MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1935 Big array, but so

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the master of the yin and yang above the peak slowly walked out, and the gloomy scene below did not even look at it!

Those Buddhas are nothing to do with him!

Da da da!

At every step he fell, all the yin and yangmen disciples shivered involuntarily, as if unable to bear to kneel.

This is their strongest fighting force in Yinyangmen, and their greatest support for beheading Ning Tianlin!


"Please ask the master to kill Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin is too embarrassed to kill ten thousand disciples in the gate! Ten thousand!"

Seeing the door master coming down, all the disciples of the yin and yang gate bowed together to worship!

"Kill Ning Tianlin!"

The murderous sound resounded continuously.

When he heard this, there was a smirk in the corner of the king of Yin and Yang.

Yes, he is laughing!

The laughter is that those ten thousand disciples died well! Die well!

"Ten thousand people? Just right!"

"All of this is under my control, and their revenge will be reported soon!"


The words of the king of yin and yang, let all disciples of yin and yang gate count!

They did not understand the meaning of the doorkeeper.

Lost 10,000 gatekeepers in vain, is this in control?

This is also terrible!

"Blood-sharp array, if you want to open it, you must use the blood of 10,000 people to sacrifice, no one less!"

In the eyes of the king of yin and yang, senran yin was ruthless, making people tremble.


This sentence made the warriors in front of the screen extremely scared.

The grand master of the yin and yang gates, the veteran strongman in the universe, actually used his own door and sacrificed the lives of thousands of disciples!

This yin and yang king is simply heartbroken!

However, this doesn't stop there.

Then the king of yin and yang continued.

"Yinyangmen, the most indispensable is the disciples who want to get started, the dead batch, and the next batch!"

"And Ning Tianlin will kill. Their death is worth it. Yinyangmen will remember them!"

At this moment, the yin and yangmen disciples looked complex!

In order to kill Ning Tianlin, the host disregarded the lives of the disciples in the door. This kind of ruthlessness made them shocked and afraid.

One will succeed, but all these people are disciples of Yinyangmen. Ning Tianlin has not hurt any hair!

However, for the fear of everyone, the king of Yin and Yang did not take it seriously.

He stared at Ning Tianlin with his eyes straight, and a sneer of ruthlessness appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Sacrifice blood with the blood of thousands!"

"Jing Qi!"

With the voice of Yin Yang Wang Senran fell.

call out!

Guardian formation, blood evil formation finally opened!

Immediately after that, a weird scene appeared!

The blood rolling over the steps suddenly stopped.


They seem to be attracted by some mysterious power and start to go crazy backwards!

The speed is getting faster and faster, all rushing towards the top of the mountain.


The main peak of Yinyangmen trembled suddenly, as if awakening something terrible!

With a shrill voice, I saw the mountain suddenly burst!

Boom boom!

As if the sky is falling!

The rocks were flying wildly, and the whole mountain was shot in a flash of blood!


Countless light curtains, like dense nets, are crisscrossed and crisscrossed, densely shrouded towards Ning Tianlin!

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin was shrouded in a mist of blood, and above the dense net, the strange energy was like a snake, lingering constantly!


Halfway up the mountain of Yinyang Gate, the strong wind rose, and the stones the size of one person were swept up by the strong wind.

Almost none of the media people outside the blood network can stand up, and they have retreated backwards!

The combat power is slightly worse, and it is directly torn by horrible suction, and it is torn to pieces, no flesh and blood!

Those media people who have retreated have their own fears.

They never thought that their companion died not under the sword of Ning Tianlin, but under the blood of Yinyangmen!


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

The magnificent Yinyang Gate is far more fierce than killing the **** Ning Tianlin, cruel, and innocent!

First is the mass festival! It is killing hundreds of media people again! It's simply heartbroken. Although Ning Tianlin kills many people, he kills all the people who should be killed, and never kills indiscriminately!

Just then, within the blood.


The domineering energy directly separated Ning Tianlin from the extreme, flying backwards!


With their feet, several deep trenches were marked on the ground, and the whole person stopped only after a few dozen meters.

"Blood Shaman!"

"That rumor turned out to be true, the yin and yang gates were really bloody!"

Some warriors who like to hunt the secret history are full of horror!

Blood evil array!

Peerless Killing Strike from Ancient Earth!

It is said that being able to smash mountains and stones and cut rivers and seas is the existence of the Lord of the universe!

They just knew that the horror of this killing was incomparable, but no one had actually seen it, even once thought that it was just an exaggerated rumor!

How can a matrix method have the power to kill the Lord of the universe?

At this moment, they can really be seen!



On closer inspection, the crowd was even more surprised!

This is too powerful!

I saw that Ning Tianlin's body penetrated dozens of blood holes!

Throughout the body, eye-catching!

This is simply incredible!

You know, even if Ning Tianlin slaughtered tens of thousands of disciples in Yinyangmen, he did not leave a trace on his body!


Ning Tianlin's eyes were gloomy, and a cold smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

His body has Bowen's horrible compound ability. At this point, he is still bruised and bruised at this moment.

The speed of metamorphosis is even worse than this **** might!

His voice just dropped.


Within the blood evil array, several blood-colored beams of light flashed again!

The angle was fierce, and he attacked Ning Tianlin fiercely at an incredible speed.

Ning Tianlin hadn't seen it clearly, and the sharp redness was stabbing at the dead points all over his body!

"not good!"

Ning Tianlin's complexion was transient, and a dangerous breath shrouded him.

At the moment, the mind flickers, the two are merged, and the shape is strangely twisted!

Puff puff!

Scarlet blood splattered continuously along his body.

Shoulder! Arm! abdomen! thigh! Calf! ....

The whole body was pierced by nearly ten blood-colored beams of light!

The whole person is flying backwards dozens of steps away!

Can stand still!


At this moment, the entire picture on the screen is in a state of stasis.

All the warriors who watched looked at Ning Tianlin's blood hole, and the blood was flowing from him, one by one.

Hei San, who is slaughtering the Yinyangmen Branch, saw this scene on the screen during a short rest period.

One by one, his face changed greatly!


All members of the Black Temple who saw this scene were crazy!


One by one, they can't wait to change their bodies. Ning Tianlin is suffering from pain. They stare at the screen tightly, only to feel that the heart is about to stop beating!

"Everyone obey!"

"Strictly obey the order of the masters, and slaughter the Yinyangmen branch! Endless slaughter!"

Hei San is angry!

The Black Hall Army is crazy!

One by one, the eyes are red and the killing intentions are boiling. Their doorkeepers are in trouble, but they are powerless!

What they can do is to do the task of the doorkeeper!

Destroy the yin and yangmen branches as fast as possible!

At this moment, they don't need to rest, they just need to fight and kill!

They will take revenge, and use the branches of the yin and yang gates to release the anger in their hearts!

at this time.

"Is Ning Tianlin going to lose?"

All the warriors watching, staring together, stared at Ning Tianlin on the screen.

At this moment, they were surprised to find that their heart was hope that Ning Tianlin won!

That's right, Ning Tianlin wins, Yin Yangmen loses!

The yin and yang king is fierce and indiscriminate, far more than Ning Tianlin!

One minute!

Two minutes!

When three minutes elapsed, Ning Tianlin still kept his posture after the retreat and remained motionless!

Only dense blood holes stained his body.

"Haha, Ning Tianlin lost!"

The elite disciples of Yinyangmen were relieved for a long time, and the fear and fear in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

"Failed, then die!"

One by one, bloodthirsty fanaticism, a strong resentment, appeared to their eyes!

It's just that they are too happy!


With the sound of dull sounds.

In everyone's appalling eyes, the blood hole on Ning Tianlin's body healed slowly!


This scene makes everyone incredible!

They never dreamed that Ning Tianlin's healing ability was so powerful!

Is this still the human body?

However, at this moment, Ning Tianlin's mouth gave a happy smile.


He could feel that Bo Wen, who was far away from the roaring clan, raised her realm again!

This horrible healing ability is getting a lot faster!

Although it is not enough to resist blood loss, he is really happy for Bo Wen!

At this time, the Yin Yang King who had been staring at him screamed loudly.

"It's really a bit of a surprise to me, but you must be crazy!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Then he shouted loudly to the top of the mountain.

"Eight elders listen to orders, quick control array!"

As soon as the Yin-Yang King's drinking sound fell, the eight elders above the main peak flashed in shape and flew in the air.


Eight people formed a circular shape, each with a corner, and locked Ning Tianlin in the array dead.


The majestic spirits burst out of the eight, and blood-like mist-like energy sprayed out from their palms.

Entwined with each other.

Then it spread quickly, and in just a moment, they turned the bloodshake's passive attack into an active attack controlled by them.


Suddenly, Wan Dao was confused, and shot toward Ning Tianlin. The angle was so arduous that he was directly at the heart of everything and sealed all his escape routes!


Ning Tianlin is finished!

For a moment, everyone held his breath.

Their hearts suddenly became heavy, and they dared not imagine what a **** scene it would be if they were hit!

No bones, or minced meat flying across?

No one thinks Ning Tianlin can resist!

Ning Tianlin has covered his blood hole just after the large-scale attack just now. This precise attack will only get worse!

But just when everyone was worried, a shocking scene appeared!


With an extremely brief loud noise.

In the eyes of everyone's horror, Ning Tianlin blew up in situ!


This scene surprised everyone.

No one would think that Ning Tianlin would be so decisive!


More cruel than Wandong.

Minced meat flew across the body, directly turning into a mist of blood!

However, this is only a means of Ning Tianlin.



Immediately afterwards, a crisp sound came out, and the energy wall of the blood evil array appeared to shake slightly!


Looking around, I saw that Ning Tianlin was rushing to the corner of the large array in a very brutal state.

Exploded? Healing? Launch an offensive!

This set of actions is simply done in one go! I dare not imagine that Ning Tianli could complete it in such a short time!

Sure enough, it is brave and hot!

Everyone in front of the screen was stunned and unbelievable.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it. Someone would be so cruel to themselves!

Even the undead, I'm afraid they won't do that!

That horrible resilience is even more overbearing than the undead!

However, this doesn't stop there.

I saw Ning Tianlin crashing to no avail.

The offensive is back!

With a wave of his palm, a horrible amount of horrible energy suddenly burst out and slammed heavily on the shield.


It was shaking again, but the latter was still tenacious and showed no signs of breaking!

"Damn, so hard!"

Whispered in a low voice, Ning Tianlin just wanted to continue to attack, but there were thousands of **** attacks coming from behind!

Ning Tianlin cannot be underestimated by the overwhelming blood and the shattering sound of the carrier!


Between the fire of TV, Ning Tianlin blew himself up again!

At the moment, everyone is extremely worried about Ning Tianlin.

They can be sure that if they change to themselves, they will definitely be killed by a trick!

However, this self-explosion is not always a solution!

The blood-sharp array does not break in a day, Ning Tianlin can only explode endlessly, this is a vicious circle!


"you are too naive!"

"Blood blasts, endlessly, when can you explode!"

There was a bloodthirsty arc in the corner of the eight elders.

Self-detonation requires energy, and the energy in Ning Tianlin's body must have been consumed!

By then, Ning Tianlin will die!

Thinking of this, their bloodthirsty smiles became stronger.



Within a few minutes, Ning Tianlin had exploded no less than a hundred times!

The blood-sharp battle was fierce, and it was fierce every time, leaving Ning Tianlin no time to respond!

"Well, it's over!"

Ning Tianlin, who reunited herself, screamed angrily.

This blood-sharp array is extremely hard everywhere, there is no dead end at all!

Not only that, under the control of the Eight Elders, the **** mighty power, like the epidemic gangrene, made him inevitable!

"Okay ... terrible offensive!"

The warriors in front of the screen, their eyelids fluttered, and their bodies trembled.

But, the next scene let them see it again, Ning Tianlin's horror!

"Invincible golden body!"

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's whole body was shrouded in a cloud of gold, and the horror of coercion spread instantly.

Ning Tianlin within Jinmang, suspended in midair, filled with a disdainful voice, came out.

"Blood blast, but that's it!"

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