MTL - Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment-Chapter 265 Ancient God of Darkness, Forbidden Land of the Void Sea

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Dihai City.

This is a city near the sea, and it is also where Lin Yu is currently stationed.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, there is only a wide road about 10 kilometers in the north.

And this city is currently being attacked by a large number of sea beasts. Outside the city are all kinds of black monsters all over the mountains and plains. Most of their bodies are in the shape of snakes, with fat limbs.


One giant beast after another spewed black mucus, corroding the thick city walls and defensive shields.

Lin Yu sat cross-legged in the central area of ​​the whole city, and huge spiritual energy gathered under Lin Yu, forming a special Tai Chi platform.

The crowd below is also constantly discussing: "Do you think the Chosen One can help us survive this disaster?"

"The past few major disasters also depended on the Chosen One, and besides the Chosen One, the Lord has no other way."

Lin Yu, sitting cross-legged in the whole center, has obviously become the backbone of this group of people.

And the number of troops that can be mobilized by Lin Yu is a full 5 million. After all, Lin Yu is already the absolute number one, and no one can shake it!

These monsters are mainly aimed at Lin Yu, and the college entrance examination team will naturally be flexible.

However, drastic changes took place outside the entire city. The originally thick soil became soft, and then drifted continuously like ocean waves, obviously showing a tendency to liquefy.

One after another, human-shaped creatures emerged from the soil. When everyone looked around, the heads of these creatures were more like cobras, and the tails were snake tails, but they had pairs of arms.

On the whole, it is an entire legion of the ancient demon race!

Lin Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the entire central area, stretched out his hand and waved. Immediately afterwards, a huge vision appeared in the sky. Huge flame energy began to gather, and other energies also transformed rapidly.

Soon a huge fire phoenix with a wingspan of 500 meters formed in the sky. The fire phoenix neighed, and then flapped its wings, countless flaming meteorites fell to the ground in front of it.


This group of giant beasts also started to defend, but they were defeated in an instant, and huge deep pits appeared one after another on the ground. Flames swept across the entire ground, and the soil that had a tendency to liquefy seemed to return to normal.

Lin Yu looked at the fire phoenix in the sky with satisfaction. It's not bad. The overall flame cohesion is very strong, and he has branded a small supernatural power for this fire phoenix bow, which is a treasure skill similar to the spirit palace realm , but it is even more powerful, allowing the creatures in the spirit palace to exert even more terrifying power.

And the flame attribute spiritual palace that Lin Yu plans to condense in the end is in the shape of a fire phoenix. After all, the spiritual palace does not require that it must be made into something like a palace and house.


The monster side was very dissatisfied and let out a sky-high roar.

Immediately afterwards, a huge python soared into the sky. This giant snake was more than 3,000 meters long and soared in the sky, casting shadows over the entire city.

Countless city residents panicked, fearing that this giant snake would attack the city at will...

"Hiss hiss~"

Sure enough, the abdomen of a huge python suddenly cracked open, and countless tiny pythons rushed out.

Lin Yu raised his right hand, please continue, on the building, a huge water element shield suddenly formed. The overall pattern of these water element shields looks like huge tortoise shells, which are extremely strong.

This group of huge and powerful black snakes collided with the shield and made a loud noise.

The panic of the people gradually faded away, and then they looked at this huge shield in shock!

Most of the battles took place outside the city, and these city dwellers could only feel the movement, but couldn't really feel the strength of the domain.

But now I personally experience this feeling between life and death, it is naturally completely different...

"Great! Great!"

"Woo~ Mom."

"This Chosen One is so strong..."

Lin Yu waved his fingers plainly, and then the water element shield suddenly changed, forming small turtle shells, which hovered around the giant python.

"Hiss hiss~"

The body of the giant python churned frantically, its tail kept whipping the giant shield, and it also spit out streams of foul-smelling black liquid from its mouth, constantly corroding the shield, but these attacks were perfectly blocked, and the surface of the giant python It became faintly a faint blue ice crystal.

Unknowingly, the giant snake was suddenly frozen, and then fell to the ground, but soon a light curtain passed, and the giant snake disappeared. It was actually swallowed by Lin Yu's army. The devouring speed of this kind of monster that was directly solved is naturally much faster.

Lin Yu opened his eyes, and felt the unique energy in the giant snake through his legion, and this giant snake is closer to the power of the ancient god, and has a higher degree of fit.

It can be seen that in order to gather these powerful creatures, the power behind this world has also put some thought into it.

"There is a hint of the power of the dark ancient snake, and the group of snakemen outside the city also looks like the descendants of this powerful group of divine creatures, or the ancestors."

The Ancient Dark Snake: A huge group of divine creatures living in the forbidden area of ​​the Void Sea, Storm, and Demon Sea. The strength is very terrifying, and there are tenth-order powerhouses inside!

And in the sea of ​​void, apart from the ten most difficult **** domains, there are naturally these lesser forbidden areas.

The number of these forbidden places is very large, and the trade of some races is also disturbed by these main forbidden places.

More importantly, these monsters in the forbidden area are more restless than those in the God's Domain. They always leave the area of ​​the forbidden area, causing great disturbance to the surrounding creatures.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a force in this world. I just don't know what is the connection between them. Maybe some divine creatures are manipulating this war behind it."

"In this way, judging from the determination of the top ten creatures in God's Domain to kill me, they didn't dare to take the initiative to come forward, but found creatures from other regions to attack me. In this way... Eternal City What is the relationship with these creatures?"

After all, Lin Yu can't think of other possibilities, except that the Eternal City can stop the top ten gods, and there is no other power that can do this...

Unless the top ten **** domains suddenly take a liking to Lin Yu and don't want to do Lin Yu anymore, but is this possible? Obviously not possible...

Forget it, let's teach these monsters a lesson first.

Lin Yu waved his hand lightly again, the magic circle around him kept changing, the sky condensed the image of light, and a giant descended from the sky.

The next moment, the spider-like Lord of Darkness came down, and the giant tree of life also appeared among the monsters in the distance. The death worms and their huge numbers devoured these monsters.

Qiongqi, Chaos and other fierce beasts created by the power of creation also entered the battlefield.

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