MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 215

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Starting from the few documents in October, the cold wind blowing on the stock market has not stopped. Two methods, eight notifications, and a lot of rectification work, even this has not blocked the stock market's heat, in the middle and late October After a few adjustments, the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets took off at the same time and started another round of highs.

The timing of the listing of the two catering companies was just right. The short-term market turbulence opened up the pockets of economic development and opened positions on dips. When the market stabilized, the hype began. In just two months, the two stocks soared from about 3 yuan to 8 yuan at the same time. You should know that at this time the leading stocks of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets are only 20 yuan. As a new stock that has not been opened for half a year, such a performance is already excellent.

As the manipulator behind these two dark horses, Manager Jiang naturally also worked hard. Because the stocks of the two stocks are not large, it is suitable for their level of dealer speculation. Seeing that the stock price is better than the day, breaking the 10 yuan mark is probably just around the corner, and the doubts of Manager Jiang's mind have finally dispersed.

In the past two months, Chen Yuanming didn't jump out of his head. Dianshi seems to have entered a dormant period, and the amount and amount of investment have slowed down. Guoxing didn't move at all, let alone Zhang Mu, who was surnamed Chen, and didn't even say hello. It seemed to be hit by the attitude of the owners. After returning from Hong Kong, Chen Yuanming had been nesting in his hometown, just like a tailless bereavement dog.

On one side is his own flying yellow Tengda, and on the other side is the depression and loneliness of the other side. This contrast is even more pleasant. Now that His Majesty Jiang has more than 6 stocks, he controls 2 stocks, and waits for the two to double a few times before preparing to sell. By the time I get the funds, can I still dig some meat out of a bit of gold? With their financial record, Wang Xi will naturally gain a foothold in the ministry. Nowadays, neither the Ministry of Finance nor the economic development is a piece of cake. If you want to make a name for yourself, it is the key to have money and talent.

The greedy gaze turned around in this world of red and green numbers, but the smooth sailing situation suddenly changed in early December. The shares of the two catering companies began to slide downwards just like diving, and they came out of a downward curve on a long red plate.

"Fuck." Looking at the k-line chart these days, Manager Jiang could not help but yell. There is no reason. He has already obtained more than 50% of the stock. Even if the retail investors want to retreat at this time, they should not go so resolutely and generate such large fluctuations. Could it be ... someone is selling short?

Thinking of this possibility, Manager Jiang sweated coldly on his head, and could not help thinking of the young man who was still thousands of miles away. But immediately, he calmed down again, not to mention that Chen Yuanming's kid was still in the Cold War with the Xiao family. Even if he wanted to take any action, could he not deal with it? No matter how bullish, Chen's surname is just a private company owner, it is impossible to borrow too much money, he is followed by the Ministry of Finance, want to overdraft funds into the stock market is not easy.

Thinking of this, Manager Jiang didn't hesitate, he simply ordered down and said, "Someone throws it and we take it. Hum! If you want to work against us, then see who can laugh to the end!"

With the order, more funds poured into the market, it took less than ten days to stabilize the stock price, and the two stocks began to soar again. The momentum of selling stocks was completely controlled. Manager Jiang smiled with a sneer as he looked at the reddening market. You just want to fight with me because of these two things?

However, thousands of miles away, the desperate scene of Manager Jiang's imagination did not appear. Chen Yuanming was standing in the hall with a glass of wine and a smile on his face. Today is the 100-year-old banquet of the second son of the Chen family. It is not as cramped as the full moon. The Chen family specially invites friends and relatives and invites some business partners who have close relations with the family to come as guests, even the secretary of the city, Yang. Both were present in person, which greatly enhanced the faces of Chen Jianhua and Huang Juan.

It stands to reason that Chen Yuanming did not need to treat guests personally on such occasions, but because he was not in a bad mood, he was quite open today, and basically reached the point where the wine was dry. Seeing this, Wang Juan hurriedly asked her siblings to pull people back, and smirked with a smile, "Why are you kid, drink so much? Wait, Xiao Song, aren't they going to come to you?"

"Mom, don't worry. I've told you what I should tell you, just two days to watch the fun." Chen Yuanming put down his glass, his cheeks have been stained with alcohol, even a little childish, "Come ~ brother let I hug ... "

Looking at his son's eager expression, Wang Juan couldn't help crying and laughing. The boy was ashamed of his brother's enthusiasm, and even his old man was not ashamed. Do n’t mention how tight the two months at home, even the whole family His long-life locks and gold bracelets were all handled by him. However, the two brothers have a good relationship, and as parents are naturally happier, Wang Juan smiled reluctantly and passed Chen Yuanming in her arms.

After months of assault training, Chen Yuanming is now quite old-fashioned in his approach to holding the child. He took the younger brother who was wrapped into a ball. It may be that he fell asleep today and was attracted by the lively atmosphere in the hall. At this moment, Chen Jiaxing was widening his round eyes and looking at the situation around him happily. He also made some meaningless purrs Yeah.

After taking over the child, Chen Yuanming lifted his arm with his arms, freed one hand to touch his brother's face, and scratched his minibus again, making this little "toothless" laugh amused . A smile also appeared on Chen Yuanming's face. Among the children's layers of clothing, a touch of gold flashed slightly under the light. It was a long-life lock. The carpenter's ordinary goods on the market are far away. Every detail is delicate and full of allegories. It can be seen that the person who bought the lock cherished and blessed the child.

With his fingertips across the warm metal, Chen Yuanming recalled the joy when he received the gift two months ago. It has been two full months. He has never stepped into the capital in one step and never called that number once. However, like this long-life lock, his thoughts and love have kept them away.

Looking down and kissing his brother's full forehead, Chen Yuanming laughed softly and said, "Baby, watch my brother hit the wolf, and pick up your brother Xiao to go home and get married."

The whispering voice was very low, and with a warm smile, Chen Jiaxing blinked his eyes and laughed. This carefree smile also amused Chen Yuanming, adjusted his posture, and held the child in his arms tighter. After preparing for so long, it is time to close the net.

On December 16, 1996, what was later called the "twelve gold medals" of the Chinese stock market finally opened the final curtain.

After two months of ineffective regulation and control, the central government made a ruthless move and published an invited commentator article in the People's Daily on the 16th, becoming the first "quasi-editorial" in the history of new China to address stock market conditions. The article again emphasizes that the soaring stock market has exceeded the normal scope, and many parties have misled the investors. The stock market still lacks effective supervision. It must curb vicious behaviors such as excessive borrowing and overdrafts by state-owned enterprises, securities companies, and banks to further rectify the market and maintain society order. At the same time, with the consent of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange have decided to implement a 10% price limit and a public information system for the trading of stocks and fund securities listed on the two exchanges.

The news came as a shock. Since April 1996, the stock market, which has jumped 800 points, has been hit. On the same day, 610 stocks and funds in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets fell and fell, and continued on the second day, as well as on the third day. It was not until the fourth day that the funds of the care market entered the market one after another, and then the market was stabilized. However, the broader market continued to fluctuate. Until the end of December, the Shanghai stock market had fallen by 31%, and the Shenzhen stock market had fallen by 38%. The wealth of 120 billion yuan on paper was wiped out.


Sitting in the office, Manager Jiang's eyes had completely gone. In just half a month, the two stocks on his hands fell out of the issue price. If he planned in advance, or took part of the arbitrage at a high level, he would not fall into the current field. But the volatility in early December caused him to invest a lot of money, stabilize the stock price at a high level, and firmly throw himself into the box.

Now that the stock price has fallen to this level, even cutting meat and selling blood will not make up for the existing losses. There was only one option left before him, which was to continue to throw money into the stock market until he held up the disk and recovered the huge loss. But where is the money?

The teeth rang, and it took a few minutes for Manager Jiang to turn his head difficultly and instructed his subordinates, "Go get the futures at hand, clear the money, and put the money into the stock market. As long as you get through this month, the meeting will It continues to improve. Don't worry, the above is already scared. You see that the money in the city has come in, we will go up and continue to invest ... "

The subordinates showed an uglier expression than crying, "But the boss, the futures we have on hand these days are just like the evil ones, half of them have been liquidated, and only a few are in hard resistance. This futures The money was not borrowed from the bank! "

That is a real private property, and it is their last black box that uses the treasury to obtain huge profits through policies and relationships. Futures are no more than stocks. They are real zero sums, and liquidation means that nothing is lost. What decent capital can they come up with today?

"How is it possible ... how is this possible !!" Manager Jiang screamed exhaustedly, like he was crazy. "Who did it? Who is it? They don't know the backstage of the development !!! This is a state-owned asset of hundreds of millions! Who dares to engage us like this! Give me the director Jiang, give me a call !!!"

The howl came to an abrupt halt, and a loud noise came from the room, and some others exclaimed.

"This is what you have done for two months, go to check the black screen of Wang Department?" Gently threw the stack of documents on the square table in front of her, and Liu Lanxin locked her eyebrows.

"The photo came out from Director Jiang. They also threatened Yuanming and forced him to sign a share transfer agreement."

Standing in front of his mother, Xiao Junyi answered humblely. In the past two months, he did spend a lot of thoughts and used the network and criminal investigation methods to get a lot of information. These things may not be important to the officials of Fengjiang, but they are enough to put people to death.

Just one sentence, Liu Lanxin instantly understood some of the events that happened these days, her voice could not help but tense, "The development of the matter, is Yuanming dry? It is said that the futures and stocks have been sold out across the board, and the losses have exceeded 300 million. How could he ... "

"Of course he can, and he can't trace it at all." A proud smile appeared on his lips, and Xiao Junyi stood upright. "But cutting the grass doesn't remove the roots. After all, I want to leave the posterity. I just give him up. That last point is missing. "

"With the power of the Xiao family?"

"They also targeted me and naturally faced the anger of the Xiao family."


Liu Lanxin was speechless, and the two boys were so crazy that she was dumb. Facing the enemy ’s attacks, subverting each other ’s companies with hundreds of millions of assets, and using political power to clear their roots. This should be the oldest and hottest businessman, and the most politician in the dark. Young people.

But is this approach appropriate? For Chen Yuanming and Xiao Junyi, the grandson of the Xiao family, they are suitable. Regardless of their status or method, they have not even exceeded the legal limit. It's so easy, it's done in less than two months. Not even communicated over the phone once.

Under such decisiveness and wrists, his care seemed to be a joke. These two young people are by no means chicks that need to be looked after by chicken mothers, but are tiger goshawks that have grown minions and can hunt alone. Are the worries of their elders still necessary? Is obstruction still effective?

In this battle, those who were elders really lost a game.

Looking at his son's expression, Liu Lanxin's heart was extremely complicated. As a wife of everybody, she needs to maintain the prosperity of the family; as a mother who loves her son, she also has a reason to choose a more relaxed path for her son. But now, she is not sure about all this ...

"Mom, can I do it?"

This is actually a question that does not need to be answered. After all, Chen Yuanming is an ally of the Xiao family, and Xiao Junyi is a child of the Xiao family. It makes sense that they should all seek justice. But, after all, it's hard to agree ...

Leaning on the sofa tired, Liu Lanxin looked deeply at the young man in front of him. Conceiving in October and nurturing carefully, no one can love this child more than she does. Now, he is about to spread his wings and fly out of his embrace ... Looking away, Liu Lanxin's gaze finally falls on his son's left wrist. There was a watch that looked like an ordinary Rolex, but the sapphire flashing inside showed its difference.

In that photo, she saw it many times, like the sweetest couple's mark.

"Go ahead……"

Eventually, the sentence floated out, and Liu Lanxin closed her eyes.

"Don't forget, you are a descendant of the Xiao family."

What the son answered, Liu Lanxin didn't hear clearly. When she opened her eyes again, there was only the figure that was going further and further away in her sight.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: Khan, I wrote something wrong yesterday, modify it.

Slag dregs simply xd

Read The Duke's Passion