MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 180

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"Hey, Yuanming? Your kid can still remember to call me." The voice on the phone was steady and powerful, and sounded good.

Chen Yuanming smiled and leaned back in the seat. "Where is Brother Xiao, how can you come here to disturb you at the end of the year?"

"That's why you can't go to the Temple of the Three Treasures." Xiao Yun's voice added a little bit of noise. "Let's say, what's your idea?"

"It's nothing, just want to ask the TV drama we shot for Hongshang, what's the situation now?"

"You little slider!" Xiao Yun laughed suddenly. "Is it to be asked to hear the news? The TV series has already been broadcast on the Shanghai Channel, and the ratings are very good!"

Last year, in order to promote Hongshang ’s handheld computers, they spent half a year filming a TV series focusing on urban emotions, which is also the first youth idol drama in China. The actors and actresses are all handsome men and women, and the director is also a domestic first-line emotional subject matter master. In addition to the good-quality script, there was an upsurge when it premiered. Now there are more than ten years of reform and opening up. The richest generation is adapting to their new identity. Office buildings, white-collar workers, and fashion are also becoming new terms in people's mouths. Compared with "Beijing People in New York" broadcasted in 1994, this urban drama with Shanghai as the theme is obviously closer to the life of the public. After it was broadcast, it attracted an upsurge of ratings. Relevant newspapers fired again, and social attention rose. . Recently I heard that the second round of auctions has begun and may be resold to other provincial and municipal television stations, which should soon set off a trend.

However, it is not the key that the TV series is not hot. The key lies in the advertising effect brought by this TV series. After the episode was played, the first batch of handheld computers quietly entered the market, and the sales volume was quite good. When the playback range further increases, it is estimated that this gadget should expand from the first-tier cities to the second-tier.

"I saw some reports in the newspaper." Chen Yuanming smiled. "It seems that advertising costs have been saved a lot."

"It's not." Xiao Yun's voice was also full of satisfaction. "Now CCTV's bidding kings are already hundreds of millions. It costs 80,000 yuan to invest in a TV series, as well as the late return. This drama The shot was really good, the investment can be fully recovered, and it can be said that it is not good and profitable. "

As a businessman, it is easiest to calculate this kind of account. Spending a lot of money on advertising and stuffing it into movies that everyone loves to watch, allowing them to subtly accept the advertising effect. These are two completely different operating methods. For new products, the two can operate at the same time. Achieve complementary stacking effects. So Xiao Yun is very satisfied with this advertising investment.

"I'm still thinking about whether to make a joint venture movie in Hong Kong." Xiao Yun's words haven't stopped yet. "Anyway, whether it is a handheld computer or a tablet, it is an advanced product all over the world. Hong Kong is also a Chinese character area , It ’s better to have a better screening in both places. ”

"Brother Xiao, you are addicted." Chen Yuanming smiled and shook his head. "The movie is released first. I want to ask today. Is Anxin interested in promoting his own PHS?"

"What?" Xiao Yun asked with a little surprise, "PHS does not need promotion now, and the development momentum is quite good."

That's right, due to PHS's operating model, sales are basically directly linked to the local post and telecommunications office. Even if the post and telecommunications office is now replaced by a telecommunications office, it is still very different from ordinary marketing. Often, it is to sell directly to users when handling fixed-line services or paying phone charges. There are few independent stores in Anxin. This involves not only marketing techniques, but also various aspects of compromise and private transactions. The ordinary advertising model will only add to the list. The advertisement was broadcast, but the local telecommunications bureau did not have a PHS service. Isn't this to hit the face?

Chen Yuanming certainly understood the key, "I know PHS is not good at advertising, but it may not be possible. Don't forget where the name came from."

Xiao Yun paused for a moment, "You mean, that science fiction novel?"

The name PHS naturally comes from Mr. Ye Yonglie's "Roaming the PHS". In the same year, they used the gimmick of the gift book to gain a good reputation in society and achieved good results. This high-level advertising operation mode is naturally unforgettable, so when Chen Yuanming mentioned it, Xiao Yun immediately remembered it.

"Yes." Chen Yuanming replied, "The Eagle's Nest Alliance has recently settled in China. I want to rely on his studio to make a domestically produced animation. I just thought of this work. PHS Roaming the Future is also more than ten years old. The sci-fi children's book of the year contains sci-fi colors and realistic meanings. If you manipulate it well, you should be able to make a good animation. Then you, the PHS registered trademark number, should take advantage. Are you going to sponsor one? "

"Animation ..." Xiao Yun laughed abruptly. "The game is not fun. You have to touch the animation?"

After thinking about it, he asked the most critical question, "How much does it cost to make an animation now? Can you recover the cost?"

"About 2oo million. As long as the quality is good, the broadcast and disc revenue will be enough to pay for itself. This time in cooperation with the Shanghai Art Studio, maybe you can deceive you for an animation award."

"Your boy." Xiao Yun smiled and shook his head. "But science fiction, shouldn't our products appear in it? Promoting the PHS logo seems to be more than worth it."

"But the endorsement of the company's image is very good. Is it clever, wise, able to see the future and keep up with the trend of the times, isn't such an image worthy of overweight? And when the animation is played, it will insert a one-second Anson company sponsorship, I am afraid that it will have some impact on adults who accompany children to watch animations. "

"It's getting more and more exciting ..." Xiao Yun said with a smile, "Yes, paying attention to children is always a big thing, but it is a million dollars. Anxin spends more than donations on donations every year. Do Just do it. "

"I'm assured that you have this sentence." Chen Yuanming also laughed. "In fact, Anxin should also hit his own name, always hanging with the telecommunications bureau. After a large number of foreign mobile phones enter the Chinese market, Anxin is afraid it will be difficult to do anything. "

"I understand what you mean. Recently, mobile phone research and development have also started to make breakthroughs. Memory cards are really a good thing and can bring a lot of changes to mobile phones, but the finished product may take some time. Instead, handheld computers have been used first. This device, the product listed this time is a big step up from last year's actual measurement. "

"Then sell more quickly. Feiyan will soon develop the second-generation product, and it is said that the first-generation product will not enter the elimination sequence in a few years." Chen Yuanming quipped.

"Well, electronic products are really the representatives of extravagance. But it is always a good thing to update them." Xiao Yun suddenly spoke sharply. "By the way, have you told Xiao Yi about animation?"

Chen Yuanming's fluent voice just ended, and he calmed down. He replied with a smile, "Isn't it necessary to report with Tai Shang first."

"Haha." Xiao Yun didn't hear any clues, and cursed with a smile, "You don't want to turn to my old-fashioned one and talk about it. You can also discuss with Xiao Yi about turning back to the animation. And at the end of this month, Anxin will be in Beijing At the meeting, you, the small shareholder, can't avoid it ... "

"That's natural. I'll go back when I'm done with the things at hand." Chen Yuanming replied more sternly this time without any pause.

"Well, okay, then contact me if you have any questions."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Yuanming shook his head slightly before putting the microphone on the landline. He is still a bit guilty of facing Xiao Junyi's family now. This guilt of sleeping in a friend's house will not be able to be erased in a short while. It is still necessary to resolve this allergic reaction as soon as possible, or sooner or later the large basket will be scooped out.

But anyway, animated sponsorship is in sight. In fact, for a long time, animation itself is difficult to profit, on the contrary, the advertising effect brought by animation is the root of everything. Just like Disney's rise is because of the Mickey Mouse brand, and like Hasbro tirelessly filmed his toy animations, this additional model has brought their company to maximize profits. But in China, the proliferation of imitations makes this model difficult to achieve.

Shooting an animation without waiting for the official response, stationery, children's clothing, toys, and even snacks and catering rushed up, keen merchants could immediately come up and swallow up the profits brought by this advertising effect. . If you want to solve this kind of piracy problem in a short time, I am afraid it is difficult to ascend to the sky.

But on the contrary, what about advertising? For example, PHS of Anxin Company, such as Haier Brothers of Haier Refrigerator. If these well-known companies provide sponsorship, animation companies rely on sponsorship fees to shoot movies, and in the future, they will use rebroadcasting fees, CDs or toys that are difficult to counterfeit to recover costs. The other modes should be simple. And when more and more animation companies make money in this way, and more and more large companies are willing to use this publicity model, then the industry will naturally enter a virtuous circle.

As for the rest, leave it to the professional to do it.

"Anxin company?"

"PHS roams the future?"

Faced with the answer given by Chen Yuanming, Qian Lao and Dai Lao reacted completely differently.

Dai Laozang's eyes under the black frame immediately lit up. "PHS is a good work! It can be said that it is a generation of science fiction enlightenment. If you contact Lao Ye, you will be bold according to the current scientific development. Imagination and adaptation may be more inspirational to the new generation of children. It is a good subject! "

"And it's because of the PHS of Anxin Company." Qian Lao's focus obviously moved to the other side. "I didn't expect that animation can still be sponsored like this, can all 20 million be used for shooting?"

"Of course you can." Chen Yuanming smiled. "Not only the 2oo million will be used for shooting, if necessary, the cost will be increased, co-sponsored by Hongshang or Feiyan. If the first work is successful, you can directly invest in the sequel. "

"2oo million, just shoot 24 episodes?" Even Qian Lao was excited. "The" Shook and Beta "shot last year, so good for the masses, we did n’t get a decent start-up fee. As a result, many films can only use waste materials, and the picture quality is simply not as good as the works in the 80s. Why did you take out the animation to fight with others in Japan and America ... "

"So this animation, please pay more attention to the second old man, now the only animation director in China is afraid that they are all in the United States, and it will depend on you to carry forward."

Listening to Chen Yuanming's remarks, the two old men are very excited. Although they have been over six years old, there are still some successors who have been trained for many years, but now the animation industry is too bad. A big question. After all, I have learned something for a lifetime. If I can continue to be an animation director, who doesn't want to do my own business and true hobby. Now, they finally have a glimmer of life.

"It's great, it's really great!" Dai Lao's voice was shaking a little. "No matter the subject matter or the funds, I haven't encountered such an opportunity for many years."

Chen Yuanming smiled, "Yes, as long as the approval can be successfully passed."

However, this should not be a big problem. Whether it is Feiyan or Shangmei, it is still quite stable in the upper-level relations.

"Approval is not a problem!" Dai Lao sighed again. "It's just that the mouth card is too tight now. Gods and ghosts can't shoot, fighting violence can't be filmed. According to this standard, most of the animations in the factory were It was shot. "

But it ’s not. “Tianshu Qi Tan”, “Nazi Nao Nao Hai”, “Nao Nao Tian Gong”, and even “Black Cat Sheriff” and “Huluwa” are unavoidable. Restricting art severely will only strangle those excellent stories and ideas.

Qian Lao shook his head, "As long as there is no domestic classification, rubbing these into the animation will happen sooner or later. Compared to the Japanese model, I still agree with the choice of the United States and Europe. Just like the United States, the introduction of Japanese animation will still Those drinking scenes and gun-holding scenes are changed to juice and lollipops. It ’s a little modest to show them to children. Regardless of the age classification, we should still have a lot of options in the review scale. . Fairy tales, myths, history, science fiction, every subject should have something suitable for children to watch, as long as the group is more clearly targeted. "

Chen Yuanming also has some feelings about Qian Lao's words. Like the famous Disney, it never changes its "full-age" standard. No matter how much investment and how much it costs, it must be suitable for all ages, and it can make people start from scratch. Tail felt contented and comforted, like "The Lion King", a masterpiece that can leave a box office record in China. Letting everyone find fun is precisely where they are most powerful, and also their secret to never losing in the animation market.

Seeing that Chen Yuanming did not express any objections, Qian Lao's words deepened a bit further, "In fact, Chinese animation now has a tendency to" fool children ". Even if it is a masterpiece like Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale, turning it into an animation will become a crude waste. We learned a simple character image from the United States, but we did n’t learn the number of animation frames that people kept improving. Instead, we stole the frame-reduction method from Japan. Rough characters, rough pictures, coupled with a child ’s playbook and too little What kind of work can we make with the funding? "

"Well ... that wasn't the case for China's children's market at that time. Don't talk about animation. Are there any masterpieces like" Mine Wars "," Minions Zhang Ga "," Perak Babe ", and" Sixteen-year-old Flower Season "? Now there are With money, instead, they raise their children as objects. This generation of parents simply don't understand the wonderful effects of spiritual life. They only resent all the things that children like, and think that these things have dazzled them and delayed their learning. I really don't know what will be left in the childhood memories of this generation in the next few years ... "

Dai honestly is also speechless, the older the age, the more worries and anxieties naturally. I have loved things for a lifetime, but now become the enemy of the parents, how can people not feel the pain.

Chen Yuanming also sighed softly, "This is not a good time, but after all, there has been some improvement. As long as our genuine animation discs can be sold, we can bring a glimmer of life to the animation industry. You don't need to worry too much Let ’s focus on the shooting of this animation first and take a path that belongs to us. In addition to outsourcing animation, the Eagle's Nest branch will also try its best to reshape China's original animation industry. Anyway, we have money and have the power, as long as the brand is established When you get up, you always get better. "

Qian Lao and Dai Lao looked at each other, and finally a smile appeared on their faces.

"I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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