MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1968 Now is not the time to talk about morale

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Ao Fuhui's body was severely torn off of flesh and blood, like a kite with a broken wire, being blown away by hitting!

Blood squirted and suffered heavy blows!


The scene in front of me made the soldiers of the clan count one by one, and they couldn't believe their eyes one by one.



The demon king who was still under pressure before suddenly has a sudden increase in combat power!

In addition, it is still unprecedentedly powerful. It is a trick to retreat from the war **** Yang Yan and then defeat Australia Fuhui!

However, compared to their inner shock, it is more of a strange feeling that cannot be said, and the strange feeling is shrouded in the hearts of each of them!

At this moment, the Demon King is not only resentful, but even his eyes are indifferent!

As if it really was like the **** of war Yang Yang, just roaring just now, the current Demon King is a killing machine, a real monster!

"The Devil King is no longer the Devil King!"

This sentence looked like an invisible spell, and in their knowledge of the sea, turned the stormy sea.


At this moment, the machine soldiers began to hesitate and even began to doubt ... Finally they chose not to believe!

What **** words are different, the demon king is still the patriarch of their machine clan, this will not change!

"Devil King!"

Immediately afterwards, a general of the crew raised the sword in his hand and shouted at the demon.

The sound is loud!

This is a devout worship of the fierce fighting power of the demon king, and it is even more necessary to determine the uneasiness in their hearts!

The patriarch of their mech family is still there!

It is absolutely impossible for the demon king to abandon them, even if he really becomes a monster, he will certainly not forget his people!

Absolutely impossible!

Infected by that shout, for a moment, the yelling of all the soldiers of the clan resounded, and they all shone together, and the roar shook!

"Chief patriarch, demon king!"

"Chief patriarch, demon king!"

"Chief patriarch, demon king!"


But, hearing this shouting shout, the expressionless Demon King was just a little stiff!

He shed his head, raising his head blankly, as if remembering, but could not remember anything.

This scene, let the soldiers of the crew suddenly sink in mind!

The demon king didn't bother them, like an outsider, more precisely, he didn't know who they were calling!


"Master Patriarch, you are the Patriarch of the Mech Clan, the Demon King!"

The general of the machine clan was shocked, and he knelt forward and fell to the ground, his voice full of unwillingness.

However, there is still no response!

"Master Demon King, do you really not know us, we are your most loyal people!"

Hula, all the aircraft soldiers are kneeling on the ground, their faces are shocking and incredible!

Demon King, is it really not the original Demon King?

All aircraft soldiers are unwilling to believe that at this moment, they even suspect that they have an illusion!


Not only aircraft soldiers, but also Ao Fuhui and others are stunned!

The Demon King doesn't know the machine soldiers!

"What Yang Yan said is actually true!"

Suddenly, the pale-faced Ao Fuhui stunned, a flash of killing flickered from his eyes.

At this moment, the state of the demon king is chaotic, and the soldiers of the clan are kneeling, which is a good opportunity to kill!

Regardless of the injuries on his body, he secretly mobilized the spirit in his body, and he was poised to kill in the direction of the demon king.

But just then.


A fierce gaze, seeing bloodthirsty, suddenly glared at him!


Ao Fuhui felt only a crisis of death, instantly covering him, and even the high-speed motion of his body suddenly stagnated.

As if it weren't a person's gaze at all, but an extremely bloodthirsty and fierce beast, he could be devoured at any time.


Not only that!

I saw that the Demon King seemed to be attracted by the killing intention of Ao Fuhui, even twisted his body and walked here step by step!

It's over!

Ao Fuhui was terrified. The scene that the Demon King had struck him badly had not completely dispersed.

Da da da!

The dull footsteps are getting closer!

"Fight it! Death is dead!"

Au Fuhui's heart was fierce, his eyes stared at the Demon King, and at the same time, his feet arched slightly, ready to violently rise!

But just then, a secret voice came into his sea of ​​God:

"Close your eyes and don't look at it. Converge and kill, slow down your energy!"

Another reminder of God of War!

Suddenly, Ao Fuhui nodded slightly, he didn't think about it, he just did as Yang Ye, the **** of war!

He doesn't need to know the reason, as long as he knows that the other person will definitely not harm him!


The footsteps of the Demon King are close at hand, and Ao Fuhui chose to close his eyes at this time!

Scary silly!

The army soldiers kneeling on the ground looked at Au Fuhui one by one, as if looking at an idiot!

However, this is not the focus of their attention. They know that whether Ao Fuhui opens his eyes or closes his eyes, there will be only one end!

There is no doubt about this!

What made them ecstatic was that their patriarch Demon King had taken the initiative to destroy Au Fuhui!

This shows that the demon king still has consciousness. Since he knows who the enemy is, he must know who his tribe is!

The demon king, just formed by the black mist, took the initiative to repel Yang Yan and Ao Fuhui. They are not sure, but they can be sure now!

The horrified eyes of the soldiers of the aircraft clan showed ferocity. They seemed to have seen that the scene where Ao Fuhui was torn into pieces was extremely happy.

But what happened to them was extremely unexpected.

Although the Demon King and Ao Fuhui are close at hand, they have no intention of massacre!


How can it be?

That is the enemy, Ning Tianlin's men!

Each of the soldiers in the machine race was anxious, alas, the ecstasy that had just risen in their hearts suddenly stopped suddenly!

Too abnormal!

"Master Patriarch, please kill him!"

"He is a high-ranking member of the Black Palace, and is the main member of His Majesty Ning Tianlin!"

And when he heard the words from the generals behind him, the Demon King only felt a sudden pain in his head!

Pain, oh!

However, this only lasted for a while, replaced by Senran and Bloodthirsty!

Ning Tianlin?

He remembered the name, he was the one who would kill!


In the next second, the horrible figure of the demon king appeared in front of the general of the machine clan.

Ning Tianlin!

This name, as if possessing magical power, completely released the killing intention in the heart of the demon king!


"How could this be?"

The generals of the machine clan didn't think of anything, only Ning Tianlin's three words attracted the Demon King, and they came with murderousness!

"Master Demon King, you ..."

He still wanted to keep talking, but the pervasive killing made him tremble, kneeling down on the ground, lower!

His intuition told him that if he dared to say one more word, the demon king would definitely kill him on the spot!

However, this machine general also underestimated the demon king's hatred for the three words in his mouth!

He was trembling all over, raising his head in a fierce battle, and then a scene that made him unbelievable appeared.


A cloud of black mist wafted out of the Devil King's robe, and the target pointed directly at them was their machine soldiers!

The violent and weird energy, like a bolt of lightning, fell instantly!

"not good!"

The generals of the aircraft clan changed drastically, and a crisis of death had covered them, which made him sweaty, and his scalp almost cracked!

"Patriarch, we are your tribe, you can't do that!"

Right now, he shouted!

However, it is no longer useful, and the offensive from their patriarch, the Demon King, has already struck!


Under the scourge of black mist, his legs were instantly eroded and shattered, followed by the lower abdomen, chest, and the entire skull, completely eroded.


With a blood mist splattering, the generals didn't even issue a scream, and the whole person was hanged into a pool of minced meat!

Until the moment he died, he was unwilling to believe that he, loyal to the Ji clan, would die in the hands of their clan!

It's more than that!

The pale black resentment, triggered by a single blow, dissipated and turned into a black mist, like a snake, and ran towards the soldiers of the Clan!




The sound of tears kept exploding, and the life of a famous soldier was harvested!


With a scream of scream, over the soldiers of the clan, spreading out, in an instant, hundreds of soldiers of the clan died on the spot!

"Do not!"

"do not come!"

The aircraft soldiers in the rear were almost frightened and stunned. They were reluctant to believe what happened!

Their patriarch Demon King has really changed, and I really don't know them anymore. The expression that freezes on their faces is filled with boundless fear and shock!


At this moment, the whole scene was silent, and the breath of death was shrouded in the body of each machine soldier.

Just then, a weird scene happened.


I saw that the first soldier who died was a thin gray mist on the thin body!

It's like the resentment of the demon king, but it's different in color, it's much thinner!

And more and more mists rose up, and in the blink of an eye, mists of mist condensed and tangled above the minced meat.


A drop of pale gray sphere was condensed instantly, and the thin gray was almost transparent, like a glass ball.

"This is ... resentment!"

Seeing this scene, the **** of war Yang Yan stopped, he even suspected that he was dazzled.

It's so quick to gather grudges!

This was much faster than he expected, and he was astonished in his heart that the Demon King had deep grievances during his lifetime!

However, if he knew that Ning Tianlin had directly taken away the roots of the Ji clan, I am afraid he would not think so.

The gathering of glass spheres continues!

"Not just resentment, but murderous, tyrannical!"

Among the flashes of calcium carbide, the **** of war Yang Ye saw in horror. It seems that all the negative breaths are rising and condensing together!

The original light gray glass ball, at this moment, was even mixed with the slight scarlet color, gloomy, and strange!

But this is just the beginning.




Immediately after, a scene similar to the generals of the clan was staged in the bodies of the remaining hundreds of clan soldiers!

In an instant, hundreds of gray-red glass spheres were suspended in midair.


The grey-red **** trembled suddenly, and the harsh whistling sounds kept ringing in the air.

At this moment, an action of the demon king made the rest of the soldiers in the machine race count, and he saw a big mouth.


A suffocated suction, exhaled from his mouth.


Suddenly, those spheres suspended in the air, in the terrified eyes of the soldiers of the aircraft, swept away from the mouth of the demon king!


He breathed in a breath, all swallowed by him!


The mist of the Demon King's body became denser, and not only that, but his momentum also climbed a lot!

Senran, horrible!

The soldiers of the aircraft race turned wild and were completely afraid!

Until now, they are finally aware that the demon king has changed, and they are also the targets of the demon king's slaughter!


You have to leave here, as far as possible!


The aircraft soldiers retreated madly backwards and backwards, becoming more and more chaotic, like a headless fly, rushing into chaos!


A terrifying roar sounded!


The demon king's hair was flying wildly, and even the robes on his body were bulged up by the black mist, hunting and blowing!

That horrible momentum, cold and sullen, just standing there made people feel a chill.

At this moment, a secret voice was introduced into Ao Fuhui's consciousness.


"Taking advantage of the chaos, take the Black Third and the two Australians leave here!"

Ao Fuhui, still worried, now suddenly heard a rush of urging, and suddenly stunned!


At this moment, he realized that not only his forehead, but also his back, had been wet with a oozing cold sweat.

The Demon King passed by just now, it really scared him enough. If the other party stays for another second, he may not be able to hold it!

Forcibly suppressing the inner fear, Ao Fuhui moved his mind away from the demon king and turned to the **** of war Yang Yang.

He was so complicated inside!

go away?

He can't cross the hurdle in his heart, and he must not leave the God of War alone.

However, if you don't leave here, it will not help you, but it will become a burden!

"Senior Yang Yan, let's leave together!"

In the eyes of Ao Fuhui, there was a strong determination.

To be born together! To die together!

However, after hearing this, the frowning God of War Yang Yan smiled first, then shook his head.

"Now is not the time to talk about morale, don't worry about me, but rest assured, I have my own means to leave here!"

The God of War Yang Yan's voice is firm and unquestionable!


Ao Fuhui was hesitant, but when he thought of the God of War Yang Ming's understanding of the Demon King, he felt relieved, just when he was about to nod his consent.


A trace of gray air and a trace of scarlet air diffused instantly around the body of the Demon King!

The two horrifying and eerie atmospheres, as if two dragons, are intertwined with each other, one after another, become richer and stronger!