MTL - Interstellar Spell Carder-Chapter 10 no problem

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Although the students who can study at Capital Star First College are mostly children from wealthy families and do not need to make money by themselves, First College still provides students with many work-study opportunities.

For example, help life assistants to manage the student apartment, manage the order of the public spaceship, go to the cafeteria to help prepare meals, check and maintain the equipment and equipment of the mecha training ground, and help detect spell card data.

He Yishu focused on the last option and decisively clicked apply.

He Yishu chose this part-time job, on the one hand, to make money, on the other hand, he also wanted to personally understand the specific operation of detecting spell card data, and see if he could find an opportunity to confirm his previous guess.

Before applying, He Yishu was still in normal classes, studying knowledge without distractions. As a former learner, He Yishu has long summed up his own set of learning methods, even if it is moved to this era efficient.

Knowledge can always be summarized and absorbed at the first time, even reasonably extended, the learning progress of mastering far exceeds the content of the professor's teaching, and the sorting of knowledge points is even more accurate and appropriate than the professor... But now He Yishu I didn't dare to be too high-profile, at least I didn't show my God-learning skills in front of others.

Only when I look at the curriculum occasionally and think that it will take more than a month to start the practical course, He Yishu sighs helplessly, how does time pass so slowly?

In such a boring sigh, He Yishu's application result finally came down. The three big characters on it were not approved.

[Although you are a student majoring in Spell Cards, you are not familiar with Spell Card detection because you have just entered the school, so you are not recommended to participate in this work. 】

Truly an outsider.

The application was rejected, and He Yishu was a little depressed. As a result, at the end of class, he was blocked by an uninvited guest.

"He Yishu, I think we need to have a good talk." He Xiaochen stood in front of He Yishu with a smile and said with a smile.

This is the first time He Yishu has seen this former half-brother since he came here. The impression is not very good, and the attitude is naturally not very good: "What's the matter with you?"

He Xiaochen looked around, frowned slightly and said, "Shouldn't we find a suitable place to chat?"

The two of them are standing on the side of the road. Although there are not many students on the road, it is a public place after all, so it is not suitable to talk about private topics.


He Xiaochen looked at He Yishu with a "why are you so ignorant" expression, and He Yishu responded frankly with his eyes: "What is the relationship between us? Why should I know your interest?"

After looking at each other for a long time, in the end He Xiaochen reluctantly retracted his gaze, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, then looked at He Yishu and said, "He Yishu, I apologize for Tingting for her previous unintentional actions. , I hope you can stop arguing with her."

He Yishu sneered in his heart and sneered: "Although it is not suitable, I still want to ask one more question, did you really pass the language subject when you graduated from the previous primary education? ?"

This question was completely beyond He Xiaochen's expectations.

"I really shouldn't hit you so bluntly, but there is really a big problem with your ability to express," He Yishu straightened his expression, with a clear and coherent attitude in discussing academic issues "First, you obviously have a deep misunderstanding of the word 'unintentional action'. Before, in front of the entire professional classmates, He Tingting slandered me loudly, saying that I cheated in the entrance exam, and even accused me of cheating. This is a report. No matter from what perspective, this matter cannot be unintentional. Of course, if you can prove that she has some mental or psychological problems, sometimes she will not be able to sort out her thoughts and control her own thoughts. Behavior, we can discuss this issue again."

Speaking of this, He Yishu paused slightly, smiled at He Xiaochen, and then continued: "Second, since the person who made the mistake is He Tingting, and she is an adult now, enough for herself If you are responsible for your words and deeds, you shouldn't beg your brother to take responsibility for your own mistakes like a coward. Such behavior is not only meaningless, but also makes others think that He Tingting is a coward who can only do bad things but dare not bear the consequences. .

Of course, you can also say that He Tingting didn't ask you to come here, and if that's the case, I should criticize you. Since you are He Tingting's brother, you should be older than her, so you can be sure that you are an adult, right? As an adult, without your sister's permission, you jumped out to admit the mistake on her behalf. Isn't that the same as telling everyone that your sister made a mistake, but didn't take any responsibility? Even if you hate her, you wouldn't frame her in this way, would you? And if you didn't deliberately frame her, it only means that you don't understand many common sense truths at all. Isn't this a strong proof that you are not good at language subjects? "

He Xiaochen did not expect that his simple sentence would be able to break out so many messy things by He Yishu, and his face darkened for a while: "I didn't think so, I just..."

"Look, you didn't even wait for me to finish, and then interrupted me directly. Your impolite behavior has added another bad proof to your body. ," He Yishu unceremoniously interrupted He Xiaochen's explanation, and scolded solemnly, "And the last point, you said that you hope that I will no longer care about her, if I understand correctly, your sentence is already obvious. This constitutes a slander against me. Now that the matter is over, and He Tingting has been punished, why should I care about her? You say this, as if you are certain that I will go to He Tingting because of this matter. Trouble, this is completely deliberately slandering me for caring and taking revenge, and I can already report you on this matter."

After finishing speaking, He Yishu glanced at He Xiaochen, who was about to smoke from anger, and added: "However, this does not prove that you are not good at language subjects. "

He Xiaochen stared at He Yishu with furious eyes, but he was so angry that he couldn't say anything to refute. Wasn't He Yishu always taciturn before? When did his tongue become so powerful?

It's just a polite sentence, and it can be misinterpreted to such an extent that He Xiaochen is about to be blown up!

What's more terrifying is that now he is a little afraid that when he speaks again, he will be held by the other party to analyze and judge word by word, and even some dare not speak!

He Yishu waited for three seconds. Seeing He Xiaochen just staring at him with a dark face, he smiled politely and said, "Since you have nothing to say, goodbye."

After that, He Yishu was about to bypass He Xiaochen, but was stopped by the other party raising his arm, He Yishu couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

He Xiaochen stared at He Yishu, his voice gritted his teeth: "He Yishu, we are half brothers after all, why do you want to talk to me like this?"

"Student He Xiaochen, if I remember correctly, I have nothing to do with the He family now?" He Yishu's voice was still calm, "From a legal point of view, I have already Cut off relations with everyone in the He family, and have nothing to do with it in the future; and from a moral point of view, how the people of the He family treated me before, you shouldn't forget it so quickly, right? Under such circumstances, you still To be able to say such a thing, I can only say that you have a particularly thick skin besides the language subject that you did not study well."

"You!" He Xiaochen was so angry that his eyes darkened, he had never seen such a brazen person, "He Yishu, don't go too far! Do you really think that from Tingting? If you cheated out 5,000 credit points, do you have the right to leave the family completely? This is impossible!"

He Yishu doesn't take these words seriously, he really only has so much credit now, but it's only now: "If you are worried that I will continue to pester the He family , then you can rest assured that since the two sides have signed an agreement to sever ties, then even if I do, you have the right to drive me away directly. Of course, vice versa. "

I know what you think, but do you really think you can make it?"

He Xiaochen's tone didn't seem to be joking, which made He Yishu frown slightly. He hasn't done anything yet. It should be impossible for the other party to know his plan, right?

As soon as this thought came up, He Xiaochen's next words dispelled He Yishu's doubts, and at the same time made him finally a little unhappy.

"I know you want to find a part-time job in the college. It's a good idea, but it may be difficult to implement, right? What do you think?" He Xiaochen lowered his voice, while his face His expression gradually became schadenfreude.

In an instant, an idea popped into He Yishu's mind. He thought of the part-time application that he had been rejected before. Although He Xiaochen did not say any positive words related to this, He Yishu still guessed to the subtext of his words.

Read The Duke's Passion