MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1947 He is also Earthling!

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This sudden change made them inevitable!

do not care!

Ghostly creatures have scarlet eyes reaching, and continue their offensive!

But just then.

The smile on Ning Tianlin's mouth fell suddenly.


Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand, straight up!

Eighty ghostly creatures fight alone!

Puff puff!

At this moment, it seems like a sheep is in the flock!

Every time Ning Tianlin cut off Fang Tianhua's halberd, a ghostly creature was suddenly hacked and flew out!

A halberd hits the key!

Tricky, hot!

Ning Tianlin was ignored by Ning Tianlin's attacks as the ghost creatures continued to attack!

Let it be fired with all its might, the claws come!

Ning Tianlin just waved Fang Tianhua in his hand!

This is purely a face-to-face massacre.

The ghostly creatures are more and more shocked when they fight, and more and more scared! Until the end, they just want to escape!

But they are too slow!

In the blink of an eye, when the last ghostly creature was smashed by the brain, Ning Tianlin's body was completely filled with dead bodies.

A wave of scarlet blood infects the ground, and more than 80 corpses are scattered!


Ning Tianlin looked at it coldly.


Then only this one will end!


Otherwise, he is dead!

He clearly distinguished the pros and cons.


Immediately afterwards, Ning Tianlin waved his hand and more than eighty ghostly corpses rushed into his space ring.

Suddenly, here, only scarlet blood and traces of minced meat were left, which proved the unilateral slaughter just now!

At this moment, there is only one ghost creature left here, that is, the nine soul creatures in the universe that have never been shot!


It swallowed hard, and his eyes were full of incredibleness.

In its eyes, Ning Tianlin is just the four segments of the universe master!

However, it is this young man who has only four sections, and he actually killed the ghosts in such a short time!

Not only that, he was unharmed!


This young man's arrogance has capital!


The ghostly creature of the nine masters of the universe feels only happening in front of him, as if dreaming.

But it's so real!

The thick and **** smell, the stump of the residual limb, is really in front of it.

Combat Force Formation!

Eye of Medusa!

And various weird exercises!

These fighting methods are even more shocking!


Just when it was shocked, Ning Tianlin was full of murderous eyes and suddenly cast in.

"You, are you fighting, are you escaping?"

The cold voice was still thickly dismissive.

As if, slaughtering a ghostly creature, for him, it was just a matter of halting hands, as simple as that!


Jiuduan's ghostly creatures were shocked, and they just felt like they were being stared at by a fierce beast. The bloodthirsty eyes were crueler than their ghostly creatures!

war? Still running away?

None of it!

"Young man, I am not malicious to you."

The ghostly creature said to Ning Tianlin's eyes, his words were sincere. After a pause, he spread his claws and continued.

"I stayed because of one thing, your combat power is not suppressed in the ghost space?"


Hearing this, Ning Tianlin suddenly stunned.

Nether space?

Fighting power is not suppressed!

These two, not only for him, even a strong man who knows the nether space is not a secret.


For the creatures in the ghost space, it is different, they don't know these at all!

"So what?"

Ning Tianlin was interested in staring at the ghostly creature in front of her, not reconciling.

It's off!


He withdrew from the fighting status, and now it is not necessary at all, because he sees sincerity from the opponent's eyes.

Even if this ghost creature suddenly attacked suddenly, he still has enough countermeasures!


Admit it!

Although the ghostly spirit was so determined in his heart, he didn't dare to believe it until the other party acknowledged it himself.

Only then did it begin to really look at the young people in front of it.

"Young man, the means you just showed made me feel a familiar taste."


Ning Tian gave you a slight hesitation.

means? Familiar with?

Eye of Medusa?

surely not!

Combat formation? Or is it the means of the puppets?

Under his frowning thoughts, his heart was full of surprise, and Fang Tianhua's hand was quietly clenched!

Just in case!

Ning Tianlin's dark eyes flashed a sense of darkness.

"I don't understand what you're talking about!"

After hearing the words, the ghostly creature smiled, and the gleam of light flickered above its eyes, then it spoke directly.

"You don't have to be nervous. The means I say refer to a set of exercises you practice."


Immediately after, when Ning Tianlin was surprised, the voice of the ghostly spirit came over again.

"If I am not mistaken, the set of exercises you just performed is" The Record of the Nine Emperors "!"


This sentence made Ning Tianlin's black eyes suddenly shrink and his complexion changed instantly!

"Record of the Nine Emperors"!

When he was in the blood family and won the nine-round reincarnation tower, the ancient Zulong six-toed mixed Tianlong Aoming gave the exercises!

Only he knows about this!

Six-toed mixed dragon Ao Ming, after he reshaped his body, he kept his promise and went directly to protect the earth.

No other orders are required, and they will never step out of the earth!

Therefore, there will never be a third person to know, even if it is known, it is even impossible to determine the name of this exercise only from his body!

Unless ... there is only one possibility!

"Aren't you the indigenous creature here?"

Although Ning Tianlin's voice was questionable, it was decisive!


Hearing this, the ghost's body couldn't help but startle.

It guessed right!

Although the other party did not directly acknowledge it, it was equivalent to a disguised approval.

Can not help looking at Ning Tianlin's eyes, more solemn.


Who is this young boy?

Not only is the combat effectiveness not suppressed, but also that set of exercises?

Beyond shock, Nether Life's brow was still tightly frowned. It did not hide it and directly gave a positive answer.

"You're right, I came later."


now it's right!

Ning Tianlin pretended to be a groan, and then, looking at the ghostly creature with interest, he asked.

"Let's talk, Six-Toed Dragon Ao Ming, and the first person in ancient times. Which one is someone you know?"

These two people, one is the holder of the Nine Emperor's Star Records, and the other is a practitioner of Gongfa. There is no other possibility except this!


"who are you!"

The pupils of the Nether Spirit suddenly shrank, and the other party could directly name the two!

However, he is only a few hundred years old at best. It stands to reason that it is impossible to know the first person in ancient times and Ao Ming!

Didn't the two of them fall down that year, but they have recovered alive?

And this young man is an apprentice to one of them? I'm afraid this is the only way to explain it!

But ... the ghost creatures always feel that something is not right, the age and experience of the other party are too disproportionate!

For hundreds of years, you can learn the nine emperor stars?

Impossible, this is definitely impossible!

Just when the ghostly creature was in doubt, Ning Tianlin's voice came again,

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"You just need to know that I am the descendant of the earth!"

In the dark eyes of the other party, the brilliant flickers did not seem to be fraud.


Immediately afterwards, I saw Ning Tianlin's eyebrows, a domineering consciousness, suddenly burst out, and locked the whole body of the ghostly soul!

Now that you know the Record of the Nine Emperor Stars, you must know the ancient earth. Now, he only needs one.

Is the enemy?

Be friends!

This is crucial!


Are the descendants of the earth?

The pupils of the ghostly soul are filled with deep shock.


Has the ancient earth really recovered? What's more, such a powerful descendant?

and many more!

The ghostly creature's complexion was extremely dignified, and his heart was very uncertain.

This young man, with black hair and yellow skin, looks very similar to the Earth, but it doesn't tell much.

What if the other person deliberately turned into a terrestrial person? This is not impossible!

After all, the other party can even record the nine emperor stars, and this transformation can certainly be done!

With deep thought and fear, the meditation of the ghostly soul is even more serious!

After all, the first person in ancient times and Ao Ming, any one of them, is very unlikely to be alive!

Also, at this age, becoming the master of the universe, even the first person in ancient times could not do it!

As for the exercises, nothing can be explained!

It is very likely that this old monster was accidentally obtained in the fall of the two and was successfully cultivated!

"Earthman? Why prove it!"

The ghostly creature who thought he had reasoned correctly asked the other's eyes sharply.

At the same time, it secretly mobilizes the essence in the body, and there is an additional scarlet in the eyes. If it is really what it supposes, it must kill the old monster!

Nine Emperor Stars Records, must not flow out!

At this moment, the reason why this old monster's combat power is not suppressed is obviously not so important. His true identity is the most important!

That's about the first person in ancient times, and whether the six-toed mixed dragon Ao Ming is dead or alive!

"Cut, believe it or not!"

The corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth evoked a touch of radian.


He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.

What's more, he saw a sweep of killing in the eyes of the other party, and although he was hiding it well, he was aware of it.


At the same time as his words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was behind the ghostly creature.

The Fangtian painting halberd in his hand arrived directly at the neck of the other party!

"You haven't answered yet, my question just now!"

Ning Tianlin also has a lot of doubts about the true identity of the ghostly creatures. He is not an indigenous creature, but also knows the records of the nine emperors. This is not easy.

The atmosphere of confrontation between the two sides was instantly tense.

"Well, you old monster, thought you could lie to me? What a sneak attack is!"

Ghostly brow frowned and hummed coldly.

Holding a halberd?

The least feared thing is the threat!

Millions of years ago, when the earth was alive or dead, it is even more so today!

The spirit in the ghostly spirit is madly mobilized, ready to rise at any time to resist!

"Old monster?"

Ning Tianlin could not help but hesitated, then cursed coldly.

"You stupid!"

It's off.

Don't give each other time to react.

Super Sonic!

The throat rolls up and down, like the sonic energy of the essence, and shoots at the ghostly creature quickly.


When the ghostly soul is about to be completely dizzy, Ning Tianlin's strong sense of consciousness follows closely!

Six seconds!

The other side's realm is the master of the universe, Nine Duan!

And he only has four segments and can only read six seconds in the other's knowledge sea, otherwise, he will be back bitten!

If the other person is really a predecessor of ancient earth, this is somewhat offensive, but there is no way.

If not, Ning Tianlin wouldn't mind, at the last second, he would kill the other party with the power of Thunder!




Ning Tianlin reads very fast!

One second!

Three seconds!

Five seconds!

It was not until the fifth second that he really determined the true identity of the ghostly creature!

But when he wanted to continue his investigation, six seconds were coming!


At the last time, Ning Tianlin quickly withdrew the consciousness.

When he withdrew, he even knew the opponent was hit by the sea, quickly recovered and disappeared.

Just as he withdrew, the beast pupil of the ghostly creature fainted and opened suddenly.

Damn it!

What did this old monster do to me!

The ghostly creature was terrified. It couldn't believe that it had been fainted by someone?

This is simply shame!

The first reaction after waking up was to quickly investigate the changes in the body, and there was no harm to it.

"You old monster, look for death!"

Ghostly creatures were furious, looking towards Ning Tianlin's eyes full of hostility, and he was going to kill the other side in the past.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin was standing opposite to the ghostly creature, and Fang Tianhua's hand in his hand was closed.

For the old monster who opened his mouth and closed his mouth, he smiled inwardly.

Then, just as the other party was about to start, he waved his hand and a light curtain appeared instantly.


On the light curtain, the blood race, the soul state of Ao Ming, presented the nine emperor stars, the desert sand, the reshaped body, and went to earth ...

The restored real pictures, like slides, quickly flashed one by one on the screen.


The ghostly creatures in front of the screen are intently and carefully watched, for fear of missing every detail.

Ao Ming is not dead!


This old monster turned out to be a real Earthman!


What old monster is really just a few hundred years old!

No wonder!

No wonder it can be recognized by the six-toed mixed dragon Ao Ming!

Such a young descendant of the earth is probably more powerful than the first person in ancient times!

The gloomy soul looked to Ning Tianlin's eyes, ashamed and shocked!

As for "old monsters" cheating?

This is impossible!

The record of the nine emperors is the best proof, especially the specific patterns and patterns on the exercises, which were created by the first person, and no one can fake it!


The spirit of the ghostly life was shaking, and the excited mood could not be calm for a long time.

Ning Tianlin stayed the same, he was giving the other party time to relax his emotions. After all, the news was too shocking for the latter!


"To what extent has the earth recovered?"

After a while, the ghostly creature opened his mouth to ask, while talking, there was a little water splash above its beast pupil.

For millions of years, it finally knows that the earth has recovered!

Not only that, he also met the genius descendants of the earth, how can it calm down instantly.

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