MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1951 Beetle

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And this horrible scene, the side of the dog is watching.


This Ning Tianlin is definitely a masochist!

How could you try it by hand?


It hurts to look at it!


Xiaotian dog took a breath and looked at Ning Tianlin's gaze, adding a little more caution.

It's just the power of restraint.

It only hopes that Ning Tianlin can consider it carefully, and it is better to be able to retreat.

Otherwise, this prohibition is not enough to make them deadly, but it is more than enough to cut down a layer of flesh and blood.

Is it coming?


Of course it is!

Looking at each other, Xiaotian dog saw the inevitable determination from the other's eyes.

Step on it!

Are the descendants of the earth so crazy?

The dog's mouth twitched.

Although the contact between the two was short, it knew that persuasion was definitely not there!

Then only enter!

As the older generation of the earth, it has no reason to leave behind like this ...

For it, it can already be regarded as blind support.

But ... forget it!

Howling Dog made up his mind.

Ning Tianlin, dare to enter Dayuan, then it is willing to help!

"How are you going to get through the restraint?"

Xiaotian asked with a somber expression.

Hearing that, Ning Tianlin smiled.

"How to get through?"

"Just cross the body directly."


Xiaotian dog suddenly stunned!

It originally thought that the other party had any way to crack it, but it was the dumbest way!

This is more than just abuse, it's just self-harm!

However, Ning Tianlin disagreed and asked back.

"Do you have any other methods?"


In the dog's mind, ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed past.

Just then, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, you don't have to cross physically."

He cast an eye on Xiaotian Dog with a reassuring look.

Immediately after that, continue to speak.

"I can survive in my space ring."

It's off.

He shook the ring between his fingers and motioned to the other side.


The tense nerve of Xiaotian dog suddenly loosened, as long as it was not allowed to cross it physically!

As for this Ning Tianlin, it must be just this mouthful, abused, abused, perverted!

call out!

Immediately afterwards, it no longer hesitated, turned into a stream of light, and went directly into Ning Tianlin's space ring.

Right now, Ning Tianlin turned his eyes to the ban again.


He leapt forward!


The sound of corrosion, one after another!

Skull, flesh and blood is blurred!




The flesh was rotten, and as soon as Sensen's bones were exposed, it instantly softened, like a thick liquid.

Damn, terrifying!

The tragedy continues!




Although it is a sparkle of calcium carbide, Ning Tianlin feels very long!


Deeper and deeper!

Above his head, a piece of red and white liquid finally passed through the forbidden wall, and above that **** water, a ring was wrapped up.

At this moment, the ankle behind him was being corroded!


Flashes with consciousness.


The pool of red and white blood exploded!


And the forbidden wall, the trace of blood in the interior, finally fell into Obuchi as expected.


I saw, that trace of blood and water quickly squirmed and skyrocketed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye!


In the blink of an eye, an unscathed Ning Tianlin gathered.

At the same time, a sense of sensation came from all directions, cold and sensational!

"Come out!"

It's off.

I saw, above the space ring, a stream of light flashed, and Xiaotian dog flashed out.

"That's it, come here?"

It's incredible on its face, but the fact is right at the moment, and at this moment, it's even more time not to delve into it.

Unable to help, Ning Tianlin's image in his heart became more and more strange.


When the two had just taken a step forward, suddenly, a horrifying breath came to their faces.

Here, it seems that it has been sealed for billions of years.

Simple, gloomy, and dim.

There is also the kind of dull and rotten air that is mixed in every breath and **** into the tip of the nose, which makes people sick.

Within Obuchi, there was silence.

Even more here, with a touch of pity, deep.

Not only that.

With Ning Tianlin, they set their sights on the distance.

On the ground of Obuchi, a corpse was piled up in random, and even some bones were piled as high as a mountain.

The corpses are cluttered and disorganized!


The scene in front of him narrowed Ning Tianlin's pupils and carefully glanced at the nearest bone.

I saw the unremarkable bones, but there was a heart-warming luster, spreading away.

The flesh disintegrates, and the bones are immortal, still hiding energy!

"The owners of these bones were the masters of the universe!"

Ning Tianlin was so sure in his heart.

Lord of the universe!

Cheng Shan's corpse!

Think and fear!

His eyelids fluttered endlessly.

Also, each of these bones is extra stout, apparently, they are the skeletons of some spirit beasts.

The sheer number of them makes Ning Tianlin feel a little scalp. What kind of existence is there to be able to torture so many universe masters!

Upon contemplation, a doubt suddenly rose in his mind.

If really, as he thought, these are the bones of the Lord of the universe, then where did the flesh above the bones go?

Even if it is already rotten because of the year, it will definitely leave a lot.

In any case, it is certainly impossible to disappear as before, even if there is no trace of carrion, it is not left!

Here, weirdness is everywhere!

At this point, Ning Tianlin couldn't help taking a deep breath, the prudence on his face became even heavier.

Also, were these creatures strayed into this place or were thrown here?

He is all the more unknown about this.


On the other hand, the look of Xiaotian Dog was slightly better, but there was still a pale color that appeared on his face.

These, it has been seen billions of years ago!

However, at that time, it was far from being as exaggerated as it is now.

It's not just the things you see right now, it also knows that there are not only animal bones, but also human bones!

However, the scattered human bones are too small in size and are not so obvious for a while.


Boom! ...

The dull heartbeat sounded extremely piercing at the moment in this deadly abyss.

Uncontrollably, the hair of the Xiaotian dog was upright, and the vigilant beast pupil looked around.

Just then.


After looking back, Ning Tianlin suddenly turned her head and stared directly at the dog, hoping to get some useful information from the other side.

Leng Bing was looked at so directly, the tense dog that was already tense, could not help but stun.

How could it not know what the other party meant? Before Ning Tianlin spoke, he shook his head directly.

"Don't ask me, I really don't know anything."

When it's over, it twists its head aside and tries to avoid contact with its eyes.

It only felt that under Ning Tianlin's gaze, he felt like streaking, without any privacy.

This makes it somewhat uncomfortable.

How does the other party know, it knows Obuchi, this has become a stalk in his heart!

"do not know?"

Ning Tianlin glanced at Xiaotian Dog awkwardly.

If it were not within Obuchi and the danger was unknown, he would not mind reading the other side's knowledge of the sea again.

When asked about the fruitless Ning Tianlin, he had to turn his head and continue to look at the body in front of him.

However, in the middle of his groaning, he really couldn't get any clue. He simply shook his head hard and stopped thinking about it.

"Regardless of what it does, soldiers come to block it, water to cover it!"

Ning Tianlin, who had made up her mind, cast her gaze forward and said in a deep voice.

"Go, look inside!"

There, perhaps the answer should be found, and even Ning Tianlin faintly felt that there is not only dead things here, but also possibly living terrors.

The disappearing carrion is the best proof!


Before setting off, Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand quietly used it, holding it tightly in his hand to prevent mutation.

Looking at the one halberd in front of him, the mouth of Xiaotian Dog was pumping again.

I wanted to open my mouth, but swallowed it. At last, it turned into a helpless sigh.

I had to bite my head and reluctantly, and followed Ning Tianlin's steps.




In this way, the two went one after the other, very vigilantly toward the interior.

There were only small footsteps, echoing.

But, just before the two have gone far.

Mutation happens!

Salsa! ...

Bursts of creepy sounds gradually resounded.

The sound is weaker and stronger, getting louder!

What a horrible creature was awakened by the footsteps of the two.

The sound of soft, boneless friction, although not harsh, is astonishing in this deadly space.

Extra stupid!

"Fuck me!"

Ning Tianlin whispered behind him.


Before Ning Tianlin's voice dropped completely, Xiaotian Dog approached actively, and his body bowed slightly to maintain the challenge.


The spirit of the two of them has already been secretly mobilized, ready to attack at any time.

I just heard that the voice of Salsa was getting denser!

Hearing desperately.

I saw, among those bones, there was a weird bug that slowly squirmed out, as if disturbed by an uninvited guest, making them very angry.

These weird bugs, all of them white and cricket-shaped, do not have a foot under their bodies, and only move forward by creeping.

However, the body is much larger, with two touches on the head, eyes with a faint red color, long wings behind, and white body covered with scales.

What the **** is this?

Ning Tianlin frowned.

In his travels in these years, he has never seen such a weird creature, but the puppet of the earth has some sense.

But this is obviously not, especially the sharp teeth above the corners of their mouths, Dawson's eyes flicker constantly.

at this time.


A low, hoarse roar came from the weird white worm's body.

It seemed to warn the two, but in Ning Tianlin's view, he was more interested in calling his companions around.

I saw above the bones.

One hundred!

Five hundred!

One thousand!

In the blink of an eye, the dense and strange white worms crawled out one after another, and the corpses were covered with dangdang.

Looking around, the two of them are like a two-leaf lonely boat in a white ocean, depressed and lonely.

Not only that.

Above the corpse, the number of weird white worms was still increasing, and for a time, the white worms did not even have the position of peristalsis.


I saw the white worms, starting to flap their wings, flew off, and gathered again in the void, as if rolling white mist across the sky.

There are different numbers of wings on their backs, one-wing, two-wing, three-wing, and the weird white worm leading them, with four wings behind them.

Staying on the bones were all white worms.

The buzzing, the voice of salsa, one after another, kept on.

In an instant, these weird bugs completely sealed all the escape routes around Ning Tianlin.

They have a clear division of labor and a well-ordered order, neither in the void nor underground.


As the two sides confronted each other, the melee broke out.

This scene made Xiaotian Dog tremble and his cold sweat came out.

"Scarlet beetle!"

It couldn't believe his eyes.

Here, there are sting beetles!

蛆 Beetle!

When it was on the ancient earth in the past, it has seen it, although it has only been seen once, but it is particularly impressive.

At that time, the earth was under siege by thousands of people, and the trend was trending. The war in various places was not good, and it was defeated, with heavy casualties.

It was so severe that the whole planet was like **** on earth, and it was at that time that this cricket beetle came to the battlefields everywhere!

More precisely, they descended into the corpse piles, and the melee just stopped. It was when the corpses were spread, blood flowed into the river, and the corpses were filled with sky.

The emergence of them can be said to have no symptoms. No one knows where they came from.

All I know is that wherever this cricket beetle passes, all the corpses die!

They are like scavengers of corpses, eating all the corpses, including the Lord of the universe!

The sharpness of the teeth is astounding, and no one dares to welcome it!

Ning Tianlin hurriedly asked the words of Xiaotian Dog in his ears.

"Dung beetle, do you recognize?"

When such a huge number of cricket beetles first appeared, it really surprised him. If this dog knew it, it would be better.

Right now, above the pupils of Xiaotiangu, there was a dignity.

"Scarlet beetles, come out!"

"Everything is not eaten, everything you pass is turned into powder, you can't shake it!"

Nothing eats?

Hearing, Ning Tian sneered.

He really didn't look down on this cricket beetle. In terms of not gnawing everything, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the qualification to lift shoes for Wanzuji!

However, in this nether space, the danger is unknown. If it is not necessary, Ning Tianlin does not intend to expose Wanzu.

If not, let Wanzu swallow them directly!

Immediately, above his eyes, Senman flickered. If he knew the other party's weaknesses, he could do more with less.

"Then you have a solution?"

Hiss, there is a fart!

If there is a way to deal with it, Xiaotian Dog need not be so nervous.

When I saw the beetle beetle above the earth, I was afraid to avoid them. Once entangled by them, it would be endless!

It was in his heart that he cursed Ning Tianlin.

Read The Duke's Passion