sincere smile flowed from Cangming's heart like a warm current:

"He's still like that, he hasn't changed!"

"It's just his fighting ability that's soaring and the turbulent universe structure!"

After only a hundred years, Ning Tianlin, who still talked about with his peers, met his predecessors when he met again, which really made Cangming feel like a dream.

However, Cangming also knows that this predecessor is absolutely responsible for Ning Tianlin's current strength and status.

No matter how degraded he is, he doesn't suffer and can stand in front of Ning Tianlin, that's his honor!


"Mo Yumen is gone, and you are the only idol in these children's hearts, God of War!"

"They will worry you in the days to come!"

From the perseverance deep in Cangming's eyes, Ning Tianlin had already heard the true meaning of Cangming's words.

Mo Yumen is gone, and God of War bothers!

Cangming is thinking, let these carefully selected children, let him keep them, and develop into a real warrior!

Looking at Cangming's expectant look, Ning Tianlin did not speak, but solemnly nodded toward the other side.

Understood, Cang Ming also understood the meaning of the other party.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled, and this heartfelt smile was a heartfelt joy for these children.

At this age, they can follow the footsteps of Ning Tianlin, and their future achievements are absolutely limitless!

The child must be protected and nurtured by Ning Tianlin. This is how many warriors have sharpened their heads and want to do but can't do it!

And he Cangming, let the children of Mo Yumen do it!

As soon as Cang Ming laughed, Ning Tianlin laughed as well.


He has already thought about it, whether these children are practicing qualifications or tempering their hearts, they are all superior and can be directly included in the Xuanhuangmen!

This will be a group of Xuanhuangmen disciples who have been really cultivated since childhood. It can be said that the potential is huge!

At this moment, I am afraid that these little boys themselves did not expect that Ning Tianlin and Cangming looked at each other with a chuckle.

They have completely changed their way of martial arts in the future, and they will be trained as a direct force of Xuanhuangmen!

Become a Megatron universe!

After looking back, Ning Tianlin pointed to the remaining space rings on the table and said to Cangming with a smile:

"Well, Cangming, I'll talk about other things later."

"I have more things to do, you take the children first, go down and rest."

The words fell away, waiting for Cangming and others to thank him for the reply, Ning Tianlin made a big gesture directly, and the shielding array method arranged before, a small door wide by one person appeared instantly.

Looking at Uncle Tianlin's strokes, there was a wave of energy ripples. These children were full of curiosity, opened their mouths with surprise, and rushed out.

"After going out, someone will naturally welcome you."

After touching the small head of the last child, Ning Tianlin said with a smile, and then two elixir suspended in the palm of his hand.

"Cangming, rest assured, your master Chen Hongxia is fine."

"Here are two elixir drugs. After you go out, you and your apprentice will be cured one by one."

Patting Cangming's weak shoulders, Ning Tianlin nodded and comforted, letting the other party still want to reject the words, swallowed.

The last Cang Ming who stepped out of the shield formation set Shi Zunchen Hongxia aside and turned to kneel down towards Ning Tianlin!

First kneeling, he was kneeling for Mo Yumen. The teacher's door is not extinguished. Xie Ning Tianlin accepted it!

Second kneeling, he was kneeling for the group of children, to protect and cultivate, Xie Ning Tianlin recreate the grace!

Third kneeling, he knelt for the master and himself, giving elixir, Xie Ning Tianlin's life-saving grace!

The face is filled with the gratitude of gratitude, and after slamming the three heads, he vowed secretly in his heart:

Only if he swears to follow Ning Tianlin, otherwise he wouldn't think that he would report three gratitudes!


After a while.

"In these space rings, there are 9,860 incredible energy points exchanged by the resources of various races."

"While bombing and killing people of all ethnic groups, the total number of qi points gained is 1,270, which is incredible."

"That is to say, before the continuous expedition of the Black Temple Army, the total amount of energy points that helped me gain was 11,130 incredible!"

Unbelievable, unbelievable, and the counting units behind this are immense, immense, immense, immeasurable ...

"Calculating it this way, it's about, countless points of energy!"


Repeating this number in my heart, Ning Tianlin's gloomy eyes blinked!

What is the concept of this number, he does not know, because his energy points are counted for the first time in infinite units!

However, this number is not the end!

This is just the army of the Black Palace. In accordance with his war order, he searched and accumulated from the various races in the universe, and he still has a part of his energy points.

The ghostly space, the arrival of the strong men of all races in the yin and yang gate, the roar of the old strong, etc., these beheaded creatures have not yet been counted!

"Star Wars, just give me a total of these scattered energy points!"


With Ning Tianlin's eager words falling, the voice of the fighting system resounded in his mind:

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for a total of 1600 points, it's incredible 8,160."

"Well, that number is OK!"

Ning Tianlin nodded contentedly when he reported the numbers. He knew that the biggest of them was undoubtedly the nether space.

"The two add up, which means that my current energy points have a total of 1.929 immeasurable!"

He can reach two countless energy points by sending him seven hundred!

Second ... immeasurable!

This number was murmured in his mouth. After a while, Ning Tianlin's excited mood was gradually smoothed down.

This time, the harvest is not bad!

"Having the Black Palace forces to help collect resources is much faster than collecting them by myself, much faster!"


At this moment, Ning Tianlin once again realized the importance of cultivating his own power!

Read The Duke's Passion