MTL - Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment-Chapter 274 Thunder Abyss Blood Fiend

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After Lin Yu read all the memories of Ghost God Blade, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

But soon, Lin Yu's brows stretched out.

Because he discovered a problem, that is, in the memory of this monster, there is actually information about other refusals, including a group of blood-attributed hands.

"Hehe, it's interesting, such a little Ghost God Blade actually knows so many things, and there is also a story about that brontosaurus."

"However, I am a little puzzled. Do these creatures belong to the same category as the ancient gods?"

“And why did these declarations come to war? And how did they come about?”

Lin Yu has endless doubts in his heart and wants to figure it out.

"It doesn't matter, since there are so many news, it's not a loss."

"Now let me explore the secrets of the blood moon world!"

After all, there are ghost blades now, plus Zhang Tianhe, there may be soul fragments of other ancient gods in other areas.

Lin Yu sighed in his heart, and began to slowly search for all information in this world.

"Huh? There seem to be many ancient spirit bodies in this world, but I didn't find them before."

These creatures are now springing up like mushrooms after the rain, and they are all popping up now.

"However, it seems that he is dead? Could it be that he was killed by those terrifying ancient gods?"

When Lin Yu saw this piece of news, he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Most of the soul fragments of the ancient gods in this world are very cruel, and mainly contain the aura of the wild and the aura of ghosts and gods."

"A monster at the level of Ghost God's Blade is under my avatar, and it can't even sustain a single blow before being instantly killed. It seems that the method is very ordinary."

Lin Yu couldn't help but have a lot of guesses in his heart.

"However, no matter whether there is such a guy in this world, I can't give up such a good opportunity."

"It would be great if I could find soul fragments as powerful as the brontosaurus..."

Lin Yu thought in his heart.

His avatar has already started searching in this world.

But the more I looked at it, the more frightened I became. More and more things related to the soul of the ancient **** appeared in the underground area of ​​the whole world.

"Good guy! This is going to explode collectively."

There are some shelters, which are now out of order, and there is chaos inside.

The next moment, when Lin Yu's energy enters the bottom of the world.

Some historical information of this world was discovered, and the disaster pictures from many epochs ago also appeared in Rain's field of vision.

Gradually understand that this world is very dangerous...

Because within this world, there are souls of the creatures who died in that battle of gods.

And it erupts every few thousand years!

The reason why this world has changed today is also because of the souls of these ancient gods! These souls affect the magnetic field of the whole world and guide the development of the whole world.

And every time it erupts, a series of terrible things will happen in this world.

For example, the soul fragments of some ancient gods will merge into a person's body, fall into a deep sleep, or be in a semi-awake state, use their own knowledge and energy to help this person improve their strength, and finally complete their goals . This is equivalent to an existence like Zhang Tianhe!

Some will put their own soul fragments into another person's soul, devour this person's soul, and then completely replace it. .

Looking at the situation in this world, Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

The world today is so chaotic....

And the creatures in this world are very weak now, and because of the existence of these investors such as Lin Yu, the energy chaos in this world has been caused, which has led to the early recovery of the soul of the ancient god...

The creatures in this world are also working hard to improve their cultivation and abilities, they hope to be able to resist more enemies!

But in Lin Yu's sight, in this world.

There is a mountain, and on top of the mountain, there is a cave.

Lin Yu felt that the cave was where the soul fragment of Thunder Dragon was located!

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be as powerful as a thunder dragon, but it also died here."

To be precise, he did not die here, but the energy after death dissipated here.

In the depths of this cave is an abyss, bottomless.

The inside is full of black mist. According to Lin Yu's judgment, the black mist inside is like a sharp sword, wandering non-stop on the cave.

And the soul fragment of Thunder Dragon is in the abyss!

This is quite a scary creature.

Just soul fragments can reach this level.

"It seems that there are so many ancient gods in this world!"

Lin Yu's clone sighed with emotion, and then flew towards the dark abyss.

The abyss seemed endless. Lin Yu flew for a long time before reaching the bottom of the abyss.

And the moment he just landed at the bottom of the abyss, a strong sense of oppression spread from all around.

A pair of purple eyes appeared in front of Lin Yu.

There is a strong murderous intent in these eyes, just like two stars.


A deep roar sounded from those eyes.


Lin Yu gasped when he saw this eye.

"This is......"

This is a giant!

This big bird is about 100 meters long, and its whole body is full of rolling thunder, and there are strips of lightning tentacles on its body, just like thunder snakes!


Thunderbolts shot out from the big bird's mouth and attacked Lin Yu directly at an extremely fast speed.

"Good guy, this strength is a bit awesome, at least surpassing the top powerhouses in this world! Is it almost to the fourth level and ninth level?"

Lin Yu thought in his heart.


He sneered, then stretched out his palms.

Suddenly, a black and white energy ball flew out of his hands and bombarded towards the big bird.

The two energy **** collided together, suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of muffled sounds sounded.

The hands of Lin Yu's avatar actually trembled a bit!

As for the huge lightning monster bird, it was shaken back a few steps.

"What a powerful energy! Hahaha."

Lin Yu thought in his heart, it is indeed the soul fragment of Thunder Dragon, which actually possesses such terrifying power.


The huge lightning monster roared again.

Suddenly, its tail flicked violently, and then it beat Lin Yu fiercely.

A group of terrifying thunder and lightning flew out from the tail of the huge flame bird and rushed towards Lin Yu!

"Hehe, I was just playing a game with you, but you are still on top, so don't blame me for being rude."

After all, Lin Yu gathered all kinds of elemental energy all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, chains bound the giant lightning bird.

The black chain in it exploded violently, directly blowing away the energy of this giant lightning bird.

Then the giant bird collapsed, and all the energy in his body was absorbed and metabolized by other chains.

After killing the giant bird, Lin Yu looked at the endless thunder around this space, but there was a trace of blood in it.

"This brontosaurus should have been killed by a powerful creature with blood attributes, and then died. I just don't know if there is any good stuff."

Follow Lin Yu to walk into the abyss, and check the environment of the world while walking.

This is a world built by countless thunders, and the thunders are intertwined here, mixed with a little blood.

Thunder and Bloody collided constantly, like a battle.

The thunder here is still very powerful, and it can even destroy the spiritual weapon and turn it into a cloud of dust.

And at the edge of this world, there is still a lot of blood energy, and these energies are intertwined here.


Suddenly, a small voice came.

Hearing this subtle voice, Lin Yu immediately stopped, released his mental power, and felt his surroundings.


Suddenly, there was a dense sound, and then Lin Yu saw many small blood-red fish flying over from a distance.

These little blood-red fish are covered with bloodshots.

Lin Yu frowned, what are these bloodshots?


There was another slight sound, and Lin Yu looked up, only to see that densely packed blood-red small fish had appeared in front of his eyes.


At this time, all these little fish rushed to Lin Yu!

These small fish are small in size but have sharp teeth.

Moreover, the blood on their bodies is densely packed, which looks very disgusting.

"A lot of **** energy." Lin Yu's avatar looked at the group of small fish in front of him and couldn't help but say.

"It looks very good, you can eat a little, I don't know how it tastes."

For some reason, Lin Yu suddenly had an appetite.

After Lin Yu's avatar finished speaking, he opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing the group of small blood-red fish in front of him.

Afterwards, he looked at the other **** abilities nearby, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"good to eat!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu began to absorb the blood energy.

I don't know why, only the energy in this area inside is the most suitable for absorption, and it is also the sweetest.

And these energies can be converted into various elemental energies you need at an extremely fast speed. It's like the most primitive power, although the attributes are completely different, but the transformation is very fast.

"It's interesting, but it's a pity that I didn't encounter a very special treasure."

This makes Lin Yu feel a little regretful.

"Since there is no way, let's solve all these things in front of us first."

After Lin Yu's avatar finished speaking, it began to absorb the **** energy in front of it.

Waves of violent energy continuously entered his body, and then were swallowed and transformed by his energy.

"In this way, I should be able to increase my strength quickly."

Lin Yu's avatar said.

Afterwards, the avatar began to devour the **** energy in front of it again.

The speed of devouring the **** energy was very fast, and it only took five minutes for all the **** energy to enter his body.

His strength is also improving rapidly.


Suddenly, a strange sound sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a red light came towards Lin Yu.


Lin Yu's face changed slightly.

Because this ray of light came from behind him!

Lin Yu turned around in a hurry and looked behind him.

A red light pierced towards his back.


The red light pierced Lin Yu's skin, leaving a faint scar, but did not pierce Lin Yu's muscles and bones.

"You won't be hurt?" Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Lin Yu's clone hurriedly jumped to the left to dodge, and then his figure appeared on the right.

"Whoosh whoosh...."

Another three red lights rushed towards Lin Yu from the left.

Lin Yu hurriedly dodged to the left, avoiding the attack of the red light.

However, he also suffered the same attack on his right side.

Then, Lin Yu hurriedly jumped to the right to avoid the attack of the red light.

"How is it possible? Good guy! The monsters in this world can actually hurt me?"

And the next moment, Hong Guang launched another even more terrifying attack.


Blood splattered, and this red light directly penetrated the clone's right arm!


A few more red lights came, but he dodged them.

The injury on Lin Yu's right arm has become more and more serious.

"What the **** is this? It's so powerful!" Lin Yu couldn't help complaining.

But I was still a little excited.

It's so lonely that Lin Yu is invincible at the same level. Can you not be excited that such a powerful force can appear now?

Then, Lin Yu punched a space.

This fist brought a burst of terrifying elemental energy, directly smashing the space.


A terrifying black energy exploded in this space.

Then, Lin Yu locked his target on the blood mist, and then rushed towards the blood mist.

Anyway, it's a clone, and it's not a loss to be able to explore such an interesting thing in detail, even if the clone dies.


At this moment, those **** energies let out a roar again, and then rushed out from the surrounding **** fog.


After the blood mist rushed over, it bit Lin Yu's body frantically.

Looking at the blood mist, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, and then his fingers popped out.

A terrifying flame flew out and landed on the blood mist.

In an instant, the flames burned, and the blood mist could not resist the burning of the flames, and instantly burned into ashes and disappeared.

"Hey, it's still a little tender."

Lin Yu looked at the flame in his hand and muttered to himself.

At the same time, Lin Yu continued to absorb blood energy.


Soon, the blood mist launched a fierce attack again.

But this time, it was much easier for Lin Yu to avoid it.

The blood mist quickly faded, and condensed into a red eyeball.

Finally a good harvest.

After Lin Yu picked up the bead, he immediately withdrew from the area, and Lin Yu could feel it.

The blood mist monster just now is just one link in the autonomous defense capability of this area.

"I have to hurry up and find other people to come and explore this area together. Such a good resource, it's not my style to not dig it out sooner."