MTL - Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment-Chapter 12 Bloody Siege

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【It took more than half a month for Gu Changsheng and Gu Changsheng to leave the forest and arrive at a relatively affluent town. 】

[In this town, there are all kinds of **** industries, and there are evil and extraordinary forces behind them. 】

[The two couldn't stand it anymore, so they planned to pretend to be the deceived Huaxia people, and then go deep into the interior of the evil forces, and finally wipe them all out. 】

[It's just that when the return was approaching, a private armed force attacked Gu Changsheng and the others, but was wiped out by the backhand. Then there is the matter of being taken back by the official. 】

[Qin Jun joked, this is a proper plot for the protagonist to eliminate the villain! I am very envious. 】

[After eating, everyone was busy with their own affairs. 】

[Gu Changsheng and Li Xuankong are Taoists and Buddhists after all, and the forces behind them also need to exchange some information with them. 】

[October 8th to December 31st, for a while, the Blood God Sect became completely quiet in the Yunnan area. 】

【Qin Jun is also free here. In order not to waste time, he can only concentrate on studying the spirit patterns and the exercises he practiced. 】

[Fortunately, the government also organized two large-scale encirclement and suppression campaigns to deal with various evil beasts in the forest area. Qin Jun also joined, and the results were not bad. 】

[Towards the end of the year, news suddenly came from the authorities: The Blood God Sect has recently conducted many large-scale blood sacrifices in Southeast Asia! There is a high probability that the blood king's recovery has entered an extremely critical point in time! Get everyone ready. 】

【Qin Jun rested for such a long time, he couldn't bear it anymore! When I heard the news, I immediately became excited. 】

[It's just that, for seven days in a row, there is still no news of Blood God Sect's activities in Yunnan. 】

[Instead, quite a few blood-attributed evils invaded again, causing the officials to send additional manpower to various guard posts in the mountainous area. 】

[From January 1st to January 10th, the invasion of blood-type evils gradually intensified, and a large number of guard posts in charge of stationing in the mountainous area were destroyed, causing heavy casualties. 】

[And some donkey friends who are not afraid of death, reporters, and even anchors, also created some confusion in this environment and exacerbated the panic. 】

[Many extraordinary events that cannot be concealed have also occurred in many places in the world, which has caused the world situation to become tense. Especially the freedom of speech under the Western system has made the situation even more uncontrollable. 】

[Officials of various countries have also held special meetings to discuss how to deal with the relationship between the extraordinary world and ordinary people, as well as whether to release information about the extraordinary world, and when. 】

[In the end, the officials of various countries chose to slowly reduce the control over extraordinary events, and released some news to let ordinary people get used to the existence of the extraordinary world first. Then choose to announce the information of the extraordinary world through official channels. 】

Lin Yu has learned a lot of cases about how to deal with this kind of thing.

Lin Yu: The forces behind this World Bead must have relevant plans, and it is estimated that there is no big problem.

But now, Lin Yu's heart is completely relaxed.

Because Lin Yu can vaguely feel the items put into the investment space.

Just from the current harvest, Lin Yu can make a lot of money!

This exam is stable!


January 11.

The subordinate world, Huaxia, Licheng, Yunnan.


"Quick, quick! Put all the combat supplies in the warehouse in Dongcheng District!"


Military vehicles carried supplies and traveled between cities. The number of tanks and armored vehicles is also very large.

In this short period of half a year, Licheng has become an important military town.

The population here has also reached a full 50,000, and most of them are related practitioners and soldiers who understand supernatural information.

There are also as many as two thousand Transcendents!

Most of these extraordinary people are members of special investigation bureaus all over the country, and their strengths are very good.

Qin Jun and other four students may be regarded as quite different.

The top of a tall building.

Qin Jun and the other four stood here, looking at the blood-red sky in the south and the blood cloud above their heads, feeling extremely depressed.

Qin Jun shrugged, and said 'relaxedly': "I will be able to fight soon, and it feels good to be able to loosen my bones."

Gu Changsheng patted Qin Jun on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "By the way, brother Qin is really resistant to beating, such a serious injury, he recovered in such a short period of time!"

Then, Gu Changsheng squeezed Qin Jun's shoulder and looked all over his body.

Qin Jun trembled all over, and said, "You kid makes me feel numb all over!"

Gu Changsheng said awkwardly: "Ahem, I'm just curious. Don't worry, I'm a Taoist with normal orientation."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xuankong looked over, as if to say: Are you connoting my Buddhist family? ? ?

A few people can be regarded as talking and laughing.

On the side, Li Yue, who was wearing a light blue capable female combat uniform, covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Then he glanced at Qin Jun quietly, with countless complicated emotions in his eyes.

At this moment, a **** thin line appeared in front of everyone in the south.

Licheng was in class, the alarm sounded, and the troops of all parties were also ready for battle.


[From January 11th to January 31st, the sky in Licheng suddenly became a little gloomy, and the **** demon wave swept in!]

[And this time the monster attack made everyone feel great pressure. 】

[The piercing siren resounded throughout the sky of Licheng, and the monsters all over the mountains and plains made everyone breathless. 】

[Scarlet spiders, a large number of mutated bloodworms, worms, and various poisons rushed straight to Licheng. 】

[Scarlet Siege! 】

['Boom boom boom! ’]

【Endless cannon fire fell into the crowd of monsters, blood splashing everywhere. 】

[War, start! 】

[Qin Jun alone, in this large-scale war, can't make any waves. 】

[And outside Licheng, there are three people in strange costumes, one has a spider mark on his forehead, the other has hair that seems to be made of countless disgusting worms, and the other is a woman, with a red gauze covering her face, she has a blood-colored coquettish feeling , There is a special tattoo on the back. 】

[These three are the Gu Spider King, Flying Insect Queen, and Creeping Dragon King among the newly revived Twelve Witch Kings. They were ordered to come and arrest Qin Jun! 】

【Looking at the battlefield in Licheng, endless blood-colored monsters have rushed to the defense line of the city wall at this moment, Qin Jun tried his best to resist the monsters. But beside him, one soldier after another still fell... The **** wreckage stained the city wall. 】

[Of course, the monster side is obviously not feeling well. This wave of attack has caused them extremely heavy losses. Within a radius of ten kilometers, there are all monster wreckage. And the top officials have sent reinforcements to help Licheng! The outcome is still unknown. 】

[But the next moment, a **** light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky, and then, it appeared in the shape of a bowl, covering the entire Licheng. 】

[A blood-colored figure, above the sky, slowly gathers into shape...]

[The three witch kings outside were also shocked, and finally said three words: King, here we come! 】