MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 131 Joann's life experience

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The eyes of the third prince turned around He Yishu and Adrian, and then smiled slightly: "Your relationship is really good, since this is the case, then I will say it straight."

He Yishu nodded: "The third prince, please speak."

"Does Mr. He have a good friend named Qiao An?" The third prince thought for a moment, and got straight to the point.

Suddenly hearing this name from the mouth of the third prince, and thinking of what he had just discovered, He Yishu suddenly had a subtle feeling in his heart: "Yes, Qiao Ann and I are roommates, and we are also Very good friends."

"Then did Mr. He find any problems after seeing me?" The third prince asked step by step.

He Yishu was a little unsure of the third prince's intentions, so naturally he couldn't tell his true thoughts, so he just smiled and said perfunctorily: "I don't know what the third prince is talking about?"

The third prince did not hesitate to paint two words: "Appearance."

Faced with such a clear prompt, even if He Yishu wanted to pretend to be stupid, he couldn't pretend: "To be honest with the third prince, I do think you and my friend have some similarities in appearance. , but the universe is so big that there are all kinds of surprises, so this situation is also very common, right?"

"Such a situation is indeed not uncommon, but at the same time as this situation occurs, it should not be common for it to leave biological parents for some reason and be adopted by others, right? "When the third prince said these words, he kept his eyes fixed on He Yishu's eyes, as if he was afraid of missing any slight changes in his eyes. "More importantly, before this, someone had already investigated Qiao An. "

He Yishu squeezed Adrian's hand slightly, but his tone sounded very ordinary: "Can I know who is investigating Qiao An and what is his purpose?"

Since the third prince opened his mouth, naturally he would not hide He Yishu in this matter, so he answered frankly: "I am not afraid of Mr. He's jokes, the person investigating Qiao An is my second brother. As for the reason for the investigation, it should also be related to appearance. Didn't Qiao Ann participate in this mecha competition before and successfully entered the final?"

This reason sounds reasonable.

In the past ten years, Qiao Ann has been living under the oppression of her adoptive parents and adoptive mother.

But now, he has become the runner-up of this mecha competition, and has become the object of many people's attention and worship, which will attract the attention of some people, which is indeed reasonable.


The third prince sighed lightly: "Unfortunately, or maybe lucky, Qiao An is indeed my father's child."

He Yishu can understand the meaning of the third prince. In the interstellar era, even the royal family must follow the one-to-one spouse rule, so if there are illegitimate children, it is also a very shameful thing.

At least this life is also worry-free.

In the same situation, different people will have different views, fame, or reputation, which are often related to a person's choice.

But if you start from He Yishu's side, he places more importance on his reputation, but it's not him who makes the choice in this matter.

"Thank you, the third prince for being willing to tell me about this, but I don't know what the third prince planned?" He Yishu could hear from the third prince's words that the relationship between him and the second prince might not be the same. Good, but He Yishu didn't think that the third prince would tell himself this matter with kindness just because of this.

One, if he wants to recognize this identity, it is not impossible, after all..."

Speaking of this, the third prince sighed lightly, with a bit of melancholy in his tone: "Many people don't care about the truth of a matter, they only believe what they see. ."

"I understand." He Yishu nodded, thanked the third prince again, and the two exchanged communication numbers.

When exchanging communication numbers, the third prince complained sarcastically: "I spent a lot of time finding your communication number, but unfortunately I can't get through, so I have to wait until we meet. Find this opportunity to talk to you about it."

He Yishu apologized embarrassedly: "It's because I set an unfamiliar communication number and couldn't get through, so this is what happened, but I accidentally hurt His Royal Highness the third prince."

"I just mentioned it casually and didn't complain, because I am actually like this, and this is also a helpless choice," the third prince said, standing up with a smile, and He Yishu and Adrian said goodbye, "You can contact me at any time about the previous matters. Now the banquet is about to officially start. I have to go over there to make some preparations, so I won't disturb you for now."

He Yishu and Adrian watched the third prince leave, and when he disappeared, He Yishu's expression immediately sank, but even if he had many opinions on this matter, this is the royal family after all At the banquet, it is difficult to determine who is standing around.

Therefore, He Yishu did not rashly discuss this matter with Adrian here.

A few minutes later, the banquet officially started on time. After a brief opening speech, the guests began to chat freely. He Yishu immediately rushed to the long line of luxurious food.

Although he has tried many kinds of interstellar delicacies since he came here, this is a royal banquet after all, and it must be different from other places.

However, on this occasion, how could he concentrate on enjoying the food?

This is the first time for He Yishu to participate in such a public banquet. There are naturally many people who want to get to know him and flatter him. There is basically a wave that has not left, and another wave is coming.

However, these people are completely different from the first person to find fault. Their attitudes are very correct, they are enthusiastic and polite, and they will voluntarily withdraw when they see He Yishu showing impatience. Kai, this made He Yishu completely unable to cool down or lose his temper casually.

I couldn't bear it anymore, He Yishu had no choice but to drag Adrian out of the banquet hall and ran to the garden outside to hide.

He Yishu took Adrian and walked for a while, and when the impetuousness in his heart was washed away by the surrounding silence, he took Adrian and sat down under a corridor, surrounded by the breeze The faint floral fragrance wafts in, making people feel very relaxed.

He Yishu rested his head on Adrian's shoulder and took a deep breath: "This feeling is really good, especially when I just came out of such an occasion, I can feel it even more. It's quiet. It feels like I just had a luxurious dream. When I wake up, I find myself in a forest. Although I can't help but feel a little lost, it's more peaceful and sober."

Adrian smiled and said: "In fact, none of these matters, the important thing is that the person with you is me."

"Shouldn't you say it the other way around? It seems too narcissistic to say that," He Yishu secretly grinned, "but I think what you said seems to have some truth, without you accompanying , I must feel lonely."

Adrian reached out and scratched lightly on the tip of He Yishu's nose, and suddenly sighed: "Little book, do you know how risky the words you just said at the banquet? This is the royal banquet. , maybe because of your inappropriate words, it will cause hostility from other people, and even anger the royal family."

He Yishu wrinkled his nose, he knew that Adrian was caring about himself, but he actually disagreed: "Whether speaking or doing things, most of the rules are given to those who rely on the rules For those who can break the rules, some rules themselves are not so important. Do you think that if I hadn't made all kinds of Chinese character cards, there would be no way to improve people's spiritual power, and there would be no way to cure human beings In the spiritual realm, after I say that, will it really be easy for everyone to forgive me?"

Willness also requires sufficient capital. This sentence is indeed not just a simple statement.

Adrian rubbed He Yishu's head, feeling helpless, but also inexplicably proud: "You're right, and you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just worried."

"Don't worry, I don't mean to squander the capital I have obtained," He Yishu patted Adrian on the shoulder and said lightly, "As a legal citizen of the Interstellar Empire , the rules that should be followed, of course, I will seriously abide by them and never touch the bottom line, but in occasions like just now, I don’t mind using my privileges to fight for the benefits and results that I deserve.”

Having capital can indeed be capricious, but this kind of capriciousness is definitely not throwing everything away and doing whatever you want. He Yishu is still very clear about this, and he also has his own bottom line and principles.

The two chatted in the garden for a long time, and they talked a lot. Their topics ranged from the banquet just now to the college courses, and finally even talked about some things in the past of He Yishu.

Until the end of the banquet, the two returned to the banquet hall under Yarman's reminder, and then said goodbye to the other guests behind Yarman.

Because the spaceship docked at some distance, He Yishu and Adrian needed to walk away from the venue where the banquet was held.

Just as they walked to the spot where the spaceship was docked and were about to board the spaceship, two figures suddenly ran over from not far away.

Read The Duke's Passion