MTL - Interstellar Favorite Superstar-v2 Chapter 131 Comments Burning

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"Stolen box is stolen?"

Not only the fans and fans of Fanxingxinwang think so, even countless writers who are familiar with Su Tan also asked Aite through Weibo private messages and asked anxiously.

After all, one hundred thousand words and thirty chapters of fiction are updated at once, such a bold update is like astronomical figures.

Even though Su Tan has made similar explosions, but it is a period of unknown name after all, since the physical books and series of novels have been sold, he has no need to explode the update amount to hit the list.

So, suddenly, Sutan burst more than 100,000 words, which shocked the entire website.

Not to mention that the authors inside and outside the site were frightened by his horrible updates, just to say that Sutan's readers were surprised and happy, bubbling and cheerfully throwing flowers, refreshing the text together.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Get a card first, hug Suda, and see the update right away."

"Begonia's Little Begonia: Happy! Welfare! The huge deposit box is going bankrupt hahaha haha."

"Orange-flavored soda: much more than 10,000 likes to the author! Such an update, please come again!"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: I had already prepared to turn off the lights to sleep, but now ... I don't sleep anymore! I have to watch the update after getting up all night!"

"Late Night Rose: [Deepwater Torpedo] * 666"


The readers were full of joy, watching the updated chapters in the article under "Star Trek" can't help but excitedly expressing excitement.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the novel website that had been quieted down once again became lively and bustling.

Countless devoted readers of Star Trek, stay up all night and read the text all night, can't wait to open the updated chapter one. Then ... couldn't help but immerse himself.

"The hard-working turtle" is one of them.

She is a loyal fan of Sutan. Since she received a "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" as a New Year gift during the New Year, she has fallen in love with this children's story novel.

A soft and funny little squirrel, fluffy and lively, living with a group of peaceful and friendly animals in the forest of the New World. This relaxed and pleasant tone is the best gift she received during the New Year, which completely cured her. mood.

Then, the forest mutated, and the war spread here. When the harmonious and friendly life was gone, her whole heart was hung up until she saw the little squirrel grew up and met the owner again. Finally she was safe and traveled together After the continent, they suddenly relaxed.

This humorous and ups and downs novel made her reminiscent and contracted her throughout the New Year holiday.

Since the beginning of this novel, she has fallen in love with Su Tan, the author, and found all his previously published works from the Internet and bookstores, and read them all with joy.

From "Unlucky Amy" written for children of Rosewood, to the exciting series of "Adventure Notes" novels and movies, to Su Tan's series of "Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" published on the stardom novel website , "Jianghu Entertainment Weekly", "Interstellar is Emperor" ... Each completely different novel has created a unique and magical world, which made her immersed in it and lingered.

The ancient times of the ancient earth, the children's novels full of country style and the fun of wheat farms, the adventure series of tight-paced and exciting, entertaining gossip and interesting life of ancient rivers and lakes ... all can not help but marvel at her.

And "Star Safari" this Sutan novel is being serialized and updated, naturally also entered her field of vision.

Only in this one, the "industrious little tortoise" cannot express his feelings.

The novel is grand and wonderfully conceived. It relies on the background of a new world in a different world, and is in the same vein as the third part of her favorite "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and "Adventure Notes".

However, from the point of view of character settings, it is not as soft and cute as the little squirrel, and it is not as attractive as "Andre Yang" and the protagonist's cp in "Expedition Notes".

But for Sutan ’s loyal fanatic “hard-working little turtle”, in this novel, there are also blood-savvy guys, sincere friendships between life and death, **** and brutal wars, and fierce struggles to resist the invasion of enemy races, like Like all previous books by Su Tan, she can poke her heart deeply.

She firmly believes that this is a good book.

However, most people on the Internet do not think so.

Not long ago, there were a lot of rumors and rumors that "Star Trek is worse than" Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng "and" Exploratory Notes ", making" the hard-working little turtle "anxious to refute.

Obviously all are a series of works written by the same author, why do we have to distinguish between high and low?

Moreover, she believes that Su Da will definitely shape a huge and distinctive world again in Star Trek. Just give it a little more time and wait for the plot in the book to advance a little bit.

Her heart is extremely firm, but the hot analysis on the Internet is more and more fermented, and the voices criticizing "Star Trek" are more and more, which makes her a little anxious.

At that moment, even her boyfriend who likes to read novels also questioned: "If Star Trek is better than two novels, why did Su Tan not publish Star Trek? I only chose to publish "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and "Adventure Notes"? It can be seen that even the author himself feels that "Star Trek" is slightly inferior. "

In the face of hesitant doubts, the "industrious little turtle" was so anxious that he couldn't say anything to refute.

Obviously not like this!

When the doubts on the Internet were overwhelming, when she gradually could not refute, Sutan's update suddenly changed.

One hundred thousand words! Chapter 30 Update!

Seeing the updated list swiped in her own mind, the "industrious little tortoise" was excited and unable to speak, and she couldn't help clenching her fists, knowing that her favorite author had finally countered.

Use the greatly-advanced storyline and outbreak updates to powerfully fight back those online doubts.

She never doubted that Su Tan had this ability.

The "industrious little turtle" took a deep breath, and a warm current surged in his heart, and he slowly opened the updated chapter with excitement.

An hour later, the first batch of book reviews that had just finished updating Sutan's new updates online came out.

"Old Black: After watching the latest update of Star Trek tonight, I want to apologize to the author Su Tan seriously!"

A shocking title, posted on the forum with the largest interstellar traffic, immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people have noticed that the post "Old Ghost" is one of the backbones that criticized "Star Trek" not as well as other novels in the New World series.

Didn't expect him to openly post an apology?

how come? !!

For a time, countless intriguing netizens flooded into the post, all wondering what was going on.

"1L: Isn't the landlord stolen? Did I post yesterday that Star Trek can only be considered a good-looking online novel, not the pinnacle of Su Tan, why did you face yourself today?"

"2L: Same doubt."

"3L: I'm also watching the 30 chapters of" Star Trek "burst tonight, and I just saw half of them, landlord !!! You don't want to spoil them !!! [Send Blade]"

"4L: Are you kidding upstairs? Isn't Su Da going to the annual meeting of authors of Fanxing Novel Network today, how could it be possible to update thirty chapters?"

"5L: Doubt. Today you will concentrate on playing games. Don't lie to me to write on the stairs."

"6L: Where is the host? The host should not be the title party. After posting the post, there will be no one. We eat the melons. We have set up a small bench to grab the snack peanuts and seeds, and we are waiting for the follow-up."


In the blink of an eye, the replies under this post swept hundreds of floors, and countless people squatted and waited in the post waiting to see the reply from the landlord.

Twenty minutes later, "Lao Hei" finally appeared, throwing a long text up.

"Lao Hei: Let me breathe a sigh of relief, after reading the latest chapter updates, I was so excited that I couldn't stop. I thought that" Star Trek "could only be regarded as a qualified web article, which wasted Sutan's great talent and Conception, I did not expect that after finishing the latest update tonight, my face was completely swollen! Su Da is indeed Su Da! "

"Lao Hei: The latest detailed storyline development, I will not spoil with you. Just to say one thing, the thing that shocked me tonight is the ability of Su Tan to ambush, I am in any other novel Power never seen before. Every small detail that was overlooked in the early period, every little person who seems to pass by accidentally, and those ordinary words that can no longer be ordinary ... Under the long-term foundation, finally one by one The whole picture was uncovered point by point, like a small piece of chess piece lifted from under the covered soil layer, and the stars formed a huge network of unparalleled and tightness.

"I only knew that every little dot that I used to think of as mundane was originally short-sighted and didn't understand the real voice of the author at all! Until now, I can still feel the whole body of hair. How can someone design it precisely? To such an extent, ambushes and suspense? No one can think of it! "

The enthusiasm of "Old Black" is beyond words, and he quickly wrote a large section after another of book reviews. The attitude of such enthusiastic comments was in sharp contrast to the sneerous attitude he used to criticize "Star Trek". Many netizens are amazed.

"231L: Although I don't know what the landlord is talking about, but after reading it, somehow I want to read this novel."

"232L: This book updated by Soda is really good. It is obviously a long story. The director has been a little bit early and the story development in the later period is really wonderful."

"233L: The attitude of the landlord suddenly changed so much. It almost made me think that it was the public relations of the Soviet Union, ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"234L: Just after watching the update, the landlord told me what I wanted to say. The skills of Su Da's ambush pen shop are really first-class. I have to brush it again. I don't think I can see through the details."

Netizens are hotly debated, and the previous criticism of "Star Trek" has created a huge wave of hot discussions on the Star Forum and the Internet, with countless fan readers participating.

Therefore, this post almost came out and immediately attracted countless attention in the forum.

And more and more readers who have just watched the update of Sutan show up and reply, which makes this controversy extremely lively, and has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

The landlord "Old Black" also finally appeared, and apologized publicly: "If I have any questions about this new book by Soviet University before, then after watching the update tonight, all the doubts disappeared, and the rest All of them are full of admiration. In support of Suzhou University, after the novel was published, I will definitely buy ten collections. Such good books are rare and worthy of our patience. Thanks to Suzhou University for its hard work and hard work. "

"Old Black" 's apology made everyone extremely surprised and inspiring.

The harshest critics were eventually overwhelmed by Su Tan's new book. This undoubtedly made the previous wave of doubts sharpen, adding a bit of mystery and magic.

Countless netizens who watched eating melon were surprised, and they even ignited the curiosity of this "Star Trek".

What kind of precise foreshadowing and ideas can make critics like "Lao Hei" completely change their tone and become a loyal crowd of Su Tan's new book?

Countless people with curiosity couldn't help but search for the new book "Star Trek" by Sutan, sinking into the grand storyline that was pushed forward layer by layer.

When the "diligent little turtle" watched Sutan's update, the pointer that had not noticed the time before it had already pointed to the middle of the night, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

However, at this time, she didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, she was extremely enthusiastic and excited. She was deeply attracted by the surging emotions and fierce plots in the book, and she couldn't help herself.

Breathing out, she felt so excited.

If the first half of "Interstellar Safari" is just a normal everyday life that crosses a different world, the atmosphere in the latter half is suddenly annihilated. All blood is intertwined with countless conspiracies. Blood sacrifice turns into battle with the reversal of humanity The countless invisible story line gradually revealed the sharp side, mercilessly cut the countless characters in the text, and also kept her heart tightly tangled all night, from beginning to end, and could not let go One second.

How about next second?

She didn't even dare to miss a single plot.

Until the end of the last chapter update, she still felt a whole heart tight, and with the ups and downs of the plot and unpredictable, she could not relax.

In the dark night like black ink splashes, she hugged the novel and could not escape from the emotion of the story for a long time.

She is extremely certain that if such a novel is not good enough, then there is nothing better than the novel she has read recently.

Looking back at the reviews of "Star Trek", it is true that the book review area has completely exploded at this time.

"Little girl of the meat treasure family: Ran Ran Ran! So excited, I'm going to brush!"

"Dimei Xing Juvenile: Aggressive ... Suddenly I feel that my IQ is not enough, and I haven't seen so much foreshadowing and detail in front."

"Four Girls: QAQ is not enough with IQ."

"Orange-flavored soda: I'm kneeling! Really, I never thought that the suspense and burial of stubble would reach this point, and it was a weaving of a large net. How big the brain circuit is, how amazing it is! "

"Little Fairy: After reading the blood and surging, the richness and complexity of the story surpassed many novels, and now it can really be regarded as the body of the text. It turned out that the original period was mostly warming up for us!"

"The industrious little turtle: I never suspected that Su Da's novel is not good-looking, but this novel is more wonderful than all my imagination. Zan Zan Zan! You must support!"

"Late Night Rose: Smash the pot and sell iron to like it. [深水 鱼雷] * 999"

Su Tan's book review area turned upside down, and countless new hot review reviews were issued. Discussions about his explosions and content continued until the dawn.

It was not until the early morning of the next day that Su Tan woke up to eat breakfast and reverted to the meeting place of the author's annual meeting, only to find that many authors present had dark circles and enthusiastically discussed the topic.

He was more tired than last night, and looked tired.

Su Tan couldn't help but say hello, while seeing the thick black circles hanging under the eyes of "Shenkeng Xiaoxian", he asked with a smile: "What did you do last night, didn't you rest?"

However, after hearing his question, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" glanced at him sadly. "I blame you ..."

Sutan :? ? ?

What does it have to do with him?

He couldn't figure it out, looked inquisitively, and only listened to the "Shenkeng" answer: "I saw your novel last night and I couldn't sleep with excitement."

Then, a friend in the same room, "Qian Qian Qian", personally watched him code all night.

Thinking of an unbearable experience of looking back all night, "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" just wanted to cry. He felt like he had run out of code components for this month ...

After listening to this answer, Su Tan couldn't help but smile. However, the author who stayed up late to watch his novel like "Shenkeng Xiaoxian" was not the only one. Many people in the audience cried and laughed and couldn't jokingly talk about this interesting thing.

Originally, Su Tan's diligent code words inspired many writers to participate in the collective code word enthusiasm, and together they vigorously and collectively spelled together.

Later, although Sutan was offline, the sudden 100,000-word and thirty-chapter update broke the entire website again, attracting a large number of readers and authors to watch.

This onlooking, watching the latest update of "Star Trek", is out of hand.

Countless people can't help but be drawn into the meticulous and complicated storyline, the refreshing rhythm, the thrill of layer-by-layer decryption, the countless layers of interweaving and interweaving foreshadowing, one huge global picture of the story in all Opening up in front of people makes people involuntarily get involved and appreciate it carefully.

Therefore, the number of online authors and readers this night is far more than ever.

Knowing this fact, Su Tan could not help but raise a smile, he was a little sorry, could not help laughing and shook his head again and again.

Fortunately, this morning's annual meeting did not have any agenda, mainly because the website's management came to the stage to speak, looking forward to the future development direction, so that many of the writers on the stage relaxed all morning and looked for opportunities to sleep.

Su Tan had time to log in to her author number and Weibo, and found that the private letter and book review area had already been exploded, and countless news popped out of the page.

After looking back one by one, he realized that the craze of writing reviews last night was far more than confined to the star novel website.

Star forums, Weibo hotspots, novel tweets, entertainment news tweets, etc. are all hot. Many book fans and readers scrambled to post and issue book reviews, completely reversing the recent criticism and criticism situation.

As the netizen "Laohei" who once criticized him most severely in the Star Forum said, "After watching last night's update, no one will doubt that this" Star Trek "is not enough for publication. This novel, It is definitely not inferior to the other two books of the New World Series. Even I started to think that the author conceived this grand and complicated and spent so much time and pen because I wanted to put the main part of the entire story series in this "Star Trek."

Seeing this evaluation, Su Tan couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the other person guessed his own idea. Although the New World series released three books at the same time, designed three story lines, and "Squirrel Gu Changsheng" and the forthcoming "Expedition Note" are the first to be published, but the true story line of his entire series is determined in this book. Inconspicuous, in "Star Trek" published online.

The other two books are interesting and good-looking. It is precisely because they are branch lines that they are particularly interesting and lively. They have attractive special people and cps.

As the main tone of the entire New World series, "Star Trek" must be stable and solid, to be able to hold the foundation and development direction of the entire series.

Therefore, he wrote longer, spent longer, and spent more time. This novel is destined to be accumulated and developed progressively.

"Old Black", while questioning the change in trust, accidentally discovered the truth, making Su Tan more determined. What could be more enjoyable than your black powder Congliang?

As soon as he had responded to some of the readers' private messages and comments, agent agent Lance sent a message.

"Lance: When is Star Trek ready to be published?"

Although Lance and Su Tan have not talked about this issue, the tacit understanding between the two has already reached a consensus.

Whether "Star Trek" can be published is definitely not a problem. With the popularity of Su Tan and the hot sales of "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" sweeping the book sales list during the New Year's holiday not long ago, his new book has always been out of stock, no When it doesn't sell.

Numerous publishers and bookstores are eager for his new work.

The crux of the problem lies not in the novel "Star Trek" but in the New World series-how should the "Super Ip" they jointly create be launched.

A message from Lance came again.

"The first film of the New World series, which is a collaboration between the old cat studio and the two major film and television giants, can finally be launched."

Su Tan smiled and nodded.

After the author's annual meeting, happy events followed, good news one after another.

"Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is about to be filmed and is set to be released next summer. It has won the cheers and love of countless book fans.

The old cat studio, Gu's film industry, and China Entertainment Company finally chose this novel as the first adaptation of the New World series. It is undoubtedly the fancy popularity of the novel and the age groups such as elderly children. Super good pass in.

Adapting "Little Squirrel Gu Changsheng" is relatively easier to succeed in the movie market. After the news was released, the heated discussion and support on the Internet clearly proved that their choice was correct.

There has been significant progress in the news of the series of movies, and Su Tan ’s novel "Star Trek" serialized on the Internet has also welcomed shocking news.

Sutan's acting agent, Lance, announced that when the novel was serialized online and was about to end, it would be published in All-Star, the ending of the novel would eventually appear in the physical book, and the ending of the Internet would be postponed for three days.

As soon as this news came out, the fans of the New World series of fans were even more ambitious.

Such sales methods are commonplace in the publishing industry, but for countless readers who love this novel, who can tolerate that they cannot see the end of the entire story in time?

Even if it only takes three days longer than others!

Almost as soon as the news came out, Lance's Weibo was overwhelmed by numerous comments.

"Flying motor: I buy it, is it still impossible to buy / (ㄒ o ㄒ) / ~~?"

"Pure little waves: Hahahahaha, suddenly I have an evil idea-I want to buy out all the physical books published the previous three days, so that no one can see the ending, only I can see it."

"Kolabao: Upstairs, you go away! Be careful, All Star will unite and kill you with a blade ..."

"The hard-working turtle: When the big new book is published, I want to be the first one in line."

Looking at the fierce posture of netizens, Sutan's publishing cooperative company is just going to be happy, and the sales of the new book will definitely explode again.

It will be late June when Su Tan will handle the new movies, new books and make-up exams back to school.

He is busy every day, coding while attending classes, and Hayden's business has increased sharply. The study room on the first floor of the house is overcrowded. Every day, there are many people waiting to meet Hayden.

Su Tan watched for a long time, preparing to hang a model cousin to his big cousin, Hayden, and seeing so many people every day is really more tired than himself.

Fortunately, at the end of June, Hayden finally relaxed for a week. He didn't have to deal with documents every day, but there were still a lot of people in the family.

Make a first-class royal tailor, come to the living room to record the data for him, and prepare to customize new clothes.

The horticultural master brought countless flowers and greenery, lush and beautiful bonsai, and renovated the small garden outside, full of the breath of summer.

All kinds of desserts and western chefs are busy in the kitchen. Every day, they bring out countless delicious dishes to try other dishes. Su Tan felt his fat belly a few days later.

There is also a professional team of design and decorators, who re-designed the decoration of the furnishings from upstairs to downstairs in the villa, and wiped out the age-old statues on the wall to bring them to life. .

Big cousin really did a great job!

What is he going to do?

Read Ultimate Level 1