MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1940 It's time for your life!

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Not only them, but those lords of the universe who were fighting with three slaves, their scalp exploded and sweaty.

And when they want to turn and run away.


Swords came.

Puff puff!

The owner of the Qin family, looking at Ning Tianlin at this moment, was astonished.

He never thought that the ants who had been hunted down by them at the time would have such a weird and brutal means.

Let them lose so badly and miserably!

"Next, it's you!"

At this moment, there was a thick bloodthirsty in the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth.

"You're such a scum, you don't deserve to take over the human race!"

Having said that, Fang Tian painted his halberd in his hand and blasted out fiercely towards the Qin family owner.


A skull, mixed with this piece of flesh, was chopped down, leaving only the Qin family owner, with a scream of screams that sounded endlessly.

Immediately after, Ning Tianlin's eyes turned.

Next person!


A crisp sound came.

Under the blow of Ning Tianlin, the flesh of the Patriarch of the Shiren clan was ruptured and blood splattered!

The attack continues!


The two beast emperors of the Orc tribe are destroyed!


Elf Queen, destroyed!

Huh! Huh!

The dull voice kept ringing, and corpses fell to the ground!

And the remaining masters of the universe were also severely wounded by the three slaves, which was terrible, leaving only a last breath to support the body.

The remaining disciples in the Yinyangmen Gate were as dead as a face, and the brutality of Ning Tianlin had already scared them.

In their eyes, Ning Tianlin is just a pervert, a monster, a blood-thirsty fierce beast.


Another blood mist splattered, and the entire body of the undead patriarch's undead was violently blasted by Ning Tianlin!

No bones!

Another Lord of the Universe is dead!

However, this time Ning Tianlin's reaction was different, his frown was slightly frowned, and he said with interest.

"Don't pretend, immortal, it won't be so easy to hang up!"


The sound of the undead pretending sounded suddenly.

"Ning Tianlin! You **** it!"

When everyone was stunned, they saw the blood mist spreading by the necromancer and began to quickly condense.

In the blink of an eye.

His feet coagulated first.

Immediately after, the calves, thighs, double hips, lower abdomen, chest, shoulder blades, arms, and finally, the head coagulated.


This scene made the warriors in front of the screen stunned.

They only know that the undead are hard to kill, but they don't know that it will be so weird and powerful!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they could not imagine that after being blasted into blood mist, the undead would not only die but also recover so quickly.

But at this moment, the necromancer didn't pay attention to these at all. His eyes stared at Ning Tianlin, with boundless resentment.

"After the destruction of the ancient earth, hundreds of millions of years, you are the first person to force me to reunite!"

"But what, then, by your means, you can't kill me!"


This undead ... stiff!

Listening to the words of the undead clan, the disciples of the yin and yang gates suddenly seemed to see hope, immortality, and immortality. This is simply too sturdy.

Looking at the yin yangmen and others cast envious eyes, the corners of the necromancer's mouth appeared thick and contented.

How about the high fighting power of your yin yang king? It's not dead yet, but I survived!

Withdrawing his gaze, the voice of the Necromancer was gloomy.

"Well, Ning Tianlin, you have some means, but how about that, I am not dead, how do you kill me!"

"Haha ..."

Then, the necromancer laughed wildly.

And at the moment.

Ning Tianlin's eyes were cold and cold looking at the arrogant arrogant, unforgettable necromancy.

"What about immortality?"

"I let you die today, you will never live tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Tianlin's body flickered, and he went violently towards the dead again.

Boom boom!

Let the Buddha be a violent beast!

One halberd after another, blasting at the necrosis.


The body of the undead was exploded again and again, torn apart and splattered.


Congeal the flesh again.

However, his flesh had not been completely condensed, and Ning Tianlin's Fang Tianhua halberd fell again.


At this moment, the scalp of the warriors in front of the screen burst.

They saw that the body of the undead was blasted again and again, and coagulated again and again.

But every time he freezes, he gets weaker.

ten times!

A hundred times!

Thousands of times!

When he was blasted a thousand times, the necrotic body was weak.


The undead is completely crazy.

He couldn't believe that a person was able to beat himself thousands of times in a short period of time.

And, most importantly, the person wasn't panting yet, as if doing something trivial.

In particular, he has a feeling if this continues.

Even if he is immortal, he will eventually be killed by life and death and cannot be recovered. Thinking of this, the necromancer only feels numbness in his scalp.

at this moment.

Ning Tianlin stepped on his feet, staring at the necromancer with his eyes, the latter only feels disillusioned, leaving him with no heart to fight again.


Without hesitation, the Necroman turned to escape!

Just, at this time.

A gale howled.

A record of Fang Tian painting halberd slammed heavily on his back.


Scarlet blood filled the sky.

His entire body was once again exploded, and turned into a mist of blood.

The reunited necromancer was shocked and terrified.

"Can't go on like this, otherwise I will die."

The necromancer was completely afraid, and even began to regret the enemy of Ning Tianlin.

"It seems that you can only use Undead Mystery!"

Necro's face was ugly.

Undead Mystery, which is the destiny of the undead tribe, can make him swift away.

But the price is extremely heavy!

That would consume the potential of immortality and cost him half a life!


However, when the Necromancer was hesitant, Ning Tianlin's halberds came quickly, and that might be so powerful that he trembled.

"do my best!"

He didn't have time to think about it. At the moment, the spirit in his body was madly surging, and the whole person turned into a black gas, which disappeared instantly.

At this moment, the whole necroman is just like evaporation on earth.

"Want to run?"

Ning Tianlin froze slightly.

"I said, did you leave alive!"

Looking at the direction in which the dead had escaped, Ning Tianlin's mouth rose with a sense of anger.

"Give me back!"



A rune of surging came out!


In the universe, there is everything to chase, and with just a trace of residual breath, you can find someone to chase!


The Xuanming Charm, like a poisonous snake, suddenly penetrated the space, and suddenly turned into a vague white awn, rushing towards a void.

The end of Baimang is extremely sharp, and the mysterious runes are even covered at the tip. Under the urging of energy, there is a hint of evil!


not good!

The Necromancer was frightened and frightened of this Fu Lu stabbing through space, because the Rune target was unbiased and pointed directly behind him!

Hurry up!

The Necromancer hated to give birth to two legs. He just wanted to escape as soon as possible. Only if he escaped, he could survive. Otherwise, he would die!

However, he is fast, that mysterious life sign is faster, just like a life sign, the first come first!


The two collided, and a deep voice sounded, but it was not too intense an energy boom.


There was only a circle of whiteness, mixed with mysterious energy ripples, spreading silently, and even the space trembled where the energy spread.


Immediately afterwards, the **** figure appeared from the mid-air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


The Necromancer at this moment looked very miserable, even the breath was weak. Obviously, it is caused by the sequelae of the undead secret law.

His body was torn, a trace of scarlet blood was valgus, the kind of severe pain that was corroded by the white, and he was shaking with pain!

"damn it!"

The fierce and resentful hissing rang through the yin and yang gate.

In the eyes of the undead, there was a thick and unbelievable face. His face was as white as a piece of paper, and pale, even if it was immortal, it did not make him escape!

However, his horror screamed, and Ning Tianlin, as if he hadn't heard it, sent out a voice that made the undead scare.

"Undead mystery is garbage!"

"I give you a chance, should I continue to run?"


Necrotic mouth squirts old blood!


Ning Tianlin was the first person to wreck him, and the first person to invalidate his undead mystery!

At this moment, he was absolutely in a whistle, never encountered many dangers!

Necromancer's pupils shrank abruptly, and Ning Tianlin who walked over made him tremble. He wanted to beg for mercy, but for a long time, he could not pull that face.

Only shouted loudly.

"Ning Tianlin, stay on the line, you must kill everything today?"

Stay on the line? Kill everything?

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin laughed, looking at the eyes of the undead, as if looking at a fool.

"During the invasion of the ancient earth, did anyone ever tell you this, but what did you do in the end?"

It was just the moment Ning Tianlin spoke.


A look at the hand of the necromancer, a thick black gas, violently stormed towards his neck.

This Jedi counter-slaying blow, the intention of killing smashed.

Obviously, it was the unwilling blow of the undead spirit that even if he was dead, he had to peel off a layer of Ning Tianlin's skin!


His effect was minimal.

"Huh, dying!"

Ning Tianlin seemed to have expected that, with a slight wave of Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand, a force of terror instantly covered the black gas.


The thick black gas broke in response to the sound, and it was instantly shaken away!


The face of the dead soul was as dead as death. At the moment, his scalp was numb, and a bit of fierceness passed over his eyes, and he wanted to start again.

However, it is too late.

call out!

A rope came suddenly.

Like a snake, he bundled the body of the undead suddenly, and he fell down to the ground like a bound mule.

No matter how he struggled, it was difficult to break the rope.

"You! Despicable!"

"Kill me now if you can!"

The undead was terrified and terrified, he screamed loudly.

He was desperate.

If it had been known that Ning Tianlin had that **** type of amulet, even if the King of Yin and Yang knelt down and begged him, he would not be willing to face the person.

But regret is useless.

Da da da!

Ning Tianlin's footsteps were getting closer, he whispered coldly.

"kill you?"

"Well, don't worry, how about being swallowed directly by the students?"

It's off.

Ning Tianlin no longer gives the necromancy any chance to speak.


With a wave of his palm, he lifted up the dead, and then threw it violently into the space ring.

Then Ning Tianlin looked around.

Staring directly at the remaining masters of the universe, killing surge.

"You guys, it's time to die!"

She patriarch!


Thirteen Lords of the Universe, only the last two remaining, and these two are still rare races!

Everyone didn't expect that there would be only two of them in the end.

What they even did not expect was that Ning Tianlin, who came alone to the yin and yang gate, would be so fast against the siege of the Lord of the Universe.

It is simply, unilateral crushing.

Especially now.

It's time for your life!

This is more like a judgment from the ancient earth!

What Ning Tianlin reported was not personal hatred, but family hatred from his mother star!

When Ning Tianlin Senran's words resounded, the two Patriarchs of the She clan shivered.

They regret it!

Regret the greed of that year!

Rare races should not be added to the army that invaded the earth, or they will not be avenged!

"What do we do?"

The Dai patriarch was completely panicked.

They are lucky to survive at this moment!

The Dai people can instantly transform their bodies into countless particles and hide endless voids. As long as one particle escapes, they can be reborn again.

But at this moment, he didn't dare!

Undead is the best example!


Not only can the undead tribe, but also him!

In particular, when he saw Ning Tianlin's hands, he was holding a mystical talisman, and a drop of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

He can't escape at all!

"Damn, how do I know what to do!"

The patriarch of the sacred tribe, the desperate martyrdom, never dreamed of such a miserable end.

In their family, their bodies can be transformed into golden shimmering armors in a short period of time, which will greatly increase their defenses.

Can make the enemy like the tiger eats the sky, can not lower the paw!

Not only that, Jin Jia also has the added effect of being able to counter-shock and back-track all the attacks it has suffered.

However, under the constraints of the combat formation method, the duration of his sacred armor is really too short!

Not only short, the defense effect is greatly reduced!

At this moment, the faces of Patriarch Patriarch and Patriarch Patriarch were thick with death and unwillingness.

They have a life-saving method, and this method is more than enough to run away against any of the cosmic masters in the universe.

However, they met Ning Tianlin. This weird freak was simply their nemesis!

However, Ning Tianlin didn't give them time to react at all.

"It's time to hit the road!"

Fang Tian's painting halberd waved upwards, his body flickered, and he stormed over towards the clan chief.


The roaring roar made the Scarab clan grow horrified.

He hurriedly moved his energy and worked hard to hit Fang Tianhua, who was attacked by Ning Tianlin, and smashed hard.

Read The Duke's Passion