MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 147 return trip

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Adrian's expression immediately became serious: "Observed?"

They just haven't captured other signal sources, so the "observed" here is obviously the direct use of the eyes, not the profiler.

The staff explained: "We just used the cosmic telescope and observed the other party's whereabouts, he is now approaching us, and in about five minutes, we can see him directly without the use of the cosmic telescope. "

Adrian nodded: "Prepare for defense."

About five minutes later, the other party had already appeared in He Yishu's line of sight. After seeing the three battleships, the scarred man suddenly took a breath.

He Yishu couldn't help frowning, because he saw three battleships painted red on the surface, heading towards him.

Such bright colors make people unable to resist the idea of ​​complaining, but He Yishu forcibly resisted the plan of complaining, because he noticed some answers from the reaction of the scarred man: "Meet an acquaintance?"

The scarred man's eyes flashed slightly, and he seemed to struggle and hesitate, but after thinking about it, he honestly admitted: "This is Chris' battleship, the reason why I almost had him with him before. The reason for the fight is because the color of his battleship is too..."

Speaking of this, the scarred man stopped, as if he had not found the right adjective for a while, but his expression had given the answer instead of words, that is, it was difficult to describe.

"Chris," He Yishu's mouth twitched twice, he was suddenly a little worried about the second prince, "Since he found it himself, the next thing will be much easier."

The scarred man doesn't care about what will happen between them next, he is more concerned about his own end: "What will you do to me next?"

"I haven't figured out this issue yet, so just stay here quietly." He Yishu didn't even look at the man with scars, and directly focused on the spaceship that was getting farther and farther away. on the nearby red battleship.

A minute later, all three of the other party's battleships stopped, and then He Yishu took the initiative to send a communication request to the other party.

The communication was quickly connected, and a man with flamboyant red hair appeared in He Yishu's sight. The man's face originally had a hint of arrogant chuckle, but after seeing He Yishu, the man His eyes suddenly widened, and then his whole face became excited.

Chris' voice was very excited: "Oh! Little cutie, how could it be you?"

But He Yishu and Adrian turned black at the same time. He Yishu was instantly associated with the letter he received because of this title, and at the same time had a very bad premonition.

And Adrian was overturned by this title, and his heart was sour.

Adrian reached out and put his hand around He Yishu's shoulder: "Please pay attention to your name, he is my lover."

Chris didn't seem to hear Adrian's words at all, and all his attention was on He Yishu: "This is so surprising to me, you actually found this place, Appearing in front of me, is this the fate arranged by God?"

Adrian's face was already dark, he reached out and pulled He Yishuo behind him, staring at Chris with cold eyes: "Please respect yourself."

Chris only noticed the existence of Adrian at this time, and tutted softly: "You are a cute boyfriend, you look ordinary."

The blue veins on Chris' forehead were about to burst out. If Chris was in front of him, he would definitely beat him mercilessly.

But even if he can't beat the other party now, Adrian obviously won't let the other party do whatever he wants with his mouth: "No matter what you think, He Yishu's current lover is me, and before that , he doesn't know you at all."

Chris raised his chin and said with obvious pride: "But didn't he come to me now? He came to me from so far away from the capital star, isn't it enough to explain Problem?"

I must find you and take you back. Besides, all those who dare to insult my lover should be punished."

He was looking for me, why didn't he come in person? And I didn't insult your lover, I just told the truth."

"Then let me tell the truth, in my eyes, you are not qualified to be on a par with Adrian, let alone make such an evaluation of him. Are you satisfied with this kind of truth? ?" He Yishu snorted coldly, "Also, don't use that disgusting title like yours on me, I'm not the second prince, and I don't have too much tolerance for you, I hope you can remember this."

After He Yishu finished speaking, he directly put a spell card into the spell card slot, and then dialed the second prince's video communication.

Quickly realized what He Yi was doing, and immediately wanted to cut off the communication with the spacecraft. However, no matter how he pressed the button on the console, the communication continued without any response.


Just when Chris was in a hurry, the communication of the second prince was connected.

"Your man has been found, can you come and pick him up in person?" He Yishu directly aimed the communication lens of the optical brain at the communication screen on the spacecraft.

The second prince did not expect that when he connected to the communication, what he saw was the lover he had been looking for for several years. With a tense expression, he said, "Chris..."

"Shut up!" Chris glared at the second prince with an ugly face, but hurriedly looked away, "Hang up the communication! I don't want to see you!"

The second prince felt that his throat was a little dry, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing the two of them in this state, He Yishu simply interjected: "Second prince, I have something very interesting to tell you. Just a few months ago, I received a letter The harassment letter was signed by Chris at the time, and I didn't find out until today that Chris was Bickles, and the person who sent me the harassing letter was the lover you've been looking for for years."

The second prince's expression suddenly became embarrassed, and He Yishu continued: "And just now, your lover hurt my lover with very excessive words, I am very dissatisfied with this. "

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you instead of him, I'm really sorry." The second prince took a breath and slowly bent down.

However, when he made such an action, Chris couldn't help roaring: "Why do you apologize for me? I have nothing to do with you!"

The second prince's expression was full of apology, but also very sad, he didn't care about Chris's words, but said to He Yishu: "Mr. He, I'm really sorry for what happened. , I'll set off now, please send me your coordinates."

"Don't come!" Chris gasped.

But no one cared about his words at all, He Yishu sent the coordinates with his light brain: "If you come from the capital star, it will take three days at the earliest, I will not continue to wait here. down."

"But he..." The second prince's gaze moved to Chris, and then quickly moved away.

He Yishu smiled and said: "Please believe me, I choose to leave is the best protection for him, otherwise I am not sure whether I will make a Something that can't be repaired."

Seeing that the second prince was still worried, He Yishu continued: "Second prince, please rest assured, I will keep enough spell cards, at least for four days, he will not be able to leave Here, but if the second prince fails to come over within four days, then don't blame me."

The second prince gave Chris one last look and said solemnly, "I'll set off now."

After hanging up the communication, Chris was sitting in the chair with his head down, looking listless and in a bad mood.

Seeing him like this, He Yishu felt much more comfortable: "Just send harassing letters to others, and humiliate other people's lovers casually, there is a price to pay."

Chris just looked up at He Yishu and smiled bitterly, but didn't speak again.

Afterwards, He Yishu handed over a sufficient amount of spell cards to the staff. Although he said to the second prince that he would only keep spell cards for four days, he actually gave him more few.

The four days were just deliberately told to Chris, which would make him feel both hopeless and hopeless, as long as the second prince failed to arrive within four days, He still had a chance to escape.

Afterwards, the staff took out a small warship stored in the spaceship, so that He Yishu and Adrian could leave first.

After saying goodbye to Chris and the staff, He Yishu and Adrian embarked on the real return journey in a small battleship.

He Yishu first contacted the second prince and told him that he didn't need to worry too much, because Chris would not be able to escape, and he began to enjoy this real solitude with Adrian.

Only the two of them, and the endless bright night sky.

The person driving the small warship is obviously Adrian. He Yishu can't help but admire him when he sees him skillfully controlling the warship: "Dear, you are really amazing."

Adrian raised the corner of his mouth: "For the maintenance you just gave me, I should try my best to express myself."

Adrian kissed He Yishu sideways, then suddenly smiled and suggested, "Want to try driving a battleship yourself?"

He Yishu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is this really possible? I have never been exposed to this knowledge before."

"It's okay, I can teach you slowly." Adrian nodded.

So in the following journey, the two began to teach and study battleship driving. Although this made them find a lot of new fun on the journey, it also led to their speed. was delayed a lot.

Before the two of them arrived at the capital star, the second prince had already returned to his residence, and he also called to inquire with concern.

And Chris was brought back smoothly by him. As for the process, the two do not know.

When He Yishu and Adrian finally returned to Capital Star successfully, the dean of the First College immediately sent a communication: "The preparations for the establishment of the Chinese character card major have been basically completed, The enrollment phase is about to enter, are you free to participate?"

Read The Duke's Passion