MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 156

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With the support of the city leaders, work is naturally smoother, and preparations for technical schools are on track every day. In fact, when it comes to vocational education, the city's comprehensive strength is also quite outstanding. Each major factory has its own vocational school, and there is also a university education system that matches the industrial system. The faculty is quite strong. And the first thing Chen Yuanming did was still-digging.

Not only those front-line retired technicians with real high-level practical skills, but also excellent educators proficient in teaching theory, have swept around the city, wielding a wealth of financial resources and advanced schooling modes that other universities simply cannot match. The cornering action was like a bamboo shoot, and soon the school took shape.

However, the collection of talent has not stopped here. In addition to the already mature industrial systems in the city such as mechatronics, iron and steel metallurgy, mechanical fitter, and numerical control excavation, the school also offers the most popular short-term tutorials such as auto repair, apparel textile, and home appliance repair. Also, a highly experienced management team was dug out from the National People's Congress. This school named "Lianhe Vocational and Technical College" immediately appeared in front of the world with a pretty eye-catching attitude.

Unlike most other vocational schools, Lianzhong's direction of running school is not solely for freshmen and high school graduates, but instead it focuses on on-the-job workers for further studies and laid-off workers reemployment training. Under the leadership of the municipal government, they Almost equal to the price of Baixian, the land of the rubber shoe factory and most of the factory buildings were acquired, and they were repaired and built to serve as Lianzhong's teaching base. In exchange, the school contracted short-term reemployment training for 800 laid-off workers in the rubber shoe factory.

This move naturally caused a stir in the city. We must know that it is still in the trial stage. Although there are many enterprises in various provinces and cities that can no longer be maintained, few of them are really procedural bankruptcy. Even if the triangle debt is high, even if the bank refuses to provide loans, even if the factory has been completely shut down and production is not willing to bear the stigma of bankruptcy. Therefore, factories and mines such as rubber shoe factories are currently extremely rare. In the case of substantial bankruptcy, it has not actually entered the bankruptcy liquidation process, but relied on the sometimes unavailable inventory sales and municipal government subsidies to barely maintain it. Living allowances for those laid-off workers.

At this time, there is no laid-off reemployment education provided by the government free of charge, no laid-off living subsidy, and no minimum guarantee or any social security. These laid-off workers can be said to fall from heaven to **** instantly. However, many people are still hesitant and lingering in the face of Lianzhong's behavior of sending coal in the snow.

After all, most of these laid-off workers are between 30 and 45 years old, old and young, and their homeland is difficult to leave, and they have been mixing in the cauldron for so many years. Many of them have lost their fighting spirit and courage. It has been stagnating for too long in the past. For the new thing of reemployment, there is neither trust nor courage. I would rather eat the meager living allowance that is no longer meager. The Bawang plant can recover again one day, Dare to step into the thunder pool easily. You must know that if you choose to re-employ, you will be completely left behind by the enterprise. It will be a terrible thing to not even receive living allowances!

To this end, the city government could do some hard work, and persuaded them to do enough comfort work. In the end, more than 630 workers signed reemployment training contracts and entered the familiar and unfamiliar campus of Lianzhong. On the day of the opening ceremony, Secretary Yang also personally attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which allowed the students to truly stabilize their minds.

"唉 ~~ It's difficult to start everything ..." After the ceremony, standing on the newly-renovated school playground, Secretary Yang talked to Chen Yuanming with emotion. "This re-employment education provided free of charge is considered as a precedent for the whole province and even the whole country. We don't know how much it will bring ..."

In fact, for Secretary Yang, this new school is also a very risky gamble. Too many local officials are accustomed to the ideal of not seeking meritorious service but seeking perfection. Any real reform requires too much determination and energy. Only the incense bait presented by Chen Yuanming was too tempting, so he let his teeth step forward.

"Without the support of the city government, we would not be able to build this school so quickly. Thank you Secretary Yang for your support and help."

Looking at the new campus in front of them, and the new students who were timid and cramped, Chen Yuanming also sighed slightly. The careful preparation for more than half a year and the repeated communication for more than two months made this school truly take shape. Since this is a short-term class for reemployment, most of the courses are only 6 months to 1 year in training. It will take a short period of time for these laid-off workers to re-enter the society.

Today is not the highest peak of laid-off state-owned enterprises. Stock listings and bank loans are still struggling to support the capital chain of many loss-making companies, just like warm water boiled frogs, so that they can retain their last glimmer of hope before dying. It's not easy to wake up these people from their dreams.

But with the beginning, it is always a good thing. When these workers return to work and receive higher and more stable wages than state-owned enterprises, people's ideas may slowly change. Fortunately, this is in 1995 when bankruptcy has not yet become the main theme of state-owned enterprises. If there are more enterprises and more laid-off workers, I am afraid that even the determination of Lianzhong will be greater, and it will have a bit of power.

"Without your courage, the city government can't talk about it even if you want to cooperate. It's just ..." Hesitated a moment before Secretary Yang asked, "Are you still not ready to recruit fresh students? There are no students and tuition fees, Running this school is always losing money ... "

Secretary Yang's concern this time is sincere. The strength of Lianzhong's faculty and the superior treatment of teachers are obvious to all. The cost of building a school alone can be a huge sum. How much is the land and workshop of the rubber shoe factory? In just a few rotten factories, hundreds of trainees received free high-quality reemployment training, which is a cost-effective unimaginable thing, and it can be called a public welfare enterprise.

Subsequent reemployment training courses may require the city government and enterprises to jointly pay some costs, but those preferential policies and extremely meager remuneration are still not enough for Lianzhong, and the price of on-the-job training at the same time is not too high, plus the enrollment rate Extremely low, the whole is a loss-making deal. Even if Chen Yuanming is so wealthy, can he run the school as a donation?

"Graduate students will eventually be recruited, but not now." Chen Yuanming's voice was low, but his tone was firm and abnormal. "After all, students and workers are different. They need longer training and higher quality education. At present, our school conditions are not mature. Let's take a postgraduate and re-employment as a sharpening stone. Wait until Lianzhong's fame really begins. After the disciplines have become more diverse, vocational high school is the next step. "

"However, with the development of time, the threshold of Lianzhong will only get higher and higher. The speedy training courses can reduce the cost to the employers, and can conduct targeted training and targeted delivery. However, truly professional and excellent skills must be It takes a price to get it. Lianzhong is not a good hall, cheap and free will only make people forget the preciousness they get ... "

"Titles, academic qualifications, and reemployment training courses will be completely different concepts. Those who are willing to pay for and work for knowledge deserve more rewards. But everything must have a beginning, and now let these dare The brave man who eats crabs will get rich first. Only with these gold signs will the future of the school. I can afford this early investment. "

"But ..." Chen Yuanming turned his head and smiled at Secretary Yang. "Shantang will also have it. In addition to donating basic education to poor mountainous regions, Yuanyang is currently preparing to establish a student aid fund for those who have economic problems. Outstanding talents who cannot continue their studies provide loans, including not only excellent technical workers, but also students with outstanding grades and abilities, as long as they enter my company to work for a period of time after completing their studies. For a full investment, I start with Nope. "

There was no hesitation, no hesitation in the voice of the young man, but a vibrant self-confidence and determination. Secretary Yang looked at him for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly, revealing the same smile. This is a true capitalist, a figure beyond the concept of ordinary private entrepreneurs. His resume has been read countless times by himself, but he can never find out the growth of this person. Maybe something like Su Hui really exists ...

Fortunately, I was on the same side as him.

Breathing lightly, Secretary Yang turned back with a smile, looking at this rough and simple college. No one can imagine what kind of existence this primary school will develop and grow in a few years. However, whether it is a mine or a school, he will eventually become a stepping stone to a higher level. Now that he has met such a heroic gold master, does he also have to put a little more capital on him to make himself a person with more investment value?

The school ceremony did not last long. After the noon dinner, Chen Yuanming returned home. He hasn't stayed in the city for the past two months. He still runs a lot of places, running for a bit of gold, flying birds, and far-reaching things. Now that the framework of his hometown layout has been roughly completed, he can finally squeeze out some free time to take a breath.

As soon as he entered the door, a smile greeted him. Chen Xiuling attentively held a cup of tea in front of Chen Yuanming.

"Yuanming, this is the camellia that the aunt bought in the mountains. The taste is absolutely unique. Try it!"

Since that family meeting, my aunt ’s family has been completely settled, the dog ’s annoying cousin has been pulled home for education, and my uncle ran away with his face to hand over the plan, using 30% Changed 300,000 loans, went to expand his own tobacco planting, and opened an orchard. The aunt is committed to improving the relationship between her family and her eldest brother and sister, and came all the way when nothing was happening.

For themselves, they are obviously more awe than intimacy, behaved enthusiastically, and enthusiastically, but they never dare to engage in small abacus on the face of the nose. In fact, this family is really not stupid. There is a lot of slyness and savvy of the small citizens. After recognizing the situation, their attitude turns faster than anyone else, compared to others, they are too implicit.

It's just being subtle, and no one is going to get through with money. Even if there are not too many actions, the family's centripetal force is unknowingly formed, the number of dinners is gradually increasing, and home visits are more frequent. Some internal problems of the family are more directly in front of parents and ask them for advice. Today, parents' status and weight in the family are not as good as they used to be.

For such a change, Chen Yuanming naturally enjoyed it.

He smiled and nodded his head to thank him. He glanced upstairs, "Is my mother still taking a nap?"

"It's not!" The smile on Chen Xiuling's face didn't mention the kindness, "Last time Wang Ao told her aunt to take a nap to keep fit, she slept for a little bit every day. It's not that she's getting much better lately. Let's go shopping in the afternoon. This street, come back for some seasonal clothes. Yuanming, do you have anything you want? "

Wang Ye is a life nanny who recently moved in. He is a husband and wife with the new driver Lao Yan. This aunt has a good cooking skill, there are no dishes that ca n’t be cooked, and she is quite accomplished in health. It is a rare and interesting life. Even his mother started to plant flowers and plants in the garden instead of Those pitiful garlic sprouts are getting ready to raise a puppy recently. Although his father's direction of change is not the same, his mother's slow progress also made Chen Yuanming's heart very stable. He lifted the glass of water in front of him with a smile. Chen Yuanming said, "My The east and west secretaries will arrange it, you do n’t need to worry about it, just go shopping yourself. Wait until next month I will let someone arrange a trip. If you want to go to Shanghai or Hong Kong, you can decide first, and then prepare in advance. "

Chen Xiuling's eyes suddenly lighted up, "Ah, that's a good idea to discuss with everyone in advance. The city has been turned around, the provincial capital has also been there, and we should go farther! We can't just stay there Look at those big cities in vcd, what's that called ... Ah! It's better to see it all! "

Here I was giggling and happy, but there was a telephone ringing upstairs there. After a minute or two, Wang Juan rubbed her eyes down the stairs and saw Chen Yuanming sitting on the sofa at a glance.

With a smile on her face, she shouted with a smile, "Yuanming is back! Just right! Director Jiang of our factory's education department will come to you in a few moments. I just want to call you!"

Factory Education Office? Chen Yuanming's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. This was an unrelated door, not to mention that today, when both parents have left the factory, what matters need to be specifically talked to him?

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: write dead nest orz

I have something today during the day, I'm sorry I haven't finished it till now ... I hope tomorrow will be a little earlier qaq

Finally revised it, come to thank everyone for feeding, and come back to give us sweets to eat xd

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