MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1958 Sure enough, unpredictable

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This sentence of resentment left only dozens of disciples in the Black Temple, who were instantly pale and pale!

Their general, Tulun, will be destroyed!

This made them difficult to accept, a sad, desperate face, lost their backbone, they suddenly felt powerless!

Looking at the desperate look of the Black Temple and others, Ta Li's mouth sneered.

"Desperate? That's right!"

"When you die, you won't feel despair!"

After talking about Ta Li's foot, he clenched his fists with his five fingers, and now, he wanted to smash down towards Tu Lun.

It was just that his fist had just been raised and had not fallen.


A harsh crisp sounded.



In the horrified eyes of everyone, Tu Lun suddenly burst into a sudden, like a beast of prey, slamming into Ta Li!

In the face of this sudden change, the nearest Tali not only did not retreat in the slightest, but sneered with disdain.


"I knew you wouldn't give up so easily!"

After that, Ta Li put away the fierce smile at the corner of his mouth, and he did not retreat, another fist already clenched tightly, and suddenly waved toward Tu Lun.


Instantly, the two collided together.

"This Turen is really an idiot!"

The general of the crew shook his head, and the corner of his mouth was smirking.

Obviously the poison of the armor arrow has been eaten, and he does not want to rush away or suppress the venom with essence gas.

Even thinking about taking the initiative? I ’m afraid it ’s too slow to play with toxicity!

Especially the tower force, or the stone people who practiced the physical body, what if the powerful defense force was suddenly hit?

Tu Lun's counterattack seemed to the generals of the crew, apart from allowing him to speed up his death, it had no meaning anymore!


The crackling sounds through!


A dull crash came!

I saw that Tu Lun and Ta Li were separated as soon as they touched. To be more precise, Tu Lun was directly bombarded!


Ta Li was stabbed by Tu Lun, only three steps back!

Tu Lun, however, was able to stop his figure by taking a hundred steps in a row.

Regarding this result, the generals of the military clan and others dismissed it. It seemed that this was normal.

Today's Tulun, it is impossible to be Tali's opponent at all!

Just take a closer look.

However, they were completely stunned one by one, especially the veteran generals, who even took a breath.


"Hei Du Tu Lun, as it is rumored by the outside world, is fierce enough, and bold enough!"

For the sake of the generals' eyes, the smirk at the corner of his mouth gradually became more sensible.

"Turen's mortal counterattack is a reckless husband, an idiot? Hey! That's clearly the **** Turen, with a premeditated fatal blow!"

The general of the aircraft clan cursed in his heart.

I saw that Tu Lun's arm, which had been severely damaged by the armor-depleted arrow, was just broken by the flare of the calcium carbide just now!

Not only that, the broken arm covered with venom was even clasped on the other arm and used as a weapon!

The end of the broken arm that was infiltrated into lacquer black was stained with Yin Hong's blood and black and red at the moment, which looked particularly strange and dazzling!



Plenty of blood dripped from the end of the broken arm, and the sound of the ticking sound was like the mind of Ta Li at this moment!

"damn it!"

The master of blood, Ta Li, stood still, looking down at a blood hole punctured by Tulun.

Horrified, terrified, until face is ashamed!

Although he only took three steps back, even the wound was just an ordinary hole, but the injury was extremely severe!

The venom on the nail dart arrow has begun to corrode in the wound and quickly penetrated!


There were bursts of pain in his body, his huge body could no longer bear it, and he began to shake left and right!


The tower force fell to the ground, undulating a large amount of dust.


The dregs of the armor arrow, around the blood hole in his abdomen, eroded wildly, just like the diffuse dust.

Wanton, long-lasting!

"No, no!"

The more the tower force struggles on the ground, the denser the dust will be, and the faster the residual liquid will erode!


Douda's cold sweat was like rain, seeping from his forehead and rolling down.


Through the pale yellow dust, it is not difficult to see that Ta Li's abdomen has become black, followed by the thighs, then the chest cavity, calves, and even the neck ...

The swaying dust finally fell.

The tower force, already unable to struggle, only felt that the veins in the body were being corroded and broken, and he was completely out of his control!

Lying horizontally, Ta Li's desperate pupils gradually became hollow.

He regretted, and regretted his own intentions. It was an impending blow, but he was killed by his opponent in an instant!

He thought it was just a critical strike, but he did not expect that Tu Lun was so fierce!

He is so, hate Tu Lun is a pervert, monster!

I was able to endure the pain in my body without a word of silence, and when I struck back, I suddenly broke my arm ...

Who can do this series of terrifying means, besides the bloodthirsty monsters with amazing endurance?

He asked Tali not to do it!

Otherwise, he would never be so careless, he is not a minority against Tu Lun, even if he does not dodge, he will never be hit hard by a strong blow.

"No, I must never die like this!"

At the moment of life and death, a strong desire to survive emerged from Ta Li's empty eyes!

"There must be a rescue, the Clan, the Clan can save me!"

The towering force of life's breath is rapidly disintegrating, holding on to the last force in the body, crawling in the direction of the general of the machine.

" me!"

"... I'm working for your crew, you must have a secret to save me!"

His voice was weak and weak, the mosquitoes and flies, his miserable appearance, not only pathetic, but also very embarrassed!


The general of the machine clan frowned, looking at the towering force that climbed like a dead dog, and there was a strong disgust in his eyes.

"Well, what are you talking about? Let's die for our crew? So congratulations, now your mission has been completed!"

The indifferent tone was full of ridicule and ridicule, and there was even such unabashed gloat.

"However, I don't see you as someone who can't help you because of your contribution to the machine. Then the general will give you a happy way to die!"

When the words fell, the generals waved their fingers lightly.

call out!

The armor dart arrow shoots out suddenly, and the target is the head of Ta Li!


A scarlet blood splashed.


Poor Taly was killed before he could sigh.

The machine family is an ungrateful race!

It wasn't until the moment he closed his eyes that Ta Li really knew how stupid his previous thought was, and he wanted to make a hide with the tiger and help the fighters fight ...

"Ah, another wasted armor arrow."

Gently glanced at Ta Li's corpse, the general of the machine clan uttered a sentence, and could not help but feel a little distressed about the number of arrows.

"However, these armor-depleting arrows are more than enough to destroy you!"

He smiled coldly, and the crew clan's face sank, and he turned his attention to the seriously injured Tu Lun, and the killing machine flashed.

"General Tu Tu, you are really a good tool. It surprised me so much. How dare you cut off your arms and kill the poison under the circumstances of the enemy and me? Sure enough, it is a real ruthless character!"

"However, you can hide for the first time, the general has a second time, a third time ..."

Having said that, the revenge of the generals with a venomous eyes and a palm of his hand.

call out!

Armour-eating arrows burst out!


The crisis of death will soon be overwhelmed by Tuolun. Although he was badly hit, his face is still not afraid.

Xuanhuangmen disciple!

Rather die on the way to kill the enemy, never stand still, waiting for the enemy's butcher knife to fall!

"To die, then die together!"


His legs trembled suddenly, Tu Lun exhausted his last strength, and greeted him fiercely at the sharp arrows!


In a blink of an eye, the armor-eating arrow was only three inches away from Tu Lun's head.

But just then.

Tu Lun's body was slightly sideways, almost instantaneously, avoiding the sharp arrows.

However, this scene did not allow the aircraft generals to make any mistakes, as if it was as expected.

"Are you going to start desperately?"

Looking at the Turen coming, the general of the machine clan sneered again and again, the former had no threat in his eyes.

Even if it is against the bombardment, he is not afraid!

With a flick of your finger, a bang, and another armor-eating arrow shot!

Go on.


Shoot three arrows in a row!


Finally, the inescapable Tulun, in response to the arrow!


He was in a stature, and between life and death, his fierceness was completely aroused, and his face was filled with strong determination.


"You must not fall!"

He was fierce in his heart.

100 meters!


Another arrow!

"Let everyone die!"

Fifty meters!

Another arrow!

"Nearby, it's finally here!"

Fighting against Tu Lun who was suffering from pain, the speed was getting slower and slower, but his pace did not stop.

The aircraft general near him shook his head.

"Can this hold up?"

Immediately afterwards, he splashed!

"go to hell!"

After that, he didn't wait for Tu Lun to get closer, he rushed forward!


Turn your palm into a claw. Almost instantly, Tu Lun will be caught!

He grabbed, twisted, and slammed hard!


The sound of bone fracture sounded through!

However, Tu Lun was still not dead, not even a scream of screaming.

But the nightmare has already begun!

"Bone burst!"

With a roar, Tu Lun's bones began to grow violently.

The explosive atmosphere seems to be bursting at any time!

"Damn, retreat!"

Seeing the bones in his hands, the strangeness turned from white to green suddenly, the face of the crew clan changed drastically, and he screamed loudly.

However, once the bone burst is complete, everything is late!


The voice of the generals had just dropped, and Turon's bones exploded.



Scarlet blood splattered, and the generals of the crew exploded!

He didn't expect to die, the Turen that came from the attack could rely on his amazing patience to resist the number of arrows.

Not only that, he didn't even expect that from the moment he sprinted, Tu Lun had no intention of living.


Bone explosion, self-destructive but also arrogant secret method, destroy yourself, and end up with the enemy!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The explosive energy fluctuations of the explosion directly twisted the entire dense forest.


Aircraft soldiers, such as thunder!

Every figure, like a kite with a broken line, was flew out by shock.

Puff puff!

All of them were seriously injured!


In this scene, the black palace with less than thirty people left was astounding and dazzling!

"General Tu!"

They growled loudly.



General Tu Lun is killed!

Bone explosion!

This is the last trick used by General Tu Lun, it is violent and extreme! It severely damaged the machine, but it exhausted the life of General Tu Lun!


The black palace keenly hates the despicableness of the clan!

More hate their own weakness!

They just wanted to rescue them, but they didn't have that ability at all, they just watched General Tu Lun's explosion burst!

At this moment, they have to be strong, and only then will they not have to let General Tu Lun sacrifice himself in a blasting manner to protect them!

However, they can no longer afford to think about it. What they are doing now is to take revenge, to complete General Tulun, the unfinished massacre!

"The machine clan hit hard, let's go together and kill them!"

"Revenge for General Tulun, for the dead brethren!"


The murderous Black Palace is astute, and in a roar, all of them are crazy, and rush towards the dense forest!

war! war! war!

At this moment, the only thirty black temples left were elite, and they rushed into the dense forest in an instant!

Although the machine soldiers there were severely wounded, they have not completely died, are still struggling, and have a breath of life!

Then, they have to use the sword in their hands to let those machine soldiers die completely!

Puff puff!

The slaughter, in the dense forest, is a one-sided slaughter!


at the same time.

Macao Star!

In the void.

The harsh sounds are endless!


Two energy beams of different colors are staggered together.


When a bang sounded, the two bodies who focused on the center position quickly retreated.


Feeling the almost numb arms, He San's solemn face flashed a lightness.

Demon King is worthy of the veteran powerhouse. Such combat skills and explosive power are absolutely top-notch existence.

"Just, why does this guy feel to me that there is a sense of emptiness in the essence of the body?"

After some confrontation, this feeling became more and more intense in Hei San's heart. With his current strength and pure energy competition, he was even better than the Demon King.

The demon king's attack seemed to be fierce each time, but not as arrogant as he imagined.

This feeling made him feel that the Demon King is a veteran strong man, but it is not the true master of the universe.

The Demon King was equally astonished.

"Ning Tianlin's secret ascension method is really mysterious!"

Feeling the pain in his hands, the Demon King whispered in his heart.

Although Hei San has just stepped into the Ninth Master of the Universe, the breath in his body is more stable than he imagined.

Read The Duke's Passion