MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 84 Before the program starts

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"..." He Yishu paused for a while, and reached out to hold Adrian's face, "Is it because of Brooke? Those who have been hurt by him breathe out."

"I know, but I'm still jealous." Adrian's dark green eyes stared at He Yishu.

He Yishu thought about it for a while, and kissed Adrian lightly on the face: "This way you won't be jealous?"

Adrian shook his head: "Still jealous."

He Yishu couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and kissed Adrian's lips again: "This way, you can't be jealous, right?"

Adrian continued to shake his head, but his eyes brightened a lot: "Still jealous."

He Yishu finally understood Adrian's insidious intentions, he let go of his hand and raised his eyebrows: "Then you can continue to be jealous, I have to go to rest first, the game is like this It's really tiring for a long time."

Don't you like it, little book?"

He Yishu deliberately pretended not to understand: "What do you like? Do you like scrambled eggs with tomatoes? Or do you like drinking pure milk?"

Adrian's chin rubbed against He Yishu's shoulder, and by the way he blew a breath of heat in his ear: "Xiaoshu, don't you feel very comfortable?"

Although He Yishu's ears were already red, he still deliberately said: "What is comfortable? It is really comfortable to be able to eat tomatoes, scrambled eggs, and drink pure milk."

Where Adrian could not hear that He Yishu was deliberately teasing himself, he directly bit on He Yishu's earlobe, grinding his teeth: "Xiaoshu is too bad, I will eat you ."

He Yishu turned his head and was about to speak, when Adrian held his lips, and after a dizzying deep kiss, He Yishu was abducted by the big bad wolf to the bed again, and then he was really eaten.

When He Yishu got out of bed again, it was the next morning. He picked out the right clothes from Adrian's closet and put them on. Adrian was coming out of the kitchen with a glass of milk.

Seeing He Yishu, with content written on his face and looking particularly refreshed, Adrian smiled at him gently: "Wake up? I was going to wake you up. Come and sit down and have breakfast."

He Yishu yawned and sat down at the dining table, and began to enjoy the loving breakfast that Adrian made for him. Although Adrian's craftsmanship was not very good, the taste of the sandwiches made was also very average. , but with the seasoning of love in it, He Yishu was still very satisfied.

During breakfast, Adrian talked about a serious matter: "My father just contacted me, and he said that the military will hold a high-level meeting in three days, which will probably be discussed. It's about you. So my father's advice was that we can get the Brant family scandal out before that, so he can dominate this meeting and get the the greater good."

He Yishu swallowed the sandwich in his mouth, and after thinking for a while, nodded: "Alright, anyway, now that we have enough evidence, the previous plan can indeed be implemented, and doing so I can also abuse Alisha by the way, after all, I didn't meet her in the previous game, which really makes me feel very sorry, so I don't have any problems here."

Adrian nodded and said: "Okay, I will contact my father later to determine the details of this matter. If you have any comments or ideas, you can directly mention it. come out."

After breakfast, Adrian contacted Yarman directly. After the communication video was connected, Yarman first amiably concerned about He Yishu's recent situation as an elder, and then became serious Discuss business affairs.

"The reason why I want to set the plan before this meeting is mainly to solve some power problems within the military, but for me, it is not the only way It can solve the problem, so if you have other ideas, you can bring them up and I will respect your opinions.”


If this impression is known to others, they may find it very scary, but he is a decisive military marshal, how can it match the word "amiable"?

Much better.

In this way, He Yishu will naturally have no pressure when facing Yarman, so he directly responded: "This timing is just right for me, I I will earnestly cooperate with my uncle's arrangements, and if there is anything I need to do, please tell me directly."

Arman's attitude is also extraordinarily tolerant, especially easy to talk: "You can arrange things by yourself, if you have other plans, you can also act according to your own wishes, As long as you don't leave them behind."

"I see, thank you uncle." He Yishu nodded with a smile, he knew very well that the reason why Adrian's father mentioned Alyssa on purpose was obviously for other reasons, and he also went well Understand Yarman's kindness.

Afterwards, He Yishu stepped aside and left the communication time to Adrian and his father.

After the two sides hung up the communication, Adrian took He Yishu to discuss the next plan in detail. In this matter, Adrian's attitude was very similar to Yarman: "This matter can be arranged completely according to your wishes, and I will cooperate with you unconditionally."

He Yishu's attitude towards Adrian was very useful, he leaned over and kissed the corner of his lips: "Okay, then you should cooperate with me well."

Recently, Alyssa has been in a bad mood. Ever since she was reported by Adrian when she hadn't signed up for the mecha competition, she has been in a bad mood. The bad mood is still intensifying.

Especially after participating in the individual mixed match of the Mecha Competitive Competition, Alyssa's mood can be said to have fallen to the bottom, although she also successfully advanced from this competition, but she Not happy at all.

Thinking of the things He Yishu did to deliberately humiliate her in the competition, Alisha felt very angry and depressed, and it was difficult to concentrate even when making spell cards.

When another half-made spell card was declared to be scrapped, Eliza finally threw the rune pen in her hand to the ground, stood up and walked out of her apartment.

He Yishu, why did he deliberately humiliate her in such a way? !

And Adrian, he clearly knew how much he had paid for him, but he still indulged He Yishu to humiliate himself like this, Alyssa has completely despaired of Adrian!

Every time she thinks of these two people, Eliza can't control her emotions, and she can't wait to kill these two people directly!

But her father told her not to act rashly, let alone leave any clues in front of Adrian, although Alisha resented the two people so humiliated and hurt her, but she did not achieve complete To the point of losing her mind, otherwise Alyssa would not choose to swallow her anger like that in the game.

However, in this decision, only Alyssa knows the proportion of the reason for fear of losing the game.

Although Alisha's mood was greatly affected by He Yishu and Adrian's actions, her normal life must continue. After Alisha left the apartment, she went directly to Classroom for class.

This is a practical class. When Alisha was in a practical class recently, she always felt powerless because of her emotions. After barely passing this class, she planned to go directly to the apartment .

However, just as Alisha walked out of the classroom, she was stopped by a slightly familiar girl.

She thought about it carefully, but she really couldn't think of where she had seen this girl, so she could only look at the girl silently, waiting for her to say why she stopped her.

After the girl stopped Alyssa, her eyes were silently red, she stared at Alyssa, resisting the sourness in her eyes: "Alyssa, I beg you, Please don't let Xiaolu do things like that again, okay?"

The path? Alyssa was stunned for a moment, and then she realized who the girl was talking about. This suddenly gave her an ominous premonition, and she quickly forced a smile and said: "Sorry, I don't know you, and I don't know. Who is the person you said, did you find the wrong person?"

"I didn't!" The girl shook her head firmly and said in a strong voice, "It's normal that you don't know me, because I know that Xiaolu must have never mentioned me in front of you, but I know very well Who you are, you are the person Xiaolu has always admired but never pursued."

It happened to be the end of the class. At this time, a lot of people had come out of the classroom, and the students in the path were casting strange eyes. Under the gazes of these people, Ellie Sha's heart was even more panicked. She wanted to bypass the girl and leave, but the girl firmly blocked her way.

In desperation, Alicia can only emphasize again: "Sorry, I really don't know who you are talking about, so you really got the wrong person."

"Alyssa Brandt, I have seen many pictures of you in the light brain of Xiaolu, so even if it is the first time I see you, I will never admit it wrong," The girl's attitude was also equally determined, even more determined than Alisha, "I came to you today, I didn't mean to trouble you, I just wanted to beg you, don't let Xiao Lu do that in the future. thing.

I know that you are very important to Xiaolu. Any word you say is far more effective than my persuasion. If it is not impossible, I will not beg you here. , I just hope you see that Xiaolu really likes you so much and has done so many things for you, and don't hurt him any more! "

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Onlookers: Why don't we even have a name, and every time we play, we have the number 1234?

Contestants: Why we don't even have a name, every time we play, we have the number 1234?

Fans: Why don't we even have a name, and every time we appear, we have the number 1234?

Stupid author: Because you are all just passersby. _(:з」∠)_

Xiaolu: In this way, I am still very happy, at least I have my own name.

Stupid Author: No, your full name is actually [a tiny passerby]. ╮(╯▽╰)╭


Read The Duke's Passion