MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 128 regret is useless

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After abusing Alisha, He Yishu felt refreshed, but his back was still sore, so he returned to the apartment and took a good nap.

Three days later, He Yishu received a communication from Yarman, telling him that the use of the healing Chinese character card has been approved and can be officially put into use.

After hearing this news, He Yishu was instantly refreshed, and after waiting for so many days, he could finally abuse the scumbag again.

After the previous incident of mental damage, although most people supported He Yishu, some of those who were added to the blacklist were still in On the virtual Internet, he deliberately blacked him.

Some of them are not IQ enough, haven't understood the situation, let alone their mistakes, and some of them are because they were destroyed in the last incident. , was the victim of that incident.

The spiritual domain is very important to many people in the interstellar empire, and is even regarded as something as important as life. Once destroyed, it is equivalent to being destroyed for a lifetime.

In this case, some people whose spiritual domain was destroyed because of that incident, because of problems with their thinking logic, they do not ask and investigate who is the initiator of this incident Instead, he vented all his grievances on He Yishu.

They cursed He Yishu with all kinds of vicious words on the virtual Internet, believing that he caused everything and that he ruined his life.

Although these people do not occupy the majority, and of course He Yishu will not be really affected by these vicious words, but if there is a chance to abuse these people, Undoubtedly a very pleasant thing.

And now, He Yishu has waited for such an opportunity.

"Uncle, can you write the names of me and Adrian in this achievement?" He Yishu made a small request.

Arman has no objection to this, of course, and is very happy: "Of course, instead of Adrian, I sincerely thank you."

"Adrian is my lover, these are what I should do. Uncle is too polite to say so." He Yishu waved his hand a little embarrassedly, and the lovers themselves support each other Help, he really just did what he should do, just like Adrian usually takes care of him.

After hanging up the communication with Yarman, He Yishu contacted his military assistant and asked him to help him list out the list of people who supported him in previous events and related posts.

After making this request, He Yishu directly gave the little assistant two Chinese character cards as encouragement and reward.

Although the workload this time is much heavier than when the blacklist was added before, after receiving the Chinese character card, the military assistant only felt that he had endless use all over his body Jin Er, don't mention being too active.

It took nearly two days for the military assistant to finally list out the list in detail. After receiving the list, He Yishu gave the assistant two Chinese character cards, which made the assistant very happy The exhaustion all over his body disappeared in an instant.

After confirming the list, He Yishu went directly to the virtual network and made a post. The title and content of the post were very simple: [In this list, the citizens of the empire who have also suffered damage to their spiritual domain can go to The military repairs the spiritual domain for free once, the opportunity is rare, please be sure to cherish it. 】

At the same time, the military also issued a related announcement about the healing Chinese character card.

There must be two announcements from the Ministry of Military Affairs. The first one is to explain the creator, function, and safety of Chinese character cards.

[Under the joint research of He Yishu and Adrian, we have successfully developed a Chinese character card that can safely treat human mental damage caused by any reason without any side effects. The character card has been approved and can be put into normal use. 】

The second announcement echoes the post just published by He Yishu.

[Under the strong request of He Yishu, the current military department will provide free mental domain treatment for patients with mental damage in the list of personnel provided by He Yishu. Those who meet the conditions can directly contact the following military departments Personnel get in touch to determine the treatment time in the spiritual domain. 】

He Yishu's post and these two announcements from the military were released almost at the same time. As soon as these news were released, it immediately caused a huge shock.

Interstellar Empire Citizen 1: I-I-I-I-I read that right? ! The announcement issued by the military is that someone has developed a Chinese character card that can heal the human spirit, right?

Interstellar Empire Citizen 2: My mother asked me why I kept running around the house like a madman, I showed her the post from the Spellcard boss, and the announcement from the military, and then I and Mom started to go in circles holding hands.

Interstellar Citizen 3: Incredible! How can He Yishu be so awesome, so cool, and so smashing the universe! Is there anything in this world that he can't do? !

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 4: Yes, no matter how powerful the Spell Card boss is, it is impossible to counter-press Adrian. Then... madly calling for the big guy who is omnipotent except destined to be crushed!

Interstellar Empire Citizen 5: Your reaction is too exaggerated, in fact, the spell card boss is not that powerful. Didn't he first create a Chinese character card that can improve human spiritual power, and then create a Chinese character card that can repair the human spiritual domain, and by the way, changed the development trajectory of the entire human being? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 6: Don't say anything, just want to ask the boss if you still lack a pendant on your leg? The kind that can control mechas and make ordinary spell cards after going to college.

Interstellar Citizen 7: Hasn't anyone paid attention to the long list of military announcements and posts? I glanced around and found that many of the people above are people who have voted or spoken for Spellcard Boss in previous events, so what does this mean?

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 8: This shows that good people will be rewarded! As a member of the list, I proudly puffed out my little chest, but suddenly a little regretted that my spiritual realm was not damaged. What's the matter?

Interstellar Citizen 9: This is this... is this really true? My spiritual domain was permanently damaged by an accident. Although I have been looking for a cure, it has never worked. Now He Yishu actually said that it can help me heal my spiritual domain. I, I, I... I feel like I am in Like a dream!

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 10: I couldn't help but make a bold assumption, maybe the spell card boss has made a magic weapon that can heal the human spirit domain at the beginning of this incident. The Chinese character cards just haven't had time to make it public, so... seek the psychological shadow area of ​​those who have been damaged in the mental domain in the previous incident, but have been blacklisted by the spell card boss.

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 11: From the perspective of the cycle, the speculation upstairs is very likely to exist, so... continue to ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​those poor people on the blacklist.

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 12: What a pity, those people are just doing their own thing, if they didn't indiscriminately accuse the Spell Card Boss and force the Spell Card Boss to stand up, will not be blacklisted. And if they are not added to the blacklist, there may be a chance to heal the spiritual realm. So in the final analysis, it can only be said that these people are self-inflicted and cannot live.

Interstellar Empire Citizen 13: Upstairs is right, this kind of person is not worthy of sympathy at all, but I have another question. If it is a person who has not supported Spell Card bosses on the virtual network before, but has not been blacklisted, is it possible to get a chance to repair the spiritual realm?

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 14: I think there is still a chance, but now the people on the list must be the first, and if you want to use this kind of Chinese character card in the future, I am afraid it will not be free .

Interstellar Empire Citizen No. 15: Thinking of this, I suddenly feel that the spell card boss is really a very kind and generous person, and he is willing to heal the spiritual realm for so many people for free, this is not who All have the courage to do it.

As for the little friends who were added to the blacklist by He Yishu, especially the little friends whose spiritual domain was damaged by the last incident or other reasons, they were all dumbfounded.

If you must add a unified inner drama to these people, then it must be: I beg the boss to love me again! QAQ

If I had known that He Yishu could create such a Chinese character card, and would have been willing to provide so many people with the opportunity to heal the spiritual realm for free, even if the knife was placed on their necks, they would have It is absolutely impossible to stand up and condemn him!

It's a pity that everything has happened, and even if they feel remorse, there is nothing they can do. They have been permanently added to the blacklist by He Yishu, and they will forever lose the chance to heal the spiritual realm.

And this may be just the beginning. Maybe in the future, they will pay a painful price again and again because of their original choices and practices, but they will never have the chance to change.

The military just announced the news, and the members of the military who were in charge of the matter were immediately overwhelmed by communications and were very busy.

And the "initiator" who caused this situation was extraordinarily leisurely. After posting the post, He Yishu threw it all over to the military, because he now has another thing to do Getting ready.

Read The Duke's Passion