MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 204

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After spending two days, Chen Yuanming and Song Yi thoroughly communicated the problems existing in the mine, but did not immediately start an operation. As he said, the scope involved is too wide, and it is not simply a matter of thoroughly clearing the inside. Therefore, after sorting out the materials at hand, he came to the compound of the municipal party committee with a stack of documents.

Since Chen Yuanming returned to his hometown, he just walked to the government building as a courtesy, and he was posing as a vacation leader, which didn't matter much. Secretary Chen also understands quite a bit about Chen Yuanming's attitude. After all, a complex agreement has just been processed, and the family is nervously welcoming a new life. It is necessary to take a good rest.

With this recognition, even when he saw Chen Yuanming in his living room, even Secretary Yang was taken aback.

"Xiao Chen?" Handed his handbag to his wife, and Secretary Yang quickly walked into the room. "I saw a military vehicle parked downstairs and thought ... what's going on?"

A little apologetic smiled at Secretary Yang, Chen Yuanming explained, "Looking for a friend to borrow a car, I really want to talk to you about something important."

You do n’t even need your own car, and you visit home in person. The meaning inside is self-evident. Secretary Yang immediately understood it and nodded at the young man in front of him. "Let's talk to the study."

The Municipal Party Committee held the second floor on the second floor. The study room was on the west side of the second floor. No one was arranged to entertain him. Secretary Yang closed the door, brewed a pot of tea, and sat down in front of Chen Yuanming.

"Okay, now there are no outsiders, let's talk straight." Fill the cups on both sides, and when the door opens, Secretary Yang directly asked.

Chen Yuanming didn't go around, took out a stack of documents from his handbag and placed it in front of him.

"This is it?" Frowning slightly, Secretary Yang opened the file and looked carefully. I was quite serious at the beginning, and the faster I turned the pages, the more I became angry in the end.

It took only ten minutes, and the data was turned over. Secretary Yang looked up and looked at the young man sitting at the front. "Is this all true?"

"The evidence is solid, and there are still many hidden bank records."

"This ... but a big case ..."

Indeed, according to the information presented by Chen Yuanming, this case is really not small. Since the end of last year, the city's mining, finance, and foreign trade departments have made changes, and have made a series of moves around the western Henan mining industry. You should know that the international price of molybdenum ore is still high, and many people are coveting this piece of fatty meat in western Henan, but Chen Yuanming's business ideas are obviously not in line with their expectations. It is simply sitting on Jinshan but doing nothing, making some people very Is angry.

However, there is a city leader who presides over the overall situation and stands firmly on the side of Chen Yuanming. Many things cannot be done on the bright side. In the face of this situation, some people have moved their minds, using the municipal government's supervisory personnel in the Western Henan mining industry to carry out a series of private operations. These include reselling finished molybdenum at low prices, secretly encouraging black pit excavations, cooperating with insiders to make fake accounts, and falsifying shipments, etc. In just six months, they have won huge profits of several million yuan from West Henan Mining.

Of course, many of them are derived from illegal mining, which is difficult to find directly on the account. At the same time, because of the wide scope involved, the protection of officials and officials has become a large net that cannot be easily spied on. Now this net has been brought directly into front of Secretary Yang, how can he not let him get angry.

But this anger was not revealed, and even Secretary Yang's expression was more restrained. He is a real senior bureaucrat. He knows more about the sentiments and disadvantages on the official court than Chen Yuanming, a businessman. This is a big case, but because the case is too involved, he can't easily start.

After a moment of groaning, Secretary Yang lifted his head and knocked on the file with his knuckles, "That little Chen, you mean ..."

He didn't make a direct statement, but left the problem back to Chen Yuanming. Now Secretary Yang is a good ally of his own, but this "friendship" doesn't look strong enough.

Chen Yuanming twitched his lips gently, "Integrate the interior of Western Henan Mining as soon as possible, reduce the number of appointed cadres of the municipal government, and punish a group of officials involved in this case."

This appeal is indeed not excessive for a victim, but it is a storm for the city. Having encountered such a big case just one year after taking office, it was at least a crime of oversight, which was not a good thing for his career.

After a long period of silence, Secretary Yang sighed softly, "Xiao Chen, this case is a bit implicated, I'm afraid it won't be solved so easily."

Then he leaned back and leaned back. The demeanor no longer maintains the top-notch style of self-indignation, but reveals a trace of tiredness of the old man. "The so-called iron gated and flowing officials, some lower-level institutions are intertwined in the city. I have some background and want to thoroughly It's not easy to check. What's more important is that some people have a lot of opinions on the West Henan pushdown. "

This, I am afraid, is the key to the matter. For most government bureaucrats today, local enterprises should be obedient hens, obediently laying golden eggs and giving them bonuses is a major source of gray income. But Chen Yuanming is not the same. He is not just a hen, but a phoenix. His attitude is too high and his roots are too hard.

That's it. Even the part of the tax dividend that should be returned to the municipal government has been tightly controlled by Chen Yuanming's business strategy card. Everyone understands the principle of controlling shipments and increasing sales prices, but there is not enough shipments. Without high profits from exports, some people will inevitably be restless. Isn't the appointment of an official for the purpose of collecting money? The term of office is only a few years. Who is willing to be suppressed by others? This is a real gold and silver trade, and the number of people who dare to take risks is countless.

These private discussions, Secretary Yang could not say that he did not know anything, but he did not expect these people to start making money while complaining to him. In fact, after the reform and opening up, the state ’s investigation and punishment of corruption is also becoming increasingly severe. Every year, a large number of officials are dismissed. As a provincial and ministerial cadre with political aspirations, he naturally will not just focus on these immediate interests, It is clear how rich and long-term benefits the line drawn by Chen Yuanming can bring. But not every bureaucrat can be so farsighted.

This created a deadlock. Even if they took great risks to punish these people, Chen Yuanming was afraid that he would not easily relax and compromise on the current situation in the city. But if you do not change your business model, there will be more people who want predation and moisturizing. Blind-handedness will only lead to a mixed result, not a solution to the problem.

In the face of Secretary Yang's attitude, the expression on Chen Yuanming's face did not change, but he smiled, "It was because I understood Secretary Yang's difficulties that I did not go directly to the Municipal Party Committee Building."

This is trust, and it is also a degree of concession. To this point, both of them resemble the mirror.

Secretary Yang nodded his head, "Actually these people ..." He nodded, "I have also told me many times. If Yuxi can enter the exchange and occupy a place in the secondary market, I am afraid it will be easy. Many. Commodities are only profitable by buying and selling these years, and the sincerity in Shanghai is obvious. Now that we have established an agreement with Baosteel, why not try this step? "

This is already the best suggestion. Incorporating Yuxi Mining into the largest domestic exchange, increasing the volume of transactions, establishing the possibility of a second profit in financial transactions, and letting some people shut up and retract their hands to cooperate . As long as Yuanyang can make this step.

Chen Yuanming shook his head. "For the mine, it is not a good idea to take another chariot."

Secretary Yang frowned. "Xiao Chen, there must always be a change. Your idea is good, but it does not fit the current situation. This is also the truth from my brother. Take a step back and take a step back ..."

As the secretary of the municipal party committee, such words are already considered as heartfelt. Chen Yuanming sighed softly, but still shook his head firmly.

"Secretary Yang, I understand the city's expectations for the financial sector, and I understand that futures trading is the general trend, but now the molybdenum industry is far from being listed, and the output of other non-ferrous metals in the western Henan mine is also Relatively small numbers, my attitude to the domestic futures market is still too far away, at least 3 or 5 years will not be considered. "

Looking at Secretary Yang's disapproved expression, Chen Yuanming paused for a few seconds, and his tone changed slightly. "But for the difficult situation we are facing today, we don't necessarily have to rely on the hands of others."

Ok? After all, I have dealt with Chen Yuanming a lot. Secretary Yang heard the mystery in the words for the first time. Do not rely on others, do you want to open a futures exchange in the city? But before, did he still strongly oppose the city's involvement in futures trading?

"If it's just a transaction, we can completely adopt the spot market model." Without selling any more, Chen Yuanming directly gave the answer.

"Now the provincial capital already has one of the three major futures markets in the country. Although it does not involve metal trading, it is not appropriate for us to leave the provincial capital and directly invest in the arms of Shanghai or Shenzhen. More importantly, molybdenum ore is domestic and even The world has never been listed on the market at all, and it is not included in the futures trading. Even if the thigh is now tight, it is just to marry another person. It is not in our interest to be affectionate and courteous. But the spot market is different. As molybdenum Origin, we are fully capable of establishing such a spot trading venue, to grasp the commodity price to a certain extent, and have a guiding effect. If one day in the future, molybdenum ore can be really listed, our market has also been established, and we will enter the futures field in the future. Lay a good foundation. "

There was always a moment when the fingers hitting the desk stopped and Secretary Yang sat upright, which was completely different from what he expected, but from the perspective of feasibility, it was not impossible.

"Although our province is not a major producer of industrial metals, rare metals and rare earth resources are quite abundant. Now it seems that the country must strengthen the monitoring of rare earth resources. We may first set up a shelf in the city to let our products circulate. You also Knowing that we have just acquired the city's Liming Chemical Plant and signed a long-term agreement with Baosteel, in the future, our molybdenum products will only move into the high-end field, not only the popular products such as concentrates and oxides, but more scarce and higher-end Under the crushing of technological advantages, we will only become a full seller market. Mastering the initiative is the most effective way. And this new market should also solve the current market. problem."

Secretary Yang naturally knew this "solution". At any time, building a system requires manpower and material resources, especially such ambitious, oil and water spot transactions. Moreover, it does not mention the gray level. In a substantive sense, it is a boastful political achievement. If the market can be made, the economy will be revitalized, and the city's control over the mineral resources in the entire Henan region will be expanded. , Then it will be of great benefit to future promotion and promotion. Isn't such a spot trading market under the eyelids more attractive than Shanghai and Shenzhen, which are thousands of miles away?

After just a moment of groaning, Secretary Yang slowly said, "The establishment of such a market will require the approval of the provincial and upper government committees ..."

"If the city needs it, whether it is Western Henan Mining or my Yuanyang, we will fully cooperate with it." Chen Yuanming replied firmly. "Others are difficult to say, but Yuanyang can still speak a little bit in the two departments of minerals and metallurgy. . "

That's where attitude is. No matter how calmly you can hold the shelf, now Secretary Yang can't help but be moved. This is an excellent way to deal with public and private affairs. All he needs to do is to help Chen Yuanming clean up the maggots that will interfere with the development of the mining industry in western Henan, and the corrupt officials who have solid evidence and are not related. What he gets will be the full support of Yuanyang Group and a large platform that can be placed in his family and have a profound impact.

"Haha, I'm afraid the background behind those dogs is too hard." Secretary Yang shook his head with great emotion, seemingly worried about the arduous task.

Chen Yuanming smiled slightly, picked up the teapot, and filled the cups in front of the two of them. "Since the bitter cold has come, Mei Xiang has laid the foundation, and naturally he will do more with less."

"It's better to do more with less." Secretary Yang smiled suddenly. "Little Chen, Xiao Chen, every time you have to surprise me, and surprise you again. This kind of model that doesn't follow the rules of common sense can make a heavy heart burden. . "

"The so-called soldiers are impermanent, and they can't always be led by others." Chen Yuanming took up the tea in front of him and took a sip. "In fact, what I asked for was just a few years of stable development. How hard it is to do so. "

Secretary Chen was touched by Chen Yuanming's sigh. The young man was unwilling to take out his own assets to feed those evil wolves, but gave them another piece of fat that he could compete for. The spot market is indeed a good thing, but no one can guarantee that this market will not be corrupted, and it will not deviate from their preset goals.

In this complicated and difficult world, the only way is to drive tigers and wolves. Shopping malls are like this, is it official?

The taste was mixed, and Secretary Yang sipped some cold tea. However, this young man is beyond reproach for himself, and is definitely a blessing. Ordinary entrepreneurs are nothing more than giving away some money and share dividends, but Chen Yuanming has always played this hand, and what he has given is not a real stepping stone that can help himself to promote, it is a real achievement. With that alone, he should reach out and help to the end.

In the end, the tea cup was put down, and Secretary Yang nodded at Chen Yuanming. "Let's go to the province in two days. I'm afraid you're going to take another break during this vacation."

Chen Yuanming didn't make a fool of himself this time, but just nodded seriously, "I understand, I listen to your arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: These two days have a scary physiological reaction, and the dizzy is almost half-coma. He poured some brown sugar water before he came over ...

Whoo ~~ Licking Captain America has caused too much blood loss! (Hey

Adjust these two days, and strive to update in the afternoon. Continue to rush the plot ing = w =

Wow, it means that the website has been heartbreaking in the past two days. It is hard for me to subscribe to the message and feed the little friends. Thank you qaq and thank you for the shallow water mine of Fei Xue Fei Xue Mei Paper, but 300 chapters I ’m not very hopeful.

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suki threw a mine

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